I TAI .JOF M, DAILY. (7 .3 .. ., i i .. ... MwHIGAN G.i~ Time Table (Revised) May 1l9, 1894. EAST. WEST. P. M. AN Mail and Ex...-.3 50 Mail .........84 N. Y. Special... 5 00 N. Y. Special... 7 0 Eastern Ex-..10 1 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 A. M. Pacific Ex -10...It7 Atlantic Ex....7 47 P. M. O.N. Expres.... 5 s0O. Western Ex.__.2 00' G. R. Exprese ...1 05 Obl. N. x..._10 70 . W. Rvols, I. W. AE, G. P. & T. Agot.,'Chicao. Ag., Ann Arbor. T., A. A. & N. ". RY Taking effect Sunday, April 7, 1894. Trains leave Ass Arbor on Central Stand. ard time. SOT. SOUTH. 8:07 a. m. -7:5a.m." -12:25 p.m. 1:30 a n.m 4:5 p.m 9:00P. M. Golg Noth t 9:15 aso. GogSonth at 8:5 p.i. Trinn, Sunday run between Toledo and Hamburg Juction only. . Trains rn between Ann Arbor and Toledo ouns Al trains daily ecept Sunday. R. S.REEN WOOD, Agent W HBENNETT G0 PA Toledo . , ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY Time Table, May 26, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti roin Congress S., :00, 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. 12:45,2:1,:00, :45, 4:30 and 11:0p.m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00,8:30 and 11:30 a. s. 1:15, :45, 5:30, 7:5, 10:00 and 1100 p.m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress s., 1:30, 3:30, :00, 6:0and 9:A( p m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, :00, 4:00,:30, 7:0ad93 .i.Cars rens nocity time .Fare single trip 5 cents; round trip tickes 25 ces. WM. F. PAKEnn Supt TIEMN E. SPECIAL. OR MASCO $100FO wheelsWX The Superb an$U5 Wheel for $5. 1.1 MEE &F. R. CUTCEON, 10 MONRE nSTE ET. AENTS OOTRELIJ &LEONARD, ALBANY, NEW YOR, ., Makers oc Caps and Gowns to the University of Michigan. - V. KURRELL, Local Agent, 44 Wtiam s. Ano Abr, 11h V. OF -. TAILOS Our Spring and Stimnier Woolens ate now on sale Prices Low. Call and see us. 4 s. StateBe.. Second Floor, Ann Aror. R 1HiW COLLF1Fj QOMMENO.EMENT VISITORS Alumni Who Are Revisiting the University. the kollowing lddiional names0 wert recoided on the AuminnuRIegstcir yestrday: E. F. Cooley, , Lansing: 13teh.; H-. . Itoys, '75, Farwell; .. -1. EPverct, '74,' Detai, IllI.; D. N. Oakley, '75, Deroi;.L. B. King, 74, Detroit"1; . t Sift i'0, niaaolis. Ind.; . A.. Peter 92, 1ecatn, -Il.; l . C.-manly, '87 De.ner. Col.; I;. t.- Sutton, '1A, Detri;-I-. D. Trell, '9, (Grand Rapisi; Saie S. Scuermiiutndt, .",, C'eder Raipids, Ia.; E. A. lins. '8,Ypsiaiti; 11. A. Biby, '75, St. Louis, Mo.; F. C. Cark, '87 Coumbus. 0.; 1'. i. Chiaie, '4, Dtroi; F. P. XV~ood, '75, 111:.; C'as. oi, '7, 1G1and: ttapids; S. B. Pric, Scrinton1, IPa.; E. Kitchiiim, '70, Itawieye,',1a.; L.. H Holden,'.S, Ceveand, .; C. F. 11u1r- ton1, '70, 1)etriit; (. E. Dawoni, 7, Chicago Il.11.; II. 'T. Morley, '79. D- (rot; XW. tyde, 70,- Warrinu, 0.; (. S. MXctoild.'75, Dteroit; A. C. Stol- wagen. '75,ytDetroit; W. J. Sta:rt, 'S, (randl Rapids; W. T. REmeroni, '74, Rtacine, W~is.; E. A. Serrill, '84, Do.- troit; Corat A. Wn ineon, '78 and '(). Canibridge, Mass.; C. IP.(Gilert, '70, Berkeley, Cl; F,.'M. Sessions, '$, C'oltumibus, 0.; Eli:mnC0'.Hgeboos, 77. Saginaw; X. S. Ch-ever, '9, Bay City; G. W. Bates. '74, Detroit; 'oni- roy Ladue, '9(0, New York City; D. 1. (asph, i.'S9, Stanford lUnivrity Cal.; C. 0. Jacobs, '75. Detroit; Ms. L. C. Alein, '93, Chicago, Ill.; J. R. Alien, '92, Chicago, 11l.; C. K. Adams, '61, -adison, Wis.; F. W. Piiie, '94, ).iroii; Dlos fall, '75, Albioi; A. B. ('urtis, '7, Somerville, as.; Ilorace 'Mann, '93, Washingto, D. C.; .1. 1. Conrad, '40 Chicago, 'Il.; Hoyt P'os.t, '1i1, Detroit; L. F. Cooley, '744.. La~nsing; 0. .. Cambe~~ll, '70, Ci:eve- N. Y.; A. H. Vysy, '93, Toledo, 0.; H. B. Dewey, '94, Tacoma, Was.; I1X. J. 'Coker, 'll9, Adrian; Jessie Phlelps, '94, Pontiac; J. I. McLatogh- lii, '77, Detroit; IR. E. VanSykle, ', Detroit; A. P. Jacobs, '7, P7 iroit; i. T. Garwood, '92, -Marshall; W. L. Whitney, '4, 'Moline, Ill.; GALIt Snow, 'Itol, Detroi;XW. 1. (harniy, '94, ooshe. Id.; 1I. P. Davick, '70, "Do. tipi; I. W. Newton, '94, Saginaw; It. C. 'Thayer, '91,- Maistee; (Gertrude Hill, '89, Goloden, Coo. STAMP' COLLECTIONS. We want to buy stamp olectons and Will pay cash for the same on receipt ,if price aisked Is satifactory. Colections should be sent by regis Ored mail or express with lettersam- ing price unuder separate cover. We send superior aproval sheets to re- sposible pantics.. W. J. LAWRIENCE & CO., Kalamazoo, Mih. Susihe t lb h Daily youiiJSHU LD RIBAD HIS Thre are msoyus'od railways runiy XVes. If you have nve Oraveled over the CHIHAGO GREAT WESTERN Icy i once. They have requesto gst through trains from Chicago to D- buque,'t Paul,'Minneaols. Watr- loo, Marshaltow. Des Moines, St. Joeph, ansas Ciy, connectng at junctoaaod trmbal poistfor pob beeqend., No finer equipment rsss ovar asy road and res aways as low as iserior lines. Your home ticke ageot will ell on more about this e- cellet Railway, o you may address, A. W. NOYIES, T. P. A~. 'I itAdams ft.,lleig Ill. University News Depot ALL ;THE LEABIN ilAIMES 00 DP[RlO0lc LS1I One-halt block went from law build- ing on Wililame$St. i'.V c. MBY./ i R . PROP. INUMMDND'S MACKINAC LINE. ~STEAMERS, Tourists Route. SEMI-WEEKLY FROM CL EVELAND, OLEDO ANDIDETROIT MACKINAC ISLAND, "CHEBOYGAN, ST. IGNACE, r ALPENA, Andi sil Ports on the West SCiurn of OLke Huron. Remember this Is the only line givisg t~os- seogers tise opportsotfty of sight seeinig an alli sorts no this popular r-oute. Also gielog pas- sengers makils' a rontinuous trip six hours on the famous M ackisaceIbland. Fares, including Meals and berths, 00 other expenses. Cleveland to Mackinac Isand Iand re- turn, seven-day trip. ..---------11.00 Toledo to Mackinac Island acid return, six-day.trip. . . . 2.00 Detroit to Macrainaw Island anod return, fiveclny trip-----------------11.00 Tickets good to returni any time during the Season. Connecting at 'Mackinc Island with ol steam ers for Chicago, Mllwaukee, Petoskhey, Sault Ste. Mareand all points ono Lake Mlebi gas, Lake sperioranod GreenoHay:; and at at. Ignace with D. S. S. & A. Ry. for all points in the Upper Peninsula and the Went. Write. for time table. S. H. ORUMAIOND, GenlSiueiagpr. U. CHANT ORUMGMOND, Pams. Ago. _..r ~eral Offices, Dtroit, NMick.... Have you rooms to rent? 0t so, sa- ertise them in ?the Daily. D00 YOU WAR'!'D0000BUM~tS AND QUICK SHIPMENTS? + + + THB '95 UEB MLE We oareeveii on orders for (gents' Special, 21 lbs., Aluminurn. Finish, aiid can promptly ship them,' but dn'tl ask -for Ladies'Wbee1 or Rzacers to he shipped sa4me day. Order Gents' Wheels and se- cure a ready seller. We have: an 18 1b: Road Wheel, 4 in. tread. P y"MOMJTCYRtE AG; CO, PLYMOUTH, IND. 46 E. William St. THE COLttEGE OF PRYSIIANS AND -SURGED NU Annual Sesson begins in Seplem- her and. contnues seven mnpnths. Four years graded course. Labora- tory, Clinical end Dispensary ad- vaintages exceptioa lly gfood. For :annual announcemnent aind other formationi address Corres- ponding Secretary, DR. BAYARD HOLMES, DON'T BUY WOOD PULP IF YOU WXANT LINEN PAPER BUY SWNLNN EVERY" SEBET WATERMARKED. Nonegenine ithut his atemiilc. ~ist hedecive by heIjus asGod, isit n avngt~e WA . hie elbrtey"pe ma-ea fal felrpinesdsui one r nanysz n wihwihevlpst mt 'h v0 WTR'AYI SUPPLY FOR~ VACATION USE.