THE U. OF M. DAILY. i I _________.__ AA, angIInt . I.L illialms" Athenia" at Grand Opera House. _______________________h1111wisthtcn a book entitled, "Treatlise A slni an copeecmc10.Timie Table (lReised} July 1,18S4T.1iil Amieri1c1an Foiottball."l EAST. WES 11 ~iitllloitol operatromipany will be seen at tilt P.1,. A.Al. All i itrumet clledttinllegaphiionefor Gra1n11Opieta ioue, Mllilly, Oet. Mildad Ex____. 40 Maili. -_ -84 N. Y. special----.510iu N.Y. special - -70iiannouningiiitll iiliy toliith e elalors 22, wheitii111'Waies Opelrat Co. makelts Euisteec Ex---10 25 N. Limbited.s 9w11 iil 23ilr. 11roti A. M. lts s is being11,usd a1 totballinals iiy 1111 Atlatic Ex____ . 47P.M' this stroilgSand11 thoroughliyrcolnilt iD. N. Express---- 3 i0 Western Ex.___-1-3resternleges. riilll lrldi 1iiiii fvr G.1t. ixpress --11 03 ('hi. Ni. Ex-----10121pn ncue ume fvr G. iR. Ex----- Po.Kiiowlion sill meel lieipie-, wtiikiioswniiopieraticaisits, anlion; P. W. litoLtE, I.IIAYLSh G. 11. &Ti. tcot.. Cicaigo. Age., Ann Arbor. sidinig ofirts of liiilub eourts 'It.I whloimiwill ibe recogiedotiheililever p. iii. today Itoarranige for 111lniiilit soubrelte primla donnia Miss (irace nUU SE iiliquarters for iterespetive iciiuiis. (Golidiei, liidteiliiiiibi le i(omedian FRANLINH_0__ _1Mr.111115. IBigelow, both (ifsrlioiiii NOTICES.sutain lihe'cometdy initeret lof lhe DETROIT, MICH. opera in ilsho ost ideligiitfuliiianer. It is weell before leaving homie, Isweher NiNETY-Si-VEN. Tiltcotiiirailto of thit companisit iiNiss for business oir pleaure, to deide uon a All thise intersted-s liil te117 foot- Lucille Saiiiiiitrs (laie of thele s(0(11- hotelad theebyaveideconfusion. When you vskit -Detroit sewewould be bal teaml sill meet it iloinl 0) lril1ly ions), uiidi Miss Kitiy Marelous sings pleased tohose you step at the old a :0 21 ti eyipratta _ Frankin R ouse," cee. Luesed lt7:0i) . i svr iipIlt1111hit ro)1 of"Atiisnia" in a most li-s- ad Bates Sts., sehere yesusilihaveeagood ( e-sioiilit beiresenlt.lo iiiii.Thrils is1111 meal and aeleabed at moderate rtes.n The liesse bus leesrernsvatedifromstoteo II1. II. ltI'IlNS. soiibrettes in the- iersonis o itilissi~s hotomaadia s ow n firt-class condition. Resipetfully, S. L.:. TIti JTS. 311113 NMarbli, i NeL owiiri, 'Maini H. H. JAMES. All ipersonl s-big S.1,. . ti~et-s Shiaw a11111 (risse Agoiss. liieyilatter Meals, 35c. todgiags, 50. are requliestedi is11111liat As-serry 111111btinig a rhle yoiiig ivoaiin friiCa- Per 2) y, Cali- J. . lillh0iS. saoce inithi secondi act. 1Irles1 DIETAS & SCHA.NZ, ORtATOICiiAL IEXECUTIVE iBOAiU). 50 anid 75cetts. Seals oil sole at U7.OFIA.M T1AILORS Mieliiifll teExtr e oa1r1d1oh' Walls' Jeiweilry Slore. Latest and best slyles of Iirirganld lii- thPiatiical l asoiaioniiiil rlii3, Oct. BUSINESS LOCALS. meicW(51oieo.First c5las itad first class 1J at4 p. i., in roomil?_-._____ worketguarateed111. ;leaning, pressing 01111J. Ii. (QOAItLES, Iies. [Noicersinserteid li1110thiscliumn atthe iat repairinigilneaty dolls. °of 5 ents per lin,. Special ralsor ot iiie 48 S. State st., Second Floor, Ann Arbor. it8 CLASSDI0EWLTINUl tuime, 11n11 ex1t1ra,5linesrishetd 113' iiil ying a Tlit freshmsan closs of th ieI(ra1r3 lit the 0l off11ce:.] IAGSE 2E , AER 'ER, ,deirirtiusot will hold anieietiing for 3li .,ll3 siiiiiltV Wosilil~~g-orieti-riio it51viiii Toilet (Co. tioiod H, 1ton1S. ltesetiiiii of ofticers and oiither 11115s ily Wr oine in oidiihours. Ii- bsiniiess I il teichapel, Atain 11111.,1a1 ....-.._.. ,.0 2oeiclckSauirday afternoon, t. 211. ,.. TilE NEWN DANCES. Tilt Oracis bolard idesiresthat alA1111 h er aes a dlances undilfigures of lihi- 1 srnioi TRADE" thosetendlingo Ihlan(in ul 11111155 siill bi taught a1tirainger's Aicaidiiiy A/R) iiasiloiii ii- leoth 1 lliia is5se11s01. loin thiiilass11(111w11111 T Ee0. A lI.iltiISI\ learii to ihiiiebefore thit 1111111ys. A NEWeINKeCUFfaA l who11fielddyexet to d iqsted 113liliiltoliril ldanc1-isin 11111termi. 1Pupiis re- - -- iit 111111111 1113 anleqiestel ~ceived at111y lisle, thisteirin stingill ____________________________________cone tout losrhpralctsiat lbseAthletiic withthirir htst lessonh.O(liie-alt ittll- Fourliehl sorry ltftsrnooi. Air.-.tzpiotrickio y iou e silbe oii hainsifron 4 iso(G and isill IIEST lNE fOLion is taking (1110 of ills football INDIANAPOLIS, Iteaml. Thisfall filisd411 siill be hielsd Speiau sali t thliltStarClohiniig LOUISVILLE, iniabout thireesweis-k.htousethlis iveek. 'White Dress Shits and INCNNAT. J A. ERO, ~ worth $1.25 ho $2 it 75 rents, slihtiy soileid. Der-byHtiss cr111 52 to $5 RIEQ al IiIIIIE\NTSOR111101 >'i'.IO"at 118 rents. ELEGANT All studeilts expecting to graduiate ini ally gusve 3-thormust report to Oils Heaillhyansiiubstaiitial (313- boaird Through Sleeping Cars reist~rar at tile opienuing of Ilhs year at 43 Packard st., at $2.50. 11-161 BETWVEEN and asctrtain wh~at prtscribed work, if if yoou sniokti Cigaro, butihllsIth. Petoskey, Louisville and any, is ntill lackiiig for lbs dege IIOSCOR1 CONELING is thit braiid. Cincinnati. sought. lDly a School Stilt at Noblc's. Only _______________'. 1. I tePONT. $12. Nothing hlike it. ASK FOR TICKE'TS VIA FOOnTBiALL..TP RENT-A pleatanht suite, fur- Tho claes football gamesiwilOseiiact hiat, light and bath, only $3 tier BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. pilayed eairly Ibis year. Managers and irweek. 11, S. State St. 13 captains are urgesd to get their 11111 Unlesus you -vant to Os a grind sub- E. O.i. MsCORiMICE I. IB. OMARTIN, out at once. scribe to the Daily. i~useags- ru~ Mg-. bn. . &1. gi.CIIAtILES BI3itD, Mgr. ATTENTION.-Studehts, thiertewiii U - . OF NM. CALENDAR. be an excnrsion to Detroit - Saturday, FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Oct. 20. Train leavts Ann Arbor at Corner of Stute and Wiliasus.,hs Fi., Pci. 111.-Gyinasiniuilockersonsi 7:30 a. III. sharp. ilstsrniflg leases iWiillr st. enteaiic. halt at treasurtrs otc. Price A$2 per Detroit at 5 p. ini.Ihound trip ticketo K Si ni- is:E RpG3- .A R ' 1a N'ytar. 95 cents. THE SIMPLEX PRINTER A iewinviienltionlfsii dupliaing cies7 of wr1 sitins and isidr.Fitly. Fron an hils i i lorinary isellih ISu p1 i1537's cal shIIn " it LAWTON c& CO., 20 Ves-us- St., Nesw York The Daily is edited, pub- lished and supported by the students. soul bron -uyooi shi. -huh-t itake tiii-stoopih froii your baciki. Will de- its lip alill 115li sr si-i o iiiisles is Itle bodly. Allpatrso guaranlteed fur isis yi'ars. Can b Ie hit up ay whiirei, wsihiiutitainlg sp aiy roomhl, 111111is unoiscliss, sel-adjust- inig a11nd adahpted o hily ag-I or sex. Inidiirssd-by hi(le leauinuo athletes of the sday. (all for ctaliogues and insplect it. Priie oily $. For sale bly BLOUNT & VANKIRK, 14 N. lIgalls st. Aim Arbor, Micb. A. 0-. S7PALDING & BROS. FOOTBALL SUPPLIES. I"siiy hi1sitifsrsii111 S Spanilding's - h luercollegiate Football. ^'. - lin, t. eh i i iiu i,0 1i llihliluuis sentil.. "i~Siihiilln-tiiis otxlu lt Ibiy iliiill mric 10 cnts. s al g' tgrade-emar usI.wiiat iiygum iiy i Imuiilniie N0e Yrk. Chicuigo. Pihiadlphia. ARE TilE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOERI sciusar-swill ln o payealut luee ithanlile pice chargedilfoe the orinayitaeglsiCigretts, willitod IHIS BRAND lsuo hollolhs. The Richnmond Straight Cut No CLGARd(E'i'YCS sree made fom ills biighues,1110s1 dlsate il ilaviruand lHietlicosot GOLD LEAF BEWARE OF IMITTION, ansIosiervee tthe ame 0 ofthematilats. rsa buelowrson&verypa~cka 55C - p'"BRA NC I1 "', 1t050a15VitG[IA WI$JS20ER' S IITERNATIONAI, , ,, ,lutelilsld ASecia ynftb 0OW ASt and duecafr Abreansti he Tin- A0Libray in Iseif lin . . .Brear Thze One Great Standard Auhoriy absed b ,IF-sealheboioteeu.eooisi aS lie noi by epis of iseet t toim Students Recreation Head- quarters. No. 3 N.Slain Street. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK AiniiArboei Oich. Cupital Stok, $0,00 iSarp1usa$50,000. Orgaized undethueGeneialiBaningussi. of tisi Stuate. Rieceiv'es deposisboys andii selis ext-hange on the prlincipalu cities ef thue Ualted States. Dreafts coshued upiouproiper identificatioiu. Safety deposit bios to rent. UPeic s:1Christlin lashPreem.;iW. i. HiarriansuVire-tree.; Cuss. S. Ohssoer Casihier; 01. 3. hFritz, Assistant Cashier. 'tussyl.AREBORE STEAM19 LAUNDRY CO. 111gb Ol)sas and Domneatic Finish. E. S. SERVI H, Nanagor, 0.3 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. Suit., Oct. 20-rshmlit:elioeniiii Chalas a t 2 pi. i Suat., Pet. 20-Orcbhard Lake vs. Wlarsity at Athletic field., Oct. 27--Fail Field Doa-, Athi- letic grouinds. Stm.,Os-l 21---ov. mAsui-at Ntewbir- ry hiull, 9:175 a. ii. "The hlact if lilt bilei inmodecrno eduicatioii. Ntoiu., Oct. 22.-Ris-. Camdeniii 3. Co- btiii lecturs bifiire liii- Iiiluiii Leagiut. 'foes., Pct.. 23.-Michuigaii Libruary us- sociationi meets at 2 1p- is. ini Faculty rosi, nhiversity builinug. Teed.,OPeE 24.-Ntichigauu Library as- socition, contionied hmeeting in Faic- nlty room, University boll. W~henusy011ive"nt a good Cigur st 181 fci thie ItO'SCOEP7CONKLIN(,r For ealchueap for cash, pneumatic tired Coluoubia bicycle. Good condi- tion. Call afttriioons, 14 N. Ingalls sE. If you ish to have your rosons rent- ed, advertise them in the Daily. 1-7 The Daily hasalarcasdy moro sub- scribers anmong Ike cs-edo lhan see before in its history. Co-edo, sob- ocribe, you are represented on the board. The beut in eterytbing always gives the greatest satisfaction. ThOS0O0.1 CONKLING Cigars are the best and cost no snore than Inferior brands. Try themo.