THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN CENTRIiAL Time Tablet~tevised) May 19, 1894. EAST. WNST, 7+. N, AM Malland Ex._-999 Mall - 8 43 N. V, Spe u ... 5909 NY Speclal..._ 7290 Eastern Ex.- 13 NS. tLmited._.. 9 23 A, M. Pacific Ma----119 7 Atlanitc 971-._7 47 P. M. D9. N. MaNprsa... 5140 Western Ex-200 141 G. St Express _.11 09 Chi. Nt. Ex -10 2 !G.MR --9--557 0. W. EcVOenLs, H. W. HAYES, G. P. &'T. Agt., Chicago. AgtC, Ans Arbor. T., A. A. & N. X. RY. STaking effect Sunday,. April 7, 1894. Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stasd- and time, 8:07 a. m. ( 7:19a.m. *12:259p. m. 11:3a. m. 4:15 8:90 p. Going North at 9:15a. mn. Ging South at 8:15 pm. Trains Sunday run between Toledo and Hamburg Junction only. "Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo saly. All trains daily except Sunday. R. S. GREEN WOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY, Time Table, May 26, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., :00, 8:00 and 11:00 a.m.; 12:45, 2:i5, 5:00, :45, 9:39 and il:00 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00,8:30 and 11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:31, 7:15, 10:00 and 11:00 p, m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress s., 1:0, 3:3, :00, 1:39 and 1:00 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00,9:30, 7:00 and 9:39 p. m. Cars run on city time Pare: single trip 15 cents: round trip tickets 25 cents. WM. P. PARKcER, Supt. $.0CLEVELAND ____BUFFALO. VIA " C. & B. LINE." Olagnilcent side-wheel steel steamers State of Ohio anid State of N0ew York DAILY TIMIE'TABLE. Lv.Cioecand-...... ---------600 p.m.' Ar. Buffaslo.._------------ 7:39 a.m. Lv. Bl'atog-- --- 06:30p.m Ar. Cleveland... . .7:39a. m. Central Standard Time. Take the C. & R. Line" steaers and en- Joy a refreshisg nights rest when esroute to1 Buffalo, Niagara Halls, Toronto, New Yok,1 Boston, Albany, 1,000 Islands, or aoy Eastern or Canadliah point. CHEAP EACURSIONS WEEKLY TO NIAGARA FALLS, Send 4c postage for tourist pamphlet.1 W. P. HERMAI~N, T. P. NEWMAN, Genl lass. Agt. Gen'[ Ma:nager. Cleveland, 0. Magnificent sew steamship now under con- struction for this route. FLOWERS, FLOWERS Sueo Everything and Everybody. , COHUSINS & HALL, loriss an .8uesiseirsrave DIETAS & SCHANZ, 17. OF Mg. TA.ILOnS. Our Spring and Sumnier Woolens 01re now on sale. Piices Low. Call aiid 800 us. 455 R.Statest. Sreonid irlr, Ann Arbor. 22 Yearn in the Business.-.'ihXt1* CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. SEABOLT. No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING ! Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing donie neatly by AF'G. SCSJOENE1VALin. 19,r. Washingon EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! 20 MAST HURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A. 1F. C1VERT. Prop. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINS BANK Ann Arbor, lch Capita Stok $,900. Surplus, $10,000. O1rgslzed uan rtbe Genera Banking Laws of tis State. Reeves de mini, n bys and seils ecle sh~ n be peinopal ciies og "the BUSINESS LOCAL; JUST A MOM12ENT, PLI To the Interchlangealble ticket issued by the Ohio Lines, already the bcst in to has beeadded thin entire system west of Pittsburgh, the Iittsburgh & 'W'estern naitng it incompa3:rably tiele age ticket issned by ainy line waint a ticket tha:t include & 0. systen as nell as Big F3 tickets are issned by Ohio Agents only. The Line for Western The CHICAGO (OIIAT XX« RIY. is the short atndr direct frequent. fast tratins from C Dtubuqtue, St. taul, Minno-ap erloo, Mlarshialltown, Des 5M Josepht, Leavenlworth:, Kotusal terntledialte stations anld alii yond. Their sptiendtid staitic sago is located rightiii the the city and cloeo :nicct madett:-at term:inll iandO juncet willh line 5sivergilig. This linme:inay wel3l be t "Stuttents' Pepuliar Railway, do they 10011 :fefIr every det tentds to ple:0at andi:nake 1 tired studn~t on 01his waty he h~is vacationl 1301n1 after his I in college. Mr. A. W. "Noyes is th~e Dis rsenta:tive of this line atnt t tis city with headquttarter Ame1ricanl Hounse m~ost of tile ling tile next tel:datys, or in loay be otbtaiined togeth~er etc. at th~is ofil:-. lotceview ly regalrdting you:r grit) if ye: Subscribe for the Daily. o Foil 0se ae emeverywhta $100. " TfHERE'S a whole sermoc * the above. It preacies econmy of buying the bes " wise econ::omy 11ha1 every can practice wi-tihlColuml 4 at $100. The new Columbba " moarvels of strength, light: * symmoetry, beanty and sl POPE MFG. CO., Hartford " anBPmton, New Tent, Cilcieo ua rnisce, Providene eBus eAAt Cataloge of Combias c fnreat soy /- ~stamps.Tel SHARORDeo $800 $60,50 S. EASE. M1ileage >Central Oe niarket, B. A 0. including Rtairoad, best mile- e.If you s lteB. our, such Q Cetntral Students, line with :ieogo to )otis, AWat- oilles, St. Ls City, us- Points be, )n1 at Chi- :. heatt i lions are 101n 1301010 mined the so well ail which- ha:ppy the 3010 or to lard work strict lRep- will be ill rsat tho limoe dur- formlation ?aim free- ugo west. University 'News Depot ALL TIHE 0nc-hal blok west from la w build- ing on Willia~ms st. P. C. IMLEYER PROP. GRUM MON D'S MACKINAC LINE STEAMERS. Tourists Route. SEMI-WEEKLY FROM CLEVELAND, TOLEDO AND DETROIT MACKINAC ISLAND, CHEBOYGAN, ST. IGNACE, ALPENA, And xii Purtsoins therWest Shorie ofLake Remember th~is is the onl:y line: givin:g pas- sengers the opportun~ity of sight: -eein:g it ill aorts oSnlthio popula:r ro:u::e. Also givin:g ps sengrrsnmalin..aieoniuosstrips-ixt:hours on th~e Isnmousfaclhin::e Island:. Fasres, ineludin:g Meals and:: berth~s, no otlher expenses. Cleveland It o ck~ieac Islaind and re- turn. seven-da:y trip. ..---------014.00 Toledo to MactkinaceIsland and: returin, sin -nay tr: . . . ..-------------12.00, Detroit to Mlachinaw Island and returi:, fve-day trip--------------- 3--110 Tickets good to return: any time during then Sea:son:, Connecting it Ma:ckina:c asland with all steamers tar Chiceago, lilwaukhee, Petotkey, Sault Ste. Marie, :and :ll paintson::Lak itchtol- igan, takie Pnperrlr,iandsiGren 1lt::y; :a:at St. aenace with: D. S S LA. Oy.tfor lttpaints in te Upper teinul:a and the W~est. wrete for time table. S. B.CGRUMMSONDt, Gen'lSMainger. U. GRANT tltUJMONl), Pasos. Agt. Generalfi0cr:, Get: :il. SMich. Have you rooms to rent? It so, O;tI- sertise them in tile Daily. D0 YOUI WAT 60O NYMES AND GQIJICK SHIMENTS? + + +. TIH E 195 SVPERB SMA[L[Y We are even on orders for Gents' Special, 21 lbs., Aluminum Finish, and can promptly ship them, but don't ask for Ladies' Wheels or Racers to be shipped same dot', Order Gents' Wheels and -so- cure a ready seller, We have ani 18 lb. Roadl Wheel, 4 in. tread. PLYMOUTH CYCLE MFG. CG,, PL'YMOUTH, IND. 0. Lippm, .Agent, 46 E. William St. THE COLLEGE OF {PHYSICIANS AND SURG-EON11 O1P CHICAGO. Annual Session begins in Septem- her and continues seveiin months. Four years graded course. tanbora- tory', Clinical and Dispensary ad- vantages exceptionally good,. For annual anuounceinent and other informatioin address Corres- bonding Secretary, DR. EAYARD HOLMES,; ;-a Washington fSt.,cijirng,- DON'T BUY WOOD PULP IV YOUY WANT 7LINER At'PU53 ycles" EVERY SHEET W'ATEaM&E"KED. st " It-a one "~ bias : s are ness, peed. iCoan. it will to & tw 2-cent " ,18 toio r. wuBICYCLSl _ 5e0r. g oe" eun ihu ti aemr. o' edef i yti Js "a asf~ sCo, nito aigte-WN hsC~bit5ae "s~ O aa ayb oP f1 daes pitrsadsetoe" nays"a n 4xi byrk;self asRY GoodBETER"LAYIsN haiSUPPLY FORNThi VCArtION USE.