- - - __fl U:.OF M- DAILY. 1o t st L e ehave yet t ie hd aIa h i S NIL IC S r ~ f+f- floes ~'not qy that te ictory it bN MU I wSuas -clearly with Northwestern. To thes Publshed Daily (Sanday excepted) durtng, verdicts of Ev. nstonaus npray e add- "Six Love Songs, hesoitorogaitor thieColegs year, at Tesceyo raiai ed the expresons madee y schtI en By Frank E. Swyer. Translations of six OiES1f FIT'{AL. "$Jde wno Ciao n of fies fineat lyrcs n exuiste mustsal which has its Th U4VESTYO McHGN. a Jd Eiig o hiaonn settings. Heavy Paper.7 cents OusooCE: Times buadij . 5Main t., opposite Vico President Stevenson,.:Mudge fI 1. n)i psoln. - Ewing, one of the leders of the Cli- OULLLU UUIU+ t'0iT0_§. cage ar, and reeogned as himself Te otandard conlection of College Sona . MEBNU CARIDS. Over 3,09sold.. evy ae,5 J. A. LERoy,'96, Mianagng Editor. one of the abest speakerii the -cents: Cloth, GIlt Paper, E'T50% A.W.SITH, Specal, Assistant XV .Sos itt sitn. country, turned to a friend within arsl~l~ a h W. A$rlp,,'9 L nst~cnt. OLLEE SOGS FR BCLS""Printedat h E. I. StNon hAxa 'k, Asitant. three mintes after the debat closed. H. COLEMAN, '957. tlet c Editor 9i .vric nadr Only boot of the kin'pubished The G. B. HAnitisoN,'it L, easiness. Manager. beore tie vritwas iadr-songs of te leaing colleges for women /' 4 - (y *u-u-u-.i yr' L. R. HAsussnx, 'litL. Astant. smarked, "The Evanstons boya surely Heavy Paper, $I.. A r S V f1ce«~ Associate Editors, have it." et. we ventre the aer- 40iYAl LLL[CTION I!NSTIHOM[NIHL IM id ' ['VH .Dne 15 ari vV mt,'8 to htMcia a n amrEgt-w iee o hclegiarfo h EC ~1$ L. A. Pnorr10att t. E na9M8 in ht ih CaasirrwrerEghytw ice{orteiutr rm1h W A S U. 'I L. . rat, PS Crri V Sith 'O.betsources. -A splendid cilction and- C. A.Hoghts,16'D, .G. A. Heat, 'scP. friend and admirer in hicagoilacninme Cover. 59 cents. Minnie Thompson, '7. HeI. 0.ammon-'8 M. Judge Ewing. Ie had no connection Any book sent pospaid on receipt of price C.H sri'0. S . E.nlappen , with te debate, caiing, as he did, OLIVEA bT§ON CO.,YI' simply as the companion of his (Id 453463 Wahingoest1. Baton. Althiought it has been the custom friend 11r. Stevenson, and occupying ,, -C . tson &cp. N Y, hretofore for the Daily to elose down a set on the stage as a guest ot This aceisreere about Juner,, the present Board e- honor, vice President Seeusoil twho TM-E1 T P[C[ [ 0 MASCOTL t :!LLI UUl Uh Crv , rgp lieves that .it will e tile best in- ouht to know wvhat a deate is) ex- ___________for h rGiad Oera. tttt"of the paperiand its u b- pressed with euual cleariness his belief s-et8F0HoL~ ers to continue pubication until comn- that Nortliwest rn had fairly won the meuceiiie't.: Accoidingly, the alliy debate. WV do not knowv.about our ph Es will be ised until June 27, appering trustee, ut as to th remarks mde 117511 evety other day, br dily if lit oc- by Nothwestern's debaters of 194, =_ caslon densinds, after this week. Sub- we do know that only two, CanpbelR , 118 W i fe ort scribers wtho leavee iciversily be- and Gose, were prs-tAt the ,tnstff 0 fr -65 O L foeoue cc ot iay have the coseof thedebate teetwit.,men ~L E .~ iTiEfo N IHR PIpe wt othirhme address with- umet the Norhwestern debaters of 1895,1 Mos.n.snnn ":,, ,, sOrg nid 186 but 0ktoa. chiart by Itavlig th id.' at the east end of the north atisle of ITnT Capital ltitit0. Supis and Profts, 110,00 1111 Illdes.wihth usnssmnae.Th hecurh adsad i hepesneU it ~RILRO#AD TICKTSiRlTransacts a "general bakn lneuj drs.it h usnsia e.TieIechrh ndsiintepesneBrelgs, excanges bought ad sod. Furnish Daily will b delivered to ccev sub- of at least a. dozes itwnses, -'"Boys, t all points for sale by ettes f credit. scrber a thirroos o snttoyoubea u. Yu ut p, sr-nerP. IACf Pres. S. W. CLAISON, Ssbier. ri ea a thir oom or entto ou ea~ us Youputsipa sroiger ANN ARBOR R. R. TICKET AENCY their home address until June 27 for: debate than we (id last year." 33 Ho . Huro se. Advanced tiubs.n dnlni for ades ud ..--- "entlemen a Grager s Academy a2 cents. Subscriptions may be left' In coelusion yu eiw-rsy:Member of Amerigro. Ticimt y-enAso' your reviewer says: eation, All 76 rssprtatlans lounaso with t'hO huoace anAnajes or t' "A verbatim report of tie debate Is +ntv..Tick~tso utiaol~ ATRA EE I Stoffit's or lSt r'snews stands . he %to be published by Northwestern. and - - A i r t Jn od ad o dh~cnb tooffice hours of the, business smanager wil be on' sale in Ann Arbor.ur . ur .ifi (LA89 prueocured for^freach ro vesh gee se adriisince r o "' .E i .vae essoss o waltax d 'Tro- te' are from tar 1()1 a. m.; 5 to 0fi nd jepresetatives await with cofihdence sapcilaty O0fce: Grtud fSor, Mu to 9pqm. t, ,,,, the vrdit of those who will care to ThO ompare the arguments of both sides." a MRS. ANIE WARD FOSTt*hS Cimncio. Moreover, may we not ask, would it A1YSr eeei LAST I A R floigi oteinhiutnot have been better to aiat the l"fe --.0 AS5540 of the eter fromi - Nrthwetern, with dIofrsthepot, to which sou tr A20 MONIDAY EE. JOII~fr 1Ct. rega'to th iec ta nt rboll ja ,de= aps el, beor etiolniseg the onr ANu~ - V~ bau n's, unOW ng in he.biyt'col- of No fhl tern and that of the viia rTEApiD E WORKe ADMISthoN i' - Ladies' and Oeustatthing Cleaned _________________ ocs:et n wowere lndenughto ct r Ded Your revent'vtf htd' forh as fol- as judgeas t 3.W* HUIRpN 4x, NJ PM Gl loss a:"The d4 b~tHfenan. Tb If tto Finally, one iworiii Obtt hc%' ltfi ' TJ r,'-ZT3E soL? a), Ix<'j}d led ,lud n won & .,oratorical contest. fGri;atsas ' the2 FIRST OtA S } (SBMT O~I The latst ting in 41HOTO~APHY CLA C TAat t smt debat 105 *1 -with a ioi- surprise of the hithrti ico quered dee fSasadWlimss RR VNlA gnu alunof and friend & dentl andI - c df the afthruative at hilldefiat itWIant It oo10 ach mpsmt,,S. Wi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v td v t lo-mb te iooiedd yu 00oms to rent' If so, ad~ tag th t ltcigau hudd Iced he day, not not ave bkn greater Okt ws ad we seelsith nebeDaly. ZF E.wasiml to hear thoeapr ssi sfreoine of ours at the ronIt i Iowa.Weihad INorthwest e us l1styer'a debatevrs, at i's h d One of tle t (e eshit IetS fHARDI ,-TO DO W'lTyt{tJT them ~rtegsi fTbuiaFs4t' a,..111'Mi1huhganr'6aragument is far ahead of I a in previot Ioratrical tofltists, E.S AKRFUTIVPN Ijorthlc- t t'x; rtiit f it a Ousto -sometlmn ,to belhve, outranting 4ih-- of Nortlivteitect, lithig a surely has igan. Ylt iwe are 1utther tdikle Ta ieelssm5hznm°r~,ntwraaea.vmsnyr6en it ow alit heritheii esd, doing "the baby art,>,' sitrnr is Ikuhn oe saneI msald utiafem. IP&QE PN (X]I N, iion of- sills - ohnts i fvr of tContinued on' Fourth Pite.) lltV45u$0 Nithtwestern, ivll, yt iwas jus -D 1e 'd A but the lig' - of aitraw lio hau urd 114- efor thedea li, ha h4 - isaredee' ath ~' F ' '& 0. hade fn'bt r-cat .i e iMl b' 0.FAS& 0, count for 1 e widns of ?the -state 6l'aash A*V' hi04 - -nos met in this pa tgraph. - 5 t"fos t - A t oq - - iBassIii' ~OSTON, MASS. NEW 1) Y,N . WAUI1N1 ON, D. C. --CICAGO, ILL,: we hav e m pains 1o c nv rsCwith BLL~ITIC RAKS. ,®ome' seelr sf. Evahnto ias wwho ywt e1nincedof thetrthlof bstt $2glyi' ,,x tts>A Tcisg;8~ tret tteu fcalinVNTO, CAN. ItNNEAPOLS, 1 , WA ill GT. IOAN0N. A r~lulousl frendy t erhweler ,~ N.Uslersly ave 8Snd or Ageuy Manual and Regst ation DBlanks