-gj~ 1vI.Of At. W in VOL. V. No. 173. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. ZITS AND LA was ~the last Speaker for the: atirina-qE'U IDWLW EAE WE MEET OBERLIN TODAY. fiSANvA S EA e. National control does not meansUUR W ND W THE WEBSTER AND ADELPHI SO- wakening the local power or local in A "WARM' GAME AN ASSURED U -. CIETIES HAVE A FORENSIC TILT. terest. Iht Ircy. which is the best THIRNMAG. ttf of a bad System, is greater in the Gallup and Condon Will Be OurS The Former Wins by a Margn of ntdSaathniayEroai Battery-Game Begins at 3:30 SOMETHING 22 Points-The Question of Na- UThis Afternoon.in nyIuroeanI I." tional or State Control of Educa- conr-avn aina otrl.-ii ___________ tion Discussed. this sytetin the poor no less tian tie, Today's game with Oberlin will be- -wevll-to-do can get the benefit of ageii gin promply at 3:30) o'clock will: The--Wbser and Atleljl'i societies edncation. Aiid still farther, a nation, Watkins and Condon Iin the box. Te held their debate last night, Webster atl charcter wonld e given to dna- team wiill p~esent the sonie menus 1 South Main at. winning by twent-two0 points, The tion, andl localisms aid local prelin- againt Cornell with the exception of evenin~g was warn, ut lbe debate dices wold tnd to disappear. right field, whirlh will e covered by We 'was warmer, atid atoge tter the tom , The la ts Leke for the ne.gaive Sexton. Hlomes finger is very sore E po _erature rose pretty high. Thesjjudgeo a r.M.L Sullivan, of teWeb- as a r stlt of Thursday's injury, and ireDea: nowioi, r. ehc a:dste r society. H~e adnmitted fle large it was thought best to avoid tny fur-Me Mr.J.V.Slceia:.percentage of illiterate voters in this ;thr disability, in apreecnsion of MIr. hF. A. Sivers, of the Adispi, ist ditriste ontr, but sowedt that oany arg- the Cliicago gane of it 1. Condo::oradertie -pndthe debate bty sipportin0. the mnts bsed on sucho statistics wre Is in good condition: ad.ti ed bicye h s p esendpthsmesionhapproeal.Noe - swrk dne ul ihe bicyce arrives asd proves qusin Rsleta ainlvalueless becaiuse no distinction was 'Watkins In fine Style ill ganes pdlayed O h control of education is eter than -iado betweta our native atd Milt- ott the 'ivsten trip. Young Ladies esmmpcedg tems State control." Conroi of educationi granit populatoin. National coitrol Oherlin: is excesioally strong thit sesIf 5ayms irspptriey sbwirc is he otin'sdut beaus ony tuswotuldtput education nuduer the nation-+ year, haviig played fast al drin ACME CYCLE COPANY, c-a a ibeal evloptiet if heat poitical mtachinie, allowing ena- the past two week will: the leadig . E..... ART......N.. -whole people he accomplished.. Snot: a gogues to contiol it ii place of intr colleges of tlb'awst. Thr concst sse wolaloacotnosadetd citizents. will: Corell Wdneday lt which the IQTZO T t '~C IH S uilforis: progression from the kindter- The raiking of the' judges sowd Ithaans wesrio llowed btiloe ru:nFRaEse LNE or gtrten through the university. Na- the followivnig figures: For the Adel- shows tat they are capable of play- LOWYNEY'S CHCOLATES -l-ional control would m:ake the ter- plia, Mr. Slives, 2, Mr. Osborn, 21., In'g a Stiff gae Michiga's hule up JST REEVE AT cetaoofiliert vtrssnaio lo-M. Wilcox, li. Total 71. 1or liii will le as follows: 7;ondoi, c; Wat- 4 TATTLES, roust' it ould contoctrate its efforts, elitrA, M. Cour, 1), Mr. Dowing. kits, p.; MKaiie, lb.; Blootmigton. +48 S. STATE' ST.-pntaswhcarnoabeaoe18MrSulvn12Toa4.We 2b;Das3b;Rsels..; xoutoedeteiiltrtelws.srtusony22onsndfth r.fhede,.; aemn,.f.F r en a s Mr.3. F. Conry, of. timWbtr lesMr ulvn fte Webster. society, hd the necgtive. Il (hr-oskisr.Smivm.fthe'ebtr GYM CONCERT TONIGHT. rie elvisi the higmest hasrks. swe wiiltoier or entire line of mnmy Austria amd iiiglatd th~ries S _______ A Good Program Prpared by the LAIES'ro MISSES' a INFANT'S 'national comntro, antdia. glance at thtin m Crum is an Amateur. After All. Ladies' Musical Club,.m SIUI suffiient to demonstrate the falure 1Jehimo V. c'rium:wis-iunll.mi . m-spit:in to Tie programiifor liii'Comcert tnigtmto~ of the systemt as comspared 'isitt: our bgyfe-foo iooo.lt ~ht:e' isce: by te Ladis' Gtc- amd Ba~njo toda fre fro proe t Ile.t;3e~t.'1at a edatioi, Bosasfid. Alt these goods own.' National cotrol wultod muconst ~ltfr hn'.s-eile~ clts for te benefit of lthe rjoteed made for our trade and dring tie past te imcreasedh indifferentce of te ctiizi itfee of the West--n c::hiht-tltgite anneox to the gymm is is foows:-ehtl mnh.so aeytels factris zeiss, and i a leltinme of te rivaliry mI"-(os'vih htg uthr 1) "t'ooulst," by Choil Miss ams-oitmgbetweei tie states whichfidavit-provintg thait.e was.an~rlnm-staiseor;,1) Song of the Triton. J C B X L~A ii Aos so much: to keep tp a high: sand- 1mar. All thei'ohe:rs whose right to Mohley, tGlees cub; () I. P. I. Mor:. Wasilgo Blok, Ass Arbr. uard of edimcatiomn. partriipate, in theometor- has beenoffi- Banjo cltb; (4) Ave Mria, from 31:u-n .A. AD U . The seconid speker for the Aclelphidal tei dessohn's "orelo," atnd "Spin, Spl, PRO'EmORn OF urTE cityquestiotoedi iil rutmoaiertr- O H 'is-s Mr. F. A. Osborn. Tie wsholelst'vic:'s-ltecnimrmia1:- by Yuengt, Mrs. hiedic anth(lhlee Latest Improved Barber Sho? course of educational evolution in close of the gaes. Besides J. A. cub; () Magiati Waltz, Ardil, Mrs. 'Is the city. E. Wahngo t., optoo Europe h a-en toard mItionl con- Leloy and h.3. Hat, of Michigan, Iedie; (i) "Bolero," y-Ciopin Mis __ east__ofMain____t. __nn __Ar _ tro. Gernmany led its this antd France, #lucety are Bnselmman, of Pumn;C mmti Wlii ; Annie Lut:',Ddey Seden, Dennmark, Norway and Eug- y ofiw:ad1Dzer Buck, doule qiunrtette. MAMMOTH PIPE SALE ln aefloe e.The excel- - flat IL:'-(l) Duet, 'Misses F-ioote and -AT- hnde f hi Syolosedmier.ow b Ste cdrogins, l. 31. Erinmm.and IR. A:'W.Y C ' iene o th sytem Is hos-a y te dgreen l fCalifornia. ''a -each; 9) 'itimg on, 1e1el,' Ms. J L L Y & C 'percentage of children kept in school, ede anti cub; Ill)) beadimgs, by ItSOlTe STATE S. Dnt fal to come Astria and Germasny having aoout UNVRIYNTS A lisslOrsblrn; () Wilz duet., Mrs. le n odLshsa l ion thirty per ent sore thanlie United Freshiman party at Granger's Raod- Kdze mnd Mrs. Hoyt; 12) "ack std ( ] Stales. emy, June 14.- Jil,"ladies' otete; (13) "La Trojan" DUCK PAiiNS Mr. W. M. Downinug, of the 'WeIter Beloi will become a co-educaionsl waltzs, Banjo, club; (14) SriausAmd $1.0, $2.00 AND $2.50 voclety, 'isas th second speaker on the instition Novemmbr 17 next. Aria, Vou-Weer, Mrs. Kdzhet(n) negafive. In 1870 Senator Btoar, of. The annual reunio of the An: Ar- Hutorous Glee, "Lttle Jack Mom mr BEST QUALITY. 'Massachuets introduced a bill pro- oe High: School Alumniu association Glee cub. - LWN TENNIS VU9Q viding for national1 control, bu it wias 'i-ll be held June 21. The "ladies have beent in acie pepLYI bU~ kithed Immeial ly by the National During June thec mioney order and aaiion for this prograum for svtat SOLE AGENTS FO Teachers' assciaton. Our present registry deparmnts of tie post ofice wieks, and aside fromn40-tim ci th no WRIGHT & DITSN'S CELEBRATED RACKET systems has proved to e all that could willh be oten eveiings. of the entertainment, deserve to be be desired, and it Is 'isie to let 'isell Thursday's gaies: Omaha 0, U. of libeslly patronized oi ccounmt of the ~TA 1i' enough alone. 'e hove already In- Chicngo 11; Prnceton 14, lHars-arm 2; object of thme concet. The stge 'iill JLY copor ated the best of the German 'Wisonsin 4, Norhwevsen 3; Beloit be attractively dcoratetd will: floral Up Tow, Dws Tow, Universty Boksore, Op poitCour ous 1sysfteim In. our ownu 1a Lake Foret 0; Note Dame 11, desigm. offered by Cousins :C Hall. It0a Stae S. 4 N. Ifls St. Mr. 'W. H. 'Wlco, of the Adlelphi, Purdue G; Brown 12, Yal 2. ' Sbscrbef h ciy N RO