MICHIAN (3 AILj TimkesTalbi(.eyed) May 19, 1894._ A 1 WEST. E. M l Aif .X 13 O. ate : 3' 50t:eMi=_ ----504 N1 . :'peasl 5* Chi.tE.. .:lo 257 3 G. . Epres __1 05 CG.RN. x_...1...28 0. R 1. E - 55 0. Iv. ArdG o. A. A r, Taking effee Sunday, Apr4t7,1894. trains leave Ann Arbor= on Central Stand- ard time. NORTn. SOUTH. $:07 a. m. e:l a. m. *12:25 p. Im. 11:30 a. m. 4:19pm 9:00 p.m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Going North at 9:15 a. m. Daoing Sooth at 0:15 p. m. Trains Sunday ran between Toledo and Hamborg Junction only. *Trains run between Ann Arbor, and Toledo only. All trains daily except Sunda Agn R. S.GRE N) DOQD,Agn W. B.BENNETT 4. P. A.oledO 0. ANNABIR & YPSILANlTI S , RY, time, table, May 26, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti gro00 Congress at., :00, 8:00 and 11:00 am.; 12:45,215i,5: 00, 0:41, 9:30 and 11:00 p... Leave" Ann Arbor Junction, ,7:00, 8 0° and 11:00 a.; 1:11, 2:41, 9:30, 7:11, 10:00 and 11:00 p. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsiasti from Congremsst.,1:M0, 3:10, :00,6:0: aald9:0Q p. m'. Leave °Ann" Arbo~r Junction, 1:00, 4:00,51:00, 7:00 and 1:10 p. m. Cars ron on city time Fare: single trip 15 cents: round trip tickets 10 costs. WiO: S.,PAnsce, ij.Spt. $.2.5 10 CLEVELAND VIA ".&B. LINE." t~goificent side-wheel ' steel steamers State of Ohio acid * tate of Newv York D>AILY TIME TABLE. 19UhDAY INCLUDED. Lv.Cleveland------------..---0t05 pYm. Ar. Buffalo------------------- -0a. mn. Lv. Buffalo. . . ..--_------ 0)p. m Ar. Cleveland. . ..--------7:100a. m. Central Sfandard Time. Take the "C. & B. Lise" steamers and en- Soy~ refreslisg oitI's rest.wken enroute tc Buffalo,,Niagkra lBi 1, Torosto, New York, Bsaton, Albany, 1,000 islands, or any Eastern or Cassadial polos. LIIEAP?..tAGUIISIS WEE K1 TO ~AAA FAUlS Send dc postag;e for tourist pamphlet. Gam.,.. Apt. Geni M5anager. Clevelasd, 0 Slagmicent sew steamship now onder con- att s for th ''oute. FL.OWERS, FB0_OWRS ForEverynig ad Everybody. COUSINS & IHAM Florkts;20aT telnve3Iytaq DIET AS & SCHANZ, e17003 M.ZT.AMZORS O6r'.SprIn'ngad S1 nanerWoolens are nom 00 eales Prices Low. 48 9. Rtane at.. 1Sera 0 lebs>or, tAnn AArbor. 22 Years in the .B iel__ _ CITY LAUNDRY1 THE U.' OF M- DA LY. BUSINESS LOCALS. (1 M OND S HAVE. YOUR HEAD EXAMINED. By Prof. Ernetst V. Howe, Plienolo-MAKNC L E gisI, at 4N. Fifthi ave. Ew olngs' t -K AG LN to 10. Charges, 50c for oral dscrip- ion75cwithl chart. H-ere a short 0STEAMES. S time t.only. 183 NOTICE TO FRATERNITIES. Toiuristis ouitev. The desirable dwelling at 47 S. SEMI-WEEKLY FROM. Fourth awe, is for sale on very reason- CLVELAND, TOLEDO NDflFTMfIT ahio terms. It conltains all motdein CE ! N conyeniences and is first class in every-rol - respeet. Its location makes, this resi=- MACINW( ISLAND, CHEBO614, dence very desirable as a chapter S INC house' for a fraternity. For terms S'I;E ALPENA, callat 7 S.1a ~il'h a e.And all f'ortsosn the West Shsore of Lake call t 475. Forth we.Hurons. WABASH LOW RDATE HARVEST______ EXCURISION FORt 1831. Remember this is th:e only line'giving pus- wil e unfrm l saton o tesengers te the opportunity of slgh~t seefig at nll Wot nthis po:pular route. Also'glisg pas- W)abash Railroad oo April 30th, Slay oentgees nskitigaei onltnuons trip six lours on the fomoss Magckinac Islansd. 21st and June 11th to the West, North- Fares, including Meals asnd Berth:s, no othser west Soth ad Suthwst. expenses. ..wet, Suthand outwest Clpply thoCleveland to hlinac iIland and cc- For full particulars, apytoth turn, seven-daoy te~p-. . .9- --14.00U nearest ticket agent of the Wabash or To-led tlni n12lod.s0r0sn connecting lines or to Petrol tto Sloe Gina-LwIsland~ and return, five-toytrip. . . ..-------------11.00 C. S. CEANE, Tickets good to return any time toeing the G. P. & T. A. Wabash 1t. H. Setison. Conniecting st SMackinac; Islan~d silk ail HOS1IE-SEE KERIS' EXCURSION, steamers foreCticlesos Siloank: e, Petoskey, On May 2?1 and June 11 Agents of Sault Stte. Marie, anti oil pointo on Is~e ich ll- igan, Lake t: p eri::r, ant Gieet: Ba:y; ant at Ohio Central Lines will- sell Home- 4t. Ignace witi D . S. & A. liy. for all1 points Seekrs xcusio Tiket to In the Upper Peninsula and the WVest. Write Seekrs Ecurson Tcket topoints for tinme table. in Virginia at One' Fare for Round S. B. CRUMMIOND, Geni Msnager. Trip. 'Limit :30 days. Also tickets U. GRANT GRUMMOND, Pass. Agt. 'to oins Ws~t nd outweston ame General Offices.,Detroit, Mick. basis. Limit 20 days. See Ohio Cen- F~YU 1108'T ITBS tral FRAgents. .' 4 PCT$SQ W. A. PETERIS, SI1. P. A., jIBCilig ISLiEB. Detroit, SMich. DIEAS O VA3AS3 PALOR ONE THOUSAND MILES OP LAKE RIDE hEAL ON ABASI PALOR AT SMALL EXPENSE. CARS.___ Arrangements have been made to Visaittts iFstortcal Islands which Is the serve imeals in Parlor cais now run- griandest suimx~er resort, on, the, Great ninontrans 4 ad 5, etwen t. 'skeW i.only costs %about $13 froin nin ontrhi~ 4 an 4, btwen t.Detroit ; $10 from Toledo.; $18,, frm Louis and Toledo, and passengers can Cleveland, for the, round trip,; including hereafter get meals on these cars Inei ls and bertha', Avoid -the heat antI equal to any served at the best hotels, ilust by traveling on the D., 0. flosSing and a modrate rice. ouces. The attractions of a. trip tc the and at mderate picesslcklnac region site'unsurpassed.' Ile" *C. S. CRANED, lcktnd.1lself .fis a grspd-. rossaslttU spot, its Goni1 Pass. &' rTI. Agt. 'tmate moat Invigorating. Two new tlel ,passenger steaitsefs :have..just bera: Wanted-Stndents' and others who illi. far tibe~uppei yak@ route,,.costirng< would like to have life miasks of them- 110,000 elucfh, they sre 'eq uipped with - solves or aniyone else to call oii or ild- 'veryv modern convenience, annuanciators, ::tliroamps, etc:,' llluspjnsted ;throughout idress Alexallder, Sculptor, No. 115 XV. by electrcity, and areoguaranlteed to be Huron st., Ann Arbor. 170""A is grandest, 'larg$et sn .;sfe t.Steamers. Ther swll e ameeingof he dc-:ttn0fresh Waler. These steam ers favorably Ther wil b. a eetng f th Ine-tonpe wills the great ocean liners in con- _ endents of the class of '06G in the l.rutitiiasnd speed. Four trips per twert; chatpel Saturday at 2' p. m. for Mhe: put- Iiectweea Toledo, Detroit, Alpena,. Machi- pxof electing a- board of editors for °':'. it.Igxnace, Peto~Iupy, Chicago, '800 { n.oetyea's C.stalia. 179adDuluth. Daily between ! net yars a'sa~lan. 7J t Iec' radand Detgolt, aqd Q5ve and and Notice-F1i've to Ten Dollars per day Ptit iii fltsy (The palatil ' equipment may be earned. by students-either 'tmike"' traveling. on. these steamers rthor- 119tigl i ejoyable 'Sendf cillustrated; lady or geiltlenlanduring the sum -sei'ortiwe pamphlet, 4d .lrese',A..,;A. Wier ' vacation, by hustling for me. 5cn3Armrz 1 . A D.1C., Detroit, Mich, Writ- at 'onice,' stating previous buss=- n 0e xperience to E. B. Latham, 1f s Albion,, Micli. r 17,01 S' V I r NOTICE T E INNIS PLAYERS. s,, All n'iembe-'0 of the Atbletic asso-= ciatiodo fi'lue 'to use the te~nnis courts must procuro baidgcs of 'thet tennis conmmittee. The, badge.s canti DO 00W&?kT $OD BICYCLES AND QIIIOK SNIPMETS? + + + 9J SVPB MLE 9 ,UIISBICYCLBS Wo are even on order for Gents' Special, 21 l'bs., Aluminum !Kinish, and can promptly ship them, but don't ask for Ladies' Wheels, or Racers to be shipped samsa day. Order Gents' Wheels and se- cure a ready seller, We have an 18 lb. Road Wheel, 4 in. tread. PLYMOUTH CYCL E MFG. CO., PLYX~olrT, IN. ; 0. Lippm.an, Agent, 46 E. William St. TILE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF C ICAGO. Annual Session begins in Septei- her and continues seven months. Four years graded course. :Labora- tory, Clinical and Dispensary ad- vantages exceptionally good. For annual announcenlent, and other informationi address CorreS- ponding Secretary, DR. BA YARD HOLMKS, 34Wa-blsgtnn S., ChiruAo. T. &0.0. Ry. K. &M. Ry. Solid Orough trains between Toledo, Ohio and Carlesto, xv. Va., via Columbus, the short and only direct route. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 0. Kenton, '0. . Coumbus, . Athens, .. 4 Middleport, . Pomery, 0.. Pt. Pleasnt,.QW Va. Richmond,' Va. Petersburg, Va, Old Point CofrtVon.. Williamsburg, a. - Newport News, Va. N orfolk, a. And all otheastern -points. Ele ant draswing room cars on all through trlsns. Foe further Ifomaiton call on your local: Ticket Agent or write MOC0LTONHBOCK, Cool Pass. Agt. TcedoO,. N. A. PETERS Michigan Pas.Agent De1Jtotlick. I oprocored by presenting athletic einbership 'tickets to kay of the lliowing person': It.B. Calkins, eniii If nagr', Psi 'U House; II. C. 'r t, 27 E. I~Li -rty at.; Isaodore 1111; nzi '.:Hughes, Phi Rappa Psi r fQ _, MA1RK k :SS ±d 'LAB , r u 147-705t151aaSt. FOND DU L 1C, WI P-