THTE U. OF M. DAILY.. MICHIGAN (3KnTiL Tatle)Rvled) Mia ll, 154 EAST *.ST Mailjud Ex 3It Mal _ 8 44 N. Y -#peclah= 500 NY Specal.. 7 0 Eastern Ex, __1012 N.S. Limited... 9 25 A. 5. PacficEx -11 .A 57 Atlsoqtlc Ex-._7 47 PV. . N.Expree._. 5 48 Western Ex-..2 ()1 G. R. Express---11l 05 Chi. Nt, x.10 251 GREx_.- 5 5 . W. RI700LxS, IH. WBAES, 1G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. .Agi, An rbr ., A. A. H N. X.RY.- Taking effeetSnday, April 7,184. Trains leave An Arbor on Central Stand- ard time. 8:07 a. m. '7:15 a.m. "12:25 p. so, 11:0 a. m. 4:15 p. m 9:0 P,. Going Nothsat 9:15 a. i. Going Soth at :15 p. m. Trains Snday rsn between Toledo and Hamburg Junction oly *Trains rn between Ann Arbor and Toedo Altan lR. pGREENWOOD, Agent W 1.BENNETT G. P0 AToledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, May 2, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 6:00, 8:00 and 11:00 a. an.: 12:42:1,5:00,:4, 9:0 and 11:00 p.m. Leave Ann Arbor Jncton,7:00, :8 and 11:8 a. i.: 1:1, 2:45, 5W(, :15, 10:00 andlt:00 SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congresst., 1:W,:0, :00, 0:30 and 9:00 ppi. . Leave Ann' Aror unction.2:P4 :0,5:0, 7:00 and 9:80.Fin. Cars rsn on city time . Fare: -single trip 15 cents; round trip ticketn25 cents. WM F.PRKERSupt. $V2-50 CLEVELAND VIA "C. & B. LINE." Magniicet ide-wheelsael ertsames state of Ohio and State of Newo Yorkl DAILY TIME TABLE. SUNDA 5INCLUDE.- Lv.Cleveand. . . .8_____:00 p. m. Ar Buffalo...---... 7218a. m infao--.. ..........eNp . Ar. Cleveland -.------- :Mam. Central Standard Time. Take he "C. & Ii. Line" steamers and en-' Joysa refreshing nl t's rest when erosteo Sisffalo, Niara sit ls, Toronto, 00w York, Boston, Albany, 1,00 Islands, or aty Eastern or C'anadih point.- CEAP [XCURSIONS WEKLY 10 IACARA FMILS, Send 4c postge for tourst pamphlet. W. F. HERMAN, T. F. NEWlAN Gentl Pams. At. Ge't Masager. Cleveland, . Magnificent new seanskpnow nderon- structionor this rote. FLOWERS, FLOWERS For Everything and Everybdy COUSINS & HALL, [Wsk 260- Unisrrsi4.p ave. DIETAS & SCHANZ, Q. OF M. TAILORS Our Spring and Sunier Woolens are now on sale. Pries Low. Call and 'se us. 45S. Stt 't., Seond Fon,rAnA rbr. 22 Years mn the Business,'~ CITY LAUNDRY, X. X. EABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING! leaning, Pressing and [Repairing done neatly by A 17(5 ,CSGO ENEWAL5,20 13. Wahingos EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY' I0 EAST HURON STREET Good Work Guaranteed, Goods called for and delivered. A. F. ('O)VE KT. Priop. THlE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor, ic. Cpils Stock, $M,00). Surplus, 8510,000. Organized underthe Geneat Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, bsys sd seln exchange on the principal cities of the Unit~ State. Drafts cahed upon proper 'Idetilecatlon. Safety deposit boxe to rent. OFrxEnSs: Christian Mack, Pres.: W. D. Harriman, ire-Pres.: Chas E. iscck, ,Cashier:0M. J Fritz Aistant Cashier, BUSINESS LOCALS. WABASH LOW RATE HARVEST EXCURSON FOR 185., will be rtun froml all statiotto on the Wabash Railroad on April 30t1h, May 21st anod Juno 11th to tte West, North- west, Southt sod Southwest. For full particulars, apply to the nearest ticket agent of the Wabash or connecting lines or to C. S. CRANE, G. P. & T. A. Wabash 1I..It. MEALS ON WABASH PARLOR CARS. Arrangements have beeu made to serve meals in Parlor Cars now run- ning on trains 44 and 4, between St. Louis and Toledo, and passengers can hereafter get meals on these crs5 equal to any served at the best hotels, and at moderate prices, C. S. CRANE, Geni t'ass & Tkt AgI. HOME-SEEKERS EXCURSION. On -May 21 and June 11 Agents of Ohio Central Lines will sell Home- Seekers Excursion Tickets to points in Virginia at One Fare for Round Trip Limit 30 days. Also tickets to points West and Southwest on saint basis. Limit 20 days, See Ohio Cen- tral Agents. W. A. PERTERIS, M. P. A., Detroit, Islick, THE WABASH TRAINS Now eter and lhave Itic Nw UniIo Station at St. Louis over the Nw Mterehaitt Bridge, thereby avoiding the hot, sniokey, disagreeable ride thooigli the tunnel. eo A lady of experience dsires to at as nmatront for a1fraruty or sorority tsr the coming year. Referenes cai iso given if dest ed. Inquire at Daily eduice. 177 For Sale-Itoynl Limtited bicycle, al- lmot new; $0 cash. Call at Meyers' stows stand, 4r, William. 173 "Standtard" cyclontees, accurate and relitble, $2, at MeyQers' news, stand. 13to Ladies' Glee and Bajo club at Ui- versity.hal, June 1. 173 NOTICE I) TENNIS JPLAYERS. All memba-s of the Ahletic asso- elation deiring to use tie tenis courts must procure badges of the tennis committee. Te ibadges an be procured by presentng athletic metbeship tickets to ay of the following persons: E. B. Cakins, Tons SManager, st U ouse; It, C.' Fritz, 27 IE.Liberty st.; Isadore. Stil;1 Wi. W.:J18ghes, thil Katpa Psi House. The Young Mel's Lit~ral Guild elected ofietwo Ilast night foe te cw- lng7yea-I'as Isollows: 1rsden't, i. E. stford; vice presitent, J. i. Brooks; eerretal'y, 'etrad02-erg; tresrr, Hloward Green.l The manifest'iimprvelten. which a smtooth, level diamttotnd ma&id in the playing of the ball teaml Thursday less, decided the tisnageaittnt to tiprove the grountds at the Athletic fir-d, and tto work was begun yestrday after- GRUMMODS MACKINA1G LINE STEAMERS Tourists Route. ~SMI-WREKLY FROM CLEVELAND, TOLEDO AND DETROIT MACKINAC ISLAND, CHEBOYGAN, ST. IGNACE, ALPENA, And all forts son tie Wst Sono Lae Hurons.a Rlemember tis Is the only list giving ps- sesgers the op portsity of siglt seei. g sall Wortn no this popular ote- Also giving pas- sengers making a oin::ut tietrix aours on the fomost Mackiae Isld ' Fares, Including Meals ad Berts, nooter expenses. - Cleveland to Makiac Isand sd re- turn, sevei-day tmsp--- 114.110---uTA- Toledo to5Makna Islandaidtretrn s-day til.----"-----201) Detrolito Maekin~awIland ad rturin, Seve-dry trip-- - - -1.00 Tickets good to return any time doing the Semeon, Conecing t ?saliic Ilnd wrlte si steamers-for Chicos 2ilwtahe. is-leatsey. Sault Ste lMaple, an,T 11pis.,.ls.aaelb- igiis, Lakec Saterior. and tGrenSay: and at 1t. Ignace with 5. S S & A. Byfor alt points In the Upper Pehnsula ansi the West. Wrte fr time iable. S. 13. GIUMI5OND, GentMsnager. U. GRANT GEUMI5OND. Pass. At. General Offices, Detrot, Mic. HR YOR IOTII& 1O TO PICTRESQM[ 11(1811100ISLII. ONE THOUSAND MILES O LAKE SI1DE AT SMALL ]EXPENSE. Viit this Historical Island, wsich is h grandest summer reort on the Great lakes. It only costs about $13 froms Detroit; $15 from Toledo; $18 from Cleveland, for the round trip, including seals and berths. Avoid the heat. and lust by traveling on the D. & C. ilig pisliess. The attractions of a ,trip in the Miskisac region are unsurpassed. Tlhs Ies, itself is a grand romantic spot, its N ate most invigorating. Two new Ist pssenger steamers have jmsi lien isllAtifnr tie upper lake route, eiig d%05t,000 each. They are equipped wih 4avtry modemn convenience. anonusaiio, toutis rooms, etc., illuminated throgot ow electricity, and are guarateed Io be tass grsindest, largest and safest steamers s;m fresh water. These steamer favorbly ,vim:pare wills the great ocean haes in cn- lsisrtjuss snod speed. Four trips per week -tween Toledo, Detroit, Alpena ack- ."e. AI. Ignsce, Petoskey, Chicago, 'Bo," iarqgetle and Duluth. Daily between 5'k veland and Detroit, and Cleveland and fntrt-in-Remy. Theo palatial equipment ,Tkss traveling on these steamers Oor- - lly ejoyable. end for ilutrsted saripive pamphlet. Address A A-. Z1n1T Z, G. P. ., D. & C.. Deriti, Iich Lawyers WHO WIN THEIR CASES, read the Leral Works by J. W Donovan. 'TACT IN COURT" 10pg s. heep . 06:.045. ost "SKl.IN TRIALS." Law Shet,17 pages, 5.- Fw and very tramaic. "MODERN JURY TRIALS ADO ADVOTM $ 00 paes. Law Sep. Furth dili::, 4.50. CombinedTialasae 25 years::. Addres, WGilliamtson Law Book 010, Rchester, New York. t Send for our caalaoge of eondi~as2 Law Books. Subscribe for the Daly. D0 OU lWANT 0OOD BICYCLES AND QUICK SHIPMENTS? + + + 9 SOPERS SMALLEY We are even on orders for Gents' Special, 21 lbs., Aluminum Finish, and can promptly ship them, but don't ask for Ladies' Wheels or Racers to be shipped same day. Order Gents' Wheels and se- cure a. ready seller, We have an 18 lb. Road Wheel, 4 in. trend.. PLYMOUTH CYCLE MFG, CO,, PLYMOUTH, IND. 0. Liyppm8a, Agent, 46 E. William St. THE COLLEGE OF PIIYSICIARS AND, SURGEON S O1P ChICA.GO. .Annual Session begins in Septem- ber and continues seven months. -Four years graded course. Labora- tory, Clinical and Dispensary 'ad-. vantages exceptionally good. For annual ann~ouncein~eut and otber informatioin address Corres-. ponding Secretary, DR. BAYARD HOLMES, 34 Mlasinsgion St., Chicago. T. &0.0. Ry. K. &M.R y* Soid through trains between Toledo, Ohio, and Ciharlesan, W. Vs., via t'o.umbus, the st aed only direct route. TOlad, 0. Piztdlay,O0. Kenton, 0. Columbus, 0. .Athens, 0. Middleport, 0. Pomery, 0. P.Pleasaut, W. Va. Richmonud, Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Norfolk, Va. Arad all southeastern points. Ohe aaC sbsswieg srom cars onsai 5through tesios. " For further informaton. call an your local r~ce A' ete r write 3d 3LTO)N HOIYR, Gentl Pass. Agt. Toledo, 0.. IV. A. PETERS. Michigan Pss. Agent, Meri ick, Is sheLEADING SCHMO BU1SMESS and SHOR M&50agnosificest ibuilding; ten teachers; inr5o assesdasee; gooddisipline;speriocrmoch; swel 5qpliebd mod55 ress:daily lectures; Sturday eeias ees 'r 'soprn the entire veec. Eue~p tipsal ae85ses for; inig .sisdenid in poiiin Sisard and rom$3Stos 42.5 per weeki in priva" fazim The,'fss eras e miced in St.5s by sell Fw ai~ eCatsiegse address 40, - - p R- CLEARY, Prnes,