Ct TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. VOL. V. No. 175. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THE FIELD DAY TOMORROW WILL NOT BE WITH CALIFORNIA AFTER ALL. Our Men Will Beat Their Own Re- cords-California Says She Will Not Compete Aainst "Profes- sionals." fTe iisuchltalked of 0meeig - it Californiai ils be en abantldlonetdi, o isg to (slitoriis action ii the ssslltv. A ieleglall9ws rceivd fioni lb t wtouild not cometilo AAr ibr miiles lile two imeii 011tie Michigan temisiwho werIe plrotsted st Ciciago 55 if itli (oit of tesompetition. iigti's re- lly wils tiatitno0 seeting would he once- sidlered here for ii oloitent if ihiss Iwo wre to b2tdeatrretdi. The Cle- gos iapersofit'yestrdtay stted tat Ctalioriia swoldtiis oul 10o An Arbs, bt swill go to Chlampaigii in- stt-edto ttcomtlpet agist the tiiistr- sity of Illiittis. This ationi is regretted s-ery iiiieh ittri by everyonthe, butitAiligati's posi- tion is ttilhe rlings ilade by tio Oxective commilititete of the W. I. C. A. A. A. lasthStutirdayiigt w e i- tirtely sit of order. Clifolrnia'. claim is that ter men woul etla-get' their standinig iby esompetinlg taginst imui delaredilprofessionast. laitntoeas -Mr. Lehloy la oilt bt'n elaeitd a poof- ossioal sod as Mr. Hall is 11o)1a lrtfttsiollll aecorinlg to tilt' A. A. U. rusing,tlissptle is lhardly ulieclet. It sclinioi'i'e likely that as on'isoflthe ('alifiornia party sai tfter to' galileo a1 Chietigo, "California listseverylllg to los-siid nothing to gain by goitg to .Aim Arbor,"- sod therefore they wvy orlit aniious 1o colle. This, too, wass before thelproests ad ben broughtni,s-whichI iictes a desire isisCalifornia's 1part to pitek ot a iplee wshere they fcan 5511. Wvednlesday will, hoswever, see s0100 track aiid fie-d sports, esen i Cali- fornia swill not coet to- grae the occasion. A regular ild day will le eld tonmorrows afternoon beginning at 4 oclock sharp. Te uet will un- doibtedly be by far the best ever held here, as the 1510 are now -nIswice as good codition as at tie fld day of Afayt 21, ws-ich the records made at Chicago wsil attest. Au attempt will be made' to break every University record sod to end the trck team's seasoln snccesfully. Its order to make the meet a more popular event, it aaben- decided to reduce the usual admission- price of fifty cents to twenty-five cents;-Al- though it is so soon leter the hard comptitions at Chicago, an effort- will be mad to make rveords that will compaltre favorably swih Caiforniat's. '98 SUCCUMBS TO '96. SE OU WID W Amonitg oter piceparatiotoiiIstlt- The Juniors Win a Victory Without EE O R W N O tie Ca'tlittirsia isletI itgltoriouts 5liless Much Trouble. ps-ttstisstasthlttic eficissfrtosmsD--- ttllti habeens stcitedto cse ie 'sTo't6iladscsIliiiyestrtay fl'r- 'ITHERE MAY BE- sffitcetrso ngttti tt At-eoMsrs. Fhe. noon till 5lail l as ictory-oer lt'SOMDETHING Sttian, of thse D. A. C., tC. 'T. Wilkins, freshmilen. 'it'4showtssing ill th~ir Ix IT." of t' A. A. A.. aisd tluisyc es° eit, -tlie itt' s '97 Isometitulelgt 5th' li- sstli kssno stisateoisrietrt . I'ti an-llt Il si' et tltes tf tischtib tttr istrcbblli''tal t - ittftse'sm'n playig on their psrt thassis siort wiii aso lit'iere' tomosirrtowc, stelogis hisiitdi yesttet-isay. Tilt'gisl s ' 1 South Main t. Ca'sliftiriisstdoes nt comle. All is ill, markedthrisoughsost by ailisrrtrs, tof __________________________ it shoustld be the greatest feldl dray i's-is-whischltie juisors asos hdu tgod seeni isere. sare,.tBryanit ittchse ass ixtel intt We 'rise traick msenisvere oifttoce ge iit, iolig'9 tossn to tre''its. _ Employ c- dstirtisy as iusal aisl ss-re gis- n The recelt ot the -gaslie is to susi'e YOUg lightwsork titer li sthoicog ans. ft' ictors tie apon iiis ot the Mn 'Tse -traiinig ssiilie cotitnuiedt todita'lacy teamtliinthie htina ifr-cas consto ditriutel t++..+«oraverie. aloa~dtooro wlle lihetst mistsFridayi Teiv screb mesh hopat paymet o igh gr ae Ame ilsi, ad lhisos oss svil cstitil ' l~ seie biyce.wichttwe siedtemtopcapproal. No; hinin s wasas folows:stsort oiltIe bicyle arives asS prve si'iason11for Ithe-teamts. ttl~g il 5 ohso ailil Hasd it hit-n supposedithaisCil ci- hnintigs!....12 3 4 ;liC 7 s ty YoungLadie saemee emse lortsist soitldiback 011oute'roposed me-------e-d1. W7rite021$ lbs osraprtertm ieeirc uu(bgwih enercolee t i- 9'CS- - -2 C 3 0s 0 4 0 3t ACME CYCLE COI'PANY,_ e'isiahiwoid ssvebee trtas~d.Stagg Has Overstepped the Rules.K-ARID 'T-e' ofereid te expesets of oir tialls Pridacy last, wi-lit-ihie CUni'ersity to C'initianti reltiun istd a. teatisiChitsof IjOmiahef atilthic 'ago 12 I=Orr' I_'.J' 'OLS trophyc for the- viclois. Is 11, Prof. Stagg dividedethe work FREB LIsE or in te bxhitixshi Clarke. As a c00n1- LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES UNIVERSITY NOTE. tlne-nee lieis iosw beoeth eAhletie JT RECIVE AT Boarl of Chiago Ltiity ott-tr ay + U TES 'het-'varsitycbtasebsall payers .svre in brokeniitihess'w uls is to -+4TS.U T TE, . gist-Ilisi'cticee a basttiig olts c-ster- fes 48 S. STATE ST.s sping da.urthr eividmcc wil esoiglilt ile For Teni Days 'risenh'slvnian11ianditthe Cornllh ease thitss eu i. __________________ Ditlyc'Sitti lvistnitishel lthr last Two Base Bal Changes. we wits oier or entire liseofs l s is r tt-ecols-ge year'. *ralj 9AuttikA. Santds, '93 L, nosy. locatedti'The fnlattottels gaiseh-sseteenLAIS', MISES' aIrAS t C'hiigo,. is visitinig thet' lapitaiSig- 'hf; andh '95t.t4 hsis be aii postpionedh rolls S- OBS ltas andtth ler fritends15 ii the cic. 'hutrsdasycto tFridayi. D.Ewrswl uzte17Ds Tegitx audywl n t~dein oafd.Alteemo Dr Rhsssts's s-ihliltta tle 97 Ds Tu gle iext alertla syhl It'ade foe uralId ad drigthelpate its Orgsanic Ch Isisc- iext.Aonday-ecwitstseD. AC. tasillsa, Isl--lf notsoanS mde by tesebest fatoies toitntg it100111"A, rhsseilbtuild- Blo-tit ( tog. The Homeops With Leave Us. J ACOBS ALLMAND A ness- istier has b,,en tlsrteel, at Washington Block, Ann Arbor tile U'nisersitycof Chiaiosigled'tilhelii- The bill hproviding for lit-inos'aal _______________________ of tilt' Homoathstiic deatmient of ED. A. CADIEIJX. Aaroon. Water Delteilbangil, berePORIEOn Or THE the Unisrsiy to Ostiot eis sightedLaetmp ve BrbrSo ssthi '97 last year, is tssistanit man-LaetIpo dBrbrS p ag''ing editor. I'(o- Irin-seisl-a eroo othe city E. 5'aihngton St,ht door Prof. Jonasswiti givea piano recital LAW NOTES. east of M1an St. Ann Arbor ill thto facultyc conlert st-fisTsi Thsr F-re wsi le as p cial quiz for the M M O H day eveninhg, Jueeti, at 5S'oeict-he te- junhiors ill Dotiestic Relations at 110 MAMMOtistec s u n or o-Study nrom4 T -IP-~ cell in tile s ries, swhiichil-il b git-n 't' ssiors sil be extineiut-il t& Coit Junie 13. Equitiy Jirisprudenecse at 2 o'clock -in 26SOT STATE ST Dontlath to come. Da. ombrd wll e gn -ling heot ad Cold Lnches at All ors. Dr.Loiibtrdssil bgit g~tlg tlethe leetitre- roomi, Sattrdaty_________________________ 'h6l D's ltheir ostr chambesirs oss thsys- Thelexiilnthlltioni Doisisstic Ilea DUCK toogy Tune 10, and continue to do teionsispoi-lfratdyeenn psefoSaudyeeigso th~roughlout the seek until they at 7:30 ini the lecture room. $1.50, $2.00 AND $2.50 have all been examinited, the hours for 'Te sulpplementary exalshition 10 BSinA IY the same being fromsi85to 11ta. illItal1-rpESTsil e elQtUoosLITY._______ tiid fromi 4 to 4:30tlp.- 1. in thie'hilys- 4,-Wednesdlay- at 4 o'clock.LANTN' iologlt-al laboratory in 1110 151icol Instructor Htughe will qui the sel A NTNI O building- ors on Ietcures 11 to 13 inclusivt- in SOLE AENTS FOE, . oFhA-NOR1THWESTR1tN O- Criminal Las, nxlsweek in room 4. WRIGT & DITSN'S CELEBRATED RACKET RATE Thie seniors swill be exaulted in Copies of the, specelie in the Mich- Cororations, Ibs wetk as folows- 7 eshantWhtrn s basttee ow taenC.sections I1 and 24,hrday at 4'l;. AILF-i H R 'S ale a-thssally'rn deatearo on S.sectios 1 and 24T.srday at 4 ochand tp Town, iDowTow, Those wbo subscribed nsay receive section A> Saturday at 4. The eceas- Unverity oktore, OppoIte Cort House their coIeas at''the Sarns place. Price ilitions will be held n the law ho- M3S. state St. 4 N. lt4ho St. [per copy, 20 cents. turo room. .ANN ARBOR