THE I, OF M. DAILY. ANOTHER ANNUAL OUT. LECTURE ASSOCIATION NEWS. TheTecnic th Eginer' BokSec. Hoyt Securing Good Attrac- on Sale.tinfo1856 A publication of the University The prospects for an unusually good whic isnot uchknon totheun-Students' Lecture asociation course dergraduates is the Technic, the en- nxt year are very encouraging. Since gineer's annual. Thitl is due toth its organiation about Junn, tst, te boardl has been busily at work and fact that it has always appeared after the close or the college year and has hs ben cc esfuli beyond exict- depended for its suppilot upon its ad-ti. Ith. T. DeWitt Trlanage and (li. vertising sitd upon the rduate (i- ginerus. This year te eitorial staif o.hnyWtt-eoo i-Lus has shown its enterprise by gettingyueCrihaeiedytn - the book out before the cnd of te curd. Niiter of these promintitt yea, as well as iy numerous imptrove-Arioi, 5Coth have appiiierediti to Ai- iseuts in its apliarance. Undoub- Atet ittl-v peie eete edly, now ht the enginci so Iavi fore.. Talnage's sbect lsent bieeni put into idatm-let by them- et biens determinedl;tupon, bet M. slve s, Cthe Technic will grow strnger- eac yer a a teprossest nitnil (logy up~ono "Abralltam inLolnis," which This year's voliiiie tf te fechisic is li ~et5 ttictsillyrcii the eleventh of the old scii s 1teii'ciyweetsi-twntr eigth f te nw. he ditritl btuInCute itinical lhue Che bettdtoas eigth f he ew Th eitoia bordbeen fortunitte in getting the "tt Is comotisedt of te following tmein- hiers of tte Engisnering society: A. pal hte oci o, oiisi M. tiacbril, tmanaginigciditor; I. . of Mrs. tenevra Johtont,,sleii, Leontard, business mattager; T. D. ae- otiso. Ms odPwll iiti Col, H. W. Wyckoff and C. H. Spen- Mc ltt eralaiit at n ceer, associate editors. The editions this dot viii Settitia,piaitc. 'iwo of thes year consists of 1,00tt copie, neitly clitMs iloiadMs 't I bounid in papr. TheY were lit oiir ledywl nw t n ro sale yesterday aCitt cents act. -adecs Thle cover design is a new osse and Te "Temple Quartt," of Boston is by II. W. Wyckoff, who contributes will also be hee, brisgitg with then a numsber of exceliest deign. The as reader Mliss tttariuc Itigieway. leadistg article is by Prof. Aspi itall, 'bsittre cOttii irtgiu li jr., on "The Detroit Otiservaory of te Cied Static ant illii be cotposeit University of Mihigttn,".ilstratecibh this cosingt yeir of the samtte sliis cuts of Ctsc observatiry, exterior acdasltseon interior, and by steel plates of te Te seretary lias torts icorre- formier directors and asistants is te onieste with ex-trIeiltt iHarrisotn. observatory, Profs. lBrunnow, Watston, exGov.' Mitley anI ion. Bore, Hatrsrington, Scacerle and Canmpb'1.t'ockrttt utn hopes o secure twit of Net to hic article ie stost vtltable these nttet stalttes, if sot tll tre. ansd ;interestinig contribution Is byhi'owever, sotitgitin lltite cocerig Frank . Davis, 'til, on "Te Nicar- themitcast be annoeuced at preett. agna Castal Project," acosmpasied by- Te Chicago Alutmtni assicition s i a large smap andi proile of the liro- tryig o get Mirs. Potter C'tclcer, if posedirecute of the ctisal asd iy' civ-- irdsFosft ofto h si eral cuts. tther 'articles are "The verity withoia lecture. IBeides ti-se isopesso Wheel as a Steams u'rtis,' M. Leltiste T. t-owess wii give ote by P'rof. Wagner; "Pheoo-T'opo- of hiti pletsisg eterttittmei'ts. Te graphy," by D. B. Luten, 'i4; "cotsre will also istclude liiietitnettl cageDranageChanel," Aex.B.oratorictl cottest for te Cicao cao ranae hane,"Als.E.Alunei tsociaiost smearl. Is tll Kast, 'S3; "Wooden Stave Pipe," It there wilte tess etertinmtets. C. Gemnmel, '4; "telation of Cais- fal CoWatr Sppl,"Prof. Greese; We havo the celebrated Sxa Linen fallto WterSuppy,"papr and envelops to match. "Dynamo Design," it. . i ngO194;GEORGE IWAHR. "Thse Central Cieaisg Plan," W. H. ___ Drrance, jr., 'li4; asd eiht or test miselilancous article by various pro- fessors sd studensl. -Hiaf tone and a woodicrest are sprinked troughioutr ths book, xvhich is better in this re- spect than ever before. CHATTANOOGA AND RETlURN. iFor smeeting of Epxortic League, Chatauseg,' Teen., June 27 to 31. Agensl of Ohio Central Lines will sell ticke at Ose Fre for te round trip, eling Juste 2, 26 and 27 lisit ii daya. See Ohio Central Agents. The D. & C. nexv seasmers are noxw rnnisun9 four trips per xek bewen COTRELL & LEONARD, Toledo, Detroit and Mackisaw. end ALBANY, NEW YRK, for th ir illustrated pasmpets, Mlid- itaers of Cas and Gowns to the University summer Voyages to M ackintac. d- of MU RELL, n. A New Camera! Sesil Z-A he society or organization C n which has its 0 M MIVIBN U CAIRDS. Printed at thte SArgus Office. THE HAWK-EYE, JR., xiii accommeodate fim hoe. iC ex.imnd is loaded saidunloatdedlin broaddasylight. GlassolPlates caii be used ewithiottiny exitta atttchments. PRICIE.$9 Includinig Sniligit Fltefoe 12 exposures. Scud for Catalogue ileseribltig all khnts ci Caniertas ttd Accessories. The Blair Camera Co., 4te Tremosnt St., Bosston,iMass., T. &Oa.C.Ry. K. &X. Ry. Solid throisgh trains between Totledo, Ohio antd Chitrleton, XW. Va., via Coumbus, the short aud only direct roate. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 0. Kenton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athens, 0. Xiiddleport, 0. Pomnery, 0. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Richmond, Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Norfolk, Va. And all soutiteatsernpoints. FEu-gault deawingeeitroo asoalilhrouagiitrtainsi. Igoe furttiur informsation call os your local Tickiet Agent or Write, IdO'iLTnN HOUiK, Gciii Pass. Agt. 'liledo, 0. xv. A. P'ETERS, Mlichi Pass. Agenit, Dtetroilt M~ich. A&NN ARZBOR STEAM DYE WFORKS. Ladles' ned Cents' Clothting Ceased er Dyed. S W. HURON ST.,_ ANN ARBOR. FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Corneraof State aud William, stc., xvillhiast. entrance. Do you xant boarders? If so, ad- vertise yousr board in the Daily. WE CAN SUIT YOU, Is th- LEADING CHOOLSfOF iBUStIo'ad S0O0' 11155. Magificnt buildntnea ceraes; tire atredace;gaod disipiae; superiorwork; wt supplied reading roctn; daily lectures,Stra . aentc rceptinseunithecentire yair L:icep unafailiisfr plaoing stadetin 'apoitiats Board and rom $2ats$zu75pcr weekini priu uinilie:. Thetes releicecd taii.5by seif togta Fr Catalogua dress R 4riFE'SPusso- FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Oie ANN ARBOR. Organized hiti. Capital, $1i0,t00. Sarplucs and Profits, $4otes Trantsacts a general banking hbssiness. lForeign exchansgea boughit and sold. Funishc letters of credit. P. BACHC Pres. S. xV. CLAttifON, Cashiher. Advance-dclass icnddaning for ladirs and gentlemeiit Graugs-'Aademyss SATURDAY EVENINGS ! toune 22t -d. tCards ohfsdmihssion can be pirocuestd for-iehevening or setics. Pri- vate leswsons on ttznd "Two-tep' a lpeuclty. Oiice: routnud fthose, 6(iay- mardOs. MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarts. Saturday, 10 a. m., Gentlemean beginners class- Saturdaty, 4, Lady beginners chasm. Isunday, 730 p. m.,Advanced Class (Ladles and Gentleen)u. Tuesday, '7:30 p. is., Beginuers Clas Ladies and {gentlemoen). Private tesons by appointment. SCHOOL 46 S. STATE ST Platitiotypes The latest thing In PHOTOCRAPHY at BBEZRYMAN'S. t6 Euron st.SpecilExtes toSeniors. HANGS IERFlE ,2 El1 shR IT 'S HARD TO DO W iTH{OUT c eotie ln T!!~ptrt'e-leef~l CEO. S. PARKER F'OUNTAIN PEN. Your dealerus keto have them, ihohaurt ursna nd we'liendsmuteuinform,,atiosu,,wa-ru nd our5ni h a nuseiutu ritul mtlieus drec. PARKER tiPEN COMPiANt, Jssiiic, Wi. SHEEHAN & CO. Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor. The Fisk Tfeachers' Aec EVERETT' 0. FISK & OCO., 355 "Wabash Ave., Chicago, fllnois. Ashburton Place, 70tPith Avenue, S03 Twelfth Street, 055 Wabash Avenue BOSTON, MASS. NEW YORtY, NY. WASHINGTON, D. C. CHtICACO, ILL. M2 Church Street, 420 Century BIdg, OLYMPIA, 120Ye5 OSpe eg Street TORONTO, CAN. MINNEAPOLIS, MCNN. WASHINCTON. LOS ANCELES, CAL