THE U. OF M. DAILY. AG.SPALDING &BRDSI FR EE_____FREE! -Athletic Supplies. a A BASEBALL, LAN TENNIS, Dooarpt erotad D tr Uniforms for All Sports. Thursday, May 30th, to every student purchasing goods ___to the amount of $8.00 or over inM RIDE THE SPALDINC BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 1895 .R A YT w. E R ft 0 H N HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUEKEA Y T W AR C O H N SENT FREE. Furnishing Goods or Custom Tailoring Departments. ~EW YRK, HICAG, PHLADEPHA ire's checked and caredl for free of charge. Be suare to get w NEWYORK,_CIAGO,_PILADELPHIA. oue of our "Bugles" to BLOW during the game. One free MOORE' & WETrMORE 00 appl ication at our store, 90 Woodward ave. ANew Camera! r'IEE HAV -YE,R,. ill aceonimodate. Him lor 25 ex.and is loasded sd unloaded i10 sroaddaytleht. Glss Plates anbe usesd wisihont any extra, attachmnts. PRZICE. $S9 nd~ng So ig ht Film forsV1exores. end for Catal gaue describing all inds of 6 S. Main st., and State st., cor- ner of William st.,, have a complete stock of UNIYEHSIJY TRXTBOOKS New and Second [Hand. Nole nooks and other Students' Supplies Flee Stationery, Sporting Goods, elf-, which they oiler at the Lowest Prices. Call and see us before purchasing. GH. WILD. THE LEADING TAILOR and Importer has received the largest and most select stock of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS for Spring and Summer of '95 in the city, and would he pleased to have you call and examine the same. Full Dress Suits a Specialty. E. Washington st., near Main. SWE AtER S For Men and Boys, DANDKIILAMBS .HOL SWEATERS in hiack, -navy, white, garnet a~nd gray, for Boys, up to 32 inch -sizes, FortDMen, all sizes; $2.00. Strawbridge &,Clothier PHIL:ADBLEIPHIA. Sw e ate,,rs ~OFF -AT Golden Eagle Clothing Co. Tr 55q . I (in niarnc and 4.~[ ,znri a. cameras ana ACCessories. t ARE HE HIGHEST OF ALL HIGH GRADES. a Warrantled superior to anyBnoycie bailt isShe worldregardless of price. s lDo not be induced to paevnoes, money for an inferior wheel. Insiot on baving the Waverley. Sult and go sranteea by the Indiana nicycie Co., amillion dolrsnernm. whose bond isoas 'nod as goid. 21 lb. SCORCHER, $85. 22 lb. LADIES', $75. H. J. BROWN, Exclusive Agt. HOV\L'TO ECONOMIZE. Flour is going up. Tomatoes see goinag down. Eat 'Tomatoes. 3t Pounods Greenwood, 75 essnis per dozen. 3 Pounds Peninsular, 85 ents per dozen. 3 Pouiids Riverside, 95 cents per dozen. All good Fresh Goods. 44 South Main Street. :) AN & 0 D _ A Y The Blair Camera Co., 47t Tremontat5 ., BostouMass. IC]E COLD SODA ATPER -AT- R. A. MUMMERY' S. NEW ART TILE SODA FOUNTIN. Ice Cream Sods, Vernor's Ginger ,Ale, and all popular drinks.. A. E, MUMMERYT'S DRUG ST~fE, Cor. Fourth Are and Washington S. HAVE YIIU SEEN THE Thistle Bi1cy Cle? 1 Here are a few poitnts worth consideratiott: Bearings-Two points of Contact. Weights-lb to 23 Pounds. Frames-22 las 28 Inch. Tread-4 74 6 and .5 inth. Choice of Comer, Gear, Saddle, PedaisTt'esn and ilandiQ ae:a Same as though modle toorder. See? Catalogue Free.. ID. 1i.. PORD.,AGEN'TV'. UNIVERSITY NOTES. WY. H3.iRopei, '96)l D, ioke his ar111 Wedisdoay, wile playing )sail. Tiss', Decorsations Day number of W1riiskie was pslacd oii sale y~sterday. H. Weare, '90e, vas ciecled director of lt'eAtletic associations an the lMA ilicutilig of the board. The, jsidges in this'Webster-Adcliis dehalio tonight are Dean Knowslton. iso r'ady 10 givo.escwtaittis sCom - posed' ef alumnaile .and promient ciii- zns11 have hbeenformedt in alt of thes largeic cities of itie stale to miskedi- rect personal appea to10tihesvealtby' aiid F ancntial people of the vliiiy. Encoura ging. reports (love been sent froms Detroit, Kiitxiaaoo. bSginawv and Grand Rapid,. and it is hoped thant$under tuhiss tesatic course of Instructor Piece c ndi. 3. V Sliey- actioin the fundits willbe rapidly fin- 20 Esaa..William Street. J . crcnn Ilan. F3. P. Sadici' , socalledtoiiis home iii Grove Cily, 1I'1., I the death of his brother yeoterday,. and. probably wsill not return to tile Ciivee sity this yeor. Course ticke;ts for Prof. Thonmas' tee- ltures on lbs n are on sale and may be procured at Calkins'-or' Sheehan's, and of any iinherer of the execulive coiu- mnittee of bt~e Woman's Leagule. STIL'L COING IN. Fund "for Women's .Gymnasium 'Is Now :$3.175.37. While the gyminasium fund-lbas been slowly but :steadily :increasing by w4 'diltlon from, friends d.dire iytty eest- ed, the atm, up to 11018 time, of the. general . ym2Tnasium alconsolklttee bhas been claletly directed to informning peq- plo 'of. the 'needs ad purposes of a gylttlaaiul u-i. ordrrto seek dh re t'th p t hfey -aresupposed' to Sinee lasi reported Treasnur Soule has riceived sevewal Bnms- Mrs. Abby Ititcocis Bartlett1, 'ST.$ 0 Mlrs.. H. G. Routethe, of Detroit..:.10 Itegelt W. C. Cocker............. 50 Mr: Ans is. Alfired Lloyd-. 15 Mrs. Noah Cheer-------------i. Co~ns-dy Club Bnlt.....1 Sate of iee creamn, May 37..-.°.: 6 Miss 1La t'a~lee ........ ..... ....] Tlitrty-tirtJ'CollegeGirls. 9 Miss Elizabeth Farrand, '87 s1. S Mrs. Lucy, P. Huber............. . iMrs. Lucy.D. S. Packer.........0s Total................... $.283 This:is In addition to the -sum al- lready'on1 hand, .$2,893.37, mulling a dohol of $3,176.37. "D, 'F'+ 3hertz, .thie efIIe nt gener'al secretary of the S.? C. A., who grldu-. atea with '9-5, hiss received the, position' as principal '-of the MNt.- Clemens sebolt. for next yealr at a salary of V1,00'0 for the f9rstysair. Concert for tioesbtmieIlt of Women's Byrn, Anne- 1. . " - I; ScaIei S. Bookst--ore! Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E. Wash~ngton ast. Headquarters for everythisig- a Student needs in the ~lne of Text-Books, Stationery and Miacellanee is Stock in general. - ARTI SCHAIJ ER., THE, -DOWN-TOWN aOOKSELLER, 19 E.;Washington st, one block east of-MNain at. STEAM.LAUNDRY GO. High Gmoss and Domeastic ;lFIish. r- ..E.S. SERV I mager, 51 SOUTH FO.URTH "Avr]6NUE Memdbers ef of Uualiotee Ticket.Srohersa'Asid- - fation of U. S. Cosby & Mct~eon R. R..Tieket.Azeney