THE U. OF M. DAILY., A. C. SPALDING& BROS Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALDINC BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 1895 IANOSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. qEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA MIOORE & WETMORE 61,. Main t., and State st., cor- ner of William st., have full linies of ,BASE BALL AND TENNIS GOODS AND HAMMOCKS Gift 'Books for Commencement. Call and see us before purchasing. G. H. 'WILD, THE LEADING TAILOR and Importer has received the largest antd most select stock of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS for Spring and Summer of 95 in the city, and would e pleased to have you call and examine the samne. Full Dress Suits a Specialty. E. Washington st. near Main. SWEATER S For INen and Boys, NADKUIILAMBS WOOL SWEATERS in black, navy, white, garnet and gray, for Boys, up to 32 inch sizes, For Men, all sizes, $2.00. Strawbridge & Clothier PHIL.ADEJLPHIA. Lawn Tennis -AN- Base BalLk'.01 GOODS AT .Sweatesqwe-Th rd Qff HAVE YOU SEEN THE e A New Camera! ThisI~ iycI~ hayl EmP1OY- to itribute i Herec are a few ponts worth consideatin:'u avris- tment n at payemetfor ahightgride Acme Bearings-Two points of Contact. wodoe uni the titleaite suanovesN Weights-15 to 23 Founds. satisfatory. Frames-22 to 28 Inch. Young Ladies sam tlees.he a Tread-4 7-16 and 5 inch. f boysir 1 rsuply they mute welrecom- C~~~ocened efritte forr5 pdleticulars.T Coidice ooGh r de eals ttiToires ACME CYCLE COPMPANY, sc z to order.See'.U atalonie Free. LKHART, INDT.( it~iitit~itiii. D PaN eT) Acipo i_ D . E tile i1aiiy lviii be tiel-- -- ,ft~t_ 20 Efash W~tiiimiStrict. lTie 28for twefnty-firecelits. HOW'T~o 1 EICONOMIZIE. Flour is going up. Tomatoes are goinig down. Eat Tomatoes. .3 Pouiids Greenwood, 75 cenlts per dozen. 3 Pouiids Peninsular, 85 cents per doeei. 3 Pounds Riverside, 95 cetits per dozen. All grood Fresh Goods. 44 South IMain Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. It. S. Parks, '11i 1., iosipraeticing at Chardiot, Ohio. .I-.I. HStllon, '94LtT, i is rictieiti at Ililling s, Miontana. F'. T. Flagg,,. 'tt5 Liiis bittn in To- Ledo for a. fewe days' visit. Miss Anii.iTailoy, 'it5, will teachi Latin anttieek reek at Duluth itext year. The Phii Kappat Psi gaive a very fleasaiit hotuse party list F'ridtay evll- ('has. Seriloter'sSoiis fat-.uspitlub- ilihti a volumlie ci Prineton Stories, by T. IL. Witliatu. (.I. .Diii, '93it M. S., professor (.f Biology at Woohiligi,,oc StalelUniver- oily, is visitig 1+".t. illier. Thi. jitnitoiswill fc-I)( atiotillii Ptersonal Prope'riy Thitrstdty at. 2 o'cloefk inthItolaw lfette rooim. 'TheGOh e ando itBajo eftibs tIill hoff a inetioig this eveiting in rooiti 24, at 7 p. mi., for lii.eli ecioii of oltiteero. M. B. Lottiselle, 'Jit, and '19(1 I,, left Sundaty night for iris hiotie iniAtaln- islee, tteeatise of the serious illness of fis father MilsAuto L. Riefhards, ':1leiics s- eured the! positoit of itnstructor ini inatieiiiaties atttat Port, Init., duritig the cititiigyear. Blmer B. Browni, formierly frofessor of t'edtgogy torierind professor of teilogy in ifte University of Call- fornitis t visiting frienidsoin town. Prof. D'Ooge gives.fits seconoine lottr examination fit Greeik > next Thursday. These two will taketho place of the regular- sceduled final examiniiationi. M r. Dow will girea half hour written qtui iz 'xl SMonday at S oclocko on te fast three lectures of the coutrse whtich have not been discussed itnte quizi.sections. Tfhe senior lit piectre will be takei Wednesday, Tune. 12, at 6:30 p. mi. en the gymanasium steps. The coin- mcittee in charge desires all who have caps and gowns to wear them. The Deltra Upsilon fraternity givo their annual Tune party last Friday evNening About twentyS-five guests were prescint., The chaperones were Mirs. C. E. Greene, Mrs. A. A. Stanloy and Mrs. M. E. Cooley. The Adelphi elected the following officers Sglurday night, to serve through the' first semester of niext year: President, F. A. Osborn; president, W. H. Wilcox; secretary, C. J1. Rice; riporter, J. J. Thomas.' The Corneill botoustetund steamo flaunchbo(10Lake(Cayugtgi ave bunuiod B~y fur victory over Princtten .Sat- ureday, Miile wonithIe intecreoff gitl 'uell(finial exainaittionin iiPtersonal troperty for the juiortl laws wilf to tot Thurtsiday t il telecture toomttii 2tt. in. Saturdays gaimes resitli 1 to fol- lows:Ytalie 9t trineetotn5: Norltwest- i-it 11, Wisconsini5; tHarvartd 5, 1'. of tenni. 3. Tue sopthomoire mtedlical class 5-yostr- dfay- fresenitied fr. 117. A. Camplflt a fonilto('fisintg outiti, tisa token of esteietiattitadiation-li, Priesidlett Roconey iinl-.; theCit e r itliioti fleeti oinlt, pattltof the elass. 'let ttittutalttack audflieldi tontest: bietweeni the freshmtten til optlioto wilt take plact te hi fitinoi,lt(;gitt- ntig at 41 o'clock. Both '017a1111'98S have tmuate tiore ltf 'tha oti salt umi- b' of ent-leo, and mt ot f the iveitl INtil te wilt lcontestedl. Thei' admissOi pirice is twe-f'i--re centsc. School of Mtusic Concerts. 'Te following is te scetdllof c11- cres to he given at 111e School of Music fbefore comnilneliet: Tuesday, Jttne 11, 5bit. mi.-Puttils' coticert. Thtursday, Jttne. 13, S p. m.-Foaenity concert Wednesday, Jttne 1t, -:30 p. m.-Ie- eliot of jptupils atnd vocalideptarttett Thursday, Juite 20, 5 p. mi.=Closing concert. JUST A M OMENT, PLEASE. Tue progressive and aggreseivo rail- way in teflone of Inilercihaugleable Mlage is te Ohio Central. Atnotig the first to issue this hock it has at- ways been the loader. It Itowx fub- lishies 167 distitict systenms of titnispeur- tation. Separated into divisional lines as is done hy mny, it has 123 trans. portation lines represented. A full list will be mailed upon application to any agent of te Ohio Central Lines. MOULTON HOUK, G. P. A., Toledo, Ohio. NOTICE TO FRATEINITIES. The desirable dwelling. at 47 S. Fourth ave. Is for sale on very reason- able terms. If' contains all modern conveniences and is first class in every respect. ' Its location. mak~es. this resi- dence very desirabte& as a chapter house for. a fraiternity. For terms ceh at 47 S. Fourth ave. THE HAWK-EY , JR., 11111 ceeom sot 01stilmfor 25ox1iandtiouaded attd tic tdd i ot ado lyithI hilass Plates can te tosedwtolltiny xtra X alttachmenits.. PRICE , $9 Ineludig Sislighit filto for 12 oeosures. Sottd for Catalogue ideseribinlg altlttttds of Casmecas aid Acceesorcies. The Blair Camera Co., 471 Tremiont St., Blotst, Mnas. ICIE COL1WD SODA WATER -AT- A. E. MUMMYERY'S. NEW ART TILE SODA FOUNTAIN. Ice Cream Soda, Virnors Ginger Ale, and all popular drinks. A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, Cur.1ouerttt Ave. sod vashington St. U, OF M, FLAGS 25c Each. WMV. ARNOLD' S, Jeweler. CURATE RAILROAD TICKETS to sit poists for tile by ANN ARBOR R. R. TICKET AGENCY, 3f E. Huron St- fMember of Americana Ti-ktlBritter's Asso Ciatioit. Atl'Transporta'tioniiit ar- anteed. 'Tickets boiglit aidsoltd. SchaIIers 8ookstore! Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E. Washington. St. Headquarters for everything "a Student needs in the line of Text- Books, Stationery and MiscellaneO iS Stock in general. -MARTIN SCHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington St., one block east of Main St. 4NiN l AR Co STEAM LAUNDRY CO. HilghsGlos n d Domestic Finish. E. S. SERVISS, NManager, 253 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE Members if tGuarantee Tlcket:Seekers Ansi- ciatin of U. S. Cosby*& Ne~eon R.'R. Tickt Agencyt