zl~u. 01?M, Published Daily (Snday excepted) during te Colleg yar,at THE, NIER~iTY OF MCHIAN OrricE: Times buildig N. Main st., opposite - 90 toficr EDITORS. J. A. LROY, '6, Managig Editor. A. W. SITH, Special, Assistant. W. A. SrtjL, 90 , Asitant. E. R. SussnnutAyN,'9, Asltant. H. CoLeMA, X97, Athletic Editor. G. B. BARSONno'96L. Busines Manager. L. I. tiAMQNro, ' L. Assistant. Associate Editors. H. A. Dancer, '5.. E.. Eas~s,95 . L. A. Pratt~ 6. CarrigYV. Snth,96 C. A. Hioughton, '96 D. G. A. Heath, '0 P. Minnie Thompson, '7.1. B. Gammon '0 M. C. i3. Farrell, ' . .Knapen'5 The last Issue ,of the Daily will be June 28, the day'after Commence- mnut. ;Sbecrbersa who leave before Conencemetil m:tay have.,their paper -mailedto theer home addres wtt onte;fae'aearaeby ieavlog sthe. address wil. tote buaneaa maposgr. New asuieripttona fr local delvery or 'maslied nohome aaddreaa until June,2JS ,211 cents. The ofitee isur ,91fthe buines manager'are from 8 to 10 a. in., b to 6 and 7 to 9 p. m. daiy. Bouand by n greenent to publish everytllug ilu;dull, te Doly columnsus have ben burdpted for some days pst with a communictio on te re- cent'-debte at Evtaston,, from the chairman of the Northwestern debte committee, ltlough .we have felt it to be stle, and without ;interest to most of our readers. We -published it, however, beca~se our .Nortiwestrn friends declared they had been mis- represented by us;and,,as they want- ed to have all or not any printed, the Daily felt coled upon to give them ,a fair~ show.. Whether they;pavemde ot their ase or not, we leave witi our readers to decide. They certainly have beclouded the points at issue by unclleld-or ;personalities' ad some misstatements, e. g., the brass band tale: The * Daly interview d Mr. J. B. Broos chairan ,o last years debatocollinitteee'concening the writer's statement tat,"Mihigan selected her judges last ear so late that not one of ther u nmes was known;,to the Nrt western};debte s' when they left Elvaoson the dhzy be- fore the debate." Said. Mr.-Brooks, "The statement is absolutey' fas, as two of the judgs were approved by Northwstern three week before the debate and the third ,on e wek 1b- fore." The Daily wishes its readers to undrstnd, however, that we did not tnoupsln list hnor of the jdges but iude th atate.ipnt that hey were not chsu itccording tohe rle, and that ever1re iu.ituext2 was brought to bear3 n thin to ceate syngathy for Nrthwesterns ,two debtigef,n account of their usissinig man. -We be'- lieve our readers have had enough Of the discgs ssoond it shal not becn- tinned. Brwn d , Y CSemot Ursa 10-0. ,- INTERCOLLEGIATF. Cornell is the. only university in tle East which has not adopted time cap, and,.gowu .this..year.. Butler University adds the, subsehip- tion price .of tlime college paper to the tuition of each student, The colleges and universities in the South intend to ptublish a ,magazine to be known as the :Southecrnuiversity Magazine. It would take a man seventy years to, pass through .Harvard college, if he1 studied every course- offered in the catalogue. Two thousand six hundred sick ex- cruses have been presented at Harvard during the present college year. rep- resenting an absence from college du- ties of over 16,000 days. The college yell is pnrely an Amieri- can invention, and is unknown in other countries In England the stu- dents simply cheer or scresm the noon of their college or university, no attempt lu iii ad at a rhythmical' cheer as in this country. Entries for,,the freshmasn-sophomore' field day next: Tuesday, close ;tonight with t . . Hutelinson, '97;. and H. T3. BHeald,'9. EVERY 'DAY Excursion rates-to the Virginias and' the" Southeast are- in effect, upon the Ohio Central lines; through, trains daily between Tolede and Charleston, W. Va.' via Columbus. !'This is the shortest. and most, direct route., Con- sult agents 0. C, Lines. 33 4 --* - - Z The society oror g Printed at the X, The Victor League Ball 4is made of the" finest materials ad will * ,~ ' E S'i give greater stisfaction than ay oher* .L u f 4 Victor Athletic Goods ,. WE..CAN SUIT Y( areefavorites among the athletes, and dine , ___________ 'vitorttae-mrk s Aguarantee 'of the 4 finest quality.: OVERMAN WHEEL CO. 4 Sinkers of Victor Blicyclen. 44pomssn. COeAS nen :.. Tlal sp ceis, rei 4 Son Franisco. Los angeles.'Portand. for the and B. STArsten, Agent, 11 WV. ttashingtnst. tanization served O pema 5,0CO >1 c Iii 0,a > b. . ; ro v a , ti E-+ '; ,. z3 'asp o~ i' H -, t't d. 40 R a -+ 0 S a S W 0: 9J g : d 7t . ap r © A *ax +'m~s Pr, 5 5,0 a - o 5'..c W_ 0 0,°"- a. C0 DITSON1UIC, "'Six Love Songs," B 1y Franh 2. Sawyer. Transiattops ,of Six, of Hielne's finest lyrics in exqusisite musical settings. H-eavy Paper, TB cehts.- The standar&l collection, of College Songs. Over 8 0000sold. Heaver y Pa-per, e50' cents;' 06th. 011t. 1'. 0. "COLLEGE ,SONGS FOR GIRIS." Only bho,0fthe .hknd' published. The songs of the leading. colleges for women. Heavy Paper. $1.00.- Eighty-tws pieties tor the .guitar from the heat asi-cme. A spiendiid collection. Hland- sine Cover. °5'0 nent's. Any boooksent postpaid on receipt. of 'price 453-468 Washington tit..iBoton. Cf: itDlsnn&Co.' NY. AI9'fN:ARBROR STEA illDYiE WORKS.0 Ladies' an d Gets' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. 8 W.ERNST 'ANARSO. FIRST CLAS CSTiMTALORN corner of State and William sts., Wilti ta. t etrance. Do bou'want boarders?- If, so, ad- ver tise youir':board 'In: thleDaily. FIRST N A ioNA $ A tk. OF ASS ARBOR. Organisedl I863.' Capital, 80,ttS. ,Surplus ard{ Pre~s t, 40,t00 'Transacts .a general :banhing bnnlnem. Foreign exchanges bought adnsold. Furnish. retters of credit, P.11B4,cH .3gs. 5',CL A It SON. Caahier. Advanced clams in dancing for ladies and genthrumnatGrooger's Acadlemy, SATURDAY EVEMNN SIt to Jupe 2d. Cords of adtmirsion cans be procured. for each evening or series:Pri- vate iesmons on" waltz and "T 1wo'-Step' S5 spectaity. 05cr: Ground floor, 0i May- nard st.. LeAST fPARTY AD5PTES6SN 4;c Former pupils amnd friens n Ise The lat~est thing In PB OTOGEtAPBY at pit. ~ st_,. Siecial Ha te oSos. fti' STERV aRICATERER~n 20E. Washing .1= imuube. 9 5, t b Ref 5 a '0- i S°a ° u s (55 'C o E se g 03S in 1T'SHARD TO DOU XItT'ls6r0'?'the cosedmeful Tobslasee4-thepereetog. CEO, S. PARKER FOUNTAIN 'PEN.s Yourdmalerisliktelyhtmto haystezi ebsiseeitm no andormjl p5 Sm gyu lsforatlsonom atand. our hasme.n-lismrased cmhidgn frees P t lt flIrgPoAsY, Jaeeille, WIl.. S$ EHAN &CO. Exclusive Ageints fineAny Arbdos The Fisk Teachers'- Ageney1 EVEIET . sFIt.& 06C. 355. Wabasha Ave:,' - - Chicagq,in~ois5 ,A;hbutisfn Plam 70 FifthsAvenpe , .C'801 Tweftthtreet, 115 Wash Avenue .,BPSTON,; MASS' NEW YORY, NY. WASH",SOTON, t.16. F CBICAG5O, ILL. 3 hrhStreet. 420 Cntgs '. 'e , OLYMPIA, - i0opj ,- :rng Street; .RONQTO, CAN. SItiNEsOPO iS;,' ira WASHINGTON, LOS ANGELES. ,, Sedfor .&gency Maziual and Registratioz4Blanks.