je . o . a l. VOL. V. No. 179. UNIVERSITY OF AHCHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 81 1895. 'RICE-- Tintr ,. CENTS. VO.V o 79 MEST O iHGN ATRAJN 8 S5 RCETRECNS BEFORE SUPRtEME COURLT ARTRECITAL PROGRAM TONIGHT Howell's "Albany Depot" Will be MAY GO THE LAW FOR REMOVAL Well Presented-Recitations by OF HOMEOPATHIC SCHOOL:- Misses Osborn, Cady and Thomp- Grounds for Considering :A Uncon--______ stitutional-The Regents Unani- :'the programi of the art r( ettal'to be, mnously Opposed to the Measure --von 'ill tUniversity 1bll t1ilsE veilif A Tendency to Disintegrfation' tillelliir iill.*l:itcesof Irof.- Teaietalooil, It is Illotunlikely that the roc tet law providing for the reimoval of the Homleopalthlic school to 1)troiti will comeI before the Sup~remol Court of tll State. Daurinig the lithe the hill was plOniillf ill Coninlitteee, thee Ils Bar- hour, Cocker, F'letchier, Cook. and Deall went -to Lanisinig to protest againist its passage, nirginig toit the step was one, toward the disintegra- tion of the University. tt is held that the reiioval is a violation of thelaro- vison es talblishingftheLUiversity at Annl Artier, andl that this paoinlt shoutld lie'adjutdicatedl u11011ill order to aix fereva r what the piowers of _tle letis- lilure iiiflits'particular iare. 't'ihe are two ways ill which tile qulestionl alay comie, before the celrt:,by tii e - fuisatl ot the regenits to remilove tlt school and11the lalialttin for awrit of mtanamuis by the state hoeiopathI- ic association; or, by the. grantinig or 51 anijutlliona tarverting its remaoval onl the appllication of' Anns Arbor citi'- There is anothier groundt for the claima that thea- till is unclonstttutionlll; it is providead that all hilt- which ha:ve- psassea thIrough the IVgislature moare flials five andal less thanaltilldaystre- vious to adjotlrlinett.maust receive the signiatuare of tile execultive boefore .aadjoturnmlent, in ordar to becoilac lawi. A special extension of live clays is granted to. the goverlioa for the con-. sideration of bills :passed by tihe honses during the last five dlays of the ses- sion. Tle bill in question was ready for the gubernatorial approval or dia- approval seven or eighlt days before tile adfjournmnent of the legislative body, but was cot signled until two or three days after that tinme, which .fact. as is claimed, reanders the elsactlllent% unconstitutional. Alpha Pelts Win From the Dekes. .The inter-fraternity baseball game yesterday between' the Delta. Kappa. Epsilon and Alpha Delta Phi resulted in a victory of seven: to four for the latter in a. contest of six innings. Woodruff and N. T. Bourlanrd were tleo battery for tile Alpha Delts,' Galbraitia and Harrington, for the DeL-es. Thle score byinnings -was as follows: Innings. .. 1 2 1 4 54 D.K.E...........00°130.0-4, Alpha.Deit ...... 112040 3.-- S5ubscribPe for 'thef Daily. faor flu- baneiit- ot the Oteiteialas- etattioli, is as folloaws: leanrt. I-Ne.1. (a) !le itlMena is- adyinaagote,c.(balTliBa-tealthal, I(ada-pt- a(Ii from "Shlitas ithatleinilltie fit"), recited ltay" Miss(Orsboerni. 2'. (a) Br-utuls aaaat Pertia, tfr0111 Jliuas-Caesar, Act 11, Sce-li-1.. '(ha Spring, thy a Ilalareus la-.(c) Jo- stalh at theiarioue~ts Sprngs, tell)tHti- dla's Little flood, recited by Mis Caady. 3. (a)'Thle *Olal* Tetalile lb( a;t ala Trilbyav.OtFerrall slid "Mrs. Itagot., (adapteat fromii"Triltby"),'(c) Itabatit in the tress-ties-,blyy Miss Thomplisn. Part tt.-WInl. I). tHowells' faa-ce, "The Altaany Depbt," wtth the followv- inig cast: Mrs. Robaerts..-.--------.Miss Cady Mis. tCaampball - Miss tOrsborn Mrs.'Metiba-ny-...Miss Thlomapseon 'Cili Cook..-.....-----Miss Garadner Mr. Roberts.-.--.-------.Mr. Simith. Mir. C-amptbell....-------..Mr. Austial Mr. alila ny-----------M ir. Hanidv Stationa Porter............Mr. Brown International Athletic Meet. Tho project of all internlationlal athi- letic coiatest. betweenl tile'two gr ~ae taniversities of Eniglandla, Oxforad anal Camibriadge, anal teamlis repre-sentng cleat Anaerican unliv/ rsitie a is receiv- lei muchilldiscussion.. The sucecees of tile Enlishte athletes last stummerl ~in tile contest betwel Oxford slid Yale bets i-eeltile-Inwith the dleterlnllia tloa of again lmeeting willsa. retied atative Almericals tehaml, andalftle Englishl pa- iaers are extiressillg Ilthe p -thlat thae challengel recenltly given lay their two principal in~stitu~tions will tbe accepted. Dr. Vaughan Elected PresIdent. Tise conlvenioln of -Ailliglai playsi-, flanls which. lhas een'lsill progreass for two or three days at Bay City, y Ester- day adjiourned. Dr. Victor C. Vaughan was elected pr~esideet for thle olistling, year. And Frederick C. Novy, treas-' urer. H11. H.taskell ilas boon re-elected captain of the University of Illinois *Miss, Eliza M. Hill, 'J5, will 'teach physics and cemlistry in .St. Joseph. High School next year. '96h independents mleet in chapel at 2 p). m. today to eleret a board of ed- itors for next year's Castalian. The program of the Alpia Nu sect- ety vill be postponed one week from this evepig onaccount of the art re- cital of the Oratorical association. WE PLAY TILE ). A. C. TODAY SEXTON WILL OCCUPY THE BOX FOR MICHIGAN. Makeup of D. A. C. Team the Same as in Their Former Game I-lre- Gutharci Will Do Their Pitching- Game Called at 3:30. 'Che gamle -with the Detroit Alle-ic cluis nine will begin at 3:30 o'clock thits afternoonis This will be tbe sc- oite gameicthits season with our former etaale of tDetroit. The maiikau11 of the D. A. C. nie -will be the saea as to the berst gml~e here',. (lutliard, who pitedaltie last half of Ithat gamle, will be in the box for thlee.Tie D. A. C. has net pltaye-a sslmaniy ganmesflis year as hitherto, ht is still the same strong aggregatiton.011 Decoratiii Day tey defeatead the Flit nine ha two gamie. Tihe'varsity uile will be the same as last Saturday, except that Setoil and Watkins will change places, Sexton going into the box and Watkis itoe right field. Tie batting order of both teanisuill also probably be the sin. California and Illinois Meet. tn the duaa contest yesterday be- tweeni thieUiiversiies of Caiforia and Illinois, at the sea-f of the latter,1 thae formser woii by a score of 5 to 13! it(tIyard clas-J. XW. Soggiis Cei- forniaifirs; I. . .Bullara, Illinois second; tilm,, 101 seesnds Miiie ran-Fred tOrr, Illiois, fist; PllBtradley, Ciilifornia, secone; time, 5,inuli~ttes 1211 yards hrle-I!. . Dyr, Cal- foriiia, first: A C. Clark. Iliniois, se- 0rin; tiase, 152-5 seconads. Mills walk-J. J. Htoagladds, Illinois. first; L '1'.Meewi, California, wcaole; ' time, 7 minttes 50 stcnas 200-yard da-shiJI W. Soggiis, Cali- fornia. firt; It. I. Bullard, Illinos, sie-c e nd; timae, 21 2- seconds. Half-iiile ru-I+. IV. Koch, Cli fornia, first; 1t.a. Orr, Illinois. second; time, 22-3 ihlites Oine-mile biyle-Hall, Iliiiois, first, Burke, Illinois, second; te, 2:29., 440-yard dash-T, L. Barnes, Cal- foriia, first; C. M. Lewis, Illinois, Se- ond; tme, 54 scend. 220-yard hurdles-l. B. Torrey. Cal- fornia, first; . I. Dyer. California, second; time, 21 1-5 sconds., Running high juip-A C. Clark, Illinois, first; Al. Dezier, California, secofid; height, 5 feet 8 inhets. 1-pound shot-put-Don Sweeney, Illinois, first; F. AN'. Koch, Califoriia second; distance, 38 feet 5%4 inches. Running broad jump-C. H Wool- sey, California, first; M. Deaer, Cali- fornia, second; distance, 20 feet. Pole. vault-H C. Coffeen'.-Illinos, first; A. Kt. Macn, Illinois, second; height, ;10 feet. Hammer throw-K1. W. Edgren Cali- fenitfirs; L_. Hronts, llinis; ec- ond; ditance, 123 Bet,t- SEE OUR WINDOW! THERE MAY BE SOMDETHING IN IT." 51 South Mhane st. FASHIONABL.E TAILORING Elegant Graduating- or light Suit made from Imported or Finest flo0.estio + *Wo01=01 for $22.00 and up, Fa'll Dress Suit.. $27.00, work made at home ears inspection by any Highs Class Tailor and Cutter. Will be pleased to have you call and be convinced. JOS. W. KOLLAU, 10 B. Washington St., up stairs. E3OT LUN~CHES LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES STUTTLE'S, s48 S. STATE ST. sEE a THE NEW SHIPMENT OF Russet Shoes, .. -AT- JACOBS & ALLMAND Washington Block, An Abo, ED. A. CIADIEUX Latest Improved Barber Shop In the city,. E. Washngontest., 1t door ast of Sain t Ass Aror. ICE CREAM, SODA WATER, FLOPS tlad NOvA, sod all smame baer- ages. Cosing et PPES RBLOW JOLLY & c0.,2ATE Tennis Goods 0OFF AT- .,. UNIVERSITY BOOK STO1RE, STTE ST. -