THE U. OF M. DAILY. joL sfx P i Published Dully (Sundtay excepted) dursn, the Colleg;e year, at. THE UHIVERSiTY of .M CHIGAN. OFFICE: Times bulllding N. Main st., opposite post office. The University of ('lilags t M ky, in sitncled iitil nthlistgalle'of last Stuttrsday,tiressthe, disirtiblity itf a tihirud gamsetopltay osilthlisttie hetw, en Mitisigati 011d1Chicago. It osays that as tiolt 'Iixersity dots list close utili the 27thi, 001' pleaof aodisbanded teaml is nt salid. For the infoilia- tion of or Chiicaigo friends tie daily woustsateSisal. thoutgh Cnnitnce- slent sdoes nt coleontsiil next weekc, the work ofSthendie-elassneti loo been ft ltmost part cotipletedsonne, days illet.STejuiolaw c10 tasO si- ishiei its work ai week ago Thitrsiiay, 10111 the otlier iprofessiolnal deletS- ienty were evteiiearliti'. 'Tile filet is, steviral of ourt nine walletS over for several days fth Suitrpl~ose of playitig willh Chicaogo last Saturdaty, 101111lii?Mon~day after tilt gameitonly Shreeofithliltteamiliwere lift, ini towni. If Chicago in as anixiouso for a third gamel as11solinclaims, slit has only liself to blaiiii for hiavinig nitti" 110 nrrllngellielts fur suchi a gamiie evi- dently having ctnlutdedibeforel ly- lng Sthesi-coltS gamle with unohatnto11 tiet cotuldlpossibly aisel, hot tiatshlt would Icietainlly will. Aosite"Champiionishipitof tilt W1est," it is 1111emlpty iiaiie anyway. ''iere ca111 EU 10oiquestioni that Mliigaiiandi ("hicago were tar ill tielehai, of the othie teamlls of the West. As in whirls is thle better', opinions will diffler. Oue Chicago fri.litlowould have +itthtt thei adtlsatige. is wills thlen), hecases they de'featedi'ts nby' a larger settle thtan that tbywhich we dlefeatedl thii. So they wouldi forget-how' Wirtolloil t'nivt'rsity clulb 12 to 11. Comiparisttn of scores is certalinly lnt to or dis- advantage. We hayt the ceclebrated Swyan Linen pahitir and eiivelopes to match. GEORGE WAIIR. For Sale Cll,,ont-Enliish Settr Pop- hits. Standiard bret. By Duko of York 3350 antI Sciato Girl 17746. Inquire at 34 Packard st., Ann Arbor. (ANew Camera!Sns't m The society or organination= i which has its You Haven't Wings but - You cat fly (almost) if yea ride a Victor Bicycle weighing 19 pounds, St oances. Tbecligbtecd weight high- grade bicycle on She mardel. Try it. Weight rcdoced by accurate tests made by the woodertol Victor Dynamometer. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Mktrs oftVcstoitcles. Rosto. New Yotk. Dtroit. Dester. San Francisco Los Angeles. Portland. MS STAEBLER, Agenst, it1b W.sshingtottst. DITSON MUSIC. "Six Love Songs," By Franh E. Sawyer. Translations of Six of noise's fisest lyrics is estguisite musical settisgs. Heavy Pnper. 7b conts.' "COLLEGE SONGS" The standard collection of College Soses. Over 300,000 sold. Heavy Paper, 5O cents: Cloth. Gilt. $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Only bosh of 'tue id.' published. The sosgs of the leading collenes for women. Heavv Putter. $1.00. Eighty-two piee for the guitar from the best soutces. A "plendid collection. idnnd- om eCover. 50 cents. Any books sent postpaid on receipt of price OLIVER DITSON CO., 45-a63 Washitngtont, Bosliston. C.hi.iDitson &Co. N Y. U. S. CYCLOMVETER. /1 jx PROGRAMS, m MEIN U CARDS. c= z Printed at the THE ~ Argus Office., TEHAWK-EYE, JR., Will accommodateftlm for025exn td isloaded WE CAN SUIT YOU. atnduttloadedtisoro'tddaylitght.t GlssiPlates _________________ cn bo os'ed withiot any extra attahments. r N 5 tncluding Sunlighbt Film for 12 exposures. _ Setnd for Catalogue describing all binds of-1- Ctameras anod Accessories. The Blair Camera Co. 1s5heLPADING SCHOOL OFOBUSESS and iSO' LINERlt ~ IONS Magniitheuilding;tenteaeces; cae; IL~~l~HI 7 stendace; goad disciltne; superion work; s-cl 1lIJEUhsupplietd reading eonm;daily lectarea; iSaturdao WEEK ShIR reeeptot ions; oen theentireyear. Eacep onlueailtitesleer placing students in positisons Pcig oe Catalogue address Solid (brooch trtains between Toledo. Ohto °5R5 CLFARY. Pres. sod Chtarlesetn,'W. Vs. via Coumbus, tte short anti only dlirect route. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Toledo, 0. OF ANN ARtORS. Findlny, 0. Organised 1063. Renton, o. Capital, 0100,000. Surpluts and Profits, $40,000 Columbus, 0. Transacts a generaulbankitng business.. Foreign rxchanges bought and sosld. Furnish .Athens, 0. letters of credit. 3 iddinpart, O. P. IOAC1i Fres. S. WI. CLARKSPON, Cashier. Pomery, 0. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Adevanced class in danscintg for latdies and gentemenoat Grangeur's cadey Richmond, Vn. Petersburg, Va. fA~f A Old Point Comfort, Va. SATURDA EVENINGS IT 'Wiltinmsburg, Va. to June 22d. Curds of admision cantbSe Newport News, Va. procuted for rutheening or series. Pri- vate lessons tont taltz anud "Two-StrF' Norfolk, Va. speialty. 01ficc: Ground nloor IMy Hatrd st. 'o,5iy And nil sootheausteronpoises. Elegnnt drawing ric e ors tl-ul tlcrlsnb trinsRANI AD OTR For further inoformation tall oyourlocal R. AU~ W~l ECEI Tither. Agent or write, hl VNI UIIO MIOULTON HOUK, GCmi Fsss. Act0. School of Dancing and Delsarte. Tsledo, 0. WN. A. PETERtS, Riieligus Pass. Agent, Saturday, 10 a. m., Gentleman beginnerseclass Detroit Mich. Saturday, 4 p. in., Lady beginners clasu. Mionday, 7:30 p. mn., Advanced Cass (Ladies and Gentlemen). ANN ARBOR Tuesday, 7:at p. m., Beginneru Clasu (Ladieu and Gentlemen). STEAM DYE W ORKS. Prvate lsons.byppointment. Ladies' and Gents' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. 8 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. V1at11ot3Tpes. Va72dE Bt FTIZIXE The latest thing in PHOTOuGRAFPiY FIRST CLASS. CUSTOM TAILORING at - Corner of State and William sts., B E R R.'7iIVM A N S . Williarnt at. eetrasce. S N. FHursit t. Soecital Rntes to Seniors. Toyou want boarders? If s 'o, ad- iin r rn CATER ER vertiso your board in the Daily. flU IUII~ irn 20ntnWashing- Figures in illusration read 23 i-to niles. 10,000 MILES. PRICE $3.00. Repeats omaylite st backt. ONE OUNCE. ONE INCH LONG. 36. 28 and 10 inch. Interchangesblelousny sine by getting eatra piece at 25icents. NO. CHINESE PUZZLE TO SOLVE. Rends plainly from saddle. Least liable to injury. Clamps on ford nut of ths way and safe from accident. Case is solid German silver. All other pnrts noncsorosive. Dust and water cannod injure it Every meter tested- at-00 miles per hour and guaranteed accurate. Electrotypes furniahed on application. BEAN & LANG, MFGRS. 967-7etlNaln St. SON.)D DU LAC, WIS. FIOWVERS, PLOWET~ Fur Everything and Everybody. COUSINS 1& GALL, [loriss565 UT ;voltYave; PR. {,Tf1ST ARMIS ONi EARTH. He&Whios.? - She-Why, ihe U. of,;5. arms, of course'; at 'Walton's, 5-2 Slate st. II IT'S HARD TO DO WITHOUT dnteonerfeui TublarFeed-he perfetly CEO. S. PARKERf FOUNTAIN PEN. Yur elri ieyt aetcn fh ant rt sadw'lsn o h nomto o atac ur adsmeillustriatenicaaloguefee.- pAR PEOJfiS'N SIQIPANY, Jansvlles,.WIn. SHEEHAN & CO. Exclusive Agents for Anp Arbor. The Fisk Teachers' Agen cy EVERETT 0. FISK & ' CO., 355 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois. CQTR --' Nakers oftC Ashburton Place, 75 FifthAvenue, 8000 Twelfth Street,: a55-Wabash Avenue BOSTON, M1ASS. NEW YORY, N. Y. WASHINQSTON D .. CHICOAGO, IL.' 52 ChprcloStrert, 420 Cetury Sdg, OLYMPIA, MiS.'~Spr~ng Street TOEONTO, CANu. MINNEAPOLIS, MINy. WASIItNOTON , LOUS M( ELE.S C L Send for.A goncy :Manual and Registration Bl~anks.