THlE U. OF MN. DAILY. .- 34 a tina wre taken upiby athlrd sakrRflf ""lhlfli \ 11 . C i 1 f, ~ o was wv'iker than eithr of the W R Ilf I1 i1,U i ET1C .~~-a l Pubishd Dily(Ssssa eceped)durngtioni on your part is effectually ian- EIGHT PRIZES VALUE $435.00. the Colege year, at swerest y the history of our prepim- ltPie 0arsFod ni au 00 The society or orgnization, Is rz,2 ce lrd ad av $0.0tion for theebae. At liir pt-lim- IPrize, iO acrs Forida anid, value .ouhihha t THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ary debateihcd in Evanston conly 3dhIrZe.10 as-reraForida land, value-.1-0000ihha t Orism: Times buiding N. Main t., sppsite in' January, betw (n five inen fromo 5th Prizeladees' old watch, value.--Os500 M . - -6th Prize, cash, value- - - 100 PROG R.AMS potofcour law school and flv-. from our cl- 7th irz, cash, value 00.r,. ege of lberali arts°, Mr. Cook (our 8th Prize, a Florida curiosity, value..50 StO . 7 -EDITORS. ;missinig ran In the msain debate) wo.; Total value of Prizes------- h44500 ~1iiEIHN JC.A F?]S. J. A. LeRoy, '5, Manaing Editor. marked by every judge the high: s of The above prizes are offered o those whcntutofrmhelgstubrcoET . A. W. SuaIT, Special, Asistant. aii the tin seakers. So, by the jutig- words out of te letter fouznd in the prie WA. Sects, M6L, Assistant, word Pitda h E. R. SuongnsAx, '6, Astant neit of outside parties, Mir. Cook, SENATORPitdah iH. COLAN's'7, 5 Athletic Editor. int'ad of being' as yoi1 insiinat, under the following regulations usd cond- G. B. iknesSO, '00 L, Business Meanager. "we aker thain eth'r of the others" st The Serst prize will he wn by the lar- [-r t. f i e ea it h eodpieb h etlret,- jL. R.H iLksmnxz,' - LAssitant, wa our stronlg t man. Without etlist, ndsoteegt.AsoieEdor.qsinlew hebtaualy 2dEchcondprizetbyush et nehst lrghertA gO fc Assoiat Ediors quetio, li wis lbbes, nauralylist before lUE 115th, 185. SI H. A. Dancer, '0. E. L.EvaIns,'9 L. in delivery. As Pe sidt iRogers re- 3d. The list of words must be written is WE CANSI YOU, L. A. Pratt,' 00 Carrie V. Smith,'s. nmarked, "Cook is one of those spoak- ikth. Anygby English word oundat.In the die. _________________ C. A. Hotghton, '50 D. G. A. Heath, '6 P. ers whose every word seems to we'igh tibznary can he used if IsIN composed of the" Minne Thmpso,'9.H.BGammn 'let lees coztaned ine the word Senator. No MinniFaelsmp, '7. B. B. ammn'55 . 's ton" As to Cook's argument, lie abbeviaions nor names of persns or places.-" C.s H. Farrlly'0.u5. E.fnappeh'05. , , 5th. Tier same letter must not be used J.. 5.Finlay, '58a&i nl n fNrticsen~twice in 1hz same word. ___________________men who0 prepared tea make at et 6th. Each 'conestant mst be or becomea subscriber to the WEELY COSITUTiION for Northwestern Has a Word About it. speech. He had conflael himself close- one year, and must send his or her dollar ts ly tothe egidand reutyphass pay fdor his subscription with his list of the question, andf had prepartd'd a7hInTerser two or more prize winning ists This space is reserved. Thlefollowing -commsuicaton hs osthiznte sme sunihe rof words, lie one spesi (Lwhich, in lihe oiniona of everal that is fist eceived sill e given preference. GfordOthea herns received from Northiwes +tern Lot-Evrcotsatwoeltcnaiss f1rth4 G ad good judges who heard burn give it many an ten correct words will receive a vsty concerning the debate between a few ,days prior :to the debate, sowas Pls4eof some Whindt sa.egtpg ThenEKLYCOSTITUIisnegtpae H ue thtinstitutionv and the U. of M., simply invincible. So imucha for your weekly, published at Monticell, Flrida, in unfotunte fingabot Nothwst-tier center of the best..secion of the Stae. .which has been so munch discused: ufruaefig bu tws- Every Issue gives valuable informatione eas- ernt's droppinglher weakest speaker. cerning thes section. The price is one dollar. Northwestern Uiversity. Btecome a subscriber and try for a prize. Con' But the most unjust and unfotusnate tet closes JUN 15th, 195. ti. of Hl. Daily : Address "Our attentiois has "b-en called to remark in your columns are those ise THE WEEKLY CONS TITUTTION, thieeoaztielts that have recently ap- hc o elc m u oo n ovceno s._________________ pored ltyu oun in rernc on that of tile eninentl men who gave FIRST NATIONAL BANX.. to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c thdaecihga-othetr the. ie.r time anti took tile trouble to act DITSON M USIC. OF ANN ARBOR, hate. These article cointainled so msanythalastakesertojdg. ________ Organized 1863. In your edtolal of April 30 you say: errifatadsuayunie"Semis, trouble, it wilt be renembered "Six Love Songs,"+ Capital, !100,00. Surplus and Profts, W4,05;atdifrncsad55ru cTrnat eea bniggbsns. was hadente10o'ofCael a al in securing jndgs ace ptabie By rank E. Sawyer. "Trnsations of Sis Foreign echanges bought and sold. Funih,. to boh uniersites, Nrthwetern of elBFrns finest lyrics In esuisie muical letters of credi. rmetactions d thhoorMfieigneasitt el it-riiNrlwsem l-settisngs. Heavy Paper. 7 cents, necnnthat ineisrdueotoeMichigansas P. BACII ses, S. W. tLRSOtnuisCashier. welt as to all Other persons and im- jei,,t en rtwi n!aoost by Mchian. COLEGESONS,'Advanced class in dsncng for ladies and stitutions fcrndtacetioe'byMhgn" gentlemen at Ganger s Academy tetctions be made. ilyuknl Michigan proposed amd seleted-hio The stndard Colectino olg o~s Wil o kndythree judges for the debate of 184, Over 300000 sold. HeaofColeg So50 ,gve-Sjace o the- following answer cents; Cloth. Gilt. 'o Pa 0r andsheneiel lie a-1-elen o hle . SATURDAY EVENINGS solt and commnasut We take up suCCs- adse aehrsli ively, those sententces in your articlestht-hsou'isnlfEvsonhs COLGSNSFRGIS" to June 22d. Cards of admission can e thtduudcnne~,day before they lid 'no knowy the Only book of -the kindpbihd h proured for each evening or series. Pri- namne of a S11191 1 judge. We wold songs of the eadng' colleges foe women. aeisoaotwlt sd'w-tp Fist R ou eain diora eitralof°Heavv Paper, $1.00. spectalty. Office: Ground foor, 0 Say- Api53,yusy cmcran h ot, for fle world, question tie'good pi t lengthy rev-ew yuofthe debate tiublish- fihatheioio o llsr h jalg B ' YI L tIII(N1A[Ml~ ~lh UI R.ANEWR OTRS ed n hesamoisue "s o ha ~of 18(94 or of icigas's sudits; Eighty-two pieces for the guitar from the yettitei fairetr"Asimdoywtoin.thisbrssources. A splendid collection. Hand- School of Dancing and Delsarte. there slated, the Daily xwises 10 say ome Cover. 50 cents. Saturday, us, m.Genteman begnners ciana that if comes from a thorouglhy auth- connection, that of the Ik'te judges Any ook snet postpaid on receipt of price Saturday 4 .i., Lady beginnerscass inhad ta y010hesii eeato Mna, x::1, Advanced Clams Ladies eni ore n ieDiy i vhig ha erlrptlo aih v OLIVER DITSON CO an Gentlemen). ge tt rptain hchwreTuesday, TeaS p.mi.,'Beginr ln als to vouchi for t." We readily ac-cept gnesCas Lde yourassrane o thi pont;for 10in themselves a: guarait- -e of ability 4343 lVnsasgnn S..,Buson. and Gntemenapo)t. e any one whso listenmed to the unfomtu- and impartiality. Yet each judge of NY SCHOOL 46S. STATE ST' nate rnmarks madee by the eader of the late contest is a maau whose ios- ANN ARBOR- the afllrmativo dring the nighit and (Continued onl fourth uae.) S E M D E W R S l t n t morning after tho dbale, the author Ladies' and ents' Clothing Ceaned _________________ shipof i 9 711t1! 91l or Dyed. siofyour review is vry evident,I 3 W. HUIRON ST., ANN ARBOR. ,The latet thing in PHOTOGRAPHY The gentlenman's idiot) ha umistak- * .. __________________at able. 4wor. ~B E R FRY M AkNX'S. Again you say, "A victory for Notha.IS'CSO HHrnnt nes Rates to Seniors. westen,. and that too.:an easy o ane , 4FIRST -CLASS CSTMTAILORING 6EHuoStSpca wa4etil uepce. Ta a t- _ ~ Corner of Stae and Wihliam it, Ir CATERER, xued"Ta a fWiliassma eern AnOSTRER i ts n wasi11 etLLWillnmyS.onnranc. E20 EH ashlu yh eie viextrb-for therldebate; for 4 f_________________________________ neon his rget that alh the judgs4w I';AR O D I h were Republicans, fo, sisd he, thaif CE. :.BARKER FOUNTAIN 'PEN. wO winl, then people nay say that he judgosw we;ected by their po- . arsirsizyaacnn1h nanvizi nenne~sialfento e -n uf tical cons etloum and nt solely ly the r* he. oif anaiseme lisnra ed etalgun fmeu PARKER PEN - * JTise hii, W.. negument." orccv r, M.Edito, is- 4 1,... Vi1 tQr - SHEEHAN & CO. Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor. it not a fact that ihigan wa hI,- * ennis 1'Bal forehand eqnaly arc of witry i ennis B k Teachers' Agency the d a>te af SD---a elt to -xvhsIichu is superior to any other, None but he~ e i you refer iahodIuse of fainess?,, Is finest materials ae used in is construe- it not .a fa I that Mict'h ig n n a-s.o 4ha ian, and players whonuse i are conin- aly testifying to ils uperinity. EVERETT 0O. FIS-K & CO., sire of victory tin Iht oheha hire'd 4>w tis more resilient and mae datable if and stationed in the hall a betss Itad.4than any emer. i whic wa tobas hep dher'ee ~- Victor Athletic Goods alwaysgief 355 Wabash Ave., - - Ciao lios b raft uhrward't Such i is e con hMs tisfation. mon r1 re ft. 4 OVERN{AN WHEEL CO 1if Asburlun Pace, 70 Fifth Avenue, 8031 Twelfth Street, 355 Wabah Avenue 4 hakeraoi~victorBlnycles. I BOTON, MASS, NEW YORY, N. Y. WASHINGTON, D).C. CHICAGO, ILL. Agin -you say, Withi nearly etn 4 Pstas, New Yrk-Deroi. Denver.1 minuts etr apei(e , would not heb rest' teChsrc 4San Fiannciso.,sLesngels..'Prtland f~ ac Street, 420 Cenuy B'd'g, OLYMPA, 12011S. Spring Stet tw roow de a ers andh st ora-~- TOEONTO, CAN. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. WASHINGTON, LOS ANGELES, OAL. ( o rw ' Univrsityna 4 44* *I44W* a trsoigthan if that extena rns~n get 15 Washington S. Send for Agency Manual and R'egistration Blanks.