THE U. OF M. DAILY. N' It is the intention of the Editors of the Daily to publish the paper on strict business principles next yesr from the day before the first semester begins until the day after com- mencement-furnishing complete account s of all University events during that period. In order to accomplish this we need money this year, and to get money we are twilling to make an exchange of courtesies with you on a liberal basis. For TWO DOLLARS-paid before July 1-the Daily will be delivered by carrier in Ann Arbor or mailed to any address in the United States or Canada during the college year 'J5-'96, There will be several occurrences at or connected with the University of Michigan next year, whirh you will be interested in knowing about.- The Daily will furnish you prompt and ac- curate reports of all these events, and if, on June 26, 1806, you feel that we have not e arned the two dollars, your money will he refunded, and we shall make no charge for commission or postage. ++f+} Your subscription will be taken by the business manager or any other member of the Board of Editors, at Stofilot's or Meyer's, or by any accredited solicitor. Subscriptions by mail will be received until July 6. J A list will be furnished upon application.. ' . k MAR{OO±NS WERI{E DE T iATD 1)11011s re.' stitl 1111' follewvilg talie- "A Letter to Dean E,;nowlton. COMMI\ENCEM:IENT CANLENDAIL 3 'r2'l o iiiilete dii-1 iS liri center; iilooioigstoia gel diest on balls, welscse-liecl 11 er iiicidS pco ailtS ox lcl>base anv particular difference 1o u1s tvln-re The followinilg amtuncl-nil-nt i11da la mhthcte fiits-Sextos, noes,, watkins. Jones, Brows..d.tlanplt~te Double plsys-Brown So Jones' to Abells. wve play-. I further c11ai11 a ganie for pears inl the Julne Aie-ricaii IJnoiver- spnt-itrs Almiueilg Saerjsce hits-Shields, Nichols foereleg, lbs rcasosethlat w-- tntually7 agreeli oi r Ma;io- Tapa n1.I balL yA pu rret Crant. Stolen bases-sexton. Deane, Vat- 3- :Igzn rfi~ al Inns. Rtussell, Nichols', Abetl..;Herrinl, 5rdwsn. th at should each team -in a game "A- es feo~-ia tr eiit illSt by pltche - atths. Ileist laseo balls 5;1Aeatoeorgulsl~y eiit :0_ p, m.-Stmalo reception, Watef -by sexton 4; bynBrown 5: Struck at-by atpiece a third ganas woutld be played." ed fronm a strictly utldergrldliat, t0Er- 1151 gy-ltihp Sexton 5; by Brown 4. Lefto bases-Mich -________ an 2;lhlcags 5. Flestbase on .errors- azne, will alpear iit every tnumbe-r 'tus., June 27.-F'ifty first annual lilcigna CicgO2.Unplo-tae. Contributions to '05 Qastallart. of ills ngtgilalttc. A1t Ilt' cull of eltchr cenmie ceMeot*. I a. yin., procession At lbs close of the contest the crowd kya heioswl fe hato om tlwbidn. on SContributions wit to year t't5 edtr ilofe i t~o- om tla ulig 0 .i. n ruhed on the field and carrietd tlse - hi9na-o h cto tislssistet-ostemtcenent exercises, University Hall. " teamri to the baus W' here a great reo- ta _nadntue a ebdb dollars for a" story of 1,200 wvors." (Oration by Janes I (tuflold, LL, ID. (5, f* I~~~~~ll-dr authors en naplication to Miss~ Th, tr n41 crotnn ri cpinofyels' anal congratulationsr> hesoyitecuetnmbrs wa ~ to~ - - Ant L. Hicliards. 77 ZB. 1huron, or le "B'enn Night with Molly," by Mtr- Chauncey Ms. DUeeW delivers the asgivon diem 1.R2 e~gz9?S ta t A fters A. A. Stagg bad returneds to -..Klo 95.Sig garet Griswold, Cox, reprinted fisom Coipitenceeieint ad~Iness at Vaqdcerlilt +Chicago snd made the necessary ox- Subscribe for ihe Daily. the Smith Callege M~olitidy. ituiverosty today.