1 Q . of , . i34411 8 VOL V. No. 178 . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE ;, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. EARLY NEXT FALL ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETED. t11L11 11LSenior Reception Will Be Free From 'VARSITY ELEVEN GOES TO A Confusion. NORTHERN RESORT TO TRAIN. _______(AlItondtiay next tickts fr lie! Coach McCauley Rehired-Trainer is-nicrceltini will lbe on sale by Fitzpatrick Will Be Here-Forty thi, class treasurr, Mr. Bsh. T'he Men Out at Last Night's Meeting -Henninger, McCauley and Fitz- airtn nent calaciti Ite have plaln eI Patrick Made Speeches With the Cor te litt-otitiat of the gyntaa- il Right Ring. it sithamtanner that ittill be dividh- Tbte call for lrspei, ise tnlilts citot twelve sectiata. The iititiir lxi ncxl years fiotbtlall tact brittglie itt stelth afits-eacti a ciiaii will le osit faty itt iilatnigtigi, amnthemttitt]utdtoitthirty,liii bj el ittthis itany inewi iten front tliiicitis ti-ans.idivisini hiig Ito cinable trtfrshietits liimetiniig Wts adilessedt liy-Mintt- ibeirserved witonicoftsio, bli tiger Baird, CoachAMettiuley saittttniotinctin o l~ii etion dwienuit (alit. IItnitilger. is wanteid in the rtfresmettnitrcomn. Manager Bairt aiiouniced tiiat fromti Iis miettd, which Was followiiatt twelve to fitiniii ii will be ttin a tothl intiietenhtatinutl hal, sens to so-a tisort ini tortheirnt ii-ligaiible mtire stisfattr andlatitli-id tiboutthlotemiddtile of st-li til-i-fot-with muitirles1s"acotfusion lhan tie aly traiitig. Het also state-d tat ittithoti of handiinge tit tickets with a N'. CL. MCastley has bi iiir-enga tget-il rtaintihour tmttrk-i. This later is cotach iarxl fall aiii Mr. IFtzlatt- mthodlar ofteti givs rise to trobe tick as traitor. Ats to game, ilitroitghi piople forgtting thir cxii- 'Tlitttksgivittg Dttt gameti with Cileago lnte ou of ttu, or tiesntingtems-i- is of corse- a ixturti-foiiitwi tyars st-lvsat thle dioor oxiinhet-olt to litv- tet. Tienilten( will te the gtamit with to wvait for hlttf n hour, tis wititn Btirt-ari. Negofatititi. re also bing blit-tg ii io hrrtolivtcate. Atotiir miaile-with Cornel-l, situ a secittl ffotrit tasou, pethaisnit h 1lii east, is that will time toit igil sivt-nl gitoi it will mtitke iftiosilie-forOne to Ittit Binets ot thile iomii groundits. his pitrtfertir Ctheliintixt dltice ehifort- Coticht UcCauley turgd tltien;cs- liii idtitet-is ovr. Ii this way ech sit- of systemati tiridwork if wov0,1etabltlngs to eraisetint, ait tin- to b-t il lvardtnt.as vii crttinly isladylit-i- stuppiloed to be iitat ninsi-situ to o.ltelt-sitidteriewete, setti at liiie bi ginintg of tvet-v la~sv ac antctttis onthtelii-ittfot-goitildhince. AWith six or sivn-it isiitlt- whnrt ndit sitge-t tll to gilti god tititleiniithe litt111ittixi11nittotsy titttti shiaptebefori- sttrtitig itsmxt fal. tl'ii lteIitright ot- withoutkowivntg Capti. Henniniger iiiiiitiieii thatthlii where to look. list of wttn lt t l tetn tothb is b li tg The tiei-s rtntinisectixs toil those twadi- out intl will bhi- titcttceil fr v lii ilsire togilttkts itta ti taitt the miost part in ,a few days. fIt- sectin can ro so. Where svev -tal asked all cantdidatieo toIandinli their want ikt-Is i tie stime setiontht otvtsutitcs andtisummtr tatitressia adtisosldiggilthm -itigther for can- alilo to IetIhts antiMtanatgr Bitt-ti iitee of Mr. Btutsl. kntow of alit-Other rosectie cxii- lt-ere aeten l-csis ticets or iellh dattes secioni. carrtingigit-tlt tti lacoms- e. L. MCauleleaItvs for his hiotme ilittteaillt-t tiekts for thie-site see- in Neiv York tonight. IHe tiill o on to. Nomaule iii Ititr oCtliii-clss of to Prince-toll andtholer llcs ainithe '90 is xetetoc1eutill Oil aicotitli- hiat5soo011andit enditavor to finitott mlt try tiekt. trobitble cateis i tilt-rules tnext PTtegrtnti tmar-h tiill bli-usat 9 yeatr. I-e twill alsoitryt lioeture somei P. Il., withtiShei-lstrs loiith ligi- 1'rineetont tlater o asest hitttm t ii ttittiof Ietroi, plainitinteitr- tetirhiig for twto tie.La b.C-re ten' sstitus b titlby itlthattui-g-uts. iHartvardigamei. 'Mr. Bshsieolhourtsret 9lto :1 a. i. atid141to -:20 i. ml. Stiwart's Interesting to Republicans, o)Rice. The U. of AH. Itepsblicaitclsb iill All dilitila ees muist b paid by sentaitagood sizedideleigtiontioisthe liting S. national. convettioti of Iiputltietxi W. F. Eiiwaris has bet-lialiloiltii elubs which )ccur's at (li-veltindt, O. protsor of phyi~ct the Uiversity- ittle 19-21. I is expeced ta this f Washington. will be onte of the mlost .impolrtanttl In teticont of Wetnsiatsilt convetitons in the histort of tielpart- ain t the Daily yesterdty he shot McKinley, Sheritallandtanytatt'oler lull rcord sosltihaebeet 43 t notables twill be -present atdiill 7 itt.iseati of 44 ft. 7 in, iand the stieak Fare for rounid trip by steaner 440 yarts ron sholii have been 58 1- froln Detroit, $305-. smr instead at 50 1-5 se. '95 1PALLAJ)JUM, QEE OUR WINDOW! A VOLUME THAT IS ARTISTICALNY .. AND MECHANICALY PERFECT. Daniels, Miller, Kellog, Jones and Bowman, Contribute Verse - A Fine Photo-Type for a Frontis- piece- Good Grinds-A Short Love Story. 'flitaltlistnfCr il5 is oanal toi li thii licittrs iicot-er tithliits tasty- totetiistiC the book. (Opetning thei voltumit-out 5 eye, is iltI at lhadsome liartlis't sf Crottiste roof of ste Potiu hiouse, which forins thet rontispiice. Tflitictss a tiell itesigntedi title tiage- fiollowediilit-onI betarinig the worlid "gritine-." fTe tittmts of the boatrtd of editoars tudtuhl cottmmitti-es alt publiction, titt-iastiti iltlsCar 1594-5, tile tiltlts of It(,lbarih of ti-gents attidIte ftc- siltutu, snd tidettsoftiIhei-litertirt- iiilitr~tetI.etili .of thit four chassis~ beintg hetatdeidIbfi the n1atttts of its officers, till the frotoftiClte iaok. 'fhe, seiiotcltass ito ieli-itsit is to Corm atibriif sketch xf lheicotli-ge- tttri t of its tuatnibers fTen follhotw liii itnta tif afficers siCitt--hiof tilt ri itaiisitig claisses blit- ithiirtici-tita. 'Tlii'greatter lportiontoftihle haokits is ntutrtalis ttkeni tilt-i-tiltthe sor- tititit s landthfrait-erniis, tintditatters iii intettest to thetas. Te-Univit-sit-yorgeanizaitionus fiolliti andh Bianjoclb. Gt upt ortihtraiits tiC Ih thficias aof tie ariettaiitica ar, Crc,-It- halt rohitrce-ithrotughthtis liltI iii otheir Universtt it uttnuils,tbeintheli Ite et-Ilat-bloturi.thte AnualtutBatll -omtttte-antl the tlii-iigtttt htestrita. Thl' itertartyftcatuires, thiasiteishuort. art' tf usttualtt rit. I Saiuiti IA. huntsacountribsutes a tree--s-htpom "As We Bodiue:"'CT-a Sonntils," tit lP. 11. Millir; "'fhinue iye,,of Bltt byt F. P. Dfititi-h: "1 Passinag Shadu- bt tus ttble-, thotught modeititfwrit, -onstituutes the re-tii- r of Iher-verse. ''woivaersions of t a omance,- is a iery itnttrutstiug lotvi story froultwtio pints of viewt. "JTouralttismt" is a gninidout the Detroit piaiiers andti heiir uit-irsity correspundntis , wtile "tOur hittitian, as hittuitti-tot the fatcutlt,' "'TheOldThit' eutau"'andti"lust tuttoug oturshIs" grntithe severtlit hanl- hreutl uiv-ensit-ytmtu satdnearlt'all Clii eolltg- - papers. Thu book coitclnites -ithiatuphoto- e-ngrav-ing of the eiditoritilitoiruiteti- ideustly 'iepaureitto thee, fnromtthose wvho it-rc, not grounud. "THERE MAY BE SOMETHIN(D IN IT." 51 South Nain st. FASHIONABLETAILORING' Elegant Graduating or light Suit made frontIumported or Finest D~onzestio + *W'oolens for $22.00 and up, Fall Dress Suit $27.00, work made at houno beans inspeciont by any High Class Tailor and. Cutter. Will be pleased to have you call and be coutviniced. JOS. W. KOLLAUF, 10 E. Washington St., up stairs. LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE'S, Z48 S. 'STATE ST. SEE THE NEW SHIPMENT OF Russet Shoes AT JACOBS & ALLMAND Washington locrk, AnnuArboer. ED. A. CADIEUX. Latest Improved Barber Shop Is the city. E. iWashtington st.,1st daoer' east oatAHaln tss. AnntArbar. MAMOTH PIPE SALE JOLLzWY & co'S 26 SOUTH STATE IT. Doist fall Ito come Mel anud CeoldLunches at All Heers. DUCK PANTS $1.50, $2.00 AND $2.50 BEST QUALITY. LAWN TENNIS GOODS. SOLE AGENTS FOR WRIGHT & DITSON'S CELEBRATED RACKET WA H R9'S, U~p Towsn, fDown Tewn, Usiversity Bookstere, Opposte Court Hose 205S State St. 4 N. litl St. ANN ARBOR a