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October 18, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-10-18

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jS IA ~ ~ i CLVE ASBACPE. [Notices insert ed is thisecolumnoatttire ratoeI PE rlln
Time Table (Revised) July 1, 1894. of 5 cents pee line. Specialratestorotnoser
EAST. WEST. O.ne ofthtie wonderful feats perfornm- time. antd extra littestfurnisbed by altolyiag A new inventlion fot dulplicatilng
P. M. A. M. etl by the Hindoo Faktirs is the grow- at the ItAILT office.) 001p1es of wr itings and drawls gs.
Sail Sod Es--a--4o05 larl.------8 43TH NE DACS
N. Y. Special....- 5 10 N. V. Special..-."r 05 ing of a Mango Bush from a seed bpt TENWDA E.
Eastera Es.---10 23 N. S. Lttited._ _2325Allo h eylts ahoal
A. SM. Pacific Es.---- 12 15. into the earth before the autliencee. 11orh eylts tsioitl
Atlantic Exs 7..4'a7 r.M.The seetd is seen to spiroult, bloomt and tdtnees tiltSfiguires of te "Ge'rman'"i
U. N. Espress....- 5 hO Sweternt Es 1 531
G. t. Espres .11 05 tChi. Nt. Es.---10 x5 hear frut. Mr. tisbishthi le Matgi- will be tioglit attGrttnger'sActidemny
G. St. Es .5----------.5.57 thisoseasotn. loin the elasoesro10w antd
0. W. RUGL 11 . W. ISATES, cisat, who performs tontighit at I rile1
0. P.& f. sot., Chicago. Ant., Anti Arbor. Memorial Hall, has been ltilte Ilitilis learn to dattee before tile holidalys.( -
Iandttl he there learned sonic of 'tile Tle Lvrg 51hri ei h tsd
s eerets of the Hindtoto.lie will to- and dances in one terns. Putpils re- Prom to ortigtnal,atttodtittry ppl it h
FRA KLN n u dst t o~ bo~ttttgrw rottatny pent 100 ttp tes irt1 emae.Fifty
FR N LNtO S ight cuears uht rwfotceived ti atny19 ttite, the term tarS11"'OE cotptes ttf typetwrit'rrntttsxrits prtotuced
wiETROhTirMfiH.tflewers.arefrealaroses tlit'y will bs.eSeny.for sorbuAaENTandAsample
a Isot ot earth andtoisshow that Sl wthe lt'rlis esoo.flicatAa w-Iotise. AGESdWATtE t1IaD. sttp
DER IMC . foesaera oe hywl eev'L W O l Oslwell before leaving home, wehetr distributetd in She audtienc~te ls souv5eli- Tte fillestlinle of \Necket.tr o 0 LA'T N & 0
for businesso tr pleasure, ts decide uon a Cna a, l)C'20 Vesey Si., New Yorkt
hotel and thereby avoid confusion. irs. Everyone shiottlidset' AnsbtachtilnittNote.
peaoed to base you stop at t ho old hsm 'Sa liin h
aodFrankliSte Hereseatthr ane d S. L. A. TICEETS. House this weekt. White Dress Shirts lished and. supported by the
andhaesyouts.,iwher oilwe aouldhe . veotexiiinStitlbtOa tIeiseseup -
meal aod a clean hed at moderate rates. All persons havxing S. 1.. A. tietets xvortht $1.23 to $2 at 753Centts, slightlystd t.
The hose has heeo reoovated from top to sie.DryItt ot ' o
bottom, ad isen00010fist-clasondition. are retustedc to call at Nt'wtierry halt led eb'li~ xoti o0 tdns
espectfuttly, Fritday at 4 p. it. ttt settle. titt 95 cetnts. T e i
H. H. JA#MES. V xliU
seals, 33e. Lodgings, 5o.tB 31OlS Hatyantisttbstttttittl day Soarid
PerDa, 8.5. RATRIALEXECUTIVE BOiARDI. at 43 Paekard of., at $2.30. 1l-16l
______________________________ Meeting of the Execuitive Boartd of If youstmtoke Cigars. boy Sit' bttt. will broadeln yosrslt.tdr ti at
DIETAS & SCHANZ ite Ortotrttal tassoiationti Fridsy, Octt. tROSCOE CONIf.ING is the itrandt. tvesop nymouetr stcof Witlede-
19, at 4 It.in., int '001 24. Piioy a Settool Suit atNoNtbte's. Ottly illnfthotly. All parts guarantteed
4U F Z .T I O SJ. ft. Qt'AIES, iris. 412. Nottin, likte it. for is o yours. (Canlitopot tip any
Uatstandbe t sylsfLor~egi n o- '8xvhiiETNGT LLENL-e're,swithot taking up any
I oestsodSet 'yle o 1 tetttttdOn 18ft.tSSMtETItO.TitET.-A tleasanit suite, ftur- room, ttnd is ntoiseless, self-adjust-
wos estic gxvrantee. CIing tia'sh ndttstel cand l Tetfeshmantlatlc~ss of the it'iertary'nace heat, light atid bath, only $3 pser ing and adapted to atiy age or sex.
repathtineathy dotte. departmnt lxl hold a mleefinlg for xxeek. 11 S. State St. 1:3 Intiorsed btthe leaditnc athletes of
488S State st.,seroel Fioor, Anne Arbtor. the electiotn of ottieers andt other tclasstvan tobeind tt the (lay. ('all for catalogules and
. _______~__________ Unless you grind e sb inspect it. Price otsly $5. For sale
~r rn CATERER, busineos in thte chapel, Slain Haltl, It scribe to the Daily. by BLOUNT c& VANKIRK,
totTRFR 'l .Wshig 2xl. c MtrayatrooOt.'0 lr. Livingstont, of 1R. t. Fyfe ' 14 N. Ingalls of., Anti Arbor, Micht.
ORA1.CLE1 BOARDit Co., Detroit, wiii be in Ann Arbor, A. G.SPALDING & BROS.
The Oracle bottrd desirt's that tilt at te Cook Hotuse, Motnday, Toesday OTAL SU LIES
those inten'tding0tolhat T itt full-ptagt' anti Wetnsdaty, Oct. 15, 1Sd 1h17, Es-Vrep heqtuisitefotT.
diraxwinstill xvii ex''thetmsini by Stottdtty adilslxil be pleased to shtoxvU. of 5XLCame.
TRxAD.iE ti'CSlS~N Daily ixaders a full litti of samtplxes of v . Epulin'
MAR Clt5IE 3, ETITICS. all lt'elatest and Stesitisetropsoitat xOffil
i IPhliosophy 3.-According to til ertitas styles of Btoots, Shtoes, Sippers, Stub *Ineclgit
arrangetotettt of htours the class in hero atnd Overshoes for fall attewi xxiiall
.0. EN British Ethtics xiii meet on -Moitytiler xvear. Also tte celebtrateid "byte- ~ ~*' ttted 81 h
A-NW LINK CUFF anid Wedntesdays ttt 1 o'elockx rotstm 21. Foot-Formt" ostoes. Every Ann Arbior- biit. n us eue
-- ,. A. It. t.fLt)YD. ile shoultd seecttese goods. iICE, wtllt sloie,01
'1IOACK MiEiN. A'PTENTION.-Studet'ts, there xil O tsen t ."t Slit' 'tst ill total Gide
Altltitetixhto exptect to to alt'hlittg be tin excutrsiontto Detroit Stutrdlay, fot 151,"'editedIbytT tlltrittO It it tli.tttlttinn
Big Four Routeth ott-rbottndoh rvl a~ nfr
U1L the fall fieldi day aherqetsed it itf. 2t.tTrain letoxex Ann Arblor t tt tit It'sma ttthpie teoalttiltle iotn-
SIS SE'ocomse outtfor practice at tile Athletic 7:30 ta. Il. shatrps. Returining leaoxes ttxat at thhe#o koswatir itet egarne
IN IN POIfield exvery afternoots. Mr. Fitzpttrick Detroit at :: p. to. Shotndt trip ticets New Yorh. (hieatgo. Pl'iadhelha.
IN IA O ISLx ile on hand frotm 4 to G ansd xwil 9 cents.--- ---,
L US ILreinder whatt assistance lie cati in addi- Don't forget to subscr'ibe for te dICNN T.Itont ai~ aeo hefobl.I7afv

team.The fall fieltd tlay xiiilit behld
ELEGAN'T in aitout three xxeekso.
Through Sleeping Oars J. A. f.EROY, Capt.
BETWxEEN All stodents expecting to gratd'uate ill
Petoskey, Louisville and anty given year ruot report to tt'
Cincinnati. registrar at the opening of the peat
and ascertaini xhtat prescribed-vork, if
ASK FOR TICKETS VIA u ny', ho still lacing for te deg-ve'
- - - - - - - - - - - - souttto.

When you xvant a good Citir aio:
fcit thte OSCOt2 CONKiLSNG.
For stle chteapt for cashi, pnteumatic
tired Colunshia bicycle. Good condi-
lion. Call afternoons, 14 N. IngallosCt
If you xish to have your rooms rett-
ed, advertise them its the Daily. 1-7
The Daily has already more sub-
scribers among thin co-edo than ever

BIGT + FOUR + ROUTE. I'. t. tecIONT. before in ito history. Co-eds, sub-
_____________scribe, you are represented on tite
FOOtTBLtOL. board.
P. 0. SIeCOR IItCh'. 15 0.StAT TiN Nbeclass footballgullnes still be
Pa'.seo,.r Traffic Mci b en.P. A T.Ant.
played early this year. ian, gers anil The best in everything alw'tys givo's
capain aeugei tTei herEenthen greatest satisfaction. Thte ROSCOE
FISTCAS CSOMTALRIGout at once. CONKLINCI Cigars aro Sbe best and
Cornr o Stte nd illam ts. CHRLE IIIIZ, '311"i"cost no more titan inferior branids.
'iPlle tentance. r hm
Students Recreation Head- TtRV TltE
quarters. Wednesdtay, Ocit. 17, - ti roil-vs
Nit a N.1Matn treet. iOlivet sO Athletic fiehld. - ELITE DNIG PARLOR
TH AN RBR AINS AN Wd.0ct. 17.-HtoS. 1'. B. Hfeed INN
THEANNARBR SVINS BNKopens S. L.. A. 'outse at t'tix-troity ('or. State andttiblerty sts.
AntntArbore, Sucih.Capttal Stocki,850,000. hall EI)WAII II;WIS, Werop.
_SurpluQ, $150,000.
Orgizedeuniderthie GetneralltBnk ieas Thutrs., Oct. 18.-biroftinmtir of hoartesWxanted-.
of this Staite. Iteceives deposits, toys'.atidt
sells excaehto'nothte prittciptal cities of tte tulander, tile uiviersity literary shIIT3_D_1I0hTrlS T
Untited States. Dratfts. cashed upotn proper 1m0ittti out Prie_2TILEts
ideotificationiStafety deposit boxes to ccitt. tP.oIS rie23cls
OFFICERS: Christittnt Mack,,PSee'.; xV. ID. Fri., Oct. I9.-Gymnaisumt lockers oD.F N S R S A R N
Hatrrimatn, Vice-Pros.; Chas. NE Iliscoct, FI E T R S A R N
Casiier; Si. J. Frito.,A sstantet Cashtier. ' sale at treasurer's office. Price $2tier i ti rtri
~ ~ year.
NN B j Sat., Oct. 20.-Feshltlit teltin ill G T A S F' C 5 S
STEAM LAUNDRY Co."CiapNlati 2p. is. Gaeittattrt.l2 E. Iiuronst
Sigh Gohmssad Doesttie Finish. SaC., Oct 20.-Orchsard Lake vs. Miss Hattie Long,
-'Varsity at Athletic field. TEACHER
E. S. SERVISS, Manager, Sat., Oct. 27-Fall Field Day, Ath-, Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo,
23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. letic grounds. 69 Biller ave., Annt Arbor, Mich.

CIGARETTE SMOKERi wits ace will:
hog to pay a little otorethatheit price
charged foe the ortdinary traettigaritest,
wil ind THIS BRAND soperior toal olters.
The Richmond Straight Cut No,1
arc madefrom te righttest, omost deicate
itt flator, acid ighesitailostOLD LEAF
BEWiRE OF IMITATIONi, oach observe
ttat t-e1name0 ofte'mantactuolrers as
Coe t eovr. J)ICTIONARY~
" " " A iab i!l
e A Dictionary of Ci
iillG !ceography,
s1 1Bioglraphy
'ayCS i Edtioc,J 'ai
11 t( ittcriO IGrand tducrator
I! Atibrary in Itself
TeOne Great Standard Antleoritee
Poblished by
t-oe slehbeal oltnseee -Sendilto thcI'
lisers forefeee peospechus.
Donothbuyereprintsof ancienetSits.

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