THlE V. 0OF M. 1DAILY. MJGHI&AN G n1AA Tme Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. Mall and EX-1..300:Mali-.......84 N. Y. Special.... 5 00 :N.Y. Special ..7 25 Eastern E.. 10 12 NS Lmited.9 25 7 A. M. Pacific Es-11 9It 7 Atlantic Ex-..7 47 P,'. D. N. Express....540 Western ,E-.1- 200 G. . Express ...l 05 Chi. Nt. Es....10 2 O. W R GLES, I. W. HAYE, G. P &T. At. Chicago. At, Ase Arbor. T., A A. &, N. N. 1BY. Taking effect fSuday April 7184. Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stad girdltie 8;07 a.m. "25 :i~, - *1:2 p. m. 11:0it. m. 4:1pm 9:00 SUNDAY TAISO Going North at 9:1-a.m. Going Soth at 8:1 p. n.. Trains Sunday sun -between Toledo and H amburg Juncton only. 0Tyralns run between Ann Arbor ad Toleds. Anll trains daily 1exceptBnds 1, gn W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST RY. Time Table, May 26, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from ConresSt., 6:00, 8:00 and 11:00 a. n.: 12:452:15, 5:0, 0:4, 9:0 and 11:00 p. n. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00, 8:0 and 11:0 a. n.: 1:15, 2:45, 5:0,7:15, 10:00 and 11:00 p m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti frsm Congresst., 1:2,:2, :00, 6:30 and 9:00 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor ;Junction, 2:00,4:00,:0, 7:00 and :0 p. n. Cars run on city time are: sige trip 15 rents: round trip tickets 25 cets. WM. k'. IAnan, Supt. IEMPI E SPECIAL OH MASCOT $100 FOR wheals _$~D The Supurb, an $O WhelI'for $6 : J. L. MEE & FA . CUTCHEON 11 MoNE ESTnEXv. AENTS GOTBELL & LEONAR., ALBANY, NEW YORE, Makers og Caps and Gowns to the University of Michigan. 1 V. MURRtELL, Local Agent, 44 William t. An Arbr, Mich DIETAS & SCHANZ, U* orW3. TAILORS Our Spring and Sumnier Woolens arefnow oi sale. Prices Low. Call and see us. 48 S. Stae mt. Seond ler, Ann Arbr. 0MPG GE 'COM MENCEMENTVISITORS.: Alumni Who' Ares.Revisiting the University.. The following additionlinamsIO were recorded on the Alunni Register yesterday: R. F Cooley, '87, Lansing, Michi.; 1H. M. Roys, '7M, Farel; .1, M. Everett, '74, DeIalb, Ill.; D. N., Oakley, '75, Detroit; L. -1B, King, '4, Detroit; L. 1, Swift, 7, Indinapolis Ind.; J. A. Feter, 'il2, Dctur, Ill; G. C, Maly, '7 iTS', .Col,; Ora121Rapids; Mulie8.,5 'urmndt, '8de C' apods, Ia.; E. A.- Snn '83, Ypilant; D, A,Siteby, 75, St. Louis, Mo.; Si, C. Clark, '87, Columbus, 0); SF.I. Chase, '4, Detoit; F. P. Wood, '75, And.; Chas. Pon, '5, Orandi Rlapids; S. B. Price, Scranton, Pa.: E.' Kitchinu, '70, Sawkeye, Ia.; L.. N toden, '58 C lvelaud. 0.; C. F. Bur- toil, '70, Detroit;(G. E. Dawsn, 70 C hicago, Il.; IS. T. Morley, '79, D- troit; W. Syde, .'70, Warren,, 0.; C. S. MDonald, '7<<, Detroit; A. C. SnS. wagen, '75, Detroit; W. J. Stuart, .'8, (rand Rapids; 'W. T. Emerson, 'it. Racine, Wis.; E. A. Serrill, "'80, D- troll; Cora A. Benneson, ''78 antI 'SO. Camlbridge,, Mass;, C.I'P.-Gilbert, '70, Berkeley, Cal.; F. M. Sessions, 88, Colunibus, .;'Ellen . Hogboii,7, Saginaiw, 11. S. Cieever, '93, ay City; G. W. Bates, '70, Detroit; Pone roy Ladue, '0, New York Clty; D. H. Campbel, '82, Stanford Univerity, Cal.; C. H.. Jacobs, '75, Detroit; MVrs. L. C. Allei, '93, 'Cihicago, 51, ; J It. Allen, '2, Chicago, I1.; C. K. Adams, '01, Madtison, Wis.; F. W. Pine, 94, Detroit; Dos Fall, '75, Aioi; A. B. °Curtis, '87, _Somerville, Mass; Horaee Mann, '93, Wuishington, D. C.; .. I. Coril, '0, Chicago, I1.; Hoyt P'ost, '11, Detroit; E. SF. Cooley, '70, Lanslog; 0... Campbell, '70, Cee- 1011d3 0.; Edwin Flesing, '70, Buffalo, N. Y.; A. 1. Veysey, '93, Toledo, 0.; H1. 2. Dewey, '90, Tacoma, Wah.; k1. J. Coker, '39, Adrian; Jessie Phelps, '94, Pontiac; J. R. McLagi- lin, '77, Detroit; SR. E. VanSyckle, 9, Detroit; A. P. Jacobs, '73, Deotroit; It. T. Garwood, '92, Marshal; W. L. Whitney, '94, Moline, I1.; G. S. Snow, '90, Deroit; W.1. Charly, '94, Goshien, Ind.; SH. P. Davick, 70, De- troit; F. W. Newton, '94, Saginaw;I. C. Thayer, 91, :Manistee; Gertrude Hill, '89, Golden, Cole. STAMP COLLECTIONS. We want to buy stamp collections and will pay cash for the same on receipt if price asked is satisfactory. Collections should be sent by regis tered mail or express with letter nam- lng price under separate cover. We send superior approval sheets to re- sponsible parties. W. J. LAWRENCE & CO., Kalamazoo, Mich. Subscribe for the Daily. YOU SHOULD HEAD THIS *There arenmany god railways rnning West. If you have never traveled over the CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN trycit once. Tihey have frequent fast through trains from Chicagon to Os- University News Depot ALL THE [EADING DAIIES AND PERIDDICALS!1 One-halt blurt west from law builid- log oWilliamsast. P.C. M EYEBR. DROP. SGRUMMOND'S MACKINAC LINE STEAM ERS# Tourists Route. SEMI-WEEKLY FROM CLEVELAND, TOLEDO AND DETROIT -vrMACKINAC ISLAND, CHEBOYGAN, ST. IGNACE, ALPENA, And all Poerts one the West Shesre ofr Lake Huron. Remember this la the only line giving pas- sensgers the opportunity of sight seeing at all sorts on this popslar route. Also givisg pas- sengers maskiss" a contiessous trip six hours on the famouss dachinac tsaned. Fareo, Iecludinsg Meals and Berths, no othser expenses. Cleveland to Mackissac Island and re- tures, seven-day trip. . .8-------- 14.00 Toledo to Mackinac Island and return, ole-day telip. . . . .----12.00 Detroit to Mackisnaw Island and return, fve-day trip------------------1.00 Tickets good to retsrn any time dsring the. Sesson, Cossnecting at Mackinac Island with all steamers for Chicago, illwaukee, Petohkey, Sault Ste. Mareand alpoints un Lahe Miech- igan, Lake Snperior, and Green Bay; ansd at st. Ignace with 0. S. S. & A. Rty. fur all puinits in the Upper Peninsula and the West. Write for tsme table. S. B. GRUMIMOND, Geni Menager. U. GRANT GRUMMOND, Pass. Aft. General Offes, Detroit, Mich. Have you rooms to rent? SO so, nd- vertise them in the Daily. DO YOU WANT 6000 BICYCLES AND QUICK. SHIPMENTS? + *++ 'THE r We are even on orders for Gents' Special, 21 lbs, Alumuinumn,1inisb and can promnptly ship tbem, but don't ask for Ladies' Wheels or Racers to be shipped same day. Order Gents' Wheels and se- cure a ready seller. We have an 18 lb. Road Wheel, 4 in. tread. PLYMOUTH CYCLE MFG, CO,, PLYMOUTH, IND). 0. Lipp~.ass, .Lgost, 46 E. William St. THE COLLEGE OF -PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF' CHICAGO. Anneual Session begins in Septem- her and continues seven months. Four years graded course. Labora- tory, Clinical nod Dispensary ad- vantages exceptionally good. For annual announcemsent and other information address Corres- ponding Secretary, DR. BAYARD) HOLMES, 34 Washingtone St., Chieago. DON'T BUY WOOD PULP IF YOU WANT LINEN PAPER BUY SWAN LIN EN! EVERY SHEET WATERMARKED. Noegnun 'ihotti Waem. Dntb dcieny h Js as Good" inist on havig the SWAN. tiiClbae ae may e hd ofalldealrsprinersand tatoner inany izeans wegtwthevlpslomth