THlE U. OF M. DAILY. A3,ISPALDING&BR S1 TheAT TDet f V + Athletic e. Sacepliey).fol Young 1 BASEBALL, LAWN TEN NIS, H r ig . ic±yoles!to dsrbt G OLF. ciT rtooooo tmnu in palt pyment forhigh grad Ac me~tO ELLIPTIC R G arl . s owo one utiol the bicycle avsapoes00 th aoe inoto, afi otoodoftc tohR Young Ladies same terts. tanotormsoforoAlliSpurts.ltitheyhmustobetwet, recom- W. P. DISTLTER, tened N it orptcularsi.ct "IDTE SPALDNG BICYCLES-Th aly ~ACYIE CYCLT COrIPANY, TH EDRFOR 1895. ,.I ot Jnfy'i ll bieo eli " ed 1coo. El IA ID I ANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. NIEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA, M1OOPIE & WETNMORE A New Camera! at -~ ii: 7- - - - 01 oc ~ It 01 ci] It C) ~ > cIj I '6 S. Main st. and State it., car- noer of William st., have foil linies of BASE BALL AND TENNIS GOODS AND HAMMOCKS Y, - ARE THE HIGHEST OF ALL NIGH GRADES. a , otariotiet ui or o'nyBy.clbi tt Ifie 0Wo ti, r'-ad o f priactttte. (, sf Po otbe nd c e t pa m re on y totforti4 teroo'c i1t i >>on o itottotti' teCVav ly cuit ndg a td y thIndiooitoian icycle 'o., taI io dlrc on cwos 0odisa .oto asciti. 21 lb, SCORCHER, $85. 22 lb. LADIES', $75. i ~ H J.BROWN, Exclusive Agt. Gift Books for Commencement. 0--131,"OrSaDICTA Call and see us before purchasing. VJANAMAKER tailors 20 miles of cloth perot. He buyts -it enormous disctoints. Y'oua boy of himn and yon avoil the proits of G. ,, ,..- the wholesaoler, thte jobber, tile middleman. 500 saniples. tiip-to- tlate tailorin g. Fit gotaranteeti. Siwell Suits $18. THE LEADING TAILOR 3R WSRE and Importer. has received the ''~>I 0h SAD TT largest and most selecE stock of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS 13-IO'\AL'TO iCONOIV IZKEX fore Spring and Sumrmer of '95 in Flour is going up. Tomatoes are going down. the city, and would be pleased Eat Tomatoes. to have you call and examine 3 Pounds Greenwood, 75 cents per dozen. the same. 3 Pounds Peninsular, 85 cents per dozen. FullDres Sits Spciaty.3 Pounds Riverside, 95 cents per doeen. FullDres Sits Spciaty.All good Fresh Goods. E. Washington st.. near Main. DFALN 8& COM PANY _______________________ 44 South Main Street. SW E A T E R S UNIVERSITY NOTES. Iclass otfi1901 will btc.iir loo necub- For Men and Boys, 'Theototinon :r school begins July 5N. IThe .oliange in 0 Itraace requoirec .a lns Franik Craiwford, basball captain mnuos for the law depoorticoot which HARND II LAMBS for '9:3, is ill town.i I r'has tbeeni ircoo,(l its cuciiiioi with ' 0 'Catsaliani ikeytpoethe thre yours ccurs-, will notot WOO L S [ ~ a finaiocial suiccessc. into effect utnil thec fall of "6i 'hue TEE HI 1T7 °.YF.,QJR., S iI 0cc itr(11t ii c >i c ,tttttctis l(IV(] lcu clit oll tt yitm tor 1°: ixposuret Stt toor ( 0 ta its cootscribtitinds00of Camtoeras andtiAcc oriCa. The Blair Camera Co., -AT-- A. B. MUMMERY'S. NEW ART TILE SODA FOUNTAIN. Ice Cream Soda, 'Vernor's Ginger Ate, and all popular drinks. A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STOKE, Ccr. IFourthi Ave. and Washisgtoni St.-. WM. ARN1OLD'S, Jeweler. CUT RATE RAILROAD TICKETS to ali points fcr saic by ANN ARBOR R. R. TICKET AGENCY, 33 5E. HuaronSt5- Member of Americas Ti-bet Broikers Asao ciatios. AllT iransportationi .it .r- anered. Tickeis bought and sold. SchaIIers Bookstore!, Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E. Washington st. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text Books, Stationery and Miscellanso is Stock in general Sexton's cotraceiwith the Botoni in black, navy, white, garnet anti gray, for Boys, tsp to 32 inch sizes, $1.50; Fo en, all sizes, ,Strawbridge & Clothier; PI-IIL.ADELPHIA. Ten is oing at the following prices: Camapbell-------------$5 F.25 Sear's Special---------4.00 Country Club----------- 3.50 Slocuin Oval----------- 4.25 Slocum Tournament---- 4.25 ------------3.25 Sloum r.---------2.50 -AT-- taehuilC .' Lo, aguetoegitos todaoy. tI. 3'. Hubter, 'lie t, 5 Chicago lawoffoticecthis, trot. Thiomas sols for lis family about thoc nid(' Miss G trrntl Vrotiil burg;, is the guest at Bunter, 'l96. irs. Aiigell's lawn pars mian's League is tram4 this afternoon'. The junior laws co wvork otn Titorstiny, itood have goetiotie. Mr. D. 1F. Luteno will at .sottieof Itie stotioer not leaviiig to te ctp P'urdue until early in Scq 'te'96 baseball tonic toore taken Thursday ati omen took an itifortual t tain, but nothing definit( Itttasttucl aisathe nec have not been raised for Gysnnasiutn, the can( train an unknowtt fries for a swimntgittbuit teited. There is sotne mis' ever the resolution toa LJ. degree,. The resolutio. into efet for two years ill -ivork ito a SU1ooiti0or. Europe; iwith lie of Autoo. ii, of Ticks- Misc Mlarion by to thu ey - Its 6I o'clock thiree yours' cctirse. sill, liaw(--cr, be giii next foul. T'onty Club has electied the follcwing omeoers for ba~et year: P'reidieoit, WV. D. Harrimoan, vicaelpresident, Misc Cliloltta Bcdhlis; -csectary. H. T. tiuber; assistant seereItry. H. E. Sat- ford; treacureur, t're'd Eigleltart; lot assistatnt, C. E. Skiincer; 2d tassistant, R. S. Danforthi. JUST A MIOMENT, PLEASE. otpleted l-ic . The progressive anti ag ress-ive rail- mtosct ofth11101way ino telite of Inteirchaoneabtle 1LStll i ilage is' he1 OhioCeti.r1.1Ainoo [ihave charge the first to issue this botk it has Aii- Miaei h-hoCnrl mn MARTIN SCRALLER, acheol classes:, ways been thc. leadcr. It now pub-T D t iNBOSLE'I WNhiwoka lses7dsintytmsftrsp- pcuOlber. tation. Separated into divisional lines 19 E. Washington st., one block 1had its Pie- as is done by imaity, it has 123 trans- east of Main st. 'ternooti. Thte portation litnes representedA. A. full allot for cap- list will be mailed upon application to ' q MTMT - 30 .was done. any agent of the Ohio Central Lines. ssary funds MOULTON HOUR. G. P. A., STEAM L .UNDRY.Co. tes W oman's Toledo, Ohio. High Class and Dsmsstle Finish. titionat oiler EVERY DAY E. S. SERVIS%, Manager, ud, of X1,000 Excursion ,rates hto the Virginias anid 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE will be for- the Southeast are in effecl.upon the_________________ Ohio Central tines; through trains Members of Guarantee Ticket Brokers' Asso- understanding daily between Toledo and Charleston, ciatian of U. s. boliab the B._ W. Vs., via Columbus. Tis is the Cosby & Meceon R. R. Ticket Agency n ders not go shortest 'and most diredct route. Con- 5B Adama at., Chlrsro. Reduced rates to all aso that ib ant agents 0. C. Lines.: 133 pont. Halo t.h AnnArbor Michgan .8 lia l.V. 4". 4"ii V v J v a r s