4jjc Of /' a A14U. VOL. V. No. 19. UNIVERSITY OF -MICHIGAN, SATUJRDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1894. PRICE- TiiOIEE CENTS. i ORCHARD LAKE TODAY. The Line Up for the Game-Both Teems Confident of Vitory. -Yesterday's Practie. Thie 'arsity teani will meet the Michigan Military Academy for the second time this season promptly at 2 o'clock hids afternoon. Speculation is rife as to the game, which will show' th(' piogress 00u' team lisa made ii the two weeks silier thiy played the Academy teal. The Orchadli a aiiIinls bteenlithrough simehardlpracici'siethey llay-d lere, aid have uiidoubitedly iliplroved'(. The IOrchaurdtLa~k' hys ha~v great least tie us tioday. 1)11tie'otlei- handi, those who have wlied the' practice fr the past wcck will iofidi'nily ex- pit to see our teamllrun1 lii a gooil score. A largi' crowid will udoubte- ly lie iii attenldanlce, as esiecial intr- ct is flt il the gioe. The'Ochard L~ake teami will, as lefore, brig a lairge (riwidwith llii'm. The line iup of li e tais will bei as folliws: U- f. siaiaiisOiCHiRDiLAE. Gniiiil' - - li-t gooi-l - - .liilig vili -.----etcaci----.iiiroiiiuo niw-_------ -cleter-- i__---inlnii Yiieninge--- rgha acic-- triiiii 1'undile------ iglitt~lo- li--- Wonlai Ita~dii ------ riig, ------iraiii -it B id - - --- -- ti-fl sill_-_.----- urowsei 7elef-------eiftol--- iiii-- G idvic Blom n-ton--ri'i1f--- Iaaon Yesterday's pilacice was sagai niainly devo-ei-ito signal practii-i. The two es-iens svere lineid p agaist eachioler for about 211 miinuteis of very snlappsy layig. Capt. Baird went over with the resrves and great- ly enlivened the play oi that sie. htoomiiigston foot was well enough to allow limn to play a whili, andiSlhe will go iii today's gameli. Crr's anikle is yet too ad to allow him to play. Senter played for a short tme yserday, althioughlisll ankle is not yet all right. Unity Club. The second lecture ini tii Unity Club corse will e delivered ly tro. Sidney H. Mor, of Chiiagio, Mii- dlay evening, fits subject, "The Si-ulp- tr's Art," will e illustrated tb' tlck- hoard drawings and hsts of faiious lien, 0110 being of the late Oliver Wein- dell Holmes. IProf. Morse isill aso iakeo a hst driiig the c'rerrof thii lecture. I-tois sidely kown 00slii artist soil lecturer, andhis ltri's are bth entertaininig and istrcive. Orchard Lake will bring a large di- egation today to witness the gamii. The Cornell Univrsity launch, Cor- uel, 110 tot long, has just been col- pleted. Yale-Princeton Football. The Yale Nes, discuissing the Yuile- Princeton fpothall dispute, calls atten- lion to the fact tlsit nOo oficial dalte for the game has es-i-cbein fixi'd andar- UNIVERSITY BIBLE CLASS. NO GOOD STUDENT Course of Lectures Offeredi hy the. Mbethsodist Episcopal Society.- Topics to be Discussed. goes that the date is open11 to tlii- coii- A iiesw fi'atiirill the Biblececlass of scsis'ilt'i'of 0our of the cillieges. lRefer'-- the FistMe 'ois icurchi,sohich ring tio Tfhanksgis-iug liaya thii'dlt'eliromisesa toibe unisailly initeriesting, the News siiys it is ii.''holidayli o thelii'siill lie iniulgulrateid tom ioriis-w niii' wor1st 'li'mi'nt of thii'popiulaionlilof (lirsttmcl tis g of thelUnis-ersit- Bibli' Ness York. Eo-ery roirdy- sc-ucig n clas. A siries if lectures has bus-l birated iii the i'simngfior disordeIv'lx- lrgyern, lto'eideliveieiillthe church iondulict itolhnt (iloNNii so tairaleor auditorium reviry Suiiday liftir the Snoti-iu sin sllii' uiahurlaue-'s iiiiiisesrvice. the' streets o01'ntiieli'thucatuis af liiithe 'irof. T. 1'. Trueblooid siill ihelivr gilile ihathiiiuow1nye'ur hiy .\c~rl'miiir teii'tht fiiuir li'ituresa, disc-ussing T1rys to learn wvithult books. Some peopit' though try to use mushicafl inlstrumnhts w'itli little We Say Buy Ihose W1hich Have lone, We sell that kindi. 51 Sooth Main st. SZTIF7IEJTTS!t IBUY -FINE- contestants, undlin i fact liii goad sii~aie Paul, C'lirysotoi, uheiii and Sao-" if theunilversity-halia-ci-is l iier-ai-ulai soillhi' icinsiiderieidudier this Yale footbuill Iiluilagciisint t-oniau'it-lNoveniir is, Presilint Aug-'ll soill toi pilayvliii'fauluty soiilidnotaulowuss'pea1k en ".Missionuary Wouk inii'tna.' BEAL'S 9.SHOE STORE 'I'll' Ni-ossalso liays sires ias 11-tuI uatosilsie'u'eo "1li'Str o younttto got a finle box of niieurniess to theYsue-Haursvaril h retogadbtwe eenbriilli iiiiil ~ ~ ~ ~ an5 ti hi'lll~ilhi int id .Jaiiiiary 13, aaas-k-asiif lectiurei'aCHOCU LATE BON-BONS men o te nivrstytht ''hnh-in "Eviilutiiiiifiroiii a ChriasinStanid-.Cheap; IHot or Cold Lunches Either gisin Say s 111 f li'ili-alili poit" siill bii given by P'rof. .. Night cc Day go to YugPol'ChitaUno. Steere. R. E. JOLLY & CO., Stile St. AtrteCrsmsvctnPo.''hii'ui'sieii o ihavesehiin siam'. .A. Stanuley siill addiresas thuilu lss EBNH.KF slit"htllI lualllilcnsluiiiliiiin reguirit honlii"'Thei-salmis an is)+ualiritiolii IGlSi ii I(,,rtlieu (i r the l'ililog Peopli's C hristian t'ionil Sacreid Music," and Url. Georgi- E. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical anid thi' elilhlliDaIllwiugll lii lson woill lietore onu "Tlei' ti-iliu Conmposition; also the Art of recetio givn tnigh. Te '" > "Teaching. uiiiiiis nut a sepalruate'hbody. It is a of 'Templtationi as Treateid in Sirera- Slodio 2) S. hirtiiu01., Anii Arbiiie li. fedehiraioniuoflith l-Chritin youniig 1peo- ture-" as sliownlu iniJobi, Muirbetli slutMERCHANT TAILORING lila's societies of thei'toss-lifur the uehr- thli's 1-'ust. Ceiiins hiessisg .asd Rliringo pose~ of li'l1ifulneu-aanduiuuiou ireas. 'flie 111. Prcuukey soill triat oil "Slife fromul ioneilicithy hy 1 ~AUG(. SCHENI'A1D, °55E livst on recepthionusthits 'eenuin ' r-'iv-enu by- u Physicianu's Standp~hoint," miid Prof. HY , thue societies coimpoiising ithei'unlimn iWl'ste-r soill spealkon ''Joel-pi H e u-L NcK their re-sprctive- paloriis. No riaal-y- Maistrandiithue Cathoi'cSReacioun iii LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES exists anidlever-ybodyll c1 be wrelcomneid Pranlce." Prof. Johiison osill give four JUSi Iii uuis iiiATO ini whlichevrs'lauetheluy nay him-fei-clectulres on "Ptublic slitSPriv-ati'Las+ TUTlTLE'S, Agenieural invitutioin is e'xtendeidi. In thu renu-Churistiani h-rs","lslioing ++ 48 S. STATE ST. Sale of Lockers. terefcsoltemrl fte1)o ~.C' ~f Thur anlnouiniciie-titShuit101-ku-ca far tber lectures soill be given by Prit. SCHOOL OF DANCING, thei Watrmaun rylmiasiuuuliwoul be IHudisuo on"Thue r'otestanit teforuuia- 11 sset Iinow In.upiuls ueciveusdIat any sold yesterday iiiiinii; ig hiroualt nulltho" ytc uccl h"M i-i-tm ei er i Iin ii,. c iitit f dais- Giebro iuiul.Thl uh uc r ~o. sluisIus 1f1bar.ad ill sis 0taim.No ut large ubro.sudns h aeicilo' uand thie'Bible" ad t i" stairls tomiiunt fil, sand Dliiri iiMall 'i wsus s-ry brisk andil attendanmlts ini the' O. Higley on the subhject, "Are theuthei;;roudifloor,551inamrd st. treasurer's andi sterdui's offici's Nure G tospels Creiditable'?"ta keptbus waiingon toseanxius1ITHS BOOKSTORE!1 fn eptair buoy siiiuugf triunria i 1iiirailO ____________________ lusat rephorts showr thiut 500 tichkets hiuie been isphatosed of, this nuumber'niuchue- At a niietlig ;of thurDisl.' b-iirillast lug 80*tickets sol to somsnu.u nighut lh- followlig iuuini-us was transacteid. G. SB. Harrisoni oas (Ject- Freshman Election Today. idcuiu dtrfo h uuii o tContrary to thi repiort circulutieilbhy'chaosIindS I. A. Duincer frouiutheir'l) the parties osho tore tontihIes-piili-ie it. S. B. Shiey's provisionial reisignua- of the tFreshumanm ilei'tiuin, the s-ame iiton waus accephtedS aui A. P. Rocikwe-ll wvill ho held todhay at 2 t.i. m isntVieelected to fill his llac-. The e'u'u-lguu- chiapil. Thir electionu seei'iuutoii luus'utioii of Wiliamiuu Mogk 'hit '9)7, ovuias ac- arolusetd thur freshmuen. Fon eerual ceplted, if tenrwhichi work swas luild out days the outlook hasbeds hr haussuol for thuo coustiig year. Aniother miet- by interestedh tersonsdseilcrnul in- ilig of thir bouard wvill uirtak uluacen-xt formal catucuses soerreh-heldyestrday Fr'iiduy nighit,uis thieie are shfill siinic iii various roomis thiroiugueuuut thie civ..suicanicies to lilt. We otter discount cii all University Text-Books, Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Scientific Books. We buy and sell second-hand books. Mathiematical Instrumnts and Draftinug Supplies at special rates. We oiler Best Linen Paper at 20c Per L5b. BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c. SOLE AGENTS F-OR ++. WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN.+ 2'W O S'E0 ES. EUniversity Bioktore, hDownsTows, onu Stses". Opp. Court House.