VOL. V. No. 181. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1895. PRICE THREE CENTS. SEE OUR WINDOW!1 "T'HERE MAY BE SOfDE'THINGD I1N IT." 51 SouthI Nain St. FASHIONABLETAILORING Elegant Graduating or light Suit made from Imported or Finest .no~.estio +*Woolens for $22.00 and up, Full Dress Suit $27.00, work made at homne hears inspection by any High Class Tailor and Cutter. Will be pleased to have yon call and be convinced., JOS. W. KOLLAUF, 10 E. Washington st., up stairs. FREST INE hOF3E LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES +TUTTLE'S, +4 48 S. STATE ST. SEE-.r.. THEINWSHIPMENT OF COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM, FOUR DAYS WILL BE CROWDED FULL OF EVENTS. Neat Week Will See the Literary Department's Fifty-First Com- mencement-The Alumni Dinner a New Feature. 1111'protgramlIfor (Commlenceent ,,eik, will 0o1 11 Suiday ii' xlati 8 1). in., ivIea Presidnt Aloel twill duliver his innual aiddress to lie geaduiatiill clases ii in flvrsiiy Hall. ;Fromllthat tinie unitil F+riday the wI ok Awill be (e1 o«(11'd full of llltltiliiit58. 'There will tiev two eveilts, of itflilt- iivc6e Montday. Alti10 a. in., ililIiiiver- ily H1l,11, senOtior law (chiss laly ex(,reiscs «ill beg-in. 'Tilt'prograti will conist of til address by the 111es1- leint. IC. M. Walsh, class history by J. W. Ferrier, pirophiecyry lG(. 1. Day- toil. orationl by L. G. Loi;, 11oe1m by Si. G. Rarker andil. alediletiryiby 1P. ior ttrolit-lllte, a featttrt so stltless- fuily iniaugturatedi by'1)1, wlliitake 111a(ce11oil e rcamputs. Tuesdtay. At 2 p. in. 1110 iillo'vitg. prtofrini of cla rhss daly exeris es wlii be rendleredl tuiderth ie 'Taphian ()ak: Cla1ss5hisitory, iR. ). Stustin; Dianieis; Iprtoplivey, M1abel1 (olton; lees- itdent's address. 11. 1.. Lynm. 'These i-Xeisl' ll. ibe110followed by the tre- celttttioll of the 1111t of P'resittii)t (It the cnose ,of the exereisies, liii'ple- cess1i1l) will fortollagllti11111d prceedi to the CommneneemleinttDiloer ill tiii gylinisilllil. Tiekets ltdiniti11-1to thei innl~er' 111st tte procuedl at tile Stu- ward's ottieo,price 30.11crntr. International College Games. TPhereo11(111seiiis a gtod ipossibiity of alliinternailtiolli o(((test Itetweten E'tiglisli aindAili ricail uniiversities itis year1,ilittiottihth tl'e ltdlellge of the 1. A. A. A. A. was lnot accepthd ill 11rlanld. A .j11n111 lialeig 11(1s 111 Y ale,11n1' Harvard fo~r 111110 -hog( bettweenlltheise two Il1liversit 00 tif eacth ctituntry this fall. The evenits prllosed li e 1i.t) yardis11a101, 4411 yards rull, rt. hutridle lalees, 1211 yards, onie.tie- to Aniertean ('1111; Bigh 11um11, tbroad1 at 1(11tilh- if it 5isllissiblle t(, ilerailgek tilt 011' ill tie'fall. Nthing tildefinite' Y11, lho-evelr. Ninety-Six Ahead Again. Coun11ty', lupheli ltitthe11.litolt'e lii- till uilformedlll-(Il(1'of Stittolo iiBiy, (12filitilig liiheirs11y a sioe, of '") to :.. lidat Rc.vr. ateyfr "MICHIGAN IS BLUFFING" So Says the Young Sporting Ed- itor of the Chicago Inter-Ocean. Oiii'of liii'yung IilCII wholiwrite spor~tinlg 1110sfolr the Chicialglat~lel- Ocean relieveid hiiiiself of thec follow- hng ill Tntsdayx's isse: "tnlig's celllenget'to 2ihigan to 111a1y off (lie tie exisin~g btweetl'n tho 1110 ttlltge's 11110 reteivdI at Ann setiff at thit'ida of a ltird gamie, id "Mianageir Stagg 0(1111 yestrday that Ntas netgtiatinlgfor fiiur gainesi, liley wouili agre e ll but ttwo onbests, buti promuiisedl t pay'itthird:in iicase litia Ablls has tgone-hoime. but('v111lill "'Itieligan, in face, is didng 1111 bltlinig, aut is tryinig to kep11ilip their iprestigei'l istiii atileittitsby loud11tlkini~g, after evry def et they setnt1hit'cry (f Wolf' Iilii'eiitr- t'1llgille ltrk t'olitetOtof Junni'1, 2ieligii look: bt lseveniin~tts. RIe- 1111100ttvo of her platyrs wtell' barredt, ill aeeordianiietwithl tieles11o f liii'A. oer the trace"".11111d lllloliiiel'thit lit year111' l'igantieam(1wxiii go 1o alto1gter obvitus. Iifootball 11o01 fall,taftr 1pratically'tying with (Cill- tagot by :.scotrei (f 8 toII4, tiiie1chargt signals1. Noltvlitllllniing this, tie fot-hit' liehittanplayetrs gt ai 'iialit' to u101' their sinals. 'fherel'is 110 ldonina that nithier Wiscon~sinl ir tiunesotlt grii constntedl to a game. "Thle vietois that Mihigan hias puntu-lr'd f1liii(f holes. Iii the coi- te st aithi Yale in 18t2 t gameit (c(111 on liiielly of te ll'teictiona of th(, sn- or sotit-ius. intd cataill 'Murpyandi miany othirs of thit' reglarilaye11'rs not itch unitil tile gaiie hatd hbeetn 11(111 by liii' Woverines." so lng as t'icllgl ivllersiy' hllri- 01110s dietate whait Cicago Iaht r 111111 say,. suchilthigs s thit'allol' 11ay3'be expecteid. H1111theio writer of this atle e n c1(11(1tn a sc1 1ertl'aill liii filets, Ie(, wouhldhave omlhittedvry 'paragraphli. Apropos of the above, it is inemst- hug to note that in at column aricel in 'Monday's Inter-Ocean on college yells,; the yel'ls of all the colleges in tile tieu Stales, ecept Mihigan,, were given. Evidently the Itler- Ocean has no use for uis. Catpain toies "Trilbys" defeatd Captain Rtubin's "3ossbacks" yester day afernoton by a score of 1ii to fi. The features of the game were Itu- bil's pitching, Ottaway's upring and W1edemeyer's throwing to the homze plate, - i - - ' S. c's tl l' s eech i of a e ptta ne. tb y It egIn t D ental C on ventio n in D etro it. 1 ! ' Ji (.',ocher. In theCe 'IV.t5. (toe-ttuof Ill tilt' ur ohithetilt'nauI R u se HuaiJL ~1~~iJ1111 stuuhor i-eneption lwill begin at 1)9 (( 1 ATiW'Ta liii ii'willhue spettial irtunionis of te 1(' e etl ovnio tDeri J. 1JOBS & ALLVALNl ite'rau'ynclsssof '70, '75,185, '87, andtdhi t' 11twtu 11ays. r. Hotftt eeidnnl- othiu 1'1(110and of thit'law11cilssso e a ciihereu tri 111-113. Washingtone Block, Ann Arlbor, I'3 ))al lieyor.Telt of 8.3, t(} ndoteryers. 1li lt- UNIVERSITY NOTES. ED. A. CADEUX. I ry alumni xtill hittdta banqueui tli PROPRETRO E ae thit'gymnalisiumll at 1 p. in. toule-tlu Pruof. 111thtugiii is ini Detroit tod.lti Latest Improved Barber Shop brate1 the fiftieth anniv'lersary of thue II.,1. Woltott, till, is a;guetta(t til- In the city. E. Washingtonst, lst dear ist Couuineineuiitit, atuthltbunsineussPiDltaTllet'IhiIIio it. east of Sate st. Ane Arbor. tuttetueg of the lasocain wil xhl be -1r. Keti-lie itzluatriek left yestorn- CE CREW _____________WATER,_____FLOPS -hhutd-it 3 p.ni. ill 'TapnHalllal. Thie day-umorninig for his hlomet in Natick, IC !RASDAW TR LP inedtical ahlumni il mteet itt 2 p. i. -lass. ad NOTOX, and all summereer- -1a t the medical bilinhg to listento10 Prof. Tho illil bel xxiihli- sp5lllll(Ir it ages. Coin.t eat PIP'ES BELtOW tilatttdress by the presidenit, Dr. WI. theieltrotlHSigh Sehoul Colilileile- COST. P-. Rreak-, Th'flalw- allumnliibhusiniess ilctiFtritday3. JO LLY &. Co, 90-eS.STATE ~tntlwilxxiibe thtldlat 2 ip. li. Illthin Ihtorg, i' tieniirgt-sI','10 L, of laxw letuSrut rooin andu the dleuta~l alumli- llu'ttnvilht'. 0., xxiii be ittre Cotnani- Z 11iiihut tint 'x at1 2 p. mult. ili i ithl ienSt'teek. 3 ~ tuiampitettre. Wednetatay'teuiiuig at DeanilKnoxvltonixxil delixverthie'l1s51 -IN - 8:30 p. li.xill nocurtheto Lniversitylecture'of the yeair ho the lawv nlasses ts *Senate recepbtion for gralduates, form- Tlnrs~ltly at 4t p. uut. or stutdents and frinids of tile iTuiver- Prof. Tf. C. 'Truebulood is iii SooIi c11y'. Caetds of admaission miay teobo- ttenhing liih- annual conixenthiol of the IonD niS Baa~ck S ine at te Stoward's officet ad National Association of Rlocutioniists. Sinn te secretaries of thie Alumni L. Ctarsoni, '1)1, r.1a hats beeun leach- Q r3 asocitios an dens f te faul-ino inthe tDetu-eiuthight schited. will 1lu' -Ciampbell at $5.25. t ies. prtitcip~al, ef the ['onuhaea l ghotl~ol Spalding at $5.25. Thursday, Juno 27, will bethle date next year. Sears Special 'at $4.00. of the fifty-first annual Commence- -Miss -tarie Shinermnundl. 87, will Slocumo Tournamntit $4.35. ment At .I.tepoeso ilatn hcasruinns ek Country Club at $3.35. -- 1h .itepoeso xilata h ls emil etxek form in front of thie law building, She is now a teacher iii thie Minuca- Sweaters Going at Cost anid at 10) a. m. the exercises wrill be- polls schools. gin in University Hall. Thue'annual 'T11 last progranm party of the sea-' ___Oratlion wvill be delivered by JTame s on trill take pluic, at (drunger's Acad- W. A . a i.H R.. lino Canfield, LL. D, Channoellor of emny Saturda y exenimig, Tune 29 . All the University of Nebraska. 'The de- pupils, formger pupils.and friendcs tlure NIVERSITY BOOK STORE; STATE ST. grees will then be conferred. Then Invited to attenld. ;