THE U. OF M. DAILY. MJGHIOAN GSENTI AL At the Grand Opera House. Time Table (Revised May 10 1894. - The fist prfornialle of the Mikado EAST WEST. was given at the Grand opera hot s Mal P. M. A. m las night ad was in every way a Maland Ex-..350 Mal .._- 84__.1814 t N. Y. Special.-..6005 N. Y. Specal... 7 0 grand scect4s. The ch'iorn(].soil ll- Eastern E... 1 1 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 A. M Paciic E....1157ac(vt work was strong and ill fins. forml, Atlantic Ex---747a' W ii is a cditonl few amdgteorsi- a.N xrs... 5 40 Wester Es. 6 wl2ie G.R.Exresl--1105 Ci. Nt. E--.-10 28 gatizatios aii bost Of. Of fte imdi- G. R.Ex.----5 5 0. W RUGLES, H. wHSAES, - vidosi parts littleieed ho said as G. P. & T. At., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. everyoiiekiows they were weltakn T. A. A &N M9.RY and oell saed. 1Tbe, Mikadowill le Taking effoct Sunday, Apil 7, 189 pnjt on for the seoid time tonight. Trains leave An Arbor o Central Stand. Gv ~l cdilysilmk ard time.Go. m:Acine wil ak NORTH. SOuT. fteannual u~dress before Northwest- 8:07 a.m. 7:15 a.m. *12:5 p. m. 11:30 a. . en Unversity Alumni association oil 4:1a p. m - 9:00 p,.i. comot leelielt lay. Going Nothsat9:lia.m. BUSINESS LOCALS. oisng Sullsat 8:15 p. in. Tr'ains Snday russ between Toledo and Ilanebog Jsscto osly. WABASH LOW BATE HARVEST *Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo EXCURISON FORt 15t. only. All trains daily rxcept Ssnday. wsill be ruo frotn all sttios on the W.H 0ENT . . A. Toledo 0.Agn Wabash Rairoado00 April 30tH, Day 21st and Jne 11th to th eest, Norti- ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST RY Wtest Soth and Southwest. t ts TimeTabe, ay 2, 195. nearest tiket gett of the Wabas or Time able May 6, 195. connetig line or to Leave Ypslanti from Congress st., 0:00,:00 C. S. CtAN+E, and 11:00 a. i. 12:45, 2:15,5:0, :45, 9:30 and 11:00 P..G.I.&TA.WbsItI. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:0,8:30 and G..&T.A Wash0.. 11:30 a. i.: 1:15, 2:45, 5:0, 7:15, 10:00 asd 11:t0 LOST. SUNDAY TaIE. Petweinlngalls andi taekartl o 1eave Ypsilanti from Congress St.,1:30, 3:30, -Mollroe, a1 smaell tblack leather anel silk :0, 6:30 and :00 p. m. hnbadcnetTefne Leave Aan Arbor Juncton, :00, 4:00, 5:30,illlba aidetes.Tetdr 7:00 snd 9:0 p. m. will oners favor by retring the Cars run on city time Fare: single trip 15 cents: round trip tickets a5 cets. sane to No. 40 Pakard s. 171 W. F. PAsssEnn.Spt. A. ldyl of experinee desires to st ('' / CL VEsolo siton of a soeiety hotse foetOI, CLEV LAN 5. O - c gy 's. leferenes eln be _______________ B FF LO gien it dsired. Inqie at Daily office.170 VIA 1C. & B. LINE." A cmeoitetlady1:'wotle like tee Aisagihfe en sdeiseel steel steames tk neg~giin ortl oln State of Ohio and State of New York mk neuaeetfrtecmn DAILY TIME TA13Lt. year with a fraternity sciety, either SUNDAT INCsLUDED. ldles'sor gentlemiei, is miatron 1or L' Clevelasnd. . ..-----------:00 p. mn. caperone of their ihose. Pleaeae- Ar. Buttflo . . . . .7__________ :30 a. d:soir.n. ~ii lte' Ar. Cevelnd. . . 7:30. m. Colert by Ladies Glee Sld Banjoe Take tese"C. & 13. Line" steamers and en- clbs 'niterity hlsl, Jsno ; bne't joy a refresing, night's rest whieeneote to Womn'is gymtnasinii; 21ceents. 170 Bsfflo, Niaga~ra Fals, Toronto, New York, Bostos, Albany, 1,000 Islads, or asy Easternss For Slse-ltoyal LimitdI biyle, al- or Casadlai poit. notnw H ssi ala ees CHEAP ECARIBSNWHEKLY T IAGHARAAFALLS, iiwstnsi. $40 Wih.allt. 13 Send 4c postage for torist _pew smndp4iRitlet.. 17 W. F. IBERMSAN, T. F. NEstHAN, "Standars" yeteoos'ers, acesrato Gess'lIssss. At. .ess'laager. and reliable, $2, it eyers' news Cleveland, . Magnfcent new steamshsp now under con Stnd. 17a struceoss cr tbssrouteLaitie. Glee ad tBanjo clb at Pill FLOWERS, FLOWERS v esity iihall, Jne 1. 173 For Everything and Eveybody amRR1 nr _ iinI COUSINS & HALL lfists S TeleheUisitye 115. Iae rC MLLP tb SEIA L OR H OT~u DIETAS &SCHAINZ, V. OF ~. TA' LOa a $100 FR One sprin- and Sumnier Woolens are 110w 00 sale. Prices Low. wiIhl1 Call and see us. 4SS Staest .Seend lonr,AnnArbr. 22 Years n the Bsness- ~.The ,Sperb an W8 W'hel for 5$51 C li AU DR FJ. . MEE .& F. R. CJTCHEON, IT' i1,MosnRon SRsEET. - - AENT M. M. SEABOLT No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING f CUT RATE RAILROAD TICKETS 'GeaIng, PressingIand Repairing .; to all ponts for sale by dose neatyby ant. 502aoErw'~te2lPr101E.Waehtingnn ANN ARBOR-R, R. TICKET AGENCY, EXCELSIOR '+ LAUNDRY 1'33R. AHaest. EAS StIRON ST EE Member of American Tiket roler's Aso 20 RE ' e ton. All /'1rnsprtatosnnar Good Work Guaranteed. Gods aled for 5ted. Tikensolltsd sold. and delivered. A.. P.. (4VisST.Prp., .- THE ANN ARBOR SAINGS BANK '95 X LAXVS I Ann Arbor,5Mich.. Cpial Stck 15,000.- .:.,Sueplus 1e (. HVEYU uI nerte seeral R;nittn& L :, LYwsU of l's Sat. t~xelesdepnis3,1,- a.nof A E the T sells exhange n the princ~itiekin CANEe ~ LWRAVED United States. Drafts cashed upon prjoer- - Identiication, Safety. depsit boxes he rent. -AT- ,OITElEs: Christian litk, Prs; W.. $ahimnsVice Pres.: Chs.. .H. tS~eok, " W M . ARNOLD'S, Jewelr. asier: a. .Frlta Asistant CGsate.- i S MACKINAC LINE Tourists Route. SEMI-WEEKLY FROM5 CLEVELAND, TOLEDO AND DETROIT MACKIN& ISLAND, CHEBOYGAN, ST. IGNACE, ALPENA, AndlallbPorts o e les~t Shorr ofLake' ltu rn. llemembertis Isthe ontly:lie sgivig sec- sengersithe oppoprtsity'ofcseglttgeeing at all sort'sons ts pptlo rooi . Aloiiseps- sereigrtssalieeg as 'cnlise oms tlsixehoures' cc thecfoseost naeb slan sd. Fore, issclsiat tMeaksed herths, meo:oter expeneses. Cleveehndio Mie'ldisac tIsd esd re- trsevern:-day I]t-e ---------$14.0 Toteelo to .SldclIslalsd andelreturn, six-(lay tri---------.-.. -- ----.... 1.00 tlttroitto eldnk Isl ttad sd etusr, five-day tip- ------------ 11.00 Tickets gooee to returnl any time durisgtee Coseetiec :at M:tiae,:ee tLleanos1i1t11all stsemers ler 5Chica:go, ieileless',,, i'stey OSeult rte Shere o:I.11 me ~ites,nler ise- i'eem, Lale rSuperior, adese n esteit:y::snd et ,t. Ignaeew'ithe I. 5 e & A. 11.oe cll pinees t l5 tile Uplper Pteinseula amd tec West.SWete foe tomee t sble. S. . GRUMMSONDG eselManeager. U. GRANT CtltM5IONO. Pas. At. Geseral Oiices, Tet reet, Mih. TAE E 1 / ilhe I de "We'sre settn thee ° ptesetryt om A tle ELLIPTIC CRANKS. If you is olteon esviced of ties trth f thse aoetessmotto, rell 00 W. P. DISTLER, 311N.0Unsesirty ve R INEW COLLIR AI YOUR OUITINO 60TO PIOUESQ0L 0I1IfCKIS ILOND. ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDS AT SMALL EXPENSE. Yiuit this Hstorical Island, which is the granidest summer reort on the Great sites. It only costs sot $13 from Detrmoit ; $15 from Toledo ; $18 from Clsveland, for the round trip incldiig sniesia nd berhs. Avoid the eat and itlt by traveling GD the DA & C. foiing Is"Palce.s. The attractions of a trip tc lbs 'liackisaieregion are unsurpassed. The teisraid itself is s grand romanltic spot, its :'isistie most invigorating. Two new ttse.l pasiinger steamers have just ee e-Wit sr te uppper lake route, costing t iii,GGG esac.' They are equipped with e very modern convenience, annuncitors iatil roseu, etc., illuminated throughout syv electricity, and aret guaranteed to be ::sre grandest, largest an safest steamers evet fresh water. Tlaseseteamers favorably '(nlpre'iitlithe great ocean liners in co- riietis~n and sped. Feur trips per week otween Toledo, Detroit, .Alpena, Macki- 6seir, St. Ignsc, Petoskey, (hicsgo, "800, 'Is rqolette and Duleth. Dailybtween I ;hsind and Detroit, and Clevelnd asi Pitt-in-Bay. The palatial "equipmnt~ makes traveling on these steamers to- oughly: enjoyable. - Send for illustrated descriptive pamphlet. Addrsu A. A. 9cHaIITz, .. P. A.D & C Detroit Mich DO YOU WANT GOOD BICYCLES AND QUICK SHIPMENTS? + + +- THE '95, SOPEAB SMALLEY Weareeotil5ordlers forCGents' Special, 21 Abs., Alninum Fiutish, anid can promptly ship theme, hot don't ask for Ladies' Wheels or Racers to be shipped same cday. Order Gents' Wheels and se- cureO a ready seller, We have an 18 lb. Roasd Wheel, 4 in. tread. PLYMOUTH CYCLE MFG, U11, PLYMOUTH, IND. 46 E. Wilian St. THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURHGEOS OP CHICAGO. Aninual Session begins iii Septem- ber and continues sevent months. Four years graded court-e. Labora- tory, Cliical and Dispensary ad- vammtages excepstionality golod. Fsor asinnial afnonncetenat and oter inlformatlionl address Coirres-- peonding Secretary, DR. BAYARD HIIOI3ES., '4VAlsiimgtsu at., C'isle, T.&O.C.Ry. K.&M.Ry. Solidthroeuge troins bteenrnesedo, Ohio. sled Chaeesetese, W.Va., via Columsbs, the esort aosen sly direct roeute. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 0. Renton, 0. Columbws, 0. Athens, 0. Middleport, 0. Pomecy, 0. Pt. PleasantW. Va. Richmond, Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point wofot, Va. Williamsbusrg, Va. Nev.Totrt News, Va-. :Norfolk, Vs.. And nll sootoeoseters -eoints. Flsorsaf rdrasting soom cat-ests slithroasel, trsies, Fser furtker insformation rcll 0mm yourlocalr Tier Agesst or" write, 5hoCUL'eN titfI, GOw'sFags.Age. 3, C0. W. A. PETERS. Alicihgan Pass. Agentl. 3 Iletroktliuiha. :r--AAta~i. ..rPata