:Ijc I . of Al. WiiiIn. VOL. V.. No. 172. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. SEXTON FOOLEDT~ HEM. PLUCKY "BILLY" HOLMyES CAUGHT WITH A SPLIT FINGER. How It Happened -How Blooming- ston Slugged the Ball-Shields Great Throw from Center Field- D. A. C. Park Has Seen Cornell Downed Twine Within a Year. Y(,stercday a. couple of b~g spieials carried tih' crowd over the' Michigan Central to Detcoit to sec thall'varsity Iiit i..gain! an e'asy victory over the nine from Ithaca. Arriviog 10 De- tloit the stuldents loll ill line and mrarched ut) ict ltrsOll ave. to IWood- ward ave. giving yell after yell that foretold thl, victory of the afteeniooni. The game was called at 3 o'clock but at 1:311 o'clock tihe crowd eominnicer to, pouir into U. A. C. park. and %vwhen Uimrpire Stage stid "IPlay h al'" thtl grand staiids aiid bi cncers were 'a maitss of yr hlow and blue with lier' and there a bunch of carnelian intl wilts. Michigan felit the nct'd of recovering heir lost latimels and as a result tihe Cornell train found themseves, out- pitche(d, outhritced, outhielded anti out- ltayedi. 'iie Inine, commien'iced to lain- titr lie hail in tihe first Illing andi kept oii doing it luntil Blooiningston's assist i ii lt lthin t nded.Coiriil'm hiopes al~i assuired Michigan of a shnt to cente andth ie hail botundedr out of to first, btit Watertiaii could only liit Shit ids' reach. Watkins, was tifter it anetisy groundetr to Sithi. in ai flishi anid Smith d11 idnt get fur- Ii the last hlfl of tine fifthr D ans titer thrin secoind. (lit l t'irti's htit hiandledt Bassforits hit cleverly, Hini- to ceniter Sitht trirtd to score. ShlIis lieilhut a fly trio Wtttkinms'haidirs indi maera erit;.utifiii tiroiw to the plate Johnson struck ouit. and caughett tire ronneive f'ttawaly. t1,1t'licnIi iitntto secondtion te lally, bt t ir lit ltup ,iii iay oiietoiRuts- Wrilkili' teth ie tid tnning Wvith a doule to lefr. luss 11 ptlit etisy fly into Bassford's hands, Bloomi- irgoton struck out for the second tirie anid Hlolmes lilt a, shars one at Affeldi, whorr mitde'a gooi to11rund thirowv. Bassorrd gave Itussi211 a difficiilt chianrce in Ciornells half of the thied. intd that ciovir fielder accepted it jist th line aut s if it hard been easy. itaim- liii put1oil,,,at Biooinirgston turd weitt ot irt first. Johiisoni got llil a se' iln brills aird Mciet'l's single adtvancedr 111ii1 to sicomid. At thits;julicture Holmnes got aii ugly gash torn in the ijtt in hger of lila rightlihatdtry a foui tip. Tire crowut fully experteri to sal im laine, lie tench, but afterhairi-tg ai snigeoi tie it up, iltines with a itluck that woiuld liav- highly hionorred. a. crtclier in thrittatoinal iteagile, went ieindiitire baii rndfiiiishieithtit'gamlie thint his abllity did iuch tow-rt viii- ntng. Affel i it to tRussell, who fii'i- tihid but threw the lall to secondilput- Mcezieaitopeniedth ie sixth with ri trot tinet'orileft, mtakinigaseconrt. S ton ptoppi-dtlilta foul brick itt thipltite aind Cobibnmaite a fine ctitch. Tti,-ii Deans crane to bit rind lilt ai tripli- to right, McKenie scorinig. Stilii lilt a liii r Into Di Iii's hiandisiand Detiis was caught off third in a pritty dou- ble play. A tlit tilt a stinginig single over see- oiid, but, was forced out at. second oii Cobb's hit to Itusst-ll.MKenzie let Btooiigstoui's throw get away froiii hutinilandlost ia cliaire- to refit'- t side' rnt score' ai toublieilay. Smithr hit a vicious lhie right at 8Sexton. It botinitedtotit of lila hautls towvauds, tirsit had almsi reached that bag biefore liei was dule to get lila hands oii it agtain, but lils thriow btint theciii-. lien, aind the score was 6I to 0) in faivor of the ye-lnov and blue. Watkins was the first at the, idateiii tire seveiithi anid le liunid out to right field a triple. Russell lilt oiie just out SEE OUR WINDOW! "THERE MAY BE SO EBT'HIIIG IN IT." 51 South Main st. FASHIONABLETAILORING Elegant Graduating or light Snit iiiade from Imported or Finiest :Do~estio + 'Woolea.5 for $22.00 and up, Foil. Dress Suit $27.00, work made at homue beaus inspectioni by any high Class Tailor and Cutter.' Will be pleased to have yuyru call and be convinced. JOS. W. KOLIJAUF, 10 E. Washington st., up stairs. FREH.LINE OF~IE LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES JUnT RaCIuVEDiAT 1 TU'rTLE' S, S 8 . STATE ST. of Dieli's, retach. Watkimis scoring. Then lomig to cmeto bitt rigiin. JIJST AiRIiV E'DJ 'lie cr'owd yelledt for anoi~therrhloiie timingout McNeil. Sextonwris the first ,rftchjtgan iiian 'Ini -ticign's foiirthi Wtaterninn s 'si at .bat,,but Smiith eoaxuincd)jl sinto tOtP- piing uliltaittler-fly to MeN i aiid lieup1k-sritrinttrioaglEi irad, to go hack to the hieiici. lDeans it correctly. Mchetenzie lilt a stoiw 0110 wvent to first oni halts, Shileldts stt tile towvamet Afield aini Sexton event out ;crowdt crazy ith a. tritple betweehi itlet frtmn Snith to Mtc~eil. and cemter, scorinzg Deains. wa tkins Cotub singledt to lift, but was forced hangd one -at -harmon that lie was at secomid on Smith's tilt to ,Sextonm. unable to fielt, cleanltyfunit Shields, Bhoomrmiugstonm mrle, a very tioor scored.. Watkins wvent to first, Russell tlirow, and Smmith 'wvas safe. hirmon sacrificed, advancing Watkins to .see- lilt to Bloonimugstom, wimo. 1mm his aumx- ond, but Bloomiumgstou iad lost lisle ity to make .a donuile play unassisted. battlig eye and-struck out." again made, a uiserably howv throwv to Sexton received an ovation when le iertr amnd Harmmon waus saife. Smuith,. stepped into the box to uanipuhate time however, had been retired at a cond sphere for Michigan. Itauimlin lifted a urn the play. Diehml struck ont. hot one toward second but :Bloomiing- tum the fifth Deans retired fronm Diel ston got in the way and ht' iwent out to MIcNeil. Shields walked, Walkimis on fi-st." Capt. Jolmnson s4inglm'nt over ret led on a tpop. Sildrs stole secomnd. seondl. MclNeil flew; out' to W.1'aterL Russell flilt a niusty tbonidr at' Ateld ,man, Affeld struck tile aii thrzee tines thtat Affeld couuldn't get to first. and time 'varsity. camne to Omit again. Shilelds, ,mnuw'lhie, was sprinting for Holmes opened Michigan's second hlone". Mc eil snapped the ball to11wta-ofltoDe"anW eran (bbu ied-spe yhmad gave the saume flelutsniaiuu'auu emsy : as- scored. sBlonaimgston came to bat sst McKenzie singled to ce'nter. with blood in" his eye. tie caught onei Hamlin's fuunble let Sextonlget. tQ.,stc- of :Snaitus- twistt'rs on lime nose and und on a single to righut feld, while the ball lauded, 1mm the crowd. in let McKenzie moved to, thirde D 'Dans got field: tibit setlecd" it. Blooinigsan first on balls and tlmni Sleksr sent a sprinted around time bases, chasing long hit to Johnson :leavin urph-lmbefi "itusselt in, aud of 'himun. In a secontd on -bases. the stands, and the field we re a macs Cotb pugt encsuAt .Wussell, ,wthich that of ,yellow acid blue tgl"Blooniy" got fielder car"ed for cleverly. Smhth hit a "football ovatlou}," Holmesugalk-eut .i i - - - cumn, turd lire didn't do a. tinmg bumt itteu- imnr anothrrints left fielth, scoring iutms if anduIthussell. Din-ill fumbledsr Hdohlmes' grondierrand iti' mmman vfulh throw, limt McNel h eldt the balli. Writ- ermairgent imrst ourbrills. Smithi thre'w to Hrmron inIitillattempllt toenaich lolimirs off accont, but thn short strot let thin'baill get awamytrout hmlumiandu Helms gainmed thrirdtandetWrite-mirru landed onm seconid. McKenzile flewv ont to Afield, buut Sexton. ilt a' single over second, scoriung tHolmestaamd Writr- iran, Deanmslilt a: fly anid Basstorit, ivho wxas playing hu, caeptured it ant thnrewv to first, but Sextonimadte no at- temnttho get back and Smith got time hunt oult. Harmnon ilt one in fronlt of tire plain', but Holmes reached-it anld threw helimi out. Diehl ilmt mm single to li-ft. Brass - ford poked onmenit Russell, wxhis threwv to Bloomingaton at second. Tire hatter niraut- a brilliant thirouv this time, coin- tpleting a pretty double play. tn ,tire eighthi Shields lint one into heft field, buit Johnuson pulled the fly down and. spoiled a " lone run for ichIgrun's captin. Watkins, foued out' to Affeld. tRussellhilt a twister at Affeldl, hut was too speedy for bun amd beat thme throly ,. fi rst--"RhBooni lngston followed xvlths a su'sigte to cen- her,, but Holmues fonte out to "flubb K H10 hut tole secondonva. wild tfrow r, ('On n fl o." n d u g) A SHIPMENT OF Ients' .Fine Jan 'Shoes JACOBS & ALLMA ND Washinogtonm Block, AnArbor. P. S.--See our Show Window. ED. A. GADI BUX. < PRORIuEr'TO FTIlO Latest Improved Barber Shop Is the city. E. Washl teArbo.t.,iideer east of Hale it. Ann Arbor. MAMMOTH PIPE SALE JLY 4& Co's 10 SOUTH STATE ST. Duont fail to coe Hot and Colud Lunches at All Sours. DUCK PANTS $1.50, $2.00 AND $2.60 BEST. QUALITY. LAWNTENNIS 6ODDS SOLE AGENTS FOR WRIGHT & DITSON S CELEBRATED-RACKET Up Town., DownoTown, University Booksooret, O pposite 4tusrt ouu 208 :State St. 4 N i t. o 1