THE U. OF M. DAILY. MIHG N ETA Communication Concluded. U. OF M. CALENDAR. DO YOU WANT 6OOD BICYCLES Tone labia (Revised) May 19,184 Xind Pnow btheionily wiy to 0ttli'alli Fri., Jui' 7. - Final lt r1--- s AD QUICK SHIPMENTS? + f++ EAT, P.M e. A 7M 110bthiniltile hinids ot ol is totriy g7iliii' , Wi'lb'i ti!l ,3 1 Mail and Ex--350 Mal .......8 43KaJneStrsyS.).AC.,T N. Y. Special-_- 5 00 N. Y. Spoil. 7 30 it 11ga11. 1 0110 li rfoix' iiautoried ii~Jii S.-\011 s.0.A % ~ E Eastern Es----10 12 N. S. Lmied 9 2 ahletic field, 1:20 lP. im. A. M. Pacific E -._.I1ti5 y a cots000f1ou liiict bhfly, takentStiL.,lun- Ari 'eis 111, Uivornly I S PRfl J~~~ Atlantic Ers-7 47 P"c-i se Ld@I L E t II nro 105 Cli. lt. E.-1000 -9 IP zIIA~ G. Ex--. .._57r 1111y111115gladcito so's-is Crowii(Mithe- asociiatini. 9 .W UGE, H V AE, gni rpslt aeteMcia-T~sJn 1-ohmr-rs. G P &ieTAg.,Chicao At., Ann Arbo. Arlw oi-nii t-aisliiiit l a11111fel 11da .f1p. iti. - '.. ~ I ~ .'~ .' .A. A.. & N. 'X.'i Y. 1111 llolr oirniii i:tt''a hs' riIoi 30 F-c-iilii i. ,i, Taking effect Snday April 7, 1894. .-- llry a ~111'5ii1iil Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand- lsiiiiiritlotos-,.'. Lit he ondiiiitiilonsi' _________We____are V 00VOA I7l tlltrsfor Gnts' ard time. ated litoliiiiiitill pi-u- 21 Noxn. oesn, II Speioaol 1lsAun iih 10725. m. 11:30 a. s. 113 f cailo iosnit cipromptly ship tieii, tit 4:p in tlOs- ocoo m. riie-nily m diini'iiyour ioliiiiiii. 1t dons,.scUllfh~ 3uNAYRINS.i' oias siilli' ssi'il t AKiNAC LI6t LR ask for Ladies' Weesloor Goig Nrtht9:~a~. te ;tules , fnaly scu~d a a acers o b shipped same tdy. Ti-ins Sosnday run beteon Toledo soil T AM S Order Gents' Wheels find s- Hanlburgnoiiction~only. Ob l flyy 1,,,,< cii. I' talienatieLII1I "rresins run between Ann Arbor and Toledo cu10rei -'~c oa i sii eat seller oly. sc'ahrs ascureeay a stoavi All trains daily exetSinda. Actarplio f1 ll1c.1l1-iii Tourists Route. e111c01tSl.RaWit, W. i. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . -tS.'hi tv-sca ul i i 111 OEM-W-EELY FROM 4 in. tread. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RYe no tillors. Wi- prlilic' 111111:1 to ic CLEVELAND, TOLEDO AD DEIROIT ammo..mzv Time Table, May 26, 1895. hol-v;icthat1yini willlbe cwillig to MACKINAC ISLAND, CHTFBYGANLYOT CEMG, CO, LeaveYpslanilfrom Cosgres s., (I:00, :00 pe li e tl51 ii d1111. S GAEAPU, PLYMOUTHIND. and 11:i0 a.mi.; 134,2:1,010, 14, 9310 and 2'i lsraic hh il 111-10AcST.iGNalltrsno hrsc ALPcENt lk i00 p. m.Rll'wer~l~ i l hsr1),'i At l ot nte4' t1uvo ae ippnaan Leave Ann Aibor Junction, 7e0i8,10an-I) ceO ild 11:30 a. in.; 11,234, 030, 7:1, 1:W ai1: 00's-h l e O ii-17113-fu3or 5ciiiin , cci' e 1 '- i11551. pm. SUN AY (IEope1111'atiiiyo:u1 vi lini rooimlifor 1t. -- --46 E Witliamn St. Le-av-cYpiia ci C om Cooress t., 1:30, 3:30, ', c wi' lctci -np} o pcih l i ::' 018111'rtecs uesiceli-i ~sii s i :W,6:0 nd9: .u,-,seg ilsl, c-::iniccof sily:ei ii.:iat-.. _ THE COLLGE OF :011) d10 itic ' tir ll havieii tiestcol iii iiv neiili'ii 'i s 1 pn010 t1-rou~it'.A og i n 111 ,1 Leave Ann Arb or Junction,3:W,4., :30,t f 1 1m dcxiuori;,t 11 iclilius i 0c ip .r "inr A 7:0ctll13 l mi Island cla; PY~rSI I ANS AND SUGEON4\ Cars ruic-on city time FPare;sinigle rip 15 1:c-i'i c i ti hlc~-i tsl 1 tr psc - F~ ,i cludtitiig 1S~as t i 1:111 iii noi ethii cents trlcc-nd trip tiekeis ao cets. ascc ceo.P Pt tot "l hl .es'~c- : i t r-ii-i ~ts' OF CHICACO $2.5'' CLEVELAN Yoursi-c-,- ,111l w071iy unsv Tcledo to I ia 1.teiislnoa. etrn Anl. Se ssi oilbegins in 'Seltein 'P) laii'uittutyio ilTc'1c Il liso as- tit _- - tO For yars grdd copre. ELhbora- BTJFF.L. BUSINESS LOCALS Ticketi c o sdct'Ito ii ilcey ttnt'drin te or, (linictal atidi Dispenary ad- VIA "0. & B. LINE." totno'stio M: 0 cidt,l-'ena i-,o: t::ivaitgasesX~tpioiiilly good. Olrgniisecct sid-teltee seaese 31i V IOIt IIAD LIi': ~I 0 D i taOmel irh at i 'o, 1liii :t':i t ort y, For ailll l lncOirl~eietnl' ti andt SaeoOioadSate of New York O 'iianil, . ltsi hu-co 1Liie ss 11ii:5.and 6, lit-in lIc--1:10at otnheriforimationiiatdrss (orres- DAILY '1T323-: 'A31ip:. git,ato 4 N. 1- flbiiv. 1- ict U u. I uletIt0 . s ,, A"'.llpint enos itCe-c-.:1 10 t'c, Ills toic utl dcciii ortime,'(title-s [i-ill: -------i---i6iW'.l':lon' 0-w wit chat. oL li, shottsiB.ii; Sseret 'l M ilr',r lo-ttie .ili.DR. BAYAI7I O7LMES, Ar. Bluff oo--.--.. .-7':304a. mc. Ba.ilo .lo-- .- ---:3o p. M. tlltt'ttnl. . S3 U. GRANT 113 301 0 I-Icc .53 til.t n0 irg A.Cecchtand------ .7.30a n. l'enlcriiStnaic-totiTime. -td t- Nt)'2'l T O I1-'ill'EiN IO-3. Gtneralt cc 0111 Det itt t' ell.i:i jTakett-tie".S& ii.Line" teatn, adcn- This desirtle tic IMig tot47 S. YOUR '"{ Qme Bnufftlo, Niagaca r F n ightsiestt ,crwYtrForthat . is fr cciii' oirvl c'r3'rsioit- ' I ad1 IOTIN i00AUfl TO PICTD:ic 1N ' IN Boxsto, Abacty, 1000 islandsor antits-Easten-able t-I rts. 10tc lil ails 111l l i cti t 'EVru or t'iEcllh WEELt O tiit. ALJl1anvBCKInN sandisirs cassin vi'"yT. & . . Ey. K. &1X. ERy. ressliet. Os loaitinoal,!cis thisc cc- Send 4c potage foe tourctx panphtlet. -- ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAE RIoli~ld trueraoi tcticbetoetitTldo, Oic W. F. HIREIAN, T. IPN. Cx'0AN, deii1 trocc lsir c-has it chai~pter-' AT SMALL EXPENSE. (acd tCl:icic-to, It. V., 511,t'obtntlo, te Geiii Pass. Agt eio4 rlhei latlagec. - fshor11'nisri a nlaioyldirstiue. Clvln,0 ilts fr t rtulr'it. For terms ttgncionl e e atll nt nec~slat -7 u. Funli ae.Visit Iis Iistrisi Island, which in h Toledo 0 no-ndrco-grndet snome esorton00teGrei ftaot is otoe. cABASH OII I.01cc'1: -tc l.X1V'ST ltin s.Itoly nsts about $13 frtn Frdlay,. FLOVVERSFLOWERS icilll'7XliOt~N blOt l 00. Dri-rti; $15 frmosToledo;1 $18 froni Dentn, 0. wloc rn riont ia lI Stains - ls on the scoeid, for lihn round trip incluidigColumtus, . Poe Eveeythng and Evecybody. aalra orprl,11,!li :-oacd berths. Avoid the beat &1tHbs alodo. pi 0h Il s.btrvlQo h .&C lsooic Athen, 0. COSN l EOll SS 2, iit ln y ve" 7h adhun 1thtot1e0est byt r Iknc-s-arcligonshefD a Criloc-iteAideprO r 415 ihi Teleshote 115. 31toii-ocie tll1 ils .uri- :lurx. Te trcios a I cwcst, Souithl aiid Sothwocest. 51:Ckioiic region sin unsurpassed. Thle Pomery, 0.. DIETAS & SCHANZ, For fll pals)tio l3ilyto ta liii- iits tcelf is a grand romantic spot, ils Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. ticonlic nc-lnnae mst invigorating. Two new RichncdVa "U. OF U~a . Ty ej, entrcti s gcl tfliicctcexielt-Ipaissenger steamers aven juttien conciglines or o 11,ib.tforle upper lake route, csig Peterburg, Va. Our Spring and Summner Woolens C.'. CRo-ANF i -tli,t0 ecli. They sre equipped wiit Old Point Ccrfort, V.. ase Icow on sale Poi188 LowC . & . . A. Wcchit. . 'ee- ioder convenine, annunciators, Williambrg, Va. Call and :h rooiis, ec., illuminated througiuioNpr News, V. 48 s. Sense st.. sconss V-ir, .AniAror. oisc- tic'sto Tenl-la11s5'-pr.ity cle'etrsiiy, and are guaranteed to beepot V- uiln'a t eoerned b iy tilut tlliitheI'ii. c tucides, lrget and safest stec-mer Norfolk, Va. 22 Years In this Bustnesslady 01 . iltlioiui iou oothe, to l- 01 -fri-sb water. These steamers favorably A0dita il sotesntlit roh51 lcit i. E'leat :ilatrc wiho slitgreat ocen liners in cens-dectwing rtomcsueonllall lileoultut icni. CIT LA NDY, ii vc ii otob11- hc-stinglt-' it il% 't'tin,:c-u t d speed. Fur trp per wet-hI Frtfoler icfmtrcnito tll t1Ou ocli CITY LAVNDIII, Write atonc, st tiug rvioous bhoc 1055,Toledo, Detroi, Apena Maci. A ouslittckce3M1 as.Ae M. M. SEADOLT, No. 4 N 4th aveAhoo-31:i.loi-ciluc-cid uludDtroitailybeve A-PTR ihgndPadAent, MERCHANT TAILORING f tOTIP ORT IisNNiStc-I7iItS 'tO i-llucBy. Tho palaial eqiipmen Cleanng, Pessin and epairngit trcvelig on Oese steamers loit- CiosnPessnand ep ey g All ioeimieis-Of this Aletic ass-lutglutsecjoyale. Send for illutatedo H6 - Arta -SCIVoreNES OVLI, 265 E. 'stshlnton elation dsoirlg to n ---he lb tnisotsriptilicpamophet Address A A. EXCELIOR +LAU~fRY Icours dust prourrhbad s of It-he'nANT, G. iP. A. Dt)& C.. Detroit, Sick EXCLSIR LA NDR !tt-nniis comcinittet',Tius hbd es eau 101 EAST HURION STREET ho prtcured by presentiiO ing'tleisile fOTIMLr( Good work Guaaeeed. Gods saled for D :^ C L~ and deivsered. A. F.1t OV~I 0 . Prop. rnmnt '1101 tickes to aly of ite T sE folwn sls E l~eTH E ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK( Tenn is lnv5r, PI U Milo T .AnAroMc.Cistc,8,0.Itrt,27ILbtyS;Isadr 1; HAK An Abr, lcCptlSok p rt,2 -.Tiel O;I:lr ul; -... - i Ik LAINGS COOL OFBUSINESS and SNOI Snill.51 -W .m 22',llos, Ill! Kappa Psi - AN. magnificent buildin; len teahes a; Organised andeheGeneral Banking Laws 0 P 0atendane; geddssplne; sperir wek; wel of this Sate. Receivs deposits, bys asS 1House. ppliidreadisgrse; daiy letures; Saedai sels exchange on the principal ciie f the evenng reepopns; open he enire year.Esep United State. Drafts cashed upon proper The 6 indepeindeits cilii ic-st ihoBeardfanditesfrenacgIstud erntseein psi-san. idenicaten, Sfety deposit boxes ret E Badadro tt a7 e eki vu OFFIEinnauChristian lack, Pres -wcv Ds' Cbspot tonmorrocw at 2 p. mc. to elecO $ R (Ifamlies. Tese aten rediedts Siso by sell- Harriman ie-Pees.; IChas'n. E fis~ock -,IJ7IE T C O5) LRR A. Ikc-ding. Foe Caalge address (asier; 1,j. Fritz Asitant Cashier. a Can aian oard for next year __________________ , P~ . .LEOARY. Prs.