THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN G(3TE L Tan Table (evied) May 19, 1894. EAST. WEST. P. M. AM Mail and Ex..... 3 50 Mail-______8 4 N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Special--. 7 30 Eatera Ea----10 12 N. S. Limited... 9 25 AM. Pacific En-....11 57 Atlantic En-...7 47 P. m. 0 N. Expres___ 5 40 wetera Eu---2 (w G. R. Epres_...11 05 Chi. Nt. En.---10 2 . W. RUGL~ES, H. W. HATES, 1. P. & T. At., Chicago. Ag., Ann Arbr. T., A. A. & N. M. RY. Taking effect Sunday, April 7, 184. Traina leave Ann Arbr n Central Stand ard time. 8:07 a.m. 7:l am *12:5 p. m. 11:3 a. m. 4:5.M, AT :0 p. olg Noth at 9:15 . m. G.oingot at 8:1 p. m. Trains Snday rn between Toledo anti hlamburg Junction only. "Trains ran between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trana daily ecept Sndady. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST RY Time Tabe, Mlay 2, 1895. Leave Ypilanti from Congrest., 60:0, :00 and 11:1 am. 12:45, 2:15, 5:0, 6:45. 9:0 and 11:0p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00, 8:0 and 11:0 a. i.: 1:1, :45, 5:50, 7:15, 10:0 and 11:0 p.mW. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congres t., 1:30,3:30, :0,:0 and 9:0. M. Leave Ann Arbor Jnction, 2:0, 4:0, 5:0, 7:0 and 9:0 p. m. Casn ran on city time are: ingle trip 15 cents: round trip tickets 25 cents. W. 1. PAKE, Opt. S2.50 C TOVEAND ____BUFFALO. VIA "C. & B. LINE." Magnoiicent od-weel steel steamer Statn of Ohio and Stats of Now York DAILY TIME TABLE. SUNDAY INCIOD. Lv.Cleveland. . . .O---------- f:0p. m. Ar. lBufalo. . . ..-------_--7:0 a.m. Lv. uTalo. . . . .0------------ :30p.n. ArCleveland. . ..-----------7:0 a. m. 'Central Standard Time. Take te "C. & B. Line" steamers and en- joy a refresing nigt'n rest toen enrote to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toronto, New York, Boston, Albany, 1,00 Islands, or any Eastern or Canadiab point. CEAP ECUSINS WELY TO NIAARA ALS, Send 4c postage for torist pamplet. W. 1F. IEMAN, T. . NEWAN, Genl tas.At GenlManger.r CevendO Mlagniicent new stemsip now under con stenuction for tbis rout. FLOWERS, FLOWERS For Everything and Everybody, CUSINS & HALL forits, 26 S. UIivne ll y Se DIETAS & SCHANZ, v. OF 3A. TA~ILORS~ Our Spring and Sumner Woolens are now osale. Prices Low. Call and see us. 48 S. Satsts.. Sennd Flor, Ann Arbor. 22 Years in the Business ..M59-- CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. SEABOLT No. 4 N. 4th ave MERCHANT TAILORING Cleaning, Presing and Repairing done neatly by ATIC4. SOOONEWALI, 26 E. Washingon EXCELSIOR .+ LAUNDRY1 20 EAST HURON STEET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called fo and delivered. A. F. COVERT. Prp. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BAN Ann Arbor, ic. Capital Stck, W1,000. Srplus $15,0. Organized under the General Banking Law of tin. State Receivs deposits, boy nda sells echange on the principal cties f th United tate. Draftn cahed non propr identl hation. Safety depoit boen to rent Opioensi Christian ack, Fes. W. 13 Harriman Vice-Pres; Chan. . Hiiscc, Cashier:s. J. Fritz Asistant Cashier. S.C.A.DIECOR'MEETING. University News Depot Mir. W. C. Hull Riectod Generai Soc- rotary for Neat Your. AL.1. THE ยข' Thie : li leetirIg of the board of L[BDUIX AILIS AND PEBW DI fLS direioro of thie Sltdeilo' Chiiistianii Oae-ioalfl Mock swest fomo law 0) otd- ao altlii 020s i dlast Saotrday illy ,on 00 iii,:Os St. ofteriiooi..Preont Nwere t'rof. D'Ooge, p. 0. IV E'ER.PROP. poresidenit of th', board, Profs. Prescott, Bieoan, Carihart, Deinialos, Dr. Flerd. RU I man11, WIVSI.LSlertz, Silas Fisheor, D.V F. Siertz. ald L. A. Pratlt. A riort, of th. finanices for the yearMAK AC LN s.oW 1 0ld tht fortir aild o~f fricittlo of the aosoceiation will have, to be TA n askood ia oroder 00 briog halocscountsaloa oot even. .Sir. D. F. SMertz, who as Tourists Route. gcnea rs crietary-, hal o (valed over halif his time to thic work of Ohearsot- SEMI-WEEKLY FROM clitioni thio yeair genieroussly' donat:e1 011 0 Oyet unpaionit 0:1i100salary of $00.(On msotion of Dr. lHerdinan the board extended a vote of 011nk510 10 SMr. *lerlo botb for hiso glaerotlo gift aindl lio ellieit anid faithiful wort: duihg the1past yeair. Tilei'evised by-laws overe Otinra~tified. 'Ton h'. recommedatoion01iof theasosociation Sir. WV. ('. Bull was appointedlgcnevl secretairy for next year, to reoeivo'a salary of $400 anti to devote one-hailf lis tlie to the work. The Line for WAestern, Students. Tlhe CHIICAO O tlllA'f WESTEROC IIY. is thet short ati direct 1in1,- with frequeitial st trainis frontChicaigo to Duabuquie, St. Paitl, Minnieapiolis, Woit- crioo, SMarshallitowvn, B:esSoiiacs, St. ,1(:5sitl, ILeaoviiworthla sas Clay, iin- lerniedite staiontis atnd a111oitsO5be- yooiad. t'hir splienidostlotiotiat ('lii- coago is locaited right inithe:iebairt ci thic iy anti close001111:ctitonoairo' iiadoe at termiaol said junctioni points isithlinhuts diserginag. TIhis lina ioy sell Ito'termaedl aba "Studtents' Poputaliila y," so well dlo thybook101aft:er overy' detaiil whirlh tiads ton i:also aiidlmakie lhappylthOe 'tiro'd studeoton01 Is way ho111011or to Lohis vacaioni point after his haird weork ini college. SiMr. A. W. Notyes is the District 1Rep- r. st'ntaiive of this line andiidlil be it tis ily siw i ith hetluaeloarsal tOhe Aimaerica:n I-ouse h11sf of thie timednr- ing the niext ten'adoys, or iiformnaion miaty 1be obtoinead togethierwih1110110: etc. at this ofic:'. Inte~rview lhu fre ly' regarinig yourtiptsif 'ou go w0e010 BUSINESS LOCALS. JUST A MiOMiENT, P0LEASE T th Itecagal Miegticket issued by itie Ohio Central Lines, already the best iii ale maarket, has bece: ddd theeiocntire M. & O0 systema west of Pitsburghi, iiicleuoill thio Pittsburgh & WesternRiliroad mnaiking if incoiiptarably itie btst maile. ice ticket issiied by any line. If you, waint a ticklet that includes the B0 & 0. systenii an well as Big Four, onci: tickets are issued by Ohio Centra' Agonts only. IitSEREKEIS' EXCURSION. nOnSiny 21tanld Jnne 11 Agents of tOhio Central Lines wtili nell Home Seekers Excursion Tickets 1o point in Virginia at Ono- Fare for Rsunm ''T'rip. Limit 30 days. Als ticket. to points Woof and Southwest on sam:( basis. Limit 20 days. See Ohio Con trai Agents. W. A. PETERS, M. P. A., d Detroit, Stirh r To. Rent-For next year, the iower istory of five rooms,. vell furnished '=Inquire at 13 Willard st. CLEVELAND, TOLEDO AND DETROIT MACKIN&O I LAN), CHEBOYGAN, ST. IGNAGE, ALPENA, And ail Forts on tihe West 5Sore of iLake Renoembthiis is floe oly lloot'givitoglas- sentgers theoppotuto~y of sighsl -Being, at all ports onithis populote.t Alsoogivinog pas5- seogers maingta cntooiuouostriposix ou~rs on s tohtfamos aloocioooc Itlnd. Pares, including Melsaond iBerth::, no othter expenses. Cleveland to Manckinac Islnd and re- turn, sevee-day trip. . .0-------- 14.00 Toleodo to Macklinosc Island anodreturn, sis-clay trip. . . ..---- ----1.0 Detroit to MaiinatwIslanod and returna, fve-day trip----------------- 11.0 Tickoets good to retautnoany time during tbe Connlectintg at ioctinaoc Ioiand switlo all stt'amners tf'oicao',ooMilae'oi'e. Petoskecy, Saut Sto'.'tartoe, ansoll oints0o000Looleo'Mioch- bgos. Lake Sriterioo, ondl Greeto lily: and at St. I > ?SlOULTON 150COR, Geni Pbass. AgI. Tol1edo, O0 - IT.A. PETERnSlbchiganb Pass. Anent, r:tDetrit Hick- CM K5A t ~IfS IiAVI XO~l IILA LXAM NIZD s theLEADIG.SCH OL.OF...iN........l HADMgres ahsgsateces ag M Ref. rtist V tisvt, l:irnoo- ltsdse; gsddsgspse spesnrwak;we gist,,I>'Evnng o vsigeep ILss esa hse irese se to 10O. Charges, sac for oral descril1- tmah facilitses for placing students is postios Bodirdad raomsHa ts $2.75 pee week fis pivao .thou, -5e with chart. 11ero a short families. These rates reduced ts Ss.s by selN thue onl. 183 hdiszf. For.Catalogue addrese time nly. 43 5 -,p.i C5.3RYXPeus.