THE U. OF 1ML DAILY. Publ1 shed Iaifly (Sundays ieepted) durin ; the Collegb year, lby THE . OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, OFIeCE- Times building N. IMlain st., opposite post office. Subscription. price $2.50 iier yeatr, invriaitbly in advance. Single ciipiens entis. Sulbserip- tions may be left it the officer of flue I)Ait.,, at Stofflet's, at State st. eew staino, cwih any of the editors or autliorized solicitors. Commniclations shiouid roach the ofiier by 7ocloclk p. m. if they aire en ippear the nest day. A ddrensoil mailer int ended for pulili- cation toi the Managiiig Editor. All busneiiss commuonications shoouldblie ntii to lihi Busi- neon Mainager. THE U. OF M. DAILY. Anii Arbor, Mieci. EDITORS. J. L. Loill, Lit. '95, Managing Editor. F. P. SAntER, Lit. '9ii, Assitont. 11. COiLEMN, Lii. '917, Assistani. S. BI. Sauc.Y, Lit..'55, Asitant. J. A. LEROY, Lit. S6, Athiletic Editor. J. S. PERLn, Lan '9i, Businens Manager. --, Assistant. Assistant. A. F. bliteweil, 'ni. IF B. Bacill, tS. Minnile'Thoninnon,'97 E. L. Evans,'50. Carrie V. Soith, '10. _________ DEINTAL. E. S. Niblach, '93. 11. B. Ganumon, '98 All topynmust iie at the office before 8:3ta. M.of theiidaof ipublicotioin. The ediors do not hold themiselves rension- sible for the opiinion,, or sioiemeiitsof eorres- pondents, appeoring in thie DAItY. The Bestnuunber of the Inlander all- Shut Oaut 48-0. lug it bark to router. Eud run gaiuetd The form showed by' ourteam n 20 yards, gutards gained five yardo -_,,_11-- eachi, tntl Yoiit woutarountd the end yestertlay's g;mie with Olieet w5an very oucouragiug, and it canu nafely be sauidliuat the tWain isnuow furthier ad- vauced than ever before it thin tune. To he nsire, Olivetns teaum wan far fromn ntroug, although of fair weight, yet our gamne againt tliemi nhowed 110 iii- poetanit pointo of iseakuesn. The best feaitnure of the tettus lanlly- lng yenterdaiy wan the interfereuce, to whichi toachl anleylian gtveneuse- psecianlattentioni trollsthe fBent. 11he liue wasn tronger than it Ilasnbroil be- fore thin year. The return of Villa to tackle had ouch to tdoswitli thin. Hbei- niinger atso put up a strong giane, aud nhowed up enpecially well an a, grouud gaiuer. Ferbert put up his old tior gamei at half, audLenartd iud Rich- hrdsotdvanced the ball well. toe Oltvet, Lang, lit left half, aiid Sinclair, at right end, idid the bent work. Olivet had the ball onily a s ery little of the tinue, and gaiiued her live ylardsn but three timien in all. Beinitlnoie eud run of 12 yardnsnsie only atdvatnced the ball two iir thirtet yardn at a time, iud thin lenn than 10 tiioen in all. Olivet kicked off iii the fient half. anid in five inutes, by alteruate eud aud line plays, ichigan had tahken the ball teadily dosvn the field for a 25 yards for a touchidowvu. (foaf. Score, 30. Olivet'n nest kick-oft went behind the goal aind contitutetd a touchback, Dyor having touched it. Fromi the 22-yard line, Michigan carriedl it ntead- ily to O~livet'n 50-yard line, there Ion- lug it on at forsward bann by N inde. O~livet gainedt two yards and umbnoled to Baird. who had gone 10 yardn be- foro beiug downed. Richartdn had it twistetdaiikle, aind Frendul as nubsti- ttedt. -ticligan thon ucikett Olivet'n line nteatdily, antIsnitFreuntd through for a touchdowu. Goal. Score, 3ti-0. Olivet kickod to the 12-yard line, aind Dyer returned the ball, wvith a pretty run, to the 50-yard line. Freund and Leonalrti went arunde the eutdn for good gains, and Leonard muade the touchdown. Goal. Score, 42-0. Olivet agatin kicked to the 15-yard line, and Dyer Blade another fine run bark to center. Leountrudseiit arountd the right enld, theii Michigan iuicketd Glivet'n liiii'steadily, nentthig 1 ilili ov-er for a touchitows-i.fGoail. 4S-0l. Iu the three ininuten thiat ssere lIt, Michigan got the halll to Olhvet's 4-il yarutlhue oni Dyr'sndiiolLeoulard's rtuns andtw so ris-cross painses hail- J. T. JACOnS. CHAS. 11. ALLMANI). JACOBS & AILMAND, DlEALERIS IN +f SHOE S. + CO0ME AND SEE The Washington Block. FLOWERS, FLOWERS, Foi Everythingand Everybody. COUSINS & HALLFittitit 2ietepn ite 10. EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! '2t EASe BURON STREET. flood sWork Guoaranteed. floods called foe+ and delivered. A ..(OVEusT, crop. Subscribe for 1he U. of MI DaiI , The DAILY coutaiuns official nlotices, from tho Faculty, and notices from thio atletic teamn aud othor ntutdent organizaltionis. It cotlainis complete reports of all tniversity events of interost. It keeps you piostod ou your owvt and overy othor dopartmont. SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEP A FILE $2.50 IN ADVANCE. .Subncriptions roceived at the DAILY offico, Times haildiug, Stott- lots and by all authorizod solicitors, In the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINEOSSand 10007- HAND. Magnificent huling; ten teachers; lotge attendance;ugooddiscipline; nuperior workh; well supplied reading room; doily lecioresnSaurSduy evening receptions; open the entireyea. Z c i tinal facilitmes toe placing ntudents in positin., Board and room $2to $2 75per weel;in pivate faiie. These eaten reduced to Ii.50 hi seli- hoarding. Poe Catalogue oddness PR. ftFAPOS Pees This space is reserved for the Grand Opera. House. I pears tomorrow anndutthe Daily wsouldh touchuowsn iy tFerbert. Dyer fuilled to utrg(ecs-try studntitho in at all in- kick goal. Score, 4.0. herente in t his University to puhrchase The next touchitosvn vas secturd ini a copy. The Inilanldere10 a high class precisely the- name mannler, lehhiglu literaery magazine, the only one of its carrying the ball from lire S0yltd kind in the fuiversity anod in is pages hine over the goal in four nilnutes. are found the bent thoughhs of the biesitFerbietniade seventh long runs in~g 15 yartds each. 'rho line up wsls follosws: ss _ ._ L. .. .._. ..._. literahry taletit in college. Thse Inland- er compares fas-orably swithiatiy other magazine of ito kind in the hcountry anhtt shoultd have a large crculations tlhrouglhoult the Ufniversity. Thme Uiversity, anstushual at this time of thse yeahr, is all astir svith clas politicn. fGroutpn of stuideiitngatthier ini the hllwasslys ansu on thu'street antd every man1his buttoniholetd for hins-ote. The Daily's advice in, to he verycre- fusl bout pletdging youtr sote to meii you do nuot knosv, rathier go to tlue mseetinsg teelinug perfectly free to voie for the bent mhan, and a sure tent tof a luau'ssvorthiinens in Chic extent to wehich he has suphported thie colltege organizations, be it athletics or the col- lege paper, be it ini toney or in cm- thunsiasil. An there is a genserl prie- toe athletics, noothe tcuss offiecs snoc:lu he reswards to 5110 truest andinu host public spirited univer-sity 11e01. 'The Banjo Chub helthlhan examihnau- thou Tuesday cveinlg toe baniuos andt banurines. A toss canstidcates pre- sented theumnelves nd1thfromlthie nuin- beor of applicants there wvhll be plently of men ho fill the vacanihues. Leader Modinan seill coiiienrce svork at once and practhce sill ho freuuent atid thorough. The club svll mtahntahn thhe high standard of last year's club and realizo this can only be done by con- stant and thorough weork. hrotundt thie etid. ('user hiatt auiankhhe twstted, anddNinde' tookhishlstace. No goal. Score, S-0l. It took AMichigan abonut five miniiutes to carey 1110 baliih) frotoOlils-t's hkichk- off to huer goal, anid Yont niade the totuchdtowvn. IHenninger anti S ihhu werre tdoing gootd ssork svithi thle ball. Gloal svas kicked. Score 14-0. Olivet kichked to 20-yardtlhne, auit Michilgani returned the ball to thueroil- ter, funmbling it thore. tOlivet lost grounidoni first three, dosvns, tihenh fumotued, bat regained the boll Long thlen enade Olivet's first gaini. The 1gicligaui.-Gtetilu'ui, lu-ft enb; *S liu, left tuickle; ('are,,hift giuaurt; Smfithi, center; Heninmiger, right guurd; Yoiut, right tuackle; gtaddonu, right end; C'apt. Baird, tquarter; lertuirt. heft half: Rihaerdls, righit hialf; Dyer, ftillbarck. Olist-Watson, left euid; Gates, heft tacklhe; -Mtinu, letft guartt; Cuapt. Flagg, cenlter; Buther, right guard; Steckle, right tarile; Sinchlir, right entt; Kilpatrick, quarter; Lanig, heft hatlf; Shapes, righit, halt'; Schtultz, toll hart. Umirie-Buartells, -tichuigans. Ref- t-ret-Btrookhs,SHuarvaurtt 1Liesman- Bitmiigstoui. Thell'eociutiitnclams illthli Ite t- hup lrtmet wih i- elhsihgn-lh tu'eiinu-nt set-us in tile lecture euouoml iy I'rot. 'Trueblood, Shoudhy oafternooni. ball svent over in four doswns, andtt To givetile "Best on Barth" is the Michigan ushoed it. donh thic iel, uotto of Witters' Palace Laundry, Henniinger nuaking the touchidohen in whhch leavos nothing undone that cn nix minutes. Goal. Score, 20-0. Greei- bh oIne to give perefect syork. We col- leaf hitrt hils arnmaud Ityain took hitslhod Mondayn and deliver 'Thursdays. Leave orders at Fulde's Tailor Shop, place. toe, of State and Williamn sts., or ad- Olivet kicked elf and btulidi'l iuntetd dross card to L. D. Care, 21 N. State st. bark. Laug ignade a shittgaini trotiud the cud, nt lfi tl hont tile buill eoi a I FOfumuible. Michfigaii carried it rapidly tuh the fiultdanttiItenniuig;er loathe tile touchidows-u No goal. Scoro 240. ORE OR OLO '1i1e1 washntheu calledlfor thirbet OtIE:uer1hi i.svuu.hit~gtotu nt., 'Phuone No.8S liuihf ~ ~ ~ ~ ARS tiM5mnts.Sto;S. CR It. , 'Phuone Ns 51. Ill tho second haltfILeonarteh ook the place of Ferbert,svhio -sves sinded. MH1 . ANNIE WAiRD O S R' Mlichigan licked off to 20-yard line. SflhufiibOP Slopes then got around thhe left end for Dancing and Delsarte. Olivet's only long gain, 15 yards. Tird season opeun sunrt week in Noverhber. Foe particulares enquire betweeni45 ted 6 p.m Olivet could not gain and kicked to at the schonl, M~ichigan's 40-yard line, Dyer bring- 48 S_ Sr A'T'E S T. COTRELL & LEONARD, ALAruNY, N. Y., 4y2 ANnDli74 BROADWAY Mahern of CAPS and GtOWNS to Clue American Univernities. Illustrated treatise, etc., npon request. Y. A. MUERRELL, Agrt., 44 Will1nusStreet.