TIJ L3 . OF M. DI)ALY. TI=-P"' CRANDALL TYPEWRITER IP 11E $50_ The only 11igh iC.rad laieron the Mazrket s fd ata etoalVrc Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight; Permanent Alignment; Instantly Changeable Type. J. S. PEARL, Agent, 53f:WahNG Yr s. AnlArolr ih F. C. STEBBINS, B[IAH.[ L [WIMHYMAN! I sello co ugtilOi orhs goodl for $13 for $ _.5;). SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THESchaIler's Bookstore 0 C 10 N IAL Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E.Washington et. Headquarters for YPSILANTI, MICH. everything a Student needs in the lnofText-Books, Stationery and SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK, Miscellaneous Stock in general. Slodeeo eelMARTIN SCHALLER, Itd nt; iiees rh aeel m tId Ti eadquartr;, weeilie is Ypsilanan dIfTHE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, assure thlenothey cillfind ame,aseer, Mo1st cordially, 19 E. Washington st., one bilock W. H. LEWIS, Prop. east of Main at. School of Music - A. E. MVUMM~lERY'S, (Frieze Mlemorial Hall). KEEP YOURSELF NEAT I TH URSIJM 6T1 88:15 P M I Wewill hlpyou with m AN EVENING + + T tli lL + + IN SORCERY U S Diiispl W { « SlI m Bth 0 MR. ANSiB ACH, " FNND SPONGES.P MUSIC. MIRTH. MYSTERY. - NEW DRUG STORE. -AIDlvlIZS 101T5O + rrin = FLAG PINS $1,50 Yellow and Blue Bui tons 60c. With U. of X. or th year 75c. WM. ARN OLDYS, Jeweier Second Hand Books, College Text Books, Law Books, Medical Books at cot rate prices at the STATE STREET. Bargains in Stationery and Not. Books. special reductioiis this weel on K. & E.'s Drawing Instrumnirts. We have the heat. "SPALW NC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHINI and Sporting Goods for the ne' gymnasiunm. Come an cc us. Wi are the largest dealers in the cit. and our prices are the lowest. SHEEHAN & CDIF Wholesale and Retail Booksellel FIRST NATIONAL BANE OF ANN ARBiORl. Orgaized 18632. Capital, $10,00. Surplus and Profits, Nset0 Transacts a general banking bheoleet Foreign .exebhinges bought and acid. Furii letters of credit. F. BAClH, Pies. S. XW. CLARKSON, Cashle :22 Years in the Busiess - 7=m CITY LAUNDRY, X. JW. SE.ABOLT, No, 4 N. 4th av( TE+ DAILY Represents Every Department of the University. $2.60 PER YEAR. LAMPS ! LAMPS'! LAMPS'! STO.RE Hakhe 1.0 mista ke. lii you wsalit a lamp? iWe cal show you iigreat 46 5. MAIN ST~REET. variciy acid give VyoI tower prices than aiiylioiisc inltihis iiarket. MOORE & 'WETMORE Ali exornini oin of iiiii stock dciionstratcs that it ciontains thei best aid milost Iiproveid lamlp imade. Thiirty-thiree' years experiecec iiit]tl ie CS.Main st., iid State at., cur- t- huiip Buisiiness is wscrthi soiiething. tuy of is aiid get the hen(.,ft of it. nier of William at., have a complete'stock of ie 44 South Main Street. & OQIMIDUNINy-. P IT BOOKS! UNIVERSITY NOTES. irinetlon idefeated the Ctiiver sits of N wadScn ad I'. essngh~n , law is Virginiao on Monday by a score of 14-0. ill-'ar- t wl ol hercls ee Note Rooks and otlher Students' Supplies, tileilig law iii Si. i~ouis. Ale Fine Stationery. Sporting ooids, etc , wichi I, rof. Iirher will leceic thll ti n Ihe dhaelSaturday 01 2 p, rr they effer at-the Lowest Prices. law tmorowani Fidy. The nle iainiig across the campilus Call and see us before purchasing. lootse toitorroir gyaiid nnrsi110y1 . .1. ltosvay, 14 lit, is svorkiug oin to liG O ODilSl yinsiii s I~ i ___________________________ lt(,iAinArbor Daily C'orier. coompletedl. -MUSICAL GO S The gyiiia uirniuuilasses at 2\ciii R siedsctls for the Stuidents' AT TOE 31 Lictiure colirse win'eIplaced oil Osale SAE(TIE MUISTR thsmriga ever aladt. A. Frieidiian,' 93 lit, is iiitile w-iolsal elilk lllilifleiirilgbulliosre & Wetiosres State st. sitre. Cheaper -than anywhere else iii wisslNsaieocliokimanufactusiartedsi-rthe Country. H, ess witih his father ini St. Louis, Illo. ___iss________started_______for_ Tiii' Prohibitionilubi ileeto for thie Baltimore, Tuesday morning to at- tenidlthe national AlipbaPihi T HEen e k w 'e ;y r r , 5 r s e. election of officers ini rooii 12 of liie last}bilinlg at iip. ill., Fidtay, Illt. l19. Chias. Pairker, '9l)a ir, is lprlcticfii withi Judgie J. E. Ieieighana, ai proi- neint university alunnus in St. Louis, lie. tioni as a dlelegatle froiiiThletai chap-l ter. There wvill be two iroies at lie Athletic field Satturday arteroonii. After lte'Varsity-A. l. A. gamlie liie fresiilills viiilliay till'Ann Arbor prof. 'Thlompllsonwili qu i'hejtunior 11100 lit itiislafte'ruooin's ii'ctureon the Thulrsdaly eveninoglir. Aiisboli swill two i iovioiis lectures delivered hby J.. andullT.IB. Hillandit, '913,01r' sliudying mneicine iii the -mediical die- palrtmnt of Washington Uilversity, 0.SI. Louts, lie. hProf. Sande'rs wvl iliet the dents r who have Latini tooke iii in tile denial amiphiitare at 5 o'ciock Wed- nedaly afternoon. The law students froii Kansas wvill meiet iii roomi 12, law buiiiling at 7:30 tomuorrtow evening for the organiza- tion of a club court. The examlinations at tjic end of the ternms at Cornell have been abolished, and the student's rank is deterined by his daily recitations. eiveia sleigirht o ndtperforinanolce' in Frieze hienioriol haill ir. Ansbach is iclaiimed to bei'an accomliishedl artist in his businitss. On account of trouble at reent freshmen elections. President Angeli has asked AV. W*. Wcdeimeyer, '94 lit and '951lany, to preside at thc election to be hld~t Saturtday at 2 p. mi., in the chapel. Wisconsin forfeited her game with Purdue 011 louday by leaving the hield in thioelseoud bait, when Capt. Lynman, who had several times been warned for slugging, was ruled off. Wisconsin made one touchdown on the start, and nether side scored after that. Corner Washington at., anld Ashley at. Fa teEs $2 and $3. 'P'EHONEB2123. Mv. STA.E3LE~t, IutOrRoIETOB. G. HT. WIL.D TOE L[AOING TAILOR Has the newest Fall and Winter Woolens and largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- tion you are looking for. A'CORVE AND SEE UTS. 2 E. Washington st., near Main st.