THE U. (F M1. DAILY. ojKO O ~E (ihJO . From Other Colleges N w am ra Tilt'V9lliOrsiEy ofPt~ll yOtllCamera. Sf6FOOTBALL OUTLOOK FOR NEXT heUiveriyof ht~ltItioii ob Ccltiihas Publilshed Daily (Snday exceptediBurnn FALL VERY ENCOLURAGING. i- AOit ~ the College year, a. Me Will C Be Back Early-Class Citl ~l'iol lIg1001 N THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Teams to Be Strong-Special At- ot the I lttcl~ttt of P'm1111071 0111 Opeiitt Times builldisgN. 71Mafin t., oposite teniion Will Be Given the Re-1011h111hit't'ii telctet'provtl'of t1that1y'h.11 ol o11ic. serves. instiotutonl 11s mlielta .gift ofx.50.t00 1 t Lt'iG., -- ~~to tili' t.of P. f Ie EDITORS. Til et' 11enthiuiiasmi stired lilt Ili tr li l litoit'lt of tel lveiitr r d, 0I t J. A. LLe~oy,'gta ts t a instEtditor,. he1 'grat victory of Alb. boa t ball to ala i l, tt'(It (tt,:ill lic' s A. 4V. Scr, Specitl, Asiost. lieSlito vrkogo(btith it0 t ttioa t'o' ER. SoNE'ANDs, 't, Asist. t. 11n, ba ld to 11Ma1ny iquilriet0 ilintttosd'll himlth. W +yG qr- JZ 1. COLEMIAN, '7, Aheic Edior. thiefooball propecs for 111x1 fallITlita Nil Itsiln.the Iillulit'tyrte= G. B. llAcalsoo,'9.00., Busess Mlasager. Capiniiittult'ell '1' and(1 la1a t of lt igttiit ln; ep111o1t111lii1110 L. R. HAsatEsWt6 L. Aositnt. Baird repor 111t,1 from thit )icI'lt outit 1b ii.ftil71liitii I V/ -E E J EYAssociate Editors,. lookolils-.itxby0t10011facuill bc thact ii-orHEoilWK-ilol Il A. lDticer, '5. E. L. Evos, '0,5L. sucsultathls. L. A. Pral,'2.0. CtrieciV. mths, t. octSfl bi b 10.Al'a litt'tl oflttfilt teyr vwill at as umpireS. Al seniors aecobee n 50 centsI log of "Sohrob aiid islunOu" J0sect n ohtar it-td Any loochsnt pspaid n ececph of price ethe spirit of the chu'aaters of (he o eneoi b n1n sdcOLV R DT NC . po iii iiatova' that was ihioroughy "Trly s." Thcietopiocenshc tc Oil e45-463 WashInSts. ilstn enicya te.1trf, (Clark oill be assuretidube h Mohcs" 'i h-c~mas&C of 'a Ii:u ly oves ioe If he-appeaos'oisoLrel.ldRbn__________________ te si fr Ucvriy a ' . Tb'rmen who will ph y 1A"or act as A .ei-iilhilet ou fN ssrut'..os aroIriz al, Y10010 , p IsaeLEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS adSHRI Lidleyv,'rnook, Klo g~AcsidoMl- RAND Magficet buildng; tetecherfargin sI8 will ho i1s. l lnext y. .r by that , H - i t'nHe aliea.godroomc;le speaorassrk;we1 ev enina cs5toota;daly leenaes Sad i fr tmalty. It wll 'ontain a sk h o l Mtsecsges h a ele sucoarEs ofll 'hyI 109111 i'sh lAfe. it 1 s. A f' Icesl faci eir cr pansdn ctcs is psunsce I-f.. E. Barardm, of Lick Cabs" ' Ian *im T aad rts0rduc1ptm$150se elf a vat.y hitsaceptedtb pston tn - ad' t t____ idie;,n rcaloaea dra e~ tered im by thse Uni'erit of Chi- Prie tn's grdustilog Iass nun- cagos on liceasronomcol stafffof t' - ere 21, the largest ever bra 'ated -Te 'DalyI 'be- dlv re OY"lil taculty of the Yerkes Observaory. from that institution. n eaoce aaa5s t Juno 28 for twntyfive cents.