THE U..OF M. DAILY. As 6. SALDUING &BIOS., We Athletic Suppies. -IC E. Employ BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, Men Warranted.supErirTHnyIycESbt jF ALL HIGH GRADES. mat~a~r pynes ou aaade c Warntdsueir__ny__cl uiti tht wordregardless of price. wor done until te bcyce arrives an icese Doinot be induced to pay more money for an inferior weel. taost on satisfatory. Uefm e Upos.a sillion dollar coner, whose bond i as good as gold. RIcleo, Youngsme ems. 21 lb. SCORCHER.Ioysac irs appy theymstbe wllecsm- RI21 lbE SCORCHERL :S$5. 22 lb. LADIES, $75. medd itfor paticlar. RIE. E LIICYLE S-RFR A9.H.J RO N xluieS t ACM' CYCLE COM'PANY, T~lELEAER_~H. . BR WNExclsiv g. ELKLART, IND. lANDSOME.LLLTRWUCTLUE )13 T E F F IC 1 I T SENT ssa.w'P r I I l AIWY I1 ICAGDI, PIUAUELPHIA. i WANAMAKER tailors 20 miles of cloth per day. He buys . qEW YGat enormous discounts. You buy of him and you void the prcfits of the wholesaler, the jobber, the middleman. 600 samples. Up-to- MOORE & WETMIORE date tailoring. Fit guaranteed. Swell Suits x+18. a4ff. Maim at., an& ftn .4~,or- y W.&NA&X,&EER 3nLOW Nq,- ter of Williasm t., have ' WILSEY'S OLD STAND. STATE STREET fall liies of.________________________________ BASEBAUAND7ENRs RODS STUDNTS NOICE LOK, OYSThe only wheel n the maet which has ' besheld p to its last ayear' pe . fitted wihteIeElliptic sprig cras. AN AN S For low party rates to Iowa If you are going West or THE F. F. [BE MFG. CO., -s - points and the Northwest see Southwest see C. H. Lingen- Peoria,11lL Gift Books for comrxsl9e ceent S. L. F. Reece, No. 40 Kings- felter, No. 379 S. Division St.,} ley St., who is making up a and arrange to join his party. IC E. COLD11 Caln adsee as bafreyoiming party to leave about Corn. Low rates and special accom- ^p ____________ neement Day. modations. SO DA W, ATER G. FL._'ILD' -AT- TH LADN TILRHOW TO ECONOMIZE. THE LEA TALORFlour is going up. Tomatoes are going down. A. L. MUMMERY'S. Eat Tomatoes. and ]Importer has received thie 3 Pounds Greenwood, 75 relits per dozen. NEW ART TILE SODA FOUNTAIN. largest and most seet stock of 3 Pounds Peninsular, 853ceits per dozen. ,IPOTE BDDEB Pouids Riverside, 95 ents per dozen. Ice Cream Soda, Vrnor's inger IMOTDAND DOMESTICWOES All good Fresh Good. Ale, and all popular drinks. for Sring and StI'mer 'of 195in:DET0-A-N & A.E.MUMER'S RU STRE the city, and would b pleased 44 South Main Street.A.EMU ER'DUGSO, to have yu call tad ex amineCo.FutAv.adWsngoS. the samte. COMMENCEMENT CALENDAR. , BUSINESS . Full Dress Suits. a Specialty. Tues., Junc 25, 10 a. tn-Mfeeting of{ JUST A MOMENT, PLEASE. U.iJ OF M. FLAGS E. i Washington at.. near Main. regents. The progressive and aggressive rail- Tuesday, Juite 25, 2 p. in -5 class way in this line of Inercihangeable_____ clday exciistnder Tappans Oak. Milage is te Ohio Central. Among RAI S Pre-eenltion of bust of Prt. Ailgel. the first to issue this book it ha al- 25c Each. ![ f LL 1 E44 R Tus., June 25, T9 p.s-5 rceptiotn ways beent he leader. It iow pub- For Men and Boys, at gymansiunm. Chen ii7 distinct systemls of tratspor- WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. AMuiv Wed., Jene 2tiAluniii Day. Ste- Cation. Separaed into divisional lines ilti ilviaID lo reunions of 0,'75.'85, '87, '83 L, as is done by many, it has 12 trans-CTBAERIODTCK S Csp7 '9 L and other yearn. por~ation lines rerescted. A full 1. SC[1E~S 1 p. ml.-Fiftiieth anniversary aluni list will he,1110ued upon application o to all poiss for sale by - an aq, white, alue.y ae°o' heOi etrlLns ANN ARBOR R. R. TICKET AGENCY, r n ay,21p. nm.-Address by presidett of MOULTON HOU. G. P. A., at y,3 E. Hrs Ot- a r tose 32'Medical Alulmni association itSed- Toledo* Ohio. Members! Americas Ti-shtBalesAo t 8I , real buiding. s.Al'l ieEVERY DAY ~cante ioe. TAketlboTransportatons J[p.nILwAlmn blsli smet-Excursion rates to the Virinia and aea.Tcasbuh n od inlwlcuerothe Souhieast are its effect upon the I f For tm, alSi S, 2 p. m.-Dental Alumni mteeting, Ohio Central lines; throuh trainsScalrs Bos re dental amphitheatre. daily between Toledo ld CharlestonShlIS voosoe $2-O0-.. 32p. n.-Literary AnI ieetiing, f. Va, via Columbus fis 1s the _______ Stra'bri''d~&G~thiaer' Tappan hal. shortest and most dret mute Con ,50 p. rn-Senate reeptiion, Water-sutaestbC.Ln Formerly with George Wahr, 19 salt:ADagents-AP. CanLines.iu33.E. Washington t. Headquarters for lQLTlturs.,SJune 27.-Fifty--firstnannual For Sale Chep-English Setter Pup- everything a Studen needs in the Thupies.JStandardFbred. Bysl aknuof line of Tet- Books, Stationry and Ii eui-cmn;pa npoeso York 3350 atd Sciato Girl 1774. Mldellanee as Stock in general. I~IIIII\ ~ sTnena-ltvexeriss,.nierityHal.Inquire at 34 Packard s., An Arbor. MRI CALR I~iiI~UOration by ales H. Cafield, LL. D. Law library and moderate pratice for sale. ITeasonable prie. Healhb. THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 0-oing at tlsec f a - a prices: 'Lnnteota beat Wisconsin n i tl cuses. This is the most prmisingl c- tule boat race- on Lake Minetonka ation in the,,outry toay. Addres- 19 E Washington at, one block Campbell- - -$.25 "Satureday by the narrow margin of Atoney, GOil Amierican Bank Bd.,- east of Main t. Sea}r's Special _-----4.00 half a length. Kansas City Mt. The Pontiac High School Auni A-W Ai O Country Clb----------_310 'asocition wiltstablishi a scholar- To Rent-For next year the ewere Slocum Oval.-.-___4.25 s tP tin University if or studt hlar-s story of fie roons, we11 furnished STEAM LAUNDRY CO,.. Inquire at 13.Wilard RsL Hig Gloss and DmetceVinis. Slocuma Tourna meat---425 foo la ih5i0~,o hctlm For Rent-Suite of rooms at 4o .S- folhiued at Detroit, Saginaw and 1t t ,S EVSMngr Slocum - -- am -3 o ther places.12htE.SSRVSMaer Slcm -20 J. . tOverton, '94, is in- town to at- England's famous broad ;juper ad 2 OT ORHAEU SIOCU end Commencement exercises. He all-arond athlete, C. B. Fry, of Ox- Mebra of Guarantee Ticket Brokers' Ao- -ATs.---1:hasben teaching in Wiseons in Chn ford Univeriy, has stainei his ab- elation of U. .- Janry a nd wilitecr mat.ematic doiinal muis and ay nt be able Cosby & Xc~eon R R. Ticket Agency } naxCy,+ r in St. john's 'Military Aa- to compete hinthe international ganes lAdamnt., hcties. educed ratestoall SheeCO Wseonsn.- in New York n xt fall. in,.Bacth fldrahnN~ deS, __ Htalo t Ann Abor Dli a.