THE U. OF M. DAILY. A. 6. SPALDING& BROS. -Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALDINO BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 1895. 'IANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. 'EW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA MOORE & WETMORE 41S. Main st., and State st. cor- ner of William st., have full lines of BASE BALL AND TENNIS GOODS AND HAMMOCKS Gift Books for Commencement. Call and see us before purchasing. G. H. WILD. THE LEADING TAILOR and Importer has received the largest and most select stock of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS for Spring and ummer of '95 in the city, and would e pleased to have you call and examine the samne. Full Dress Suits a Specialty. E. Washington st.. near Main. SWEATERS Mo en and Boys, HANKNIIAM' { . OOL SWEAERS in black, navy, white, a;garnet and gray, for Boys, up to 32 t inch sizes, For Men, all sizes, Strawbridge & Clothier P'HILADELPHfIA. Lawn Tennis -AND- Base BalL- GOODS AT On.e.Quarter Of. o I ER IOT ANew..Cam-era! WANAMAKER tailors 20 miles of cloth per day. lie buysC.) at cnormnous discounts. You buy of him and you avoid the profit' of ! ,"" the wholosalor, the jobber, the middleman. 500 samples. Up-to- - (late tailoring. Fit guaranteed.Sweoil Suits $18. . - WLLSEY'S OLD STAND. STATE STREET 4ArE EHIGHEST OF ALL HIGH GRADES. Wrrated saperior to ay Bicycle buit il the world, regardless. at pritee Poanot beinduced topav teote moey foranerieor atteelTtsitton y hariag the Waverey. Busilt and guaranteedl by the Indiana Bicycle Ce., + a tail lioantdllar concern, whoetband is a goad as gold. 21 lb. SCORCHER, $85. 22 lb. LADIES', $75. H. J. BROWN1, Exclusive Agt. 110WM TO ECONOIV[JMZIE. Flour is going up. Tomatoes are going down. Eat Tomatoes. 3 Pounds Greenwood, 75 cents per dozen. 3 Pounds Peninsular, 85 cenits per dozen. a Pounids Riverside, 95 cents per dozen. All good Fresh Goods. 44 South Main Street. I' LAW NOTES. U. OF Al. CALENDAR. A. W. Wier, 1195 L, is confinted to his Sat., Juno S.-Warsity vs. D. A. C., roomis wilt riteumtisml. atltetic field, 3:30 1).n Thte ateiolwasawill he quized lin Sat.. Juine S. -Att recital in Uiniver- Ditnogt tex wttlt cornlenlngsity halhenefit for Oratorical asso- ciationi. 'Tuesdaty afternlooin. Sat., Jine S.-Art recital, Uitiversity The linatJtiless gamte betwtein '95 L htall, for the beitefit of the Oratorical andti'96 illiitake place Monday after- tasociatioit. _ Toe list of qulestionts on Federal Jurisllrtdoliec is ot, andl lily be oh- talied at tileliltrarittl's desk. Thte senior laws hecld a very stormly ictctiiig yesterdaty reg rditig the bust plate, but wereuniable to accomtplisit ''The examnatilonin llDonmestic tRtla- tions whticht was to htave bteeni toilliglit htas beiintposatonetd until Ttuesdaty ntightt at 7:301. The Line for Western Students. Tte CHICAGlO 41tEAT WESTERIN Ili:. is the shtort anth direct linie witht freqtuent filet trelis from Ciicago to. Dubutque, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Wat- erloo, Mtarshalltown, Des M4oines, St. Joseph, Leavenwortht, Kansas City, ini- teriniediate statioiis and all pofints bse- yond. Their splendidt satton. at Chi- cage is located ril~it in the heart of the city and close connections are made at terinial and junction points with lines diverging. Thtis Mae itay swll he termed the "Students' Popular Rallway," no swell do they look after every detail wvhich tends to please and niake happy she tired studont on his way home or to his vacation point after his hard work in college. Mtr. A. W.--Noyes is the District Rep- resentative of this line and will be in this city with headquarters at the American House most of the time dur- lug the next ten days, or ;inforinato t may he obtained together with maps etc. at this offie. Inttirvietv him freer, ly regaroing your trip if you go wes t Have you" rooms to -rentS ift'so, ec- sertise them in the Daily. Mion., June it.-F~inal interclass game, between '96f and '95 I.. Tutesday., Junte 11. Itteni lecture by Prof. Thtomlas ill Taipttn itall, 7:15 P. i., for womten's gytti. Tues., Juno 11.-Soonore-fresh. tian fi eld day, 4 p. in. Wed., June 12.-Varsity vs. North- western, athletic fieldi, 3:310 piii. Thturs., June 13.-Last faculty con- cert of the season, in FrieeMemaoriatl hail. Fri., June 14--Fresitman ne'gligee party at Granger's aeademty. Sat., June 15.-Varsity vs. Chicago, athletic field. 3:30 p. in. JUST A MTOM1ENT, PLEASE. Tue progressive anld aggressive rail- way in tile hilt of Iteercitaigeabl'o Mlilage is the Ohtio Cenitral. Amiong the first to tssue thtis hook: it has al- ways been the leader, It now. pub- lishes (17 ditstinct systems of traitepor- tatian. Separated into divistiol lines as is done by many, it htas 123 trans portation lines represented. A full list wilhe mailed upon application- to any agent of the Ohio Central Lines. SIOUiLTON HO UK, G. P. A., Toledo, Ohio. '97-98 FIELD DAT. Entries to the freshman-sophomore field day, whtichi will he held next Tuesday afteruoon beginning at 4 o'clock, must heeitanded in by Satur- night next to L. Hutchuinson,. '97 man- ager, or H. T. Heald, '9S manager.. THE WABASH TRAINS Now enter and leave the -New Union station at St.. Louis over .the New Mferchants Bridge, thereby. avoiding the. hot, smokey, 'disagreeable ride through, the tunnel. cn THE HA~WK-YE, JR, Will acomeodae lIlaI for D5e. adis loaed and tleadditobroad daylit.Gl.Pes t. eatbe sed sitiutay extra attatmensa PRICE., $9 Including Sunightiltm fr 12 eposuraes Send o Cataodseribing. all inds at Caeras and Acessries. The Blair Camera Co., 471 Tremont St. tsian. iMas. ICE COJLD SODA WATER -AT- A. . MUMMERY'S. NEW ART TILE SODA FOUNTAIN Ice Cream Soda, Vernors Ginger Ale, and all popular drinks. A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, CrIferth Ae and lWashington St. J. OF M. FLAGS 25c Each. WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. GUT RATE RAILROAD TIGKTS to all pints for suit by -ANN ARBOR R. R. TICKET AGENCY, 33 E.HusrnSt Mlember at American T,1,,,t Brker's Ass elation. IAlt '1 renprtatint ~ur untei. Tickets bogt and sold. SchaII~fs Bookstoe! Formerly with George Wahr, 15 E. Washingtor. st. Headquarters for everythiing a Student needs in the line of Test: Books, Stationery and Misellanec .me Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington st., one block. east of Main at. 9 WT A.BOm STEAM LAUNDRY CO. High GlossGild Domsti5 Fnsh. E. S: . RISS,,Mnagr, 23 -SOUTH FOURTH -AVEN UE- Hembers of Guaratee Ticket Brkers' Ass- elatn of.II. Co~lbyt & Meeon IR. !L. TikektAigency 5 Adams+t.Chicao eduNcsed rates Ce all, . nts .Brnhe hiaden'rkta N. ! sweaters One-Third Off Sheehanu & Co.'s