THE~ U. OF M. DAILY. Time Table (Revised),BMay 19,1i894. Maliand Ex-1__350 Mail -------8 43 N.Y. Special---- 500 NY.Special--- 710 Eastern Ex--- 10 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 A. iM. Pacific Ex --11 57 Atlantic Exs-__7 47 r. M. D. N.Espress-....'5 40 Westers Ex____2 (W G."R. Express __.11 05 Chi. Nt. Ex- it--1028 GR.Ex--- 5 57 0. W. RUSSLES, H. W. lOAYES, G. P. & T. Agt.. Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. T., A. A.. & N. M. RY. Taking effect Sunday, April 7,1804. Traes leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand- ard time. 8:07 a. m. *7:15 am. *12:25 p. m. 11:30 a. m. 4:5 p. m 9:00 p.m. Going Norith a1 9:15a. m. Going-South at15lp. m Trains Sunday run betwecs Toledo and Hambnrg Junction only. *Trains rsn between Ann Arbor and Toledo onnA.Ii trains daily eacest Sunday. R. S. GREEN WOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toleds 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY, Time Table, May 26, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti frsm Congress st., :00,08:00 and 11:00 a. nil 12:45,2:15,5:00, :45, 0:30 and 11:00 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Jsnction, 7:00, 8:30 ond 11:30 a. i.: 1:15, 2:45, 5:00, 7:15, 10:00 asd 11:00 p. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypianti from Congress st., :30, 3:30, :00,06:30 and 0:00 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 and 9:30 p. m. Cars ran on city time Parr: single trip 15 cents: round trip tickets 25 Cents. WM. F. PAIMER, Snpt. JEMPLE, SPECIA[ 00 MASCOT $100 FOR Wheels - $1,0 The Superb, an $05 Wheel far $65 J. 1. MEE & F. R. CUTCHEON, 11 MtOsNROESTREET. AGENTS DIETAS & SCHANZ, V. OFrZM. TA~LOR.S Our Spring and Sumnier. Woolens ame now on sale. Prices Low. Call and see no. 485S.State it..Serond Floor, AnArbnr. 22 Years in the Business.- - *~s CITY LAUNDRY, M. M5.' SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing dose neatly by AUG5(. SCIIONEWA.I), I26 R. Wsshinsgtsel EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! 20 EAST- HGRON STREET. Good Werk Guarasteed. Goods called for and delivered. A: . . es1EbT. Prop. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGBS BANK~ Ann Arbor, Mick. Capit.aI Stock, $50,000 Surplus, $50,00 Orfanied under the 0eneral lBankingLaw The Line for Western Students. University News Depot The CHICAGO GRtEAT WESTERN t. is the sot and direct line wills.ALL THE frequnent foot 11r1ins froma Chicago to: LUDNG DPI[S ANPD PERIODICALSl Dubuque, St. kaul, Minineapolis, Wat- One-hallfiblock wes.t froan bu~ild- crloo, lMarshlnaltown, Des o lies, St. 11,ga:oilSNiliams St. .Jssephi, Leaveiiworthi, Kaisasoty 1, in- P. C. IVIEY IR, PROP. ternlediatl statioins 51101all poiints .- ___________________________ youd00. Their splendid staitionl at Clii. 4 0 ca1go is located right initheil:'l::.rt Cf tile city aiid close ciiicctioiis are maeat terinieial djunictioii poiints MACKINAC LINE with lilies divecging. This hone m:ay we~ll be termed the E R "Students' PopulacrIailwa y" so well TA ES do they look after' every detaili which tens t o please sod imake happiy Otie Tourists Route. tired student on his way home or to SEMI-WEEKLY FROM his vacation point after hiso hardl work iii college. CLEVELAND, TOLEDO AND DETROIT Mr. A. W. Noyes is the District iPep- F Oo resentative of this hone aind will be in this city with headqluarters at the A IA ILAt CIBOGN Amenricain Ho:uoelouday, Tuesday ST. IGNACE, ALPENA, anll Wedisesd~y of coloueieenlei. Ansi nil Ports ons rise West Slire tnf Lake 3ok el or5 iinform~ation:i llisy 0b:Husrs::. otbtaliniedtog ether -wih:mapsi,etie., not thitssoe i. Iliervi: 55 1:1:11 fri-'e= Bcmmceth lis is lthe :only line: isin:as sengers the:oporitu:nit oflsigili:Ce:i:P irill ly regarding your trilp if 3011 go west. sorts othis ppolar:rout e. Also eici::opa sengers s-aldiizg an e:iiliiuosstripsixhus JUST A MOMIENT, ', PLESR onttic faosMasck:li::nc isla:d. To the Interchangeanble ilileage espe nes igMno:: 1nn~ls n:ot ticket issued by the Ohio s - ntennli Cleveland to Mackelinae Island:insd rc- ~e sarin, seven-da:y trip- -- ------$40 Lines, already tile best in the miarket, Toledo~ to Ilaclinc Island andn return, ' ~~~~~six-day trip.....-----------12.00 has &en addeds the entire B. & 0. Detroit to 51:elioawIsblaodanodreels:rn, five-day trip . . . ..------ -----11.00 systemil west of Pittsbsurgh, Including, Tickets good to riourn: iny time dourin~g tihe the Pittsburgh & Western Itiairsai, OSeason,. miakinig it iincompai~rably the best nile- Coinseetimic at MacnkinacneIsiland witn all steanmers tsor Cicae~go, AisNakee, Petoskey, ago ticket issued iiy aiiylhue. If yoil Sault Sec Marie, ansi nil pinss innLaknnicn- i: ign, ak~.:e Sniperior,and GOvn-cnBay; and at want a ticket that incldssthe R1St. agnce wi1h1:1). S 5 & A. ipy. tsr all points & O.sysem s wll s Bg Fursuc intheUpper Peininnsla anid tins Stest. Write f~gtor uh on me tbli~e. tickets are issued by Ohio Central S.1B. 00Ui1510ND, OGenl151M:nager. Agents only. P. GRANT GRiIMi5ONi), Panss. Aprt. NOTICE TO) I ATERNITi.s. GOn-er:l Ofiers, ODetroit, 511cm. The dssirable dwhviiig at 47' S. Have you rosoms to reni? if so, ail- Foulrth ave. is for saile o very reaso- vertise theml in rthe Dailyp. able terinus. 71 contains all ionslci conv-eniences ani s first clainuvS-ry DON 'T BUYr~r respect. Its locatioiin i~ecs tis rcsi- 1 1)U ilenco very desiraitle ais a chaspter bouse for a fraternity. F~or termns 1'- YOUSCA-NT cal11 at 47 S. t-uirtil ave. HOAVE YOUR HEAt) EXAMINED. BnnY M Bty Prof. Eri::: V. Howve, Pnhre~nolo- gist, at 4 N. 1-ifthi ave. Eveniugs Gi EVERY SHEETV to 10. Cha~rgres, 5t0e for oral descrip- Ito::, 75e with chart. Hero a short timie olnly. 183 ToaRlet-For nect3ear, the over siory of livs-crsomns, sell furitshed. Inquire at 13 Willard of. YOI~TUR OUTING 9O TO PICTUREQ~ ORCKIK9C ISLBNKD. ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDE 5 AT SMALL EXPENSE. DO YOU WANT GOOD BICYCLES AND tQUICK SHIPMENTS?+-+ -- 'THE OSUIPERB SM"ALLEY BICYCLB-wmwmiw We are even on orders for G entL' Special, 21 lbs., Aluminum Finish, andt can prfomptly ship them., Isu don't atsk for Ladies' Wheels or Racers to be sbippcd same dlay Order Gents' Wheels end s- cure a ready seller. We have an 18 lb. Roael Wheel., 4 in. tread. PLYMOUTH CYCLE MFG. CO,9 PLYMOUTH, IND. 0. Lippnan, A&gent, 46 E, William St. THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEON OF CHICAGO. Annual Session begins in Septemn- her and continues seven imouths.. Four years graded course. Laborai- tory, Clinical and Dispensary ad- vasntages exceptionally good. For aninual anuounceucenit a-nd other in:forimationi address Corres- ponding Secretary, DR. BAYARD HOLMES, 34 'Wshiin:gtonSt., I iiisaie- WOOD PULP CLINEN RAPElt WATEaMARKED. ' f r". I 1 s 1is the great from from ludii~g it and-- tc tie 300, its- ---oting _- -_ cisters, ughsi lto be ;eners orably in con- r week Macki- etweenis None genuine-without thil Watermark. Doi't be deceived by the iJust adiand1 as Good, insist on, having, the SWAN. Th~is Celebrated Paper iimn' mosy be h4 dof all dealers, printers and stationerss in any size and sir- weight with 'envelopes to match. A. A. Mich. BETTLER LAY IN A SUPPLY FOR VACATION USM~