THE U. OF M. DAiLY. A. 0. SPALDINGO&'BROS. Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, GOLF. Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALDINC BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 1 8952 OBITrER DICTI A A 'New Camera! WANA.MAKER tailors 20 miles of cloth per dlay. He buys ~~ at enormous discounts. You buy of him and you avoid the profits of ? the wholeakr, the jobber, the middleman. 500 samples. Up-to- o date tailoring. Fit guaranteed.' Swell Suits $18. C W'VAN.A.XA3ER & 3R.OWN, WILSEY'S OLD STAND. STATE STREET z HOWI'TO ECONOYILB. Flour is going up. Tomatoes are going down. ssd Eat Tomatoes. - p HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED) CATALOGUE , SENT FREE. NJEW YORK, CHICAGO, PIIILADELPNIA.1 IW ORE & W ETMO~tRE 6 S. Main st., and Stste sL, cor- ner of William st., have a complete stock of UNIVEBSIJY TEXT BOOKS New and Second Hand. Note Nooks asd other Studenis' Sitppiles Fine Stationery, Sportisg Goods, etc., which thoy offer at the Lowest Prices. Cal and see us before purchasing. G. H. *WILD., THE LEADING TAILOR and Importer has received the largest and most select stock of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS for Spring and Summer of 1%.inj the city, and would he pleased to have you call and examine the same. Full Dress Suits a Speciaty. E. Washington st.. near Ma-in. SWEATERS For Men ad Boys, ~4 HADKIT LAMB'S WOOL SWEAJERS in black, navy, white, garnet and gray', for Boys, tip to 3 inch sizes, For Men, all Sizes, $2.00. Straw bridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. Sweaters a Pounds Greenwood, 75 cents per dozen. a Pounds Peninsular, s5 cents per dozen. a Pounds Riverside, 95 cents per dozeii.f All good fresh Goods. :DEJAN 8& OM3LPANY. 44 South Main Street. U. OF Al. CALENDAR. Sat. June 1-Conicert for wonmens gymn. in University hail. Sat., June .-'Western Intercollegi- ate chanmpionsihips, Chicago. Mon., June 3.--'96 vs. ,OS, inter-class series, 4 p; . . 'Wed., June 5-Deal field dlay, Cal- ifornia vs. Michigan, athletic field. Theurs., June G.-Faculty recital at Frieze Memorial hall. Sat., June S.-'Varsity vs. Beoit, athletic fld, 3:30 pt. in. Toes., t une 11.-Sophioimore-,freshi- miean field dlay, 4 p. me. JUST A MOMIENT, PLEASE. lbthe tIterchangeable Mileage - Iee isaued by the Old oCe'ntral U4~s already the heat in theuiarkot, b s heen added the entiue B. & 0. sy-cekemeset of Pittshnrgh,. inlheding the Pittsburgh & Western Railroad, niakiieg it incomparably lice b tolmile- -age ticket issueud hy any line.. If you urant a ticket that iniclides the B. &0C. system as well as Big Foow, such tickets are leaned by (tioe Gvn~tral Agents only. STAMP COLLECTIONS: 'We want to buy stamp collieelejica and will pay cah for the sae on receipt if price asked ia satisfaetory. Collections should be 'sent by regis- tered mail or express with letter- nans- lag' price unuder separate cover. We send superiior approval, sheets to- re- spousible parties. W. J. LAWRtENCE & 00O., Xalamazoo, Mich. F ou see them everywhere. (895lnbia Iicycks T HERE'S a whole airmen in *the above. It preaches lihe ecanonmy of buying the best-a Northwestern Has a Word About It. (Continued from first page.) lion acte reputioec affords such a guarantee. But, to retturia to your assertions a to the judges. Letters now lying before me, signed by Mieli igan's repres Icniativ e, trave that M ie i- igan, at different, linus, accepted ceo le'ss thicalive differeiit Iten of eneAn-' ence as' judges. Do you-does the student coimmnunity of Mclctigan, saJ sober aecoind thought, wvish to assert or even faintly to iesiniite- that such teen as General Winkler; Ch-cenceltoc Mc ita n iid tievecnerable Ccci cmi lloward ace capabele of acetc a. iis- hconorable act as you indirectly, charge themc with ic your ;e toc-iet? We tannet belie .it. (Comepare chesteiice, for a moment In. ienr atncv. cod position with two oftliens" selected, by Michigan lcalt yearseed eitle ill of :hose who recenctly geeve 3Mciigan; the pamle Iowa. fle icrege with whose mcarking most fauelt was found'wiis General Hoiwcard. Yet for fifty ye-era that niagificent placn bees stood' be- fore the Amiericcncieisopie as ain ideal Christian genitlemacni, known and lien- ored in every state'; made, iby attic- n'ation.,Ifie leader of iiuicatous greaet phcilenthiropic societies;'-duesAMieci- gan wish to impcucgnc lie honor of antc a mcanc? Agaicn we say we cancnot ice- lieve that you will 'do so after soiber second: leoiglit. But lbtes ot astonishing iset of logic is containeed ice yeas' editorial of Mlay'S, wlwen you say, cozecerilg lice ltte oratloricael coccie'st, "'Mr. Benetet, onct of lice Nortliwesleruis debaters, was also h-ir representative in lice oratorical cocntest, aned after a hard struiggle wean last ' llcoe Is is ccot strange thatt hiewinier of last years contest should be behind lbs last imaen ice chis years con- test, both in delivery and argu- mnt" We respectfully refer your syllogism to Michigan's trofessor of Logic, as a brilliacnt specimen of clasp room disssetioni. Itedmeed to symubolt- ceal t(rues, your argeucent is theat,, since A is superior to B therefore C must he. superior to B. Moreover, lice oratorical contest was a matr THE HAWK-E~YE, JR., wuil accommoataeefilm forl25ex,. anisloaeded andaunloaded in broad daylight. GiassefPlates ton e esaed withoot anyy estra attachmeots. PRIGS. $9 Iclcuding Senilght Film for ii exposures. Send tar Caaliogue descritbing eli kineds of Cameras ad Accessories. The. Blair Camera Co., 471 Trrpment St., Bunton, Mass. 1CE COL]D SODA WATER -AT- A. E. MUMM ERY'S. NEW ART TILE SODA FOUNTAIN. Icel Sream Soda, Verneor's Ginger Ale, and all popular drinks. A. E, RBOMMERY S DRUG STORE, Cor WashingtoSt. CUT RATE RAILROAD TICKETS teshi points tor saierby ANN ARBONR R R. TICKET AGENCY, 33 E. Baron Si. Member onf Acaria TIAet Broker's Asso- ciatione. All 't raspo.rtations .u suteed. Tickestiotht stad sold. '9519-LAWS! HAVE YOURt CANE ENGRAVED WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. Schaherft's , Booksto[e! Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E-Washingtor. st.. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text- Books, Stationery and Hiselhaaeois Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E." Washington at.. one block " wese economy that ever one of cit speeches andt refined elocuitionr- east of, Main st. ca practice with Columbuas .ary drill and ptaclice; whc raest is me at $100. The new Colum bias are ; fact that not. one ward of eiher .Ben- 4.W A :O " marvels of strengtlighIness , noe's or Wards debate was it.xor SEAM LAUN DRY CO. smery, beauty andIpeed. y ie prized or drilled upon. bforeb -d Hgis iltlmsi tnse P IOPE MFG. CO., IHartford, rCan. .as naset sicech."= a F BltnNe York, Chicagi, : u The renmainder of the letter Is too Z. S. SllRVISS, Mansager, t5Sa Franio Providese Bflo. "tong for publication, but tales exoep- '43 SOUrTH FOURTH AVENUE -A T-agency or it wiii he bne te ttrayMembers of (guarantee Ticket iBrokers Aso- male orto -cn "ecuefor Michigan's failure, or in- elation of U. S. HARFOD r TOCL$ dcaenYany dissatisfaction with thee cit- Cosby & Meeon R. R.. Ticket Agenc $80,$0,$5., "cumestauces undem which..the debate _at Adams t., Chiass. leduced ratsto all Slieelin &' Co.' S-h a ddl2 i.Bac h ieartnN.