THE U. OF Al. DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the Coleg ye, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DeFICE: Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. LEROY, '6, lianaging Editor A. W. Sure, Spcial, Assistant. W. A. Srsm, '50 L, Asitant. E. It. SNEAsii.N, '6, Asisant. H. COLEnA, 'S, Athletic Editor. G. B. HA unISON, '1kL, Buines Manager L. tR. IlauntEN, 'S L. Assistant. Asociato Editors. H. A. Dancer, 'S. E. L. Evans, '9 L. L. A. Pratt, '16. Carrie V. Smith, 'S. C. A. liougiton,'11 D. . A. leat, 't P. ]Minie Tiompon, '. H. . Gammon '8 M. C. 1.Farrell, '8. 5,S. E.Knappen,'O. J. S. Finlay, '98. The last Issue of the Daily till be June 28, the day after Commence- ment. Subscribers who leave before Comnmencemet may have heir paper mulled to theirifhIome address without extra charge by leaving tie address with the business manger. New subscriptons forlorat delivery or mailed to home address until June 28, 25 cents The office hours of the business manager are from 8 to 10 a. in., 5 to 6 and 7 to 9 p. im. daily. The Daily will be istuedt three ays a week from now until Cmmcice- theit. Tuesiay, Tut'days anti Sat- urdays. 'flis isthe first imo te Daily hiti ever been publishedt after the first week in June, ani it is te ony collegedily in the conitry which will be issued to the pd of the' year. Souvonir of thotUnivrsty. Anmong the nuinerous Iublicatiss couing out just nosw, one deerving of especial noice is tie "Soveiir of the University of Micigian," piublised by Mtessrs. W. A. Mogk ani J. E. Frazer. It aim ue publishers state to be "to give Tt adeutae idea. of the begin- ning, growth, history and present status f ie University of Michigan. The book, which is bound bsib in paper and cloth, contais abut 100 pages. Aside from adverisemnets the body of the book IS given uip to cuts and articles descrptive of the CUnver- sity. All the buildings on the campus, Newbrry hal, the osevatory aid hospitals ae represented by half. tones. The opening article, "A His- torical Retrospet," is contribtes by President Angel. t is followed by articles on their respective depart- ments by Dens Dosge, Vagaui, Knowlton, Prescott, Taft anti Gemu. Prof. Stan,-y coitribstes a. reofl nl- cent article on "Mtsic at the Univer- sity," accliantiedl by aialf-tsine of the Colunbian orga . Prof. Kelsey writes of "Tfli Graduate School," D. Fitzgerald of 'The Waternan Gym nasium,"aid W. A. Gilhrist of "'ii Students' Christian Assiciation." There are scateredI throughout the hook half-oues of Pres. Angell, the Various deans, Prof. Kesey, Prof. Stanley, views on. the campus, a,.ce- ed'Lmasium class a~dthUiver- sity is It aipeard nIS186. The o iok m aks a very valubl coes-: il of Aliia \Mat. c. anti wilt no Y doubt mteet with a ready sale. Tlec trice ts twseinty-fire cerils for the paper4 intd ffth- enits fur the cloil inDiding. #' Anothor Scholarship Association.4 # A schiolarshtip association wa .s foin-4 tt$AL itd lit Grand tRapisil, Saturttay, on -hie' . plan of the. Ditroil Nigh 'Schioel i4 Sc'holarshiip associatioin. it'. obet be-4 tng to assist grtaiuiates fiotihliie'ciy4 igh lischool to get tialleationl lt he'~B' ico tile State University-. The iilnenoBal the corporatioii is thirty 9years ad.iell .i Tennis B l ienibers of the high School Altuiiii in superme to any other. None but the assohitiit goti saindtig~ tit ~finest materials are used in its rsnsieae- assocationin god stading nd a ltion, and players who use itare tontiau- psersoins coiiiributing $50 oin $10 ani- 4 ally testifying to its superisrity. yt 4 Itis more resilient and more dueable ~ ittial lpaymnts005sitali - coissierc't(W than any oihee.' tojenthers aofliii' associtation. T' rr*Victor Aihletic Goods alsways give's ' saisfaction. ltter are to be ilesig-nated is "doni- 4 4 OVERrIAN WHEEL CO. ors." 4w Makers of Victor Bicyales. (*Baoon. iNeweYoek. Detroit Denver. Kansas Club's First Moting. r4 PACIFIC COASsT: 4 toan Franctsco. Los Angeles. Portland. The fiist annutil iteetiing of ille Ktiiisas club was held at the htomteof Al. SarnIro ,Agentti 1 N.1ashisitto s xl .Jtis~s tFarnswoirt, '9T, at 21 i\oiiroc s., Satutrday- siing;. Ollicems for the DITSON " MU""C pnuing year were electetd as follows: ( President, G. 1t. tiarrison, '96i L, vice presideint, Miss Tertia. Fatrnswo'rlt. '97; nee:rettiry ansitre asurer, Htiss tOrletaaiFishier, li.The fPest iiiec- log of the cluib itet 9year will b, held ealy in October. EVEtRY DAY Excursions rates is the Virginilas anti the Souillost are iii effect upon the Ohio Central lines; through trains daily between Toledo, and Charleston, W. Va., via Cotimbus. This is the shiortest and most dirict route. C'on- suit agents 0. C. Lines. 33 "ace >15. w~ H Hu H 0n D' usd a da v Gb '0 y, P ' c. ' c d 0 "Z- O 40c 4z W ' cos o _ __O o_ 5 .S's d aO"ff.",e'.5u a-an --oWV A o w an V3 n asel i~ (P'SL00260 ' 8a S i 8? Z¢ "Six Love Songs," By Frank E. Sawyer. Translationn og Sin of Heise's finest lyrics ini exqsisite musical nettings. Hoavy Paper. T5 conts. "'COLLEGE SONGS" The standard coleetian og College Songs. Over 30000 sold. Hoav y Papor, 500 conts; Cloth. Gilt. $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Only hostk of 'the tied' publinhed. The sngiis of te leadiing ciolleges foe wnmen. Heavv Papor. $1.00. oF6YAL POLL[CION IlSIUW[NIA[CHIT~Ad NM Eighty-tws pieces for the guitar from the best sources. A splendid cailection. Band- ome Civer. 00 cents. Any boils sent postpaid on receipt sf price OLIVER DITSON CO., 453-463 Washinigton St. Beston. C. H. Ditsons &tCa. N Y. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladles' and Dents' Clothing Cieaned sr Dyed. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Crser nf State and William sts., Wiliarn st. entrance. Sensible The society or orgainioatiom svhich hsas its PROGRAMS, Printed at the Argns Office. WE CAN SUIT YOU. This space is reserved for the Grand Opera House. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ASS ARBOR. Organized i8t3. Capitai, $100,t0i. Surplus and Proits, $d0,t00. Transacts a general bankhing business.. Foex changes hought and sold. LFurnish, lettersof credit. P. BACII Pres, S. W'. CLARKOSON. Cashier- Advanmced class is dancing for ladies and genlmttnen at Gransgr's Academy SATURDAY EVENINGS!" to Juse 2id. Cards of admission can be procured torecach evening or series. Pi- vate lessons sn waitzanmd '"is-Step" a opeetaity. Dilice: Grsund filic, 069May- sued St. MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S., School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday, 10 a. m., Gentleman beginners class Saturday. 4Op. in., Lady beginners class. Mdonday i.'d0 p. in., Advanced Class (Ladles' and Gentlemen). Tuenday 7:30 p. in., Beginners Clans (Ladles. and entlemen). Privaueclesons iiy appointment. SCHOOL0 46 S. STATE ST Platinotypes The latest thing in PHIOTORAPHY at B E RYMAN 'S. _______________________________ E. tHsruns t. Siieeiui Bates to Seniors. Do you want boarders? If so, ad- uANGSE~rn Rr CATERER, vertiso your bsard in the Daily. If~~,20 F. Washing- ,IT'S .-HARD TO DO WITHOUT tohe red uublre-hprftl. CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. ' Youmealnerililyeitohav-ethem.,.ife hasn't, writesnde'll1sedyouthe informt0ion youwant ad, onc handsome ilustrmued catalogue feee. PARSER PEN CIOMPANiY, Jasvislle, wI,. SHEEHAN & ,CO. Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor. The Fisk Teachers' Agency EVERETT 0. FISK & CO., 355 Wabash Ave., - - Chicago, Illinois. Ashburton Place,, 70itFfth Avenue, 6511 Twelfth Street, 355 Wabash Avenue BOSTON, MASS. NEW YOEY, N. Y. WASHINGTON, 13. C. CHICAGO, ILL. 32 Church Street, d20 Century Bld'g. OLYMPIA, 120% .S Speng Streeft TORONTO, CAN. MINNEAPOLIS. MINE. WASHINGTON. LOS ANGELES, CAL,, Send for Agency Manual and Re gistratiohyBlanks.