tt* . ' a4, VOL. V. No.' 180. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. 1 I BOWS TO THE W ORLD. THE RES GESTAE MAKES ITS APPEARANCE TODAY. A Neat Book Full of Good Reading and Illustrations-The Law De- partment Well Represented. The first niimber of thlItles esfa.' published 4 by the Dprtment:f of Lw, is. placd oil sale today. '11w olni, is tastily bond iisred liieiikitils te title enilosetin u gil. Tie hll'iftos' piates wills whils it is prfssey ilts- trateil artexceptiionally good as well ss the lettrpress. Tilt'olteiig lages illo detedeto fiaisbrief skt'fh of eceh of the misemnbers of te '15 lust class, which aro followed by Mr. IBar's sil- dress ansdl txtracts frostsMrt. lIon- blower's, osslt'hecsiossofithelst'pre- sentlatiosnof ft'Cooly bs. Folltwinisg st ossssssssiesslos by lDeans Knsowltons aptptetr several lbiogrsphicaeul sketches, icluinisg sisoglthe profes- sors ft'late' Judtg'Wsalktr, tssss-lscf proinens st sluiDonthsll. Dikinsonti, Hlenry Wi. Rogrs Allisn'/.llars. Jdlges Vsilliiis Story. snd isl ('isssS. Brie. Juditgto('ooly's rec't'ts'sleuel onit'hi le' )Wt'irler-Rauynse 1 issils'folltwsr andsisas tdiseussions of tise rial of Ster.'tsy J. (G. Wisie. Tihe seeondl half of the volawost is .deotedto 10the 'organiizstis oitlue 'sivs'trsiy, isilsdiig ft'legil frte- nitiessPhi DetaisPhli,IDeltCii, uansd lKappaisiSgsmas. 'Ths'history of ue clsass of "'195 is giten by J.1.F. D., sitsd aa tslitble artielt tons iels iLssfegl Educssation, y Prf. 11e(t'i. 'T' sitmer's'school cmsain iifos' siheis discuissioss as dots the valuise of pre- ceess. The pursely litrary psrt of thle book conssiss of ss insssber of short poemss, snd a story by L. CI.NWitles. CASTALIAN AND PALLADIUM. A Move tol Consolidate Them Into One Publication for '96. The jolnir indepenildtfs .eld a mieting last Saurday to elect the board of edilors for otxt yest's Cas- talias. It was decides'sthiat before Lakinsg final ation5asommssitt't'lit'al- poisted to consult withtheflt'fratrnity isen cocesning a. conolidation of thesoPalladiosm and Castslian. E.I. Stuoderlansd, J. J. lPrankh and, S. ''. arr- wre appoited on rie'coi- mitee. The meting then adjourned isstl next Thursday at 4 o'lock. At flit time the mattes' of cosbining the two annuals will be settled and the 'hoard elected. The freshman negligee party at Granger's Friday evening is limitel to fitly couples. It is expected tsat theo social will e ;among the best of the year. B. OF L. TO BE ABOLISHED. Impartant Changes in the Require- ments for Admission. 'hltt'etrust'tistthgof tise -Iltissilof Itigesits", wlsisli tras Iilt i tt'nlty, st214iltlltilttefitt' of stwe'r'al tvert'!IsIs- loetatisi iisuiri's. A r' 'slitisis itas ptasso'dIfortrlit'aslitiion of thoti lt'rt'e ttf liselisliti of letters afte a certtin peiodsslp~robabsly sifter list fr'ieshman clssof tiflstsyetar orfsext Ists gradtui- ted'i. This elhasige liss btot u ndser lte eonstid'rsationsiof the fa(ti'iy fi- ft'e patst yt'ar sisi is undeftrstotii to 1stWt1I'willsft'eapplrot-al of simiajority if it. Severilsmstteriail tltt 'atfisof titi' rr'tiiirt'ssstss fos'aidsmissions to eans- ditlaiy for flit'ootier' three tdegre'es of tle' lifterary dlepasrtmsent wi re also madire. 'IMitDNN' 10iosstrpalsic fautly trill cosist of ft'e fillti;iiistis: Drs. I). L. Lonig, of Ioiat. professor itt 'llt'raplltill'. tir. tsc'an' teSetsre, of De'troit, Sue- gt'ry. tDr. It. S. ('tilandtl of Bay City, Optlt losgy sisdilOtology. tDr. t listcs, of IGrandilRaidis, ha- tIriti ft its. ft is tundeirstootst atlisDr. I 'St'srt' stillblithflt'nsi't'(leasn. 'sT'e librarys' tlslorfitsnit'slfits' Ite( ys'as' I805-6 wasts rid 'tutponiis, Its,' amisiuntifbing dists'ibsutedlis fotllotts fromsi l t'e total sapplroptrit litn f $1.5.000l: fGeneiral libistrs, $10,7501; mseitetl libirary, $2,000s; ltat libirary, .500Stt; detrafl librsars', $250, honopit- ftflic libirsary, <$5111. '96 VICTORS AGAIN. The Class Seems Invincible in Athletics. ''he rinsal gam,,li'nlltho ilt rclas i'lhamplionsilp 5sit's wswlstatsteer- day asft'rnsoosi by 1'l6ftfroststhe 95. I}. A. C. EASILY DEFEATED. QEE OUR WINDOW! VISITORS NOT IN IT AFTER THE " i."' FIRST INNING. "THERE MAY BE The Game Marked by Several Sad Errors and Some Quick Double SOC ETHING[C Plays-Holmes' Hand Still in Bad IN IT." Shape. 'T'le Deltilt Astletic Club silt'=ws ilifi'utt 1 for'ft'e stcon is l lthfitssts <- soti by thle 'vsity tesamssLIs ~Suns 51 South Main st. lusy, flits tissue by asscoire of l's to () 'The Iiu.iytitg sitassuet pasrtiurtlsled-it FASHIONABLE TAILORING itusfilot' fitther heasm, bensg listless io acunst of the het. Slusy of ft'e Elegant Graduating or light Suit birsi irrorsittfstheissningg stee ilut' made from Imported or1iinest to a 'ry brighit sun andsilrtusfrlarly D m sto+Wo ln to thei rough consitiion of the grousnds. for $22.00 and up, Full Dress Snit Sextoss stuss in thue box, slid the Di. $27.00, svork made at home bears A. C;. ~ 11101hrl oce h ul io inspection by any Hlight Class sau oulrl h uil 'ailor and Cutter. Will be aftttr the lurst isting. Holsists' huandi pleased to have you call and he convinced. stas slot. ye't ii shapto10lseliit uitus to hilyhottCondsons gavse Sexless very JOS. 'W. KOLLAUF, good suppiort. C. ('sofhissd, swho phtl- 10 E. 'Washington St., utp stairs. ed for lt'e D. A. C., wst-ilt sfhardel anll oftoen, but the hitsswesri' sot svery ITOT LITU'IWO _'S wvell bonds 1 . FREon LINE OF lIt the first inninig, a btte 0on balls, L NE 'S CHOCOLATES idoublt', tripile',ts-woscrificit, asud fto errorestiritight iss fotis rusts foe SBech- igas.i. ''u' D... d it 00': lit te oss a.has' oss balls, iusintgle',;tipli' asdtwfso esrifictes. After that thei D. A. I'. stero 'ae-s- ictimss, andsel si'st oust iii oust',wo, flirte order for i' isi inintigs. The fielisg stas smared 'b ly lt'.c, goodl iouible' plays, fIltootsuissgssoto Rhusseill, Diesis to IlhtstssistgstostlSt- Kenuzie'and thiestiifttosondon. Slielis Wuifkisisaudstl hhittusuistoni cashlstsolt tsso tiass. Scett'by issiliig:s: Inniings . -1213 4 5,IG 7 8 9 Nlicsigssi... .3 U 11 Si) 3 2vIt-15 i. A.C...' . 501110i0 1000I I-G( sirrs-- Mlieligis.5, 1D. A. C. 7. flits -iliutin 17, 1). A. C. 4. +TUTTLE'S, +48 S. STATE ST. THE NEW SHIPMENT OF .Russet Shoes' AT- JACOBS & ALLMAND Washlngten lilnek, Ann sArher. ' ED. A. CADIEUX, Latest Improved Barber Sheo In the City. E. Wtashington it., Ist door eait of Shale it. Asis Arbor. !CE CREAM, SODA WATER, FLOPS and NOTAX. asd all summer bevser- ages. ('losing out PItES BELOWS COSf. JOLLY & C~,02>S_ STATE Tennis Goods OFF 4AT- 1t.1s cliss Itosis. 'T-egsists' is los, slshrigei sshul sil'. lis lst'How the Tennis Players Are hilts assidierrostwers'ee-ysnurouis. Bths t alss sstai'iedout wstshsieavy fliting assiluosor ilulisg its thissto isnsinsg, tansi'90 tussl. us steuiiugy stufe Is-dallstte. '0-5)1, kpt crt's'utisug1sits- liossese, usasdin theitsiseills 'sten's mtttrssilto001'9(ll'sisifitel usrors. lsn the ieightlh the laskIept it upsoil steistout 'isiths tile siore 21 Iao1hi in ftir' fussor. 'filft'll cii Showiaslter h(-asily, bossever, nd. aidesl-by errors rusn istwsvse scores. '915 IL cosupi essly get tso is the ninth, hind the gamie'isas 'iwon. 'Ihuis gives '%)G ills bssoall anid foiotball chamionlilshipus assi- the- fielil day cup for this year. Score by innings: Innings.... 1 23ii45(i>7 S9 '9G1 ....... 1 00 01h12 *-27) 'h93 F,-.. y 1 1 1 0I 4 8 2-25- .Batterie&-'90, Bryant and Hov'ey; hI5 L, Shoswalter s -nd Bing. Matched for the Opening Games. '1Te tuaunnualsh aiisg tennuis tourist- sient trill begissnsit :530 todauy. Thur drawsinigs atxe as follosws: IFiest ilu ssaiusls-'htcrriug vss Jocelyn, Nijssvss. Hetrrick, Mauyer' so. Caulkisa. Priccesvs. Seabury. Dossbles-Alexstssier ansd Cautlkis vss Herrick aund Seobiusy. Price usnd Nissvs. Chiering sait Tocelyss. secnd clsiss sissgles-Smsith vs. Woe- dens, Russsell, vs. Hlickecy, Prentiss vs. Page, Simossivss. Htughses, Colburn vs. Gander, Harvey ys. Knsalipen, Caulkins vs. Davis, Stayer vs. Guns- mings. Northwestern Disbanded. The game scheduledl for Wednes- day has been canceled on ^rcouit of YVj X ti t the dihlding of N orthssvestesn's team. UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE, STATE; ST.