THE U. OF M. DAILY. I 1 MICHIGAN CGnTIA1i Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894 Msaland Ex-..3 50 Mal ---- 8 4 N. Y. Special.. 5 00 N. Y. Secial. 7 30 Eastern En...10 12 N. S. Liited.-_ 9 25 A. M. Pacific Ex..--11 57 Atlantic Ex-__7 47 P. M. D. N.Express -- 5 40 Western Es--2 00 G. R. Express --..11 0 Ci. Nt. Ma-- 7 0 2 G. R.Ex ----557 . W. RIGlES, H. W.Y HAYES GP. & T. At., Chicago. Ag.,An Arbo T., A. A. & N. Ti. ]RY. Taking effect Sunday, April 7,184. Trains leave Ann Arbr n Central Stand- ard time. NT.IT:07 a. m. 7:lp". n. -12:25 p. m. 1:9 .i. 4:5 p.m 9:W 1. m Going North at 91:5a.n. Going Soth at :15 p. m. Trains Ssnday roen betwea Toedo and Hamtr Jncton only.- 'Transrens between Ass Arbor and Toledo Alli trains daily except Ssnday. R. S. GREEN WOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT . P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST RY Time Table, Maty 26, 1895 Leave Ypsilanti from Congress et., 0:00,:00 and 1:00 a.i.; 52:45, 2:15, 5:00, :45, 9:0 and 1100 p.. Leave Ann Arbor Juctos, 7:00,8:0 and 11:30 a. in; 1:15, 2:45, 5:0, 7:15, 10:00 and 1:00 p. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congrest., 1:0,3:0, :00, :0 and 9:00 p.m Leave Ans Arbor Junction, :00,4:00,5:0, 7:00 and 9:30 p. mn. Cars ron on city time Fare: single trip 15 eso round trip tickes 23 cents. '. W. 1F. PAKEn, upt. T1MPLE, SPECIAL 00 MASO $100 FOR wheels . ~ $1.00 The Superh, an $05 Wheel for $5, J L. MEE & F. R CUTCEON, 1i MONO'SsEET. ANTSv DIETAS & SCHANZ,' Q'. OF M. TAILOS Our Spring and Sumner Woolen re now on ale. Prices Low. Call and see us. 48. State St., Seond Fosr, AnsArbor. 22 Yearn in the Business1.. CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. XERCHANT TAILORING! Cleaning, Pressisg and Repairing done eatly by A~TO(. SUt5O0t6JEWAL), on R. Wahingos EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! 20 EAST HURON STREET. Good Work Guarnteed. God aled for and delivered. A. F. Ut5SFsKT Prop. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ass Arbor, Mic. Caitlx Stock, $1,000. Surplus, 150,00. Orgased under the Geseral akig Law "of tis State. Receives depooits, bys ad sells exchange us the principal cities of tse United States. Drfts cashed pos proper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent Orracets: Christian Mac, Pee.: W. D Harriman, ice-Pes; Ghs. E. iiscock Cashier: . J. Pets Asistat Cashier. R.NEW ,C OLLEUR The Line for Western Stdents. The CICOAGO GR~EAT WESTERN RtY. is 0thesort aod direct lin withs frequent. fast trais froissCiicgo to Dubuquoe, St. tPaul, Mintaolis, Wat- trlo, Mrshsalltwn,.Des -Moines, S. Jlo~se, Ltesenworth, Kasaiss Clty, ii- terns: iti stationlSsostdall poinit bo yoisd. Their slndidti statini at Chi- caigo is loteditiright i 1te teart f 71t.:ety antl close cneoi~.ctins arc ssadte oat trminaiil ani jnctionspin5107 with ineuss dierging. This l1inellmay rillb teriedth ie "StudetslsPopla~r tRailwy,'so well sds ty look 5.71er every tdetill wihe. tends to p1 :sortd iilate l happy list tiredl studsent ons his wvay home or to hissvaciationtpoiOtifter his ihardl work inllege:t. Mr. A. W. Noys is tilt District Itetp- resenitativst of tis lhue ani will be in this city with headquat~rters at t011 Amsericain Hoots .-1Monttay, Tutsavi andi WSettiesdtay 07 ttttstsiittitti wseek, tr hisf:tsi::t i:ts siay be obtaluined:1together _ilts maups, t., at0 Ihis osics- - to:rvi. w lhsmsfre-- ly- regardinig your tript it3001go we-st. JUST A StoMENT, PLEASE. To the Interechangeable Mileatge Lines, aleadty the best ii the nsuret, has ben added the entire 1. & . systemn west of Pittsburgh, ineludig the Pittsburegh & Wsterns ailroad, mal~king it incomtparably the best mile- age ticet istued by any ise. If yoti wanlt aItiket thtt inl-ide tse . & 0. syst 07 a5 well as ig For, sods tickets are issuted by Ohio Central Agents sissy. NOTICE TO) FRIA'TERNITIE.S. Thise 1srb~le sitwelling 0at47 . Forthi ave-,slofcr slit-otnvsey resoin- abletrms. It cotains all ms~oe conivenie s antI is first ltss its ev:r respet. Its lotio stoakes this otsi- dentsstery diesir~tblc 71s :a ehapter boseftr a fratetrity. 7or termsi tall at 47 S. Foutrth ave. SlAVE YOUR HEAt) EXAMINED. By Prof. En.sts V. Hoswe, tPhreniolo- gist, at 4 N. lifths ate. Eeninlgs0 ts 10. Cha~rgs lOct for oral desrip- tiotn, 75c with echart. Heitaso:rt timse only. 13 To R)ent.-Fotr ssxt year, ltse lotwser story of five-roos, ''seli furnished. Inqtuire 'at 1 Wilsrd st. ;'M ~YOJUR DTING 60 TO P10111115 uii JIIBKIN00 ISLON. ONE THOUSAND. MILES OF LAE RIDE AT SMALL EXPENSE. fVisit thinIHitorical Island which i the grtndet summer resor 0n the Grea Lskes. It oly costs about $13 frm r Detroit ; $19 from Toledo ; $10 fron Cleveland, for the round trip, incluiig imeals and berths. Avoid the biet aid dulost by triveling on the D. & C. foting :s:tces. Tie attractions of a trip to the lackusmecreion are unsurpsed. The s Wndi itself is a grand romantic spot, is I :-lmnote miost' invigorating. Two nw 3 teel passenger steamers have just been ShlbSfor the upper lake rute, costing x0000each. They are equipped with ~very modero conveninc, annunciaors, atis rooms, etc., illuminated throughou ±vy electricity, and are guaraneed to b le grandest, largest nd safest steamer talr freshs water. 'Theme steamers favrably opre wills the great ocean liners in con- truction and speed. Four trips per week oetween Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Macki- ::e, St. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, BSoo, 1Goqirole anid Duluth. Daily between (.levelaud ard Detrit, sd Cleveland and Put-in-Badiy. Tie palaial equipmen ruskes traveling on these steamers thor- oughly enjioyable. Send for illustrated descriptive pamphlet. Address A. A 12EaexTz, G. P. A., D. & C.. Detroit, Mic. University News Depot DO YOU WANT GOOD BICYCLES AI. 'THEAND QUICK SHIPMENTS? + -.+- LIHNG (ALl.S INDPERIOBICALS1T One-hlf locis) wst froms iaw boild- I " 9f5 ff eflI N P.C0. WM BYER. PROP. WULIU IIILL GRUMMOND S BCY E- M AOK INA C LINE We are evenl oniorders for Gents' Special, 21 lbs., Aluminin Finish, STEAMERS, and can promptly ship theon, hot don't tair for Ladies' Wheels or Tourists Route. Racers to be shipped same day. SEMI.-WEEKLY FROM Order Gents' Wheels and se- CLEVELAND, TOLEDO AND DETROIT cure7 a ready seller. -FOess- We hauve an i8 lh. Roadl Wheel, MACKINAC ISLAND,. CHEBOYGAN, 4 in. tread. ST, IGNACE, ALPENA, ®aaaamam Ands 211i Ports on.sthe WSsthore of Lauke Huron.PLYMOUTH CYCLE nMFG1 00, Rementsr b~hsis t:::::tetPLYMOUTH, INDT. sengers thse oppoertnty :0 sistein' t l nort's :o thisp:ouar:::t:.(Als , igps10 zpn n gA L t rerngrroman a f osg.:sr s::ts. p tf or on blue faossAl::thci::st It::: .46 E. William St. Farses, inclsudhng Mealssandbthsote Cleeladto Macsklu~hinaueIslan:d ,and rt- THE COLLEGE OF' toro, seven-dauytrips --- lies---- 140 sis -dtuy trip----- 1200 Di-iv---A-K ffl A-i1-A:12.00 Detroit to 31:sehui::utw Isls:: and s ets:r:, IIIUSII five-day trip----hitS--------- 10 Tickets good to rotors:::::ytimne douingthoe OF CHICAGO. Se:ason:, Connecrtinog ot SMuceinac:slaohnd wi:th::ll Annual Session beg-ins in Septem- Steamners fo:r0Chicagto, 11lhwasnlec Petskhey, ber anti continues sevenmonoithis, Sault Ste. Maurie, aallt punrts 5,:: Luue ASlh- igoos: Lakusts 5s and Gwen BtO:-r: :y;:sand at Frour years graided course. Laboras- 5.lgrsaee will: 1). S & A. all po:ints is: tbhe Upper tensul oa uaundltieIwest. Swelte tory, Clinical and Dispensary ad- for loose table. vantages exceptionally good. S. . RUSIODDeut1tl:racr. For annual announcescent anti P. GRANT OOIJSMON1), loss. Alt. Genseral Offices, Detro:it, Mich,:. otlier informatioin addrrss Corres- ptonding Secretary, h-ave you rooms Is rent? Itf so, ari DR. BAYARD HOLMES, voertiSe' thems in the Dlalyp. 34 Washingtor Sts., Chnicago. tl 'r i t l 3 3 r 1 r a l , 3 r C , t ,I DON'T BUY WOOD PULP IF- YOtUWANT LI\E\ PtAPERO EVERY SHEET WATERMARKED. None genuine without this Watermark. Don't be deceived by the Just as Good," insist on having the SWAN. This Celebrated Paper may he had of all dealers. printers and stationers in any size and weight with envelopes to niatch. BETTER LAY IN A SUPPLY FOR VACATION USE.