THE U. OF Ml. DAILY. _ ___ Published Daily'(Sanday .excepted) dring the dosiegb year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OFFICE: Times bilding N. Pain t., ppsite .pet ogle. EpITORS. . A. LnRos, 'P, Managing Editor. A. W. SITeH, Special, Assistant. W. A. res,'Pi L, Assistant. E. tR. SUNDERLAND, '6, Assistant. H. COisnsAN, 'P, Athletic Editor. G. B. HOxnseoN, 96 L, Bsines Manager. L. R. llxnsiEt, 'PC L. Assitant. Associate Editors. 11. A. Dcer, 'P5. E. L. Evans, '95 L. L. A. Pratt, '9. Carrie V. Smith, '6. C. A. tioughten, '9i D. G. A. Heat, '96 P. Minnie Themps, 'P.. .1. Gamn '98 M. C. H. Farrell, '9. . . Kappen, 'P. J. . Finly, '5.. There will be no issue of thesDily tilortow owing to the fact ithatitb stuldenits will be in Deroit at th.2 Cr- nel ganie. Ttinorrowv ail tecid whthte eor iot 3iiciigan shall recer 11r lost hinures from Corielel in basell, ini every Mihigan mni is oping is see .thielquestion aniswerei li Ohattirma- ive. Titeriar'two things 'seic ills i go to tdeide liii iiati fe avoraly1, anid they ret to ti' teamlia1d11_1ts ll- iort. ASP te flirt lialiritithere 611 be, 110 doubt abost their part being eoine. TIii payraare working is _tve t' before Is win tis gaiieand will certainily pu1t tp a ginile of which we may be proud, whether we win or lose. As toite scoutd element, tie suposrt the, ttiiitwll recei-c. ise 0ong1Lirto be no uestion abos t is often said that the great, entsiasie cr0w1 which iress against ie rope at Ie Detroit football game last fal put in- creased vigor'isto the 11h53rs,ald was 'liiliportant factor in winntiig fom Cornell. So let us all be fouid at the 1. A. t'. grounid s toniofrosv prepred 66) meet str visitors courteoGrisy' anli rhe, r or teaim to vitory. Thiey cariied the right to be cheered by se'r reelt trip and are going to arthlia right-sgain tumorrow. Senior Law Class Meeting. Vie enior laws isze~d a meeting y's terdncy oring at wicb Oinancial matters attedant upon the exercses oil last wek wee, adjusted.thair.- mnmG(ardner r ported for the coin- wittte that Judge Coley desir-d through themi to thnk the clse and express his appreciation of the honor thely confrd upn ohilib. R-o. Wn. B. itrnbloater1 it wa- r ported. re fused to acopt even paynict ot e'- pens0s freus the class conideetg it an honr to he asked to peak upon such ano oca. n. A vote of taakpi to the conslttea was pased, tDec an Knowton Wap elected as the prft ssr t., dlivr tlo af ats Istire. to. te 14a and th vass adjourned. Take 2ayelos san hIWW unlr'la. frolo shehrax6and hlp tih tan Communication To the Editor of the Diy:- Tb', diff,,r'lt organiatios('-,!sing tn the iiiiv('rsity are,,ually very gienerous toward one another as thry shoultd be, but tiuing this year there have b% en two inslane: s in which ose has rectiedveviry. uge'rois rea- ment at iiie' 1ands05of aothermi-. At the Nasiiiigtons Bithlday'exreis s iii tlie(eaniiiBnjo club,, awhich furnish- eii music, charged tel'1as for their services. The clubs said that tiy were put to a. grat da of leol- a niec liin cmling3iigtahheiii"-c qulest to siiig, wahichli possiblyp'was a satisactory 'reason tilt asking r n eatio. But the sane thingssgiiSlap tieretiagain iii conoilctioni witi tie til- Yeilinig ceremionies last Fiday. Iron1. W.T B. H~ornblioawer can, fromiiNia fork aiid gas-chis address ientirely aimott calrge, syiig thatle illl- siti r d Itciin1ho11(0' iso5) akidl while thetGler' ciiof str (otatni- vs rsity chargediltii.'siniomr lav'lass tn dolais fr thie.muscthliy gae. of course it coldi iot bi','Xlicid ti- go to a geat amiunt o(Itr ii'oiiior wahenlit is toiivcriii-it tilloiso5, liii cltb as ael as evra oher organia tin ought Isobhae enoghi intlre tlii thei lUniverity to 11111p sitneciiile'iiii lilies enterprises. All classes (f si- di its paroniz ltc GI,- (boclbt) bit'.isl it is a gooilthiig ant etight to beo tncouiraged, and a i C ir)iit lit reel- prociy iiight be 'ailllisiial aitih goo results. "'3, $35,000 For a Lighting Plant. Ili-lreeitdt a. Mii, .aho iha calimpionied the cause of 61111 t~iiitt'- shty inl the legistuire eaer sinc--,'th siib~jet of lapprepriltiois wsis it broachiedi,3yestedaiy succeeded i ge- ting a."$,000 apropriaioli for i- lighting plant. , lb- senate curtin'e apiproipriatiioni tIP$2,tllt for tin- light. tug plant acrd11passeti it. Tills liii thenrpars Ii by ,a ote f3 Il to, adi is nowia in tie Goverorstenns., 4*}r 4 _ _ _ __AL E AL SThe Victor League Ballf, # is made of the et maeras and wll W 4give greaterstacion han any other Victor AthleticMoods i are favories amonghe ahetes, and the ALVicor trade-mak is a guaaner of the ihest uality. SOVERMAN WtIEEL CO~ 4 Makers of Victor Bicyes. osie. n w or. tertroi er PA N.. 5'l. Cs CO. I A : WO BUILDING DON TSTSensible EIGHT PRIZES VALUE $435.00, itt Prize, 10 ases Ftorda landi, vaine .5' The society or ort 2d Prize,i10 acrestFlorida teed, value--_.100.0u which has its 3d Prizee 10a'resiFloride lalndvalre--aut00 4th tPriize,geit'eman'egodesatI ~vale4000 5ttI lrie, laies' goldewatciivi 25.00 P O R M 6th Price, cash lu.e e--------*.---. - ill- 0.0P RFiG .A 1 [ tth P i,rizs, alt, v' se ----------- ass"0 8th Prize, a Florida ceriotity, values-- t5.) / T Total valuetof Petzes......--- 04' asiy C F The ahove prizes are offered ittose wio r construct or fasrm ihellarlgest number of . 1 C., weeds out of ike letters founodin the prize Pitda h P-E-N--T-O-R,. under the feollig regulations snd coedi- is e firest priet-wtill te won by tie larg- A -~ri bf est lit,ithesectintdprize by the lest lagest~ 'L list, amid s to thtie eighthm. 00. EachmIIcmonttnt muest sent in hils or her ist before JUNtE 1itt., moo. '0. Thteltat of words emst be writtesn WE CAN SUIT Y( ink and simned bfeeontent. 4thm. Any Eneitt cord foumid in the dtc- tionary con be used if it is cemmi osellof ther leties conttaieiiim'nmteiwerd Sentator. No abbreviatiens nrtnaimes of per'sosor plaess. ii..'lime same heuteremeat not he card twice in tilee ase word. 6th. Eachl contestlmnt mest be or btecomea subscriberto ts th e WsK Y CSI0v1'TTIONfolr lise ytear, amnd meat semmdhis or her dotlar to pay foerbsis sbscriptiom with is isitt lf ttii. TImcare twoaormore prizewinniglists T isspace isre; col Laint the siame' moms ir of eons, Ike one thttistfirstreerived mwil be gives prferene. o t eGr n Every conltestant irlo-e list con~tainls as orteGa LI manyaslaten coirset wordsewilieelve a prizer of tome kind. TheavEE-aL-v CONSTITUTION is en eeghe pngr House. wekly. published at PMonticello, Flormda,i the tenier ofthi e best section If time'Statle. Every isaac give avluable ifomationconi- i'ernimtg tis section. Thte price is one dlolar. Become a subscribierand tryforeaprize'. Con- test cioses JUEt15th, 1esa. Address TilE WEEKLV CONSTITUTION. PONICEsonL.O, FLAs. ____________ FIRST NATIONAL DITSON MUSIC. FANABR Organized i1863. "Six Love Songs," Capital, $10as000. Ssrplussad PI Transacts a' general banhir ny Frank E. Sawyer. Translations of Sin Foeigs. exchanges benushe and s( ofttHinsfinestlyicsin exqtisite nmsical ,letters oftcredit. settngs' HavyPape, 7 cets. P. BACK Phers. .w.CLARKES "LEECOLLEGE SONGS." AdvaneiassmIn dancing for The stendard collection of College Son-i Over 060.00lol.. Heavy Paper, 0 llflflAV VE cents; Cloth.Cit, ~s' A n ii E "LEECOLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." to June '2d0 ad of edmi: Only books of 'the kind' published. The promurd or e acheeing raid sontgs of thte heding colleges for women. speclty. Office- Ground Ilo Heavy paper. s.0. nerd st. 118W £Y!.lci i.U118 -ItI[W[1x.L [LIIWMUSICLAMRS, ANNIE WARD Eighty-two pieces foe the guitar from ther colo Dni n best sources. A s-pendid collection. Band- colofanig ad om tCover. 50,cents. Saurday,10a. m., Gentleman be Any book ntn postpaid en receipt' of pricerSaturdayi4p. mn., Lady beginnem Ronday. t:0Pp. m., AdvancedtC OLIVER DITSON CO., and Gentlemen). 9 oueda, 7:30p. in., BeginnersC 4531-46315 lshIigon s Pt.. Boston. and Gentlemen). C. B Diton &Co. Y. yrivate lessonshby appemnemesu 53 B tteoafio.N . SCHOO0L. 46 S. ST. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. 1-'atillot3 Ladles' and Gents' Clothing. Cleaned or Dyed. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. The late thing in PHOfTUC at ~VaEt~ SBRRYM FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING .BaoitPeelBts Corner of State and aWilliam its., 20IT RF R i "ganizatiorn D S. fice. 30. :erved Opera. BANK ?refits, 551.550q ag hasmarsa. ION., t~nher. rhadles and lINGS oor, i May- FOSTER'S, Delarte.n Clss IOAdies' Class (Uldes. 'ATE ST rples ittAPilY E. Wasing- IT'S HARDY TO DO WITHOUT CEO. S. PARKER. FOUNTAIN PEN ._ Tour dealereisIlklsltohavstheo, if nehan', wsriteus andwe'll rend yes ths information yr.. wohat.20 oa'r handome istrated caalogeafree PPNEER PEN COMPAAY , Jutur.515rW* SHEEHAN & C0. Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor. The Fisk Teachers' Agency EVERETT 0. FISIK & CO., 33 3 Wabm ..Ave., Chicago, Dliuo L Ashburton Place, 7i Fifth Avenue, 5511 Twelfth Stree, BiOSTON,,,MASS. .--NEW( YQR-Yj N. Y. WASHINGTON, D. C. 3a Church Street, 410 Century B'ldg, OLYMPIA, TiONtIO, CAN. MINNEAPOLISI MINN., WASHINGTON..