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June 22, 1895 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-06-22

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A. 0. SPALIJING & BROS. ._r_____We
Athletic Supplies. Young
GOF RETEHGHS fALL HIGH GRADES. ens n art amen~tfour ahhgadeAcers-
ti'too11c oto, wh ichw ethoynparovad.roe
_ ~Waranted supero to ay Bcycle built to the word regartlesof tp ric.r o neuti.h bicycle eaaies anprovesN
]ontbe tndced to pa ao rooey Cr a infeior whee. Iosst on satsfactory.
Uniaforms for AU Sports. levig the 'tavrley Built autoarated by the tndiaa Bicyclo C.,Ldisepoyed otthe
+ a omillio dollar cotern whose bod is as good a gold Young Lde aetrs
____fItboyto rio apply thy tut bewlteeou-
RDTHSALNGBYLE-21 lb SCORCHER, $85 22 lb LADIES', $75. mendd Wrteiir patiula.
THE LEADER FOR 1895. H. J. BROWN, Exclusive Agt. j CE LRID
HIANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE cO 1 I3 1A E IFai. D 10 -or 17%A...H a - 10 a
SENTFREE. T-i E i L--.
1EW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. a WANAMIAKER tailors 20 miles of cloth per day. lie buys
Ii at enormous discounts. You buy of him and you avoid the profits of=
the wholesaler, the jobber, the middleman. 500 samples. Up-to-
MOORE & WETMORE date tailoring. Fit guaranteed. Swell Suits x+18.
6 S. Main st, and State t, cor- W .9.NA&M AEER &3R.owN,
nr of William t., have WvIISEY'S OLD STAND. STATE STREET
full lines of ______________________________________________
AND__HAMMOCKS_ wit the Ide Elliptic Sprig crak.
AN AMCS For low party rates to Iowa If you are going West or THE F. F. IDE MFG. CO.,
-AND 00 - points and the Northwest see Southwest see C. H. Lingen- Peoria, Ill.
Gift Books for Commencement S. L. F. Reece, No. 40 Kings- felter, No. 371r S Division st.,
-ley St., who is making up a and arrange to join his party. ICE3 COLD
Cal ndse u bfoe urhain. party to leave about Corn. Low rates and special accom-A -
Callandee s bforepurhasng.mencement Day. modations.SO D V .I . i
THE LEADING TAILOR Flour is going up. Tomatoeu are going down. A. E. MUMMERY'S.
Eat Tomatoes.
and importer has received the 3 Pounda Greenwood, 75 cetts per dozen. NEW ART TILE SODA FOUNTAIN
largest and most select stock of 3 Pounds Peninular, 85 cents per dozen.
IMPRTD ND OMSTC WOLNS3 Pounds Riveride, 95 cents per dozen. Ice Cream Soda, Vernor's Glinger
IMPOTEDANDDOMETICWOOENSAll good Fresh Goods. Ale, and all poplar drinks.
for Spring and Summer of '95 in :IX AN & O MP~ANTY- A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE,
the city, and would he pleased 44 South Main Street.
to have you call and examine ______________________________
I biteo. FoutttAe, nd ashloton 5.
the same. UNIVERSITY NOTES. I BUSINESS LOCALS. _____________
Full Dress Suits a Specialty. JS uttT LAE J FM LG
Yliu de ftteil Iarvard Thursday by lI JS MMNPES. c. UO LG
E. Wahington t.. near Main. a scoeif 7 to 4. The progresivo nd aggressive rail-
C. E. Dorratnce, 'l2, was tarried to way in the ine itt Itetcangeale
S W E"A T E R S iss Lua Bell at her hotme' in iot, :Meiae i the Ohio Central. Among 2 0 E c
Cal., June U, te frt to isue this boot it hasoa- 1ch
C orMn andBos Catidates for adiissien to liii lit- ways been the aler, It now pub-,
racfy deiarnent will be examined fishes 67T distinct systemsl of taitpor. .ANL',Jwlr
- 4 BfTM LAMB'S toddyand Monday. Ce~riha ation Separated into divisional lisCURAEAIODTCK S
tiev. J .Sneln ilpec I si ln ymnitas 123 tas U AERIRA IKT
WO OLSWEATERS O ntra lesei ier-tortatien linea rcrsentrt. A full
mg oti "The Religion of Eiminent lit will be mailed upon apflication to to all pont oe sale by
in black, navy, white, li." any aent of the Ohio Central Liies. ANN ARBOR R. R. TICKET AGENCY,
garnet and gray, M. L. Deiarr, '9:, intructor in MOULTON ItUt. G. P. A., 33 E. Huron S-
for Boys, tup to 32 celisi.try iniIiian 'erritory, ia here Tol do, Ohio.acorniero rlala Ti;ct Brkors Asn
J{ inch sizes, for stieitilwerk in chemtistry rthis Ha v you seei tie Lniversity arms ate~edelto,.l Ticets bought atd s old.
$150- attistter. -Mintlha pin~ltig the wy to fate-
Fo ealszs ~ I' . Ciaibrlain, '4 L, who is done in blue and egold at W alton's, Scalr'2oksoe
F o M n, al s ze , low riacticiuc law at M1anistee, Mlli i.. State as. D on't fail to get 1th m, and c a sB o
w$2.00. is in tlia city to attend Commenc- while -there buy the arma o e
moet execises. United States, the prettiest pair n
Straw'bridge & Clothier W .E.Nwcomner, 94 B. A., who ea'th. Is Formerly with George Wahr, 19
PHILADELPHIA. ris been teachinig at Bellevue, Kanas, CHATTANOOGA AND RETURN., E. Washington t. Headquarters for
___________________________will take special work in Greek ad For meeting of Epworth League, everything a Studen needs in the
I tinl in the siiiiier school. CatnoTe.,Je27o3.line ofa Textstco Boos Stationery and
Chta1gTnt ue2 o3.Miclas sSok in general.
~nivnEVERtY DAY Agents of Ohio Cetral Lines will sell.
Ua~ t Excursion rates t the Virginias antI ticket at One Far, for the round ]MARTIN SCHALLER,
Iain pial $5.25 hastarviaCunbus.eThispis thetAg, eliJnts fOhio Cna ,linemill1t .Wsigonu. n lc
Ohio Central line; through trains 1 cays. See Ohio Central Agents. THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER,
Going at the following prices: daily between Tolede" and Charleston FOURTH OF JULY.
Campbellhotes and tost direct route. Con- sell Excursion Tikea beween all aa- es fMi~t
Seais Secil--------4.00 sut agents 0. C. Linies. 33 ions at one fare for round trip, sell- 9.STAR Q
Country Club----------- 3.50 Law library and moderate practice lg July 3 and 4 ii uy5 e
Slcr vl------.5for sale. Reasonable price. Healt, Ohio entral genlimtJuy5..711e STEAM LAUNDRY Co.
caue. hisis he oatpromising t-It is undertood that the ale-Ha- Hg le n unui iih
Slocu~m Tournament---- 4.25 cation in toe country today. Addes a y ahot race will bealed at 430 .SSRVSMngr
Slocum -- --------3.25 Attoney', 06 American Bank Bldg., p. mn. next Saturday.
Sloum r----------2~0Kansas City Mto. All pesona holding tickets to he 23 SOUTrIJFOURHTM AVENUE
Sou Jr------- +0 Teacher or student for next three lecture which was to have been givenHmeso gaateTee rkr uo
--AT- moths to interview parents upon an by Prof. Kelsey this year may have latonittfIu.
educational ailer. Call or addess their money refunpded 'by presenting Cosby & Xcxeon R. R. Ticket Agency
S h e h a . E1 E. J: Serge, 133 Jefferson ave., D- the tickets to the librarian at Si- 5H Adams a., Chcagb. Reduced rats to all
Sh e O.S& itH'Mih 183 MilanEal.poin su ach AThe iKinderareto Sa

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