-- THE U. OF M. DAILY. ._ . _ ... _ A.G .SPALDING & BROS. Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, GOLF, Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALDING BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 1895 ANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. Main st., and State st., cor- ner of William st., have full lines of BASE BALL AND TENNIS GOODS AND HAMMOCKS - AN O- - Gift Books for Commencement. Call and see us before purchasing. G. H. WILD, THE LEADING TAILOR and Importer has received the largest and most select stock of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS for Spring and Summer of '95 in the city, and would be pleased to have you call and examine the same. Full Dress Suits a Specialty. E. Washington st. near Main. SWEATERS For Men and Boys, HUANKI LAMB'S WOOL SWEATERS in black, navy, white, garnet and gray, for Boys, up to 3% inch sizes $1.50; For Men, all sizes, $2.00. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADBLPHIA. Sweaters -AT- ~lieia & o' A New Camera! IC CLES.- " RE THE HIGHEST OF ALL HIGH GRADES. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world, regardless of price. -0 Do not be induced to pay more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on C having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co. a million dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. 21 lb. SCORCHER, $85. 22 lb. LADIES', $75. ip. IH. J. BROWN, Exclusive Agt. HOW TO BOONOMIZE. Flour is going up. Tomatoes are going down. Eat Tomatoes. 3Pounds Greenwood, 75 cents per dozen. 3 Pounds Peninsular, 85 cents per dozen. 3 Pounds Riverside, 95 cents per dozen. All good Fresh Goods. =SEAJN 8&CO2MPAfY. AA d.,.__1L 1R1r, 44 South Main Street. Review of Reviews for June. Communication That excellent magazine for the busy (Continued from Second Page.) 1' n'an, tie Review of Reviews, has jus issued its June snumber. The number contains besides the usual cartoons an excellent portrait of Bissiarek and numberless other enlgravings of men prominent in business and political creles. Under the caption "Chicago Newspa- pers and Their Makers" Mr. Willis J.. Abbott, '84 L, contributes the leading article of the number. It is an 'x- ceedingly graphic account of the past and present fortunes of journalism in our neighboring metropolis. Mr. Ab- bott asserts that the great Chicago dailies arei all well prlnted, cleanly edited and dignified, and that in (these respects they excet most of their .easter contemporaries just as their news columns excel in the range of teiegraphic reports. Other articles are "American Sympathy with Cuba," "The Better Policy," "College Oratory in the West," "The True Policy for Britain" and "Tile Passion I'bsy at Houtz." Outing for June. Outing for Tune contains the usual stories, taies of adventure and tm-vei bicycle tours, etc. Lenz's "World Tour Awheel" is continued in this number. The athletie records are as usual quite coullplete. The department of indoor athletics contains summar- tes of our indoor meet and individual indoor contest. - Commenoemeet Music. The students wili be glad- to know that prominent among the commence- mnet music wili be the "Yellow and Blue Two-step." This two-step is al- ready a rival of those of Sousa and rightly deserves the popularity it has gained. For sale by the Ann Arbor Organ Co. 176 '97-'98 FIELD DAY. Entries to the freshman-sophomore field day, which will be held next Tuesday afternoon beginning at 4 o'clock, must be handed in by Satur- night next to L. Hutchinson, '97 man- ager, or H. T. Heald, '98 manager. U. OF A.-NORTHWESTERN DE- BATE. Copies of the speeches in the Miet- igan-Northwestern debate are now on sale at Wabr's bookstore on State st. Those who subscribed may receive thair ceses at the same place. Price per copy, 20 cents. I. the hoior of either the managers or the judges. We hope to learn wisdom from our defeat,. and we shall "go in to win" next year just the same. As to the talk in a late number of the Northwestern, about challenging Harvard, that is simply an ebulition of the editors justifiable enthsiasm. We trust that we may be forgiven for a little "ceiebsr-aing" after the precedent that Micohigan set us last ycear in her prelisutnary engagement of that brass band: for "celebrating" pulrposes. We had no band, but we had a bon-fire and a piano on wheels. As to claiming that we are the "chail- pions of the West," etc., we are not so far gone with "tiho big head" as to either believe or assert that. Be- fore any college can justly make such a claii-she must haveshovn herself superior in debate, not only to Michi- gan, but to such institutions as the t;niversities of Wbnsin, Minnesota, Chicago and Iowa. No, Gentlemen, Michigan is good enough for us. We feel it an honor to debate with her. and we know her to be a foeman worthy of our stee All we ask is that Michigan should reciprocate tho feeling so far as to give us credit for lionorable dealing. We respectfully reftuse to be angered by the unfortu- nate words of your reviewer, just as we refused to be angered by his un- Sfrtunate speeches during the night after the debate. (Continued Tomorrow.) Recent college games: Oberlin 10, Northwestern 5; Wesleyan 14, Am- herst 4. J. A. Beddow, '95, has been appoint- ed to a $1,000 position as superintend- ent of the Plymouth schools, C. L Davis, '95, has accepted a posi- tion in the high school at South Bend, Ind., as teacher of English and math- ematics at a salary of $800.. THE WABASH TRAINS" Now enter and- leave the New Union Station at St. Louis over the New Merchants Bridge, thereby 4voiding the hot, Amokeq, disagree le ride through the tunnel, co Q THE HAWK-EYE, JR., Will accommodate fim for 2, ex.andis loaded and unloaded in broaddaylight. OlassPlates can be used without any extra attachments. PRICE, $9 Including Sunlight Film for 12 exposures. Send for Catalogue describing all kinds of cameras and Accessories. The Blair Camera Co., 471 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. ICE COLD.1 SODA WATER -AT- A. B.MUMMERT'S. NEW ART TILE SODA FOUNTAIN, Ice Cream Soda, Vernor's Ginge: Ale, and all popular drfsks. A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STOQ Cor. Fourth Ave. and Washingon St. HAVE YOU SEEN TI Thistle BicyLe6 Here area few points worth censiderat Bearings-Two points of Contac Weights-15 to 23 Pounds. Frames-22 to 28 Inch.- Tread-4 746 dand 5 inch. Choice of Color, Gear.Saddle. Pedals. and Handla Bar. Same as though ml to order. See! Catalogue Free. D. E. FORD. AGRH'I. 20 East W iiilam Street. Schaller's B okst oiK Formerly with George Waehr E. Washington st. Headquarterf everything a Student needs ir line of Text-Books, S tionery Misaelianen AS Hiock In general: M ARTIN SCHAiE: THE DOWk-TOWN'- BOOKS' 19 E. Wasington st., one east of Main 9t. STEAM LAUND7 High Gloss and Domosti Fisse. E.. S. SERVISS, Namager, Q3 SOUTH FOURTH.AVENUE Members of Gu'rantee Ticket Brokers' Asso- - ' station of U. :S. Cosby & Nceon .3. Ticket Agency