THE U. OF M. DAILY. EIVTRAI BUSINESS LOCALS. MJ--HIOAN- C-I-iA S~UnNDAY EXCL~itSON. A Time Table Retvised) May 19,-1894. EAST. wErST Sndy June 1Kith, theT.A. . P. M. A- 5 & N. M. Ry. will run a cheap excur- Mail andEx .-3950 Sail-......843 N. Y. Special.... 6 00 N. Y. Special.... 7 ao Sioin to Toledo and Lake Erie Park Eaatern Ex-~.... 10 It N. S. Limited__19 5 25 A. M. Pacific Eax --, --. 1 and Casino, special train leaving Ann Atlantic Exs-..7 47 P. M- Arbor at 9:30 at. in. Fare for ill D. N. Express.... 5 40 Westera Ex-..2 00, G0. R. Express ---11 05 Chi. Nt. Ex-...101 20 rounid trip ooly $1.00. G.R.Ex- 012-- 55 0. W. RUOocLnS, H. W. HAYES JUST A MOMENT, PLEASE. G0. P. &.T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ano Arbor. The progressive an1d aggressive rail- T., A. A. & N. M. RY. way in the line of Itierchangeable Taking effect Sunday, April 7,1804. Milage is the Ohio Ceintral. Amnong Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand- the first to issue this hook it has al- ard time. wy ente edr tnwpb NOnTn. SOasUenTleH.slr i owpb 8:07 a. m. *7:a5 a. m. 1lssies 167 distinict systems of transpor- *12:25 p.mi. 11:0 a.m. tto 4:11 p.Im 0:00 p. m. t -iu S paroled into divisionial lines SUNDSAY TRANS, as is done by many, ii has 123 trans- Going North at 9:15 a. m. portaition lines represented. A full Going South at 8:1 p. m.- Trains Sunday run between Toledo and list will be mailed upon application to Hamburg Junction only. any agent of the Ohio Central Lines. 'Trainu run between Ann Arbor and Toledo MOULTON 1101KI. G. P. A., only. All trainu daly exet unay. Agn Toedo. Ohio. W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. 1L0W RATES TO WESTEtRN AN RBTIYPIANIST.Y DNS A pailty of student,, is being formed for toints West of Chicago which Time Table, May 26, 1895. will leave Friday imorniiig over tihe Leave Ypsilanti from Congreus at., 0:00,0:00 Michigan Central. It wi:ill be in cha~rge. and 11:00 a. m.; 12:45, 2:15,a5:00, 0:45, 9:30 and 11:00p. mn. - of an; exper'ienced pass:-agcr agent Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00,80:10 and who will look after ill details of 11:10 a. in.; 1:10,21:45, 5:10, 7:1,10:00 and 11:00 p. m. thie trilp. A low rate haso beenl .0cured SUNDAY TIME. fromn Ainn Arbor (hlrough: to principsal Leave Ypsilanti from Congrsnt., 1:30,3:30, %vesternint and)01:( cl:o- conniectionts :00,0:10 and 9:00p m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00,5:30, wsill be malde at tChic-ago. A jolly 7:00 and n9:10p.iym. ae igl rp1 Cars run onct ieFr igei~ 1tinle is *-sur:-d as the 1:1-rO will bto renta; round trip ticketsu2 cens. latge Fo:r imformiation s e th~e 11:1- Wu.F PARKER, Supt. 11,.o iagent in chmrge of file pa:rty, $.0CLEVELAND wh 1o is if the Amieica:n House, today TO from 7 to 10i. in.UF L .IELIIA $ VIA "C. & . IN ." Wh not attend 11: Nina Couvn- aMagnificent side-wiseel steel steamers tiol of thoe it ,publicanl cltibs at Cieve- State of Ohio and State of New York lnd. Tile i. of M. club will se-nd: DAILY TIME TAB3LE. agodsc-uelgiotntuhto SUNDAY INCiUDEn. gcud sie eeain u uh o vCeead-------o-----60 .M ii larger omne.. You can go T 51:5s- Ar. Buffalo. . ..--- ---.730a. m. daiy tile 18t1h, :enjoy thie trips oil Laike Lv. Buffalo... . .._---- --6:3: p.m. Ere: to aiid fr::im Ci vel-lli take a Ar.Cleveland. . ..------------:0 a.m.-. Central Standard Time. hart ill wha~t i; piaieiet wil tbe Take the C. & H. Line" steamers and en- oneo of fi::- 111:st imp11otnt CoIvel- joy a refreshing night's rest swkes euroute to Bduffalo, Niagara Sails, Toronto, New York, tions in tile history of the: party, see Boston, Albany, 1,000 Islands, or any Eastern;id11a DolCmriM illy or Canadiab point. adl~~ o aeo,-cily M~fA? [XCURSIONS WEEKLY TO NIAGARA FALLS, aind othler leading m11en, an1: rcturnl Send 4e postage for tourist pamphlet. Saturday, all for .$3.05 foi- the: rounid W. F. HERMAN, T. F. NEWMIAN, trip. EXECUTIVE COIM., Gent1 Pass. Ac. esMaae.tetlii-llCt. Cleveland, 0. Gn1Yaae.Rpbia lb Miagnificent new steamship now under con- To tReitt-For itext yeatr, the: lower L struenlon for this route. story of ive roomls, well furinishted. FLOWERS, FLOWERS Inquire at 13 Willard st. For Everything and Everybody. TIhe Line for Western Students COSIS HLL flosf, u6S. University ave.,___ Fits Telephone i15. DIETAS & SCHANZ, The CHtCAGO GREAT WESTERN IRY. is the sihort andt direct line withl IU. 03r MC. TAILOAS frequent fast traiins froml Cihicago to Our Spring and Summer Woolens Dubuque, St. It au1, Milllleapolis, Wat- are nwon sale. Prices Low. erloo, Marshllltown, D s Moines, St. Caland see us. Joseph, Leavenworth, Ka nsas City, ili- 450S. Stats st.. eond Finsr, Asia Arbor. icrurlediate statioins Intl ill points b.- 1 22 Years in the Bsiness- ~-yd Thi peddstto-tC casgo is located rigiht in tile Ielirt of CIY LA N R the city and close Coll etiolls are UIIT LAVND aye. iiiade at terminaill sand juncttionl poinlts M. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4thiae with lines diverginlg.. This line may well be terilled thle MfERCHANT TAILORING I"Students' Popular Riiwsay," so well Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing do Obey look after every deaii which done !neatly by - ~ d to plae-idilae pyii AP'1, CSONISAL5, 1 II Wabtstsstired studeint onilhis way homie or to EXCELSIOR +. LAUNDRY!I his vactlion point after his hlard work S0 EAST HURON STREET. In college. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods eailed for Mt. A. W. Noyes is file District tRep- and delivered. -A. F. COVERT. Prop. resentative of ibis line and will be in TAE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS.BANK this City withl headquairters at the Ann Arbor, Sich. C1apital Stock, $f,000. Anietican House most of the Iiac dur-' Surpins, 0190,000. luig the ne~t ten days, or information Organized under theGeneral Basking Laws nmay be obtained togeher wih maps of thia State. Receives deposits, buys and- . sels exchange on the principal cities of the etc. at this office. Interview him free. United States. Drafts cashed upson properlyrgdigouirpf identification. Safety deposit boxes to rest yrgrigyu rpi you go west.'. Orriems: Christian Sack, Pros.; W. H. Barriman, Vice-Pres. Chas. E. itiscock, Subacribo' for the Dally. ahier: Sl. J. Fritz Asslstant~hashier, University_News Depot. ALL THB L[ADING D AIIIS IdOflPERIODICALS1 One-half loi~ct west fron: law build- lonn:on Williams at. P. C. M EYJER. PROP. SGRUMMOND'S MACKINAC LINE STEAMERS. Tourists Route. SEMI-WEEKLY FROM CLEVELAND, TOLEDO AND DETROIT MACKINAC ISLAND, CHEBOYGAN, ST. IGNACE, ALPENA, And ali Portu oni tii Weut Shore of Laise rtemembrr this is th~e only lne givinag pot- sengers the opportuanity of sigt weait(, atoall sorts os thiso:pula:r:route.. s igieas sengers nMakin;;ga.,ostinonoSlip six hoaurs on ihe famosMackinsoe Islsand. Fares, including Meals amid Serhts, no other expeneso. Cleveland to Mackliac Islanid and cc- taran, seven:-doy trip- - -0________14.00 Toledo to M~ackinace Island amnd returma, six-day trip -----------1.00 Detroit to Mint~aw Islanid and rotor::, five-day trip-----------1.00 Tickets good to retr anaayime during the Season: Con~necting at Mackinac Island wiii: oll steamters for (hia-oiMilauknee.,tm-tokey, Sault Ste. M~arie, aooTtal pointson Lake Micha- igas, OLake 5anpcrtan d Oatcm:noBy; amid at t. tgnae witt: 0.0S S LA. Vy. for oil points is She Upper Peninula amid(lie 'Vest. Write for tisme tabte. S. B. GRUMaMOND, GCniliManager. U7. GRANT GRUMMIOND, toss. Ant. Central Oafices, Oetroiatih:. you sefdiem esverywhere. -E=1895- (0umbia l5icycics $100. " 'THERE'S a whole scrinon in " the above. It prcacbcs thc S economy of baying thf bcs-a " wise economy tbat cvery one " ran proctire with Columbias at $100. Thenewv Cohonibias are " marvels of strength, lightness, " syinmetry, beauty and speed. * POPE MVFG. CO., Hanford, Coon. > Bsto, Nw York,hicgo, e Pa rsncimco, Prsvenc u ffalo.tsm AnArt Catlogueoaf Columbias cn bmhad free as any Columbia.n agency or it willibes maxiledfor two 2-ent" stxmps. Tells, tee, ef t $080.$00,$5. " DO YOU WANT 6OOD BICYCLES AND QUICK SHIPMENTS? + -+ + THE '95 SUPERB SMALLEY B IC YCLE- We ore even onl orders for Gentas' Special, 21 lbs., Aluminum Finish, and can promptly ship themi, but don't ask for Ladies' Wheels or Racers to be shipped same day. Order Gents' Wheels and se- cure .a ready seller, We have an 18 lb. Roati Wheel, 4 in. tread. PLYMOUTH CYCLE MFG, CtIE, PLYMOuTH, IND. 0. Lipp~an, .6gent, 46 E. William St. THE COLLEGE. OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, OP CHICAGO. Annual Session begins in Septemu- her and continues sevean montbs.. Four years graded course. La bera-- tory, Clinical and Dispensary ad- vantages exceptionally good. For annual onnouneetnen t and other informationa address Corres- ponding Secretory, DR. BAYARD HOLMES,, 34 $Mashingion St., Chieago. T. &O. C. Ry. K. &X. Rye. Solid ahrough trains betwern Toledo, Oblo ad Charleston, W. Va., via Columbus,, the shtout and only direct route. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 0. Renton, 0. Columbus, 0. Athens, 0. Middleport, 0. Pomery, 0O_ Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Richmond, Va. ; a Petersburg, Va. Old. Point GCmtfart, Wa.s Williasaburg, Va. Newport News, Vs.x Norfolk, Va. A nd uallnouthrastern poinats. Elegant drowing ceom ea rs onu ail throuigh train. YFor further irformation call on your local Ticket Arent or write, 1IdOOLTON 10017K, Gen'I Pass. Agta. Tolede, 0. WC. A. PETERS, Michigan Pass. Agent,a Dletroit Such. 1 0 i 2 E' E 2l S r MARK JIAVE YOUR HEAD EXAMINED, My Prof. Ernest V. Howe, Phraenolo- gist, at 4 .X. Fif~th ,vencings0 to 10. Chargss, hOc fo'r oral descrip- lion, 75e with chart. Htere a short time only. 183