VOL. V. No. 177. UNJVERSJTY] OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1896. PRICE-THREE CENTS. FIVE RECORDS BROKEN. I THE BILL WAS VETOED. YESTERDAY'S FIELD DAY A GOV. RICH KILLED THE UNIVER- MICHIGAN TO WITHDRAW. qEE OUR WINDOW!1 ATHLETIC BOARD DECIDES TO /- "ru LEAVE W. I. C. A. A. A.I GREAT SUCCESS. Mall, Stuart and :LeRoy Carry Off the Honors-A Small Attendance Owing to Unfavorable Weather. The field cliay yesterdioy .tis pro. durtive of five broken recortis, but %vals witnessed by a very small11 crowd. 1). IR. Stuart, '96, broke the 120 yards hurdle record lby (ale-hfflb of a second nd tbo 220 yards hordic record by thee cfifths of a eceond; the hot put record was raised by Hall four feet noael three inches and the hammter throw recordl ninse fart aned seven intches; alnd five inches %vas15 atddted to 0he broadl jumip rteorel by Letloy. Hodietan's 220 yartds in 22 3-5 was as rtotd or better 1thah ever rtun here btefore, as the timinig fete te' priouts recor ds was not accurate. Horton matte a pltucky attemtpt to break the ballf itile ree-trtd, but it was inepossi- le... in the face of the stiff. coled breeze: thiat blew tdownl the track. The events attd winiters were: lit) yardis dash-Ittrter. first; Meul- heron, second; Hecaldi, third. 'Time 1012-3 's.. -21 yards dasht-Iiotlgtan won in 22 3-;3 s. 4140 yairds rnn-Mottre, first; Hlodg- m11101 :secontd; ilealel, tirtde. Titne, 50:1-;, s. 880 yaerds run-Hortons won in 2 in. 10 t. 1"20 yareds hturde-.Stuart wets 1n T i's. 220 yards hnrde-Stuart ,on In 2(14-1 s. Rulnning htigh jump171-Y rol, 5 ft. Ronning broad junmp--Leloy, 21 ft.; Mactill, second. Shot put-Hall, 44 ft.' 7 In.; Finlay, second. Hamnser throw --Hall, 104 ft. 4 in.; Finlay, second. Pole vault--Hutchinson, S ft. G in.; Palmer, second. Mr. A. C. O'Connor, of Detroit, a 't known official 10 th10 A. A. ii., scat and acted as referee. He sla~ed thlo W. I.C. A. A. A., aftcer having once, reinstated Mr. Leltoy by lual vote, could not reconsider 1k. He furc thenr slated tisat _Mr. Hlals coachillg a football teanm for his Oepens did not make him a professional. The track teamn quit the trainiing -table last night. '96 vs. '95 L Monday. Tile final ganle in tile Inter-class championshlip coolest has again, been postponed. The date now decided on is Monday, Tune. 10, when 'T6 will meet the '95 L team. Mrs .Ida H; Lane, 15, was caik tll Addison, N. Y., last week by, t death of hos',.b 9iilbUef s, u . SITY APPROPRIATION ILL. University Will Not Get Electric Lght Plant-Gu. Rich Says There Was an UnderstandingThat Sixth- Mill Bill Would Be Enough. (to. Iieb yesterday vetoed ilit tll- versity appiroiriationtilltiifell-the' reason thait it is claittedt 10o 0 be ill atccordlanowoithithe Iundeertning haed in t.losage of the o0-11 ixh iill tax bill two- years ag. Another reason is that it is a lappirorialti 1for 15 pritsi'ntsgtrateditoaly oiler stale illSttutllithiis year en acco-elnt of the colti~ion of the tetasury As ae r'eutof this acttonon 0thei:parlt of tilt gooenor, the Unioesity electric light 111111nt stwileave'to watit for 1a11o11ev termi of years. Art Recital in Oratory. Tlhereewoil bt' tiltl rt rital in li verity 111111 Satureay evttning feet th ibenIefit of tile'Oraterieal assoititn. Stettb="s of till associationlloil b aldmlittte 011 lteseltatol of tlei. mlemlbershiptckes, 111111tll ottesoil itt chargedtitc~ ents115adm1isionl. The rceitali.whicl is 1o be'gtovet cadeo' the' ausplices of Preof. Truebt'lod, oil consist of two-trs. Tile healt owill complirisetdranatic rallilgs iy Aiss Elizabethl Cady, assstedi by Misses Zena, Tlompson, Alni ree' Orlsbornie' 11n11 Siulie tGardntr, andtby Aiesses. J. s. Handy, G. . Smlith, B. A. Austin, (G. W. R. Austil. The se- 11111 partl oill be- the ltoe'tntation of W. D. Howel's farce, 'Tie Abaly Depot." Medic Examinations. Til examXinailtlions a1s lppoiitd for tile sophionmore mledicl clssotae as followos: Nervotus Aaomny, upp~er lecure roomls mledical uileing, Moineay, Iue 3.t, 20 a. m1. HyrgieneAam, upper lecture onei rodcal building, uday, Tune ,1 11. . m Physiological Ciemistry, dental am~- sitheare;, Wednesday, Jul10 13, 10 a. Tko: examinations for tie fresinan mecdical 'class are as follows: Monday, June 10--0l a. i., organic tchemistry in roolm A, chemical build- ing. - Tuesday, Juno 11-9 a. in., Com- parative anatomny In upper lecture rom, nmedical buildinlg. Prof. DOg Manoncedtahe will give one more lecture in Greek ,4nquitl3s'uext 6eadl§y;The lecure ill be on Olympia, ilustraef by Result of Ruling at Chicago Satur- day-Track Team Will Compete in American Intercollegiates Next Year. At tile mleeting of thle toared of tdt- reetors of tilt Athletic associationa last night it 0115 eecitded thatelt teiigall twill wiltrawovfromlIthite. . t'C. A. A. A1. ill c~osettl lce of the acefionl takeni by thiettassociatton's execultive roth- moittee 1110t Saturday night.. Shtouldl thie W. 1. C. A. A. A. co-er ill the futuele set tile 11at11r light voilntar-ily, or shout1lianotiler 'association be foredete on a stountderbald Ofairer basts, as 01111115 1100unlikely,SMtiihigan wtill cc- con~sieder this actionl undtoubtely~. Olterovise, ouor efforts owill hoeiturneet to ml illg 11good show00inlg inl the Amlerican Ititereollegiates at Newo York, andt a etelelltet ooill h'be a- ralngcedthtlisolle ethlet-unliversity'. thler'beusinss tran~sactee t btheii mleetin~g 00as1to apitont rolllltittes, 0110 to isipose' of the.tolt gymnasi55um1: properly ill tile1ha111s of tile Athletic assoctation; 1and:1 Iheotlier, colllltset of Messrs.1'. 0E. Baird, 0E. 1'. AW''ke 11110 E. 0'. Shields, to 110estigaote initot 001110 lllitttfor pulttinlg.the athltic fieldto 110belier 0110110for footb ll landi baseball. Women's Gymnasium. During (lie- Ipast week tteethlav' been 11o1 0-ry ilrge sums1 addle edt tilt gymll 'f11n1, perhapts tile'\veather Ilaiy lhave! heel sp ion.liblt'fo01'its, for it 15s1110 accetedt1fat that tile'idea of pilysirtl exertion durlling intenise 11110 is not agreeable. Tiho tdditions to the,fund during the ipast wet-k are: Mios K Ftchrier, Detroit- ..$1.0.00 Mrso11'. H. Niritols- --... 5.00 Libirary C11th, St. Louis, Mict.. 5.001 tO. Htoyt, Kalamazoo......2.0Y) ('arolingo. .Kleowstruck.- 25.00 Sarahl M. H-oooard.- - -10.00 (C111s. H. Itathbone- - - 25.00 Total- - - $ 105.00 511111 tlreatdyvonl hand.t..- 3253.77 Total- - - --..........$3,358.77 Jonas Piano Recital. Theo following is the program for the piano recital by Alberto Jonas at the Schsool of Music ball tonight: Largo in IFmajor..:. Loll Seb. Barih Sonata-Op. 111.... L von Beethoven Fantasic-Op. 17.. .. Itobert Schulmann Soaa in A msajor.... .. . Domenico 'Sc rlatti' hllozurka,'op. 24, No. 2. . Tb ,Leschetioky Isolde's "L itoesthdl,-(2lristoiln'and' Isolde) . .. .:...' W'agner-LTiszt' V'alse -Caprice..Anton Itobenstinu "THERE MAY BE SOMETHING INITy." 61 Soutti Main s to ditribte s......* Or tdvetie- ments to pr ttaymetfo ahih es e doAlme bity,yhict, 5 selad teos ppovl. -oh wos kdoeountil t100 larriseves and proveO satisactory. ~Young Ladies saetrs $Iflboys Or VI applthe muslbse llrecss- maended. Writeoparicloas. ACME CYCLE C01rIPANY, - ELKHART, IND. H~OT LUT08zES LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES +TUTTLE'S, { 48 S. STATE ST. THE NEW SHIPMENT OF Russet Shoes JACOBS & ALLMAND Washington Block, Ann Arosr ED. A. OADIBUX. POPETOR ovaO TE . Latest Improved Barber Shop to the city. . tWashigtnst0., Ist fler east of Salo st. Ann Arbr. MAMMOTH PIPE SALE JOLLY 8& CO's 26 SOUTH STATE ST. Do't fil to come. Hot and Cold Lunces at All Hour; DUCK PANTS $1.50, $2.00 ANII $2.60 BEST QUALITY .- LAWN TENNIS GOOS. SOLE AGENTS FO WRI6HT &DITON'S CELEBRATED ACET TTown, - Down Towe - (711'421t :60 ot6o, illioCotse is'- " s2uS. attet __7 -NDy S ,_ 4 A ARBOR