THlE U. OF M. DAILY. As .G.SPALI1NG & ROS. Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, GOLF Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALDINO BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 1895. tANSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SET FREE. slEW YafK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA 2Mf1OORE & WETMVORE 68. lain st,and tstat st., cor- ner of William st., have a complete stok of UIY[HSIJY I[ST BOOK ~Nw and Second Hand. Noe Roosoxad other Stdest' Spplis Fine stalosry, Sportig Goods, etc., which hey offer st ths Lowest Prices. ,Gal and sew us before purchasing. G. H. WILD. THE LEADING TAILOR and Importer has received the largest and most select stock of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS for Srnug and Summer of '95 in the city, and would e pleased to have you call and examine -the same. ".Ful Dress Suits a Specialty. E. Washington t.. near Man 'v:SWEATERS For Men and Boys, HHOA~KI LAMB'S WOL SWEATERS in black, navy, white, garnet and gray, for Boys, up to 32 inch sies, $1.50: For Men, all sizes, $2.00. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADEL-PHIA. Seaters 4 -0-AT-. FREE!' F RE E! A New Camera! 3 flZ Rodd 1111EIIEIa -- Thursday, May 30th, to every student purchaisium goods 10o to the amount of $48.00 or over in ' yi I I W s - L1 Furnishing. Goods or Custom Tailoring Departments. THE H&AV X-E YE'.JR,: Parcee's checked and cured for free of eharge. Be sure to get 'Will acomondtec imfti2erxsad isloael one oif our "Bugles" to BLOW during the game. One freet' coo he seaed iobos t day oitt< .Gaciiolater on application at our store, 9.0 Woodward aove.P IC .$ Gold n E gle Cloth1 noCo.Including Suniight Filtns torex posres. Gold n e gle Clo hin Co Scrnd toe Cataiogue describing aohkidsdeof _____________________________________________________________Cameras sod Accessories. ICYCLES, ~~{AR TH~E HIGHEST OF ALL HIGH GRADES, r Wrranthed superior to aoy Bicycir toult is the worid, rgardiess of price. Itoiiot beinduced to pavoouuersmoney toreaieior whcecl i.stoth sevie, she Wavortey. Boiltsod guasranteed icy the Indiana Bicycie Co., amoiliion dollar concerno, wliseon od iss good as ,gold. 21 lb. SCORCHER,. $85. 22 lb. LATIES', $75. H. J. BROWN, Exclusive Agt. How Flour is going sip. Tomatoes are going down. Eat Tomatoes. 3 Pounds Greenwood, 75 cents per dozen. 3 Pounds Peninsular, 85 cents per dozen. 3 Pounds Riverside, 95 cents per dozen. All good Fresh Goods. DEJA.1- & COMANY. 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Yeflow tsttttblueosmbrellais for ill' Cernell gamte can be secured lit Slice- bunss It. C. Beiirltiiit,.. IH. Pt~r.isaind J. A. Letloy leave been imade Mtichil- gait's dlegates to the tuiiiess meet- ing of the Western huteccoll~gia~te A. A. A. in Chicago Saturday. The Eiigiiieers defeated the junior tlitxisicon a very interestiiig con- test yesterday by a score of 2 to 05. It was a pitchiers bitle iretigloot tho game, Aides stikiting out eight neon and Heath five. Errors were few, but' very costly. Alpha. Delta Phi defeated Zeta Psi yesterday afternoon, by a. score of 10 to 7. The principal feature of cisc gamne was the playing of Woodruff for the Alpha Delt's. The batteries were Woodruff and N. Bourland, and I#orck and Maitland. The Junior Auxiliary. of St. An- drew's church will give a lawn festi- val on the church grounds on Satur- day, June ,1, from GO to 9 in the even- ing. Re freshmsents will b served con- sistlug of sandiwiches, coffee, ce cream, cake, lemonade and candy. If the wcather should be inclemeent the festival will be held in the rectory. The object of ..his festival is to raise finds to hel1p a stru~ggling mission in thi$ diocese., Law Notes. Instructor Siuith wvilqiifz the ;1ute- iors nextweeklein Persoina lilserly. Thie soeniors will be quiz Ill tau- lupes next week by hustroichar Sitth. The exoboninltion in, Evidamece ewill take ipdace in the lectire r(3en Satiir- clay. Thteresult of ithe xamutatioos in Equity Pleading aiid Practice is posted:. The- &t niors will be quizzedt in Dami- lors next wveek on tin' last four lec- tures. of Domestic Relations to room -. tntssvecir Hughes wviiilins-c a spec- ial crtiz in Equity Jurisiprudence Sat- gardasy aftir noon at 2 seclook, in room:a 4. Woman's League Elects Officers, tM'le Beard of ithe NW noun's League met yesterday aftekrnioo and elicted officers and an advisco-y~ board. 'Th- otticers were chosen ass folloxes: ices. ident. Miss May Taylor; .vicelpresi- dent, Mliss Annie Stevens3; recording ec-retary, bMiss ]CalwriuelRed. cor'- responding secretary, Miss Mande Cooley; treasurer, Miuss Jessie Sm1ith. The following ladies or's Nchosen fr the. advisory board: Mcrs. i.P. Lombacd, Mcso G. S. 'Morris, :firs. F. R. Mechemn. _Mlrs. J. N. Mactin, Mirs. Walker, Mrs. G. S. Laisison. Concert for the benefit of Women's gym, .June. 1 The Blair Camera. Co., 471, Tremnnt St , tBoston, Stasn. SODAWATER -AT- B. A. MUMMERY'S., NEW ART TILE SODA FOUNTAIN. Ire Cream Soda. Vernor's gtnger Ate, aud all popular drinks.. A. E, MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, Cur. Fourth Ave. sod W'ashington St.. HAVE YOU SEEN THE Thistle Bifccle? Here are stfew poinseworth considerhion: Bearings-Two points of Contact. Weights-15 to 23 Pounds. Framxes-22 to 28 Inch. Tread-A 7-16 and 5 inch. Choirse of Color. Gear. Saddie.,1Peda&h,. Tires soA iHsndileliar. Sane as though. made to ardor. See! CataueFens I3. E. FORD. AGENFT. 20 East Willia Steet.. SchaIIers Bookstore!, Formerly with George Wahr, 19 &. Washington st. Headcquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and Mlscellaneo is Stock in general. MARTIN SCHA LLER, THE DOIWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main at. STEAMLUNDRY C o. High CGlossiand imesie Fiish. E. S. SERVISS, Xsnager, 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE Members ef Iruarantee Tickhet Srokers' Asee- clatien of hU. S. Cosby & NXeou-R. R. TieketkAgency 50 Adams sO.,. Chicago. edured rates to all, points. :Branch The Kinder arten No.1a N. Haleist. Ann Arbor 1hsan. 0CQ