THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Dly (Sunday eceptd dunn the College year, at THE UNIERSITY OF MICHIGAN oFF1c: Times bulldi N. Main st., oppoli post office. At thielast imeet~ig of lilt Daly Itoasa for tleylpreset yeir G. B. Ilr risoin, 't6 L, was A, ted bulsinss inaiger for next year. L. R. 11011 bin, '9i6 L, was eced assitant bool ness mainsager. The aelection of E. V. Deans as cap~ lain of the basebaii team net ypear i a popular one. Mr. Deans has show lylils connetion wihi the teaiD dr Ing tie- palst Isisyearsinot slyIa be" is a ball player of exep'tinail abil ity, but that lie is a gntleman ani sllsortsmiiioilthefliIeldI as well. W b~P. elellflr iiitiestyear Ie repel of the Itans and tie onledence of tiie entire niversity. ALUMNI REUNION. Members of Fifty Grduating Cass Will Havo a Banqut. The following ainonemeuent less been handedet us by WiliaiiiJ. Suart president of tie Altimniiilssoiatiill: At thesmeeting of thie Alumni asso- ciation i Jtiie of last y i, tie seni imeatf was expressed tat there was 110 ileit v- cCfor bringing all 111 111ii- tI-id of the Aimnnini assoiaia o- gehier in a seperte, informa~l, soeil gathelerig 111111that, sucebgathering wa-a.i priencsty 10oissise to- iseiselet aeek anl asiellctil 10ilie' Alumnus returning to is la 111m aer ater mnly years labsence, almost a stmile r to all ablotit ii. In accord- aicwithi this iiea Mbao NW. t. Itn- sou, of t1he class lit '48, sggeted that1 this yeals'woldllbe thiiftiliehli 11- versIy of the fist class that sas gradlulated froml the 'University and!e mlovedl 11101a1comitlit ebeapointdl to prolvideI'for a jubitlee t. ebralois and a gnelrll reusiions of all lielss- es during oiimeieeiii illwe-Aitofthis yer codnl oa nitcat Ann Arbor consisinlg of Prof. aid Mrs. George 3enpi,, Prof. Cainii 'Thioias, Mer. J. Ii. eal. Spt. IV. S. Perry, Mrs. lica. Sutderlaid, Ms. (C. H. Cooley, Mirs. J. It. Miki y, Mirs. F., N. Scott, Joepihi H. Drake, has bsein appointed to make lrparations for tile ocasion. It is poosd 10 provide a sniiier at a moierate ex- pe ne to tead lfter tie usiis iseet ing of the society late usthit afternoon of Wednesday, .uie 21, t soise sitable 1p1ac witee all ail as- seinbte arond thie fesivei bonrd aid reot il tesory froiis -15 10 'ti.T'i'l various lacsswill be pov~ idewsit selaral tables if I sir d and i is lhsped that li classes liondiig reniss will joiinii tub gu-' banqullet il- stead of holding separate class sp- Let ti inak.' it a rouser. All gtraid- crate, ladris and' enfnen are invited ind Iliose .iitt. ding ts be reet are respecslly reqnesed tI notiy Prof. Geoge teinpi at Antn Anbur at oji-