THE U. OF AT. DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the Colege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orrot: Times building N. Main t.. opposite pst office. EDITORS. J. A. LEsiotY, '6, Pan aging Editor. A. 1V. Suri, Specia, Assistant. N. A. ISmL., ' L, Assitant. E. PR. SNDERsLAN, '96, Assitan. fl. CsEMANsss, 'S, Atheiic Editor. Gi. i. HAISONss, Si6SL, Business Pinager. L. R. iIAMBssEt, .0 L. Assistant. Associate Editors. H. A. Dancer, '5. E. . Sans, '03 L. L. A. Pat,'VS Carrie V. Sith, '8. C. A. Hhons, 'PD. G. A. ieath, 'P. Minsile Thompson,'P. i. B. Gamnon 'P53P. C. H. Parell, 'N.S. . 5. nappen, 'P. .. S. Poinly, '9. The last issue othtie Daily will be June 28, he day after Commence- ment. Subscrttbers who tae before commnosrsce t en u ae thisrr paper tmaled to their home address without etra etharge by leaving te address with he business manager. New subsrptsions Cr local delivery or mailrd to home address until June 28, 25 cents, The office hurs of te business manager are froh 8 o 0 a. i., 5 to ti and 'e to ii p. m. daily. A mililg of tie Daily Bordi fel Coitsidclliollofie sx yel's work 'swiii tic heldIiat the' offiectils eveningilat 7:30 ocock. As tisill i~ probabp' be tinlat 5111etilg of eli Bard for the tpeet 'ear vy liemilrti ' s eojcs- ed to bc iresent. Tie folowinig is clipped frelmtie 1c tld rithll alilt Camllpig, seal of Illiniois t'iiisesity, in referectot lii'heeent ationi of tile execuite' toiniiittlee oliii W. I. C. A. A. A.: "Ini c. grs to thrso'sig ot t lb Mihi' ligani in, liie'associtioi ocled'eep' tpeuliorlyp, andl we doubt if tie stold take'i by tie tcommliti'e swas well' atdsised. Oft cus'e there is a felig amonelgtie colleges that Mihignl 'shuts to hog' sitse'secp'hiliig, andun- quiestionaly i'thillsentuiment had miuceh influs'ene with Oh ' comititee. 1 o 'is'e slier' stcoi e, iossesec that' 'sihi allthe ev''idenc bfoce temisat h. ilieiting Fiday iigt,, deciesi's"' actiont ws5nota001111tin lstsad of lying ti"mtlill('cvesri'to tie slet- igafter thefied da(iy." TueUivecsiy of ('hicgo Weekly, althioughi tuiwiiniig to conede that H-ali and Letoy ae'nt pofesionas sas: 'Much faiut is fouiid with tie exec- tixe commilittee' iiinot pasing oi te protests Friday evening w'henu ol of thio tasks wee ii the handts of tie coiniiiite. It s'e1115 exrlyep ti, foctuniate iliat iiioti.rcways'5so se- squatle ~ i'of this klind, 0 55eiliy wii.'n as a god mnsiy tickit it could bove bii navobded.-Mihigan1as o esnlt, threiatn's to witdaw fomi the aso- ciation." The Coinel cecw has arisd nO the Henley course. They Did Woll. Aiparty' consisting of ;bMesscs. Es'ec- eli, Sook, Kosusoth. t'ow'eii, bleDow" -ii. (Vhitseli, Ziiier'mianu, Long, Rtene, Bllunhaml, Ifoplis, Smoeok, ILaubt, talitsiia, Ite'ideiglh, IBiker, Itootez., Rbockw'ood, '95 PL, aiid..1'. usugec, " L, 1le ft bIliton iP'. iiiii '3, fori'Celtinl. hius. 0., to bike the Ohlio baic exiino- inatioii. Pcof. E. i1". Johnson, who xv.t withw'beipOu tyfP, bt r etiuned (on acctounlt of illness, la1st,iiht rceiebed 4t t('iegrcoin liot allofttill' party' hads paiss. P higlyp'credilltbl' exoaiiiioiiis. This is a comiipilime'nt to tbothi the sistudensanid liii'prof 'oso' smost intec- oiledin thiic weifos':'.asIlth'o's'oig' of the U. of A1. boys iii possing woos 1t00 pmt'cent as aooiost (:)tircunti esa-mliiied Iwas 196 andoneolilonigthese wolo .>7 failuries. tDt. AnoiE tve's- and Dr. Stcpli is 0. Gtidbb'n, of Dan'ilil",Ili., -wece' 'eep' qulietp lyimitriedIatithelie (slde'tt'e o1 Prof.t'ampill Oiieli hill 01., 1blt 'sill' iiit. lls lire' insi ubecs if the boil' il ctass of lstpYe1r. TIEMPIL SP[CIAL RRMASO Sensible $100 FOR The society oro wh~~s .. 0".0~ - $1~P~O whicb bus its organization. Z G r' v G i0 Z 0. > aa 9' '- H ^' V y sz c ',i' ;^ 0 H o420 O0(0(00i C, ss. O(0 r a's 05s o 00k ies 00R 00^ "'01;0o O U~ O The Supuibh an $85 Wheelfor $6 J. 1, MEE & F. B. CUICHEON, 11 MtONOESiyTREE. AGENTS DITSON MUSIC. "Six Love Songs," By FronkE.S.awer. Trasnslatiins ef Six nf Beiige's fieet lyricsiin exquisitemusicasl settings Heavy Paper, 75o cents. "'COLLEGE SONGS" Tue staodard collectian ef College Sosngs. Oer 300,000 soldi. Heavy Paper. SO cents; Cloth. Gilt. $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOB GIRLS." Only hosk of 'She kind' puiblished. The songs of thleaodiog ollegesa for womn. Heavv Paper. $1.00. "[OYAL OLUTIiN INSi[LW.Ia[ I Ifiui WOE Etighty-to e ices for the guttar frem the best sousrces. A "p1lensdid collection. Hiand- omie Cover. 5O cents. Any booko sent posepaid on receipt of price OLIVER DITSON CO., 453-463 Wishbington SC.,Boston. C. 11.Ditson &Co. N Y. CRT RATE RAILROAD TICKETS to all points lee sale by ANN ARBOR R. B. TICKET AGENCY, 33 tE. fusron St- Member of Atoerican Tickoet nroker's Asso eis tion. All ' Tasortiontis t, sss- snitesST icets ogt andesod.1 a= J. OF M. FLAGS 25c. Each. WM. ARNOLD' S, Jeweler. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Siadies' sod bests' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. WOATE R_ F. NTTISI7bS, FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Cnrner of State and 'siliaomits., Williamost. entrance. Do you wanot boarders? If so, old. vertise your board in thie Daily. PROGIRAMS. MIENU CARUDS. Printed at tbe Argus Office.. WE CAN SUIT YOU. This space is reserved. for the Grand opera. House. FIRST NATIONA.L BANK.. OF ANN AUBOtt. Organized i1863. Capital, t100,000. Surpls and Prefits, $40,000 Tranoacts a gesseral bonbing business. Foreign excaniges bought aond sold. F'ornish, letters of cresdit. P. B3AChlePes. S. 's. CLiARKISON, Cashieer. Ads'sancclaoss in danissnsg fisr ladies and SATURDAY EVENINGS ! tso June 22d. Carcds of osdesission coos: te prsscoss'd for 'acli evenbog or ser-ies. Pi- vate lesssos oi wlstz.asd 'Two-Ste'' a spcsilty. Office: issund fhoor, 6Mpoy- sarl st. MRS. ANNIE WARO FOSTER'S OASTHEPSAR MONDAY EVE-.. JUNE 10. AD31ISSCON Faer. Former pupils assd friesids invcied. P latinotypfes The latest tinsgis P11OToUtAPtIY 1BRRFZY [lAN"S. S E.isson st. Soeciol Hates to Seniors. HANGSTERFERI 2EER tons I a , mo'e sl ot clot 21 t 4tU 21 ahO tosihsSE c -;.,fin w c " o. FW FW IT'S HARD TO DO WVIT HOU Tthe vonde hshTsubursted-the peroeihw CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. Your dealis luikelyto havethem, itule Oss',oswsit sand well tsesut hssinformtssiso youwant enSt- sur hsodsomes iilstrated eatalogse ree. PARSES FL 11 COMO3ANT , Jsansville, wls. SHEEHAN & C0. Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor. Th isk Tea-Ucher*,10s' Agency EVERETT 0. FIalSK. & CO., The Ide sWe Sre setting the opace toe 15.'sWatch !% othiers try to fol i ~low. Nigh .&.t Bicycles 1 355 Wabash Ave., - Chicago, Illinois. IAshburton Place, 70 Fifth Avenue. 803 Twelfh sStreet, &55 Wabsh-,hAcvese Peusivusa rkethrs rcoes 5TCOW5BBOSTON. MASS. 'SW TORY. N. Y. WASBINGTON, D. C. CBICAGO, ILL. Wednesday in its track mseet. Osgood ELLIPTIC CRANKS. If you wish to be convinced of the truth oS 1 Church Street, 420 Century Bldg, OLYMPIA, 1150% S. Sprong Street, did the uie bicycle in 4:41 31-5, Orion the above motto, call en TORONTO, CAN. MINNEAPOLIS, MCINN. WASBINGTON. LOS ANGELS, AL. the' two ile rune in 9:41, and Fotter- W. r. LISTLER, man the, mile, walk in :'33 1-5. _01 N. University ave Send for Agency Manual and Registration^Blanks.