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June 05, 1895 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1895-06-05

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Ti g frable (Revised) 10 i. 1894. trhuis., Junie a-}faculty recital at j' AND-QUIC SNIPMENTS? + + +
EtT . WEST Frieze Meniorial hall. .. . .. . . LIRLV1 / p 1A (
E ae Es.- I Ni1 6 e~ted .30 25 gae, betwl-en '9b3 and '9)5 .
AM. Faci Exc_ ? M.i 57 Sat., June S-V arsity vs. D. A. C., STAER'
O. .pree....&S WslervE .~ se athletic field, 3:30 p. in. ~ ~
G..xpeS__bIh~.x _4,"G. R. Ex_ 55 Tues., Junie 1i.-Sophonore-fresh. Toulrists Rout e.
OW I ,OIttecs B. W.lSHAxzr man field day. 4 p. m: SEI-WEEKLY FROM IBICYCLES
dc..C4..Ast, Et rn. 'Sat., June 1P.-'Varsity vs. Chicago, UL LNTLD N ERI
.-, ° athletic field, 3:30 p. um. ANTOEO N ETOT o.:...::.
Taking effect Suday Apil? 1894. BUSINESS LOCALS. - FOa-
Trains leave Ann Arbovr an Central Stand. MACKINAC ILAND, CNEBOYGANi, We are even oP ordersefor Gents'
ard time. JUST _ ,oiiPLEAE as' Special 1 ls lmnmFns
:0a 0TI y'AI.ENA ) lbs.,.
8:0 nm. *7:i5 a in. To the Interchangeable Mileage ST., i6NAO E, 21,iusu
-:11 p.m i - sue by:3 ti OhoCntaAnd all Werts en tse We.st Slacer of Lake and can promptly ship them, but_
41:15 p.m 11 :10 n.M. ticket isse b0 don' Ohsk ceora Lais1heso
SUNDAT TRtAINS. Lines, already tthe best in the nmarket, Hrn 0" s o ais heso
using North at 9: 15 a.m. -- has beein added tihe entire B. & 0. e b iscteolyiegln Racers to be shipped same dayr.
Going Soth at 8:15 P. M. 'Rmme bsi h nyln iigps
TraiGets n ndrn ;between Toledo and systeml West of Pittsburgh, including sengers the opportunity of sight seeg at all Ore et'Wheels andse-
Hamburg Jenctisoa only.,. the Pittsbuirgh & Western tailroad, ports on this popilar routr. Also gleiing pas-
eTrales ran between Ann Arbor and Toedo - segr mkna(^n nusO ti ix orscrcarayOelr
setly naking it incomparably the best miile- on the famoas Masckinc Islanid.
Al1 trains daily.ec~ Sunday. g lkti~ie l ie fe Fares, inclnding Steals and berths, no other WChvAn1lbRodWel
R. S. uEENccOOO, Agent ag iktise y any ln.I yo expensen.Wehean1lbRod he,
W. H. BENNETT e. P: old ...-want a ticket that iluhdes the' 13: Cleveland to Maeckincc Isand and e- 4 in. tread.
tuoc, even-4eiay trip. . .0114.00
.k 0. systema as well as Big Four, such Toled to 5 Mcna Island and return,
ANIN ARBIR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. tickets are issued by Ohilo Central sx-day trip. . . 12.00
Detroittoar au Is lanid and return,
-Agents only, ive-day trip. . . .._ _ ___11.00 PYOT YI r
Tcessdtoretun icy time tunring the PLMUT UYLE MfFG, CxO.1
'time'JRablS, May 26, x$95. WVABAShI LOW RATE HAEtVET TcesgotoSeasoc,
Lea 1e Y patltromdCoeresct., 6:00, 8:00 , EXCURSION FORis- 195. Csneig- ~mhcmIt il l PLYMSOUTH, IN
ad 114b a. in.: 12:45,12:15,S 5O, 0:45, 8:10 and will be run froni all stationls on the steamners fee Chlcago, Milswashe, tletsley,--
11:08 p m. SnuIt Str. Marie, anid all pints en iake 111th 0. Tr lAS Ar }
heave Ann' Arbor .Junction, 7:00t, 8:10 and Wabash Rtairoad on April '30th, May tgan, Late Snprer, and Gien nay; and at ! >s "
jlm10;a. in.: 1:15, 2,45,,".3:0,7:15,i 100 and 11:00 21sLan ' ineUper Pinsul and the: S oraleits 46ErWilte t
p. in. ' ~ atuJune 11th to, the West, North- Snte.Upe Pgn ei su and t5. !vst & r ii4te ila t
SUNDAY TIME. west, Soiuth and Southwest. foe time table.
Leave Ypsilanti from Congremsst. 1;30,31:10, For full particulars, apply to the S. B. GRUMMOND, Gen'l Maonager. THE COL7
:08,0:1 and Arg o n o :040,:0 nearest ticket agent of (lie Wab ashl or 'U. GRANT-OEI7MONO,_Puoc A .t. ~O
"Leave Ann Abr untiolO;4: :0
7:08 an t:10 'Far m.gl tri 15 connecting lines or to General Offices, Detroit, Michm. ANDQIAIS UREN
Cars mon on ciytm-ae.igeI~ 5________________PY1ItS SREN
cents: roend itrip tickets 25 cents. Fr'rtFeC. S. CRANEr
hi 5t ,i ARItESSp ° .P^&T . a
G. . Wbashi R FOR T091 1T1110 101 TO PICTUIESQ11 ' 6PCHICAGO.
L CLRV 1LA D MEBALS ON .WABASH PARLOR picitli.Annual'Seston beginSin Seplem-
CAR. ____ -. , ber ndl contimlneS, seven. months..
RfPf eAT Arrangements have beenI made to ONE THQcUSANq. M[Lsf ,LAKE RIDE Four years graded, course. Labolra..
, ±10 ,serve meals ini Parlor Cars now run-. AT tMVLEl~NEory, Clinical' aind Dispensary adl-
VIA "ttC. & $ E. + nn on rin44;id45, betweehn St.n.whc Vantages exceptionally good.
itse. 't -ew. cet 5te 1 , m esi~s Loums and Tsledo, and pussngers can Vsiet insiei Ignd whih ~l For annual ' nuouncelnlent and
State Of, Ohio, and State of, New York hereafter get meals emn these cars g tlk Ifs oly costs about $13 front otheir informabtiomi address Corres-
DALY. ,TS\1lJ TABLE. squat to any ,served at the best hotels, Detroit; $16 from Toeedo; 18i from pending Secretary,
SUNDAY INcUDESS and at moderate price's. Cleveland; for.the round tO , including,
1,V.eeln.......:pm. --ol aso Jwrhs inpk ehatsa . 11AiZ1 1DHOkES
Aruf3..........nm C. . CRANE, tnaly.n eth&e ;~ =4., vO t
7:10 ds4 rvlngo the I). , 1101i 4 'N aslsigtee St.. Chiceage.
Lv. Sa I7........5 a. em. G niPns 'kt alal us. Iit attrtetiofls of a trip t" a _________________
Ar. Cleveland.._. r.. .7: a. in. - OLETON. hanklnaejol foigiure uniiis)paae. 'The-
C etral Standard tme, . STAMPI COLCII. island itself isae sgraodroinantic spot its?
Take the"C &iB. Line' steameers and en- We. went, to. buy stamp collectionsS 01i aGC Ote .uo in1yigeQting, , Two ;iw f ! JI't
71rufaot Nag Pa1,Trstx whe enrout hi anwl,"cash for the -Sams; an ",ee passnger steamers hav .ue - UNee iV ElSIlE IIU
Boa r, Alna y, 1, 01 'ledu, or any Batern receipt if price asked is satisfactory. built fo its up,,er lake route, costing
orCanatOakion i0 ,eR ' Cletn hudhsetbres-10,000 each, 5.40hy l Ill equipped with
Cletosolbeenb s-T C'r $, .&X RCHEAP Lx~bSS..SEttU :IJ, NIdhAILLS by ' :. very inoden convenience, aennncitators, T. ' .0 y .&M y
Send djspestaee for tourist pamplLSe eetai repesihlte nata- jt rooms etc~ illum fed, throughout Sol~d throogh trans between Totedo."Oio
W. F. HERiMAN, T. F. NVEWMAN, Ing, p1ice under separate cover. W'e by elecrickty, antt ate uassiteedl to be and Charlenton. W. Ya., via Coluintue, the
Genl Pass. Aet. Gent1 Manager. ud Superior approval streeis moe- lie, ondqn tr largestF an~ u.let stamr hor and only direct route.
Clevyeland, o ' Bi rs wtrthes steamers favora li '. ' ETvWENs
Magniicent newateamehjjinow under con- tpnil tinslie , mpare with the graocea liners~in..coTols o Q.
netonrtrot.W. J. LAWRENC E &L (NC ciOa.pedFu~tl~p Findlar,.
iticli. n impieee speed ForZlsjaryci-
- 'L alamaYO ,Iih ' wtve Tot o Detroit, A1 enas Iti- eao1,
Fo 2 A lady Of expeince desires tISo oqutead'Pist act Cofu a, 0.
Fo vrtigand Everybody, 4agct n"Dlt. Ilally between
Evrtigas matron for a fraterity or sorority 0 ese'landand Detroit, and leveland and Althens, 0.
CO1ISi1H AL IfIiiS, Telp'rnel5 for Ohe comi g year. Reference can 1olI-ioi-l1a The. poltll 04~met Niddlit 0
bgvnidermtIur alymakes traveling on thes te5IilJi tp-e. Pomnery; , 0.
DiA~&81f~.5 obe~oughly enjoyabsle. Send or iiusiitdP?esn, pt.V
W~ 6r n ~fltrl'ol1ens Tle cestmbU~ dwyelling a;47 S. old Pbit ComfortV.
are now on saft. ,Prioes tw. Fcourth ave. Iszfor sae on ve me, ton- ~ W' Sistriir Va.
cal Aa elsns. able tem It -otaa all moawer -a It V'5
contain Ne5wport.Nwl;-
48 s"40aea~~eat~tse4s~br conveniences and is first clalss On evry i1"tt
WOO WiN THEIR CASES Norfolk, °a.
22 Years ian the $uiea/ res ,. p O~t~Smist~ ei d all. sutheastern , olets. Elegant-
x' + ;: - deuce very , desir- hI as a chapter read the8 to al Works by d, W. dracg.Toem crsn 0 tithrough trin
'Forfrrther infoemation cll on your locald
"CIITY flh hons, for a fraternity., For terms Donovan. TicS AgentLON o en
call ait 47 5. FU 'tl ave. a______MOLO OE Gee 'TAns A00.
La X s11A~5LT.; 14..4 >u 4t ATe: A meein' of thb S. L. A. botrawill 'TACT IN- fU#t" WA"EES ~hgnPi.Aet
be____he_______T_______ Detroit Mlcku~
;O RC AT TAILORING eSdTursday at a p. M. in rooni di 5p 'pgec .ilk50r 9 1.00. Forth -
Cleaning..Pressing and Repairing .2-a ulig .RKlPns "SIL Ed ."
xGSCH54*W,34Lt)28 Was&i,~gt !:raw ch IM pagen, $1.00. New
.a'iSubsseribe for the Daily. and ver Dramatte.kj
oE " __________ -"MODERN aU1RY thAtS AND ADVOCA1ES"
0G081 Work005naraat01.' floods Ialled fob 7 EO Pf7 i Law- Shenep, Furth
sand deivered. A., P c.-esv'eT. Prop- 2 ydfton 0410 Cobie Plea
Ann Arbor, M ,p.( #~nt08^LO. f 4000 -- to Ad, LEAI., '.p 'in, a m eiigUhas... NEasC~
Surplus ~ ~ ~ 10 e5,0.sxg lcit WilliamsonLaw Bo~k C0. HNSN Ma(<ni'~ lln: eeachers, largO
. tiesssizeo0snndeh etisetak u~gav attendasce, 5ssd dseie5sciplieee week, we] -
o .iStt.Rcivessuesltn buy adoestr, New York. supplied ma ing room; -daily letures; Saineds}
Fuote3 aaiw 'esa~ias nen Itisssh Lt'sa for or, taogue of Secoadhind ouriniegtoeepiiis5sag tthett ie p.sten
:51fatlu $seyt t xes4t0roe.5 Law Booksr ' faot- rdssrpwl iRt q7 pee w s.toplvr
Hardisan, Yice- o:; C ran E. Ilscock, Cl. bocrib for, th Dal.' sdiSe. Fer Catalogs. address
Cskier: Dl. J. Fittz AssistantCaashIer: Susrb fo h al:t . A. CLAIRv. Pem.

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