~tjcO Al . W?1aihi . VOL. V. No. 186. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 25,:18915. SIX PAGES-3 CENT. i 1 EE OUR WINDOW 1. OUR EQUIPOISE IN LIFE. V V ~PROBLEM OF MAINTAINING IT "T'HERE MAY BE DISCUSSED BY DR. ANGELL. SOMDETHIN{G Annual Bacclaureate Address by II IT." the President in University Hell ________-Sunday Night-The Hall Filled With Seniors and Their Friends. oil " 1 University Hall was filed Sunlday 51 South Main st. night withiniore than 701) miimbers ofthill gradutaing classes and 'heir FASHIONABLETAILORING frielids, who had conic to listen, tO 'Elegant Graduating or light Suit P'resideint Angelt. Thie et'tcisc' of mnade from Imported or Finest tliiieveing wI reAoeei yii tgi flo0eS~tjo + Woolen$ voluntary played by Prof. Staniley aiid for $22.00 and up, Full Dress Suit selections by the Chorail l'pion. Prof. $27.00, work made at home bears + bYoe' then readt from Elshesills i1:4 inspection by any High Class Trailor antI Cutter. Will be and offered pra~yer. pleased to have y.,u call and be P'resideiit Angell's address was onl conviiced."Tlee Problem of Equipoise ill Life." JOS. W. KOLLAUF, Ilie said in part: 10 E. Washington st., up stairs. "Ehvery luau may bo considered iii two aispeets, as iniinidividual anid as 1-1 T IT'U'ITOT. ES a miieiuber of society. As an individ- FREeSe LINEofOruiallie is direetly reoponsoible to (God for LJOWNEYS CHOCOLATES his coinduct, amid aecordinig to its light JUST RiEtEIVED AT for his opinions amid beliefs. As a. +TUTTLE'S, ~einiber of society lie has duties to t48 S. STATE ST others, and his -opinionisiseliefs, and eoiidmict are in a grcater or less degree T= 'F shaped by others. Between the cannot wisely beconie reeluses. Youiig graduates of scholarly ;tastes often matke a mistake in tis regard under thie iiipression that they must shuth thiemselves in fromlltles world until they liave iiaesmiuci larger aii-:l tions. This impulse15 sometimes springs froiu genuine modesty. But there is danger that this seelusioii become a habit, curl escape, froii it in matirer years beeoiie impratlieable. It is best f or you, as well as for your fel' lows, that you at oiiee throw, yourself i t the eomumoii life of men, eontrtb- ole' youmr share to lie eomiiion stock of iteletuial and~ moral aetivity aiiii dtraw from soeiety the 1help0whtici it is reatdy to give you. "Be not carried away by the fash- iomis aiid fadts of the' hour. Be notill- prisonied within the wsails of whatever association you hiay *belomig to. Do rcit sit icily down. suetflatter your- selves that you and yourt gen'rattn ame to be easily floatedl ilts enduring properity by any of your iligelious dtevices of le gislaition or' social reoil- struetioii: Search for the truth as for hidden treasure. Riedeemn tiletune with faithful 'toil day by .lay. With utiseltishi real for the ,good iof iltilhilid share tihe truth you tieid with 'stheris. acc'ordinig to the meiasue' of your ailt- LAWS OWNED YESTERDAY, CLASS DAY EXERCISES OF THE COMING LL. B's. President's Address. E. M. Walsh; Class History, J. W. Ferrier; Poem. S. G. Baker; Prophecy. J. W. Day.. ton; Valedictory, P. G. Burnham. .The exercises of the senior law class we re held at tniversiiy Hall yesterday forenooii. It was rather an inlappiropriate hiour for much of 'ii att('ndaliee.tie haltbeing only liar- tially tilled. Eaceh attendant wvas giveli a tast-2fully pinted progratm, wh'lichi outlimied the followviiig exercises; lSri etioli .. .. Clieiualieg;oniOrc'lie ave Address by tPresideit.... E. 2M. Walsh Class History.....on W'. I+'erri C'lass P'rolphcy ..(leorge W. tDaytln Selection . .. . Cliequaiiegoii Itrbe ,stiat Class Poeii....Saniforid (t. Baker Vailedictory .i ilo G'. Buriiham Selec tion . .. . Cieoiuamiegoii Orchestra Mr. Walsh in his address gave a partial history of the class, besides mnakingaii effort to ilupress uo-n the niembiers the serioiisiiess of the active( work into whieh they w,,re' abcout toc cnter. All of the claiss of '9t5i caiiiot expect to become faimous bult echclhlas a illy to performi.Ill THDE NEW SHIPMENT OF R usset Shoes -AT-- "JAC O BS & ALLMAND Washisgton Mlock, Ann uArbor. ED. A. CADIEUX. PROPRIETOR 0O' THE Latest Improved Barber Shop Is the city. E. Wasinsgtonsts., ist door east of Male it. Anii Arbor. ICE CREAM,. SODA WATER, FLOPS ad IOTOX. fsad allsmere hver- ag-es. Cloing oat' PIPES BFtLOWV JOLLY &CO.,G'TO SATE TenisCAI~cTS 3 c 1 1 i 1 i j pontnsof his own mind oii the ' mnatter hiowv humtiienmayice' his sta' h g ~ity to apprehii'iiil tiii' anh to iiuse' one' hiansciand a Itedicy within hii t o il aeioetinth ttps oen it lifc'. Thle ige' d meuis met to coinformi somewhat to the customis acastiavexsiicti: ieill cit Him who was the waly miii 'le life,ths wiiig1iofatfuywa. eindi ideas of those laroundicthim, . toe Ii,'t ofitfly ht because tie wais tire. truth," iiisds hiiiiself the subject of an almiost ____________ ever iuely teveolve' up~oni iiihesitions 'onitinuoums coniltict. If his comisciemice SENIOR PROMENADE. which they occupy. is psowerful and his socilimpuillsi. Ninety-Five Entertained Its Friends In thit history, which was assigieci1 strong, thits conflict. is ofteniseioms, it Last Night. toe. 1. IV.te'mrie r, theiiiembers of iih' Cimes s~lmost tragic. It is a battle' class ve're given a review of the two from wich n earnst natre ca ever The' seconietamnmnmal promienadte of the yer'cus hc mrcd h c frompe literairno classstiiasttteld loitthear eurewihebae h escape. It begins iii cihilhiood iid 'teoiemralassna doi ie otupiisinemts iii oratory, iteracy co- comtincies till cieathi. Thiire ore tess'amtula lst 111is ir it visltte'nts inch athiletics icy thoseoshisoscere grao'er problems iti life thou thits otf ti otllisfitet.iralScI iitbout to third thieir ciegrees from this hecismigth isoiereciilootc s 'ooceilafter 10 the' froiit salkis of time ehlrml'i.'u'cashs oe i fidelity to shies better self imid thieit sre roetc sth eior i miatlhionior in debae', hesie's hasviug cs hurt gosins, tooo'mepeophe andci os- fraternial, genital, .hieful rlitiomi to i furnishiedtgoodt sinuto the oarious ethem'"tcrs froiiiouit of tcowmi. 'Cte oaltks hrs"athletic' tr=ains. 'Thie' iresiuiemitcommuemteci uplonitie' u'ti'eiie ses hi'o iecii- The' class propche'sytby George W. raidicitincrease of societires, socialiri'rioous-werr' stritmg osith Chinehse lmn- Daytont, occuiuedle-onsidemable timue, ligious amid othserwis'e'imidttheir hm mhr reotth ilit o ten-rndosas thiorotughly ejoye d icyall tetucytoIcco'ethechc'feelimig of ituiivi-ilai lttofo st~ hl oe'e ~ rtthe' claess: Itotas mist possiblheto etreth iind'htepe'nienc'immictsturdy self-i'- tttSui' iit itisctai ouchiupotheeli'fituii'retfevery mie'ii.- hiil iec r''trc i c s'Ctt hue frlaternlity hiccise'salonelg Staite' o.hehhteoie'scck'harsbr lianc. Heel: recaed te pr'sen tel- 'crs also igloos' oith Chinmise l btii- teorce pk cer hr deciiy toosarit sociealismi, sayinig thliaC i n ovas muenmiomiesansuinhmiiost torns. isie ovas fur1iisie l by tiii thicre' is no wvay for mlen to mut e timi eases the ecominig daly huts munch in hiotest livimng bitt to oworkr for it amid (h maleoioeieta ohii v steore for lie average 'I5 lasv. that Utphn scemeies of salegoiaslatiorinn roitci Eit I. t 1. ILoctg,im his ortionitheated leilto versity hail, It osas a repectitiomi if ht'k«.Pltc. cannomit alter this fact. In concltusion "This Scholar iiitn Hco" ie said tie sid: irmeai rhr'o ouurc'n'i the schiolair wa~smist a hiookt ooron, "Thes practical question to oohich I woeeki so susccessfullhy introdchiede by '94 tiut alroanli of ieteas, a maiiioolt ovish to call your attemtion is, hoot last tune. suffiec'iet sagacity timd used it' success- shall edutcatedimuon and wvomen like Prof. G. IH. PCinhter andicifeit, cef fixlly in the gr'ett lchortchhuiies. pro- you, ovho are about to cuter on active Chicago imiliversily, overe guiesco at semted ini this political arena~. 'The life, maintalin your equipoise, do your Ptresident Angel's house over Sumtety. chose' of hitsorationi sas greetedwo-its wvhiole dty to society and yet psreserve Miss Kittie I' alerbmmry, of Kiaa~i.m liberal applausec. Mr. Fong is a torch' your ooon persooshtyt zoo, is the guest (lurimig tolitmel-ce- his, spoater and hold hits hearers' "You must work in society. TYouinmept of Mliss Jemimihe Coma, '95. (Comtinned..on Second Page.) 'Campbell at $5.21. Spalding at $5.25. Sears Special at $4.00. Slocan Tournanment $4.35. Country Club at $3.35. .Sweaters Going at Cost ,UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE, STATE ST.f