tt* I'- Vow V. No. 1 t 1. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. fl VL V No 171 UNVERITY F MCHIANWEDNSDA, MY 29 185. RICETHRE CNTS "VARSITY IS IN SHAPE. THE TEAM WILL PUT UP A STRONG GAME. The Cornell Team and Their Rec- ord- Priest Will Occupy the Box- Seats Are to be Free at the Game -The Yellow and Blue Umbrella Will Cut a Great Figure at Detroit. Michriganand Coriiell xwilHagil scoat in atDecoratioii Day les ll game at Detroit toiiorrow clot every- fiing points to the mot sicc s'ofut game in thelisito y of our seLa wits Cornell, most successful as to tae- crowd, the ianarientca cilatoe all the playing. And, miost imisportnt of all, Michtigniiexplees to le n the large side of the score wien iilie geese is over. Since us' return of tie Imseall teamn from its western tripi. the tr(- tico has been ibard aid steady alit the showing splendiud. Estecial atteiio lisa been paid to batting practice, ad~ It would not tbe surprising if bhe fa- mees left-handeid Priest would be touchied11up ty 0o11batters mniecethan tt thaca. Tbe tickets to Detroit tomorriow are sold at1$.213, incluiing admission to the gamec.- The trainsgini, leave Ann Arbor at 10 and at 12 o'clock staniardl in the morning, as was before n- Pounced. The first train back. ow- evxer, will leave Detroit at 7 or 7:31, time to e announced on trains going In tomorrow nmorninig. Te seind train hrack will leave Detroit af 12 o'clock standard. tFree seats will be provided for all who attend the aii. The south grand stlddPay le charged for, the matter not yet teing decided uon. Carriages will be .hargedl $1 adnassion. According to tie agreements -with Cornell no one is to be allowed to go out on the field except autorzed rep- r'setat~ves of the two universities. This agreement will iso strictly en- forced, and no others will be allowed inside the ropes under any critlul- Stances. The corml nine which mets the 'varail atIDetroit lare been cputting up a strong' game Iis seaseu. 1p to its first regular trip, tie tean play- ed ten gamts,- of which eight were v ictores and two defeats. 01e game was bst to the Toronto eastern Lea- .gnetenin and the other to -Princeton. T'hCuhlvetsly of Virginia fresh from a spctry ov~r Geqgetwn's strog tean, dropped two-"successive gams to Cornell, and t'onuylvania. wa jeaoy "sited at the first game b a score of five to o'e, though th 9.,lpAkers carried off the hronors at tile second game last week, hitting Priet har, ~lliidep;, johplso, who catans th tanm, comces fcrli Cinciumai. 0. uTei is his thirid yar 010 tieie. 'ie lirst two yaris tic payeThirdli, bot this yearfinis himti ilthe left fielu. Cobbc anie.iatliti o tie worte -- hindie the bat and ill right fe. Cobb, so-leo was (orsi Ifs star itches last yer.tiself veriouees timeis teleeed left alidiright fileas oel sfirt. talasain, esebceviest bttieen thi t,tichs lice-isill cllege fouryers. Asa Priest,oeeis boillittle inueo- iuction. The 'varsity its off in t t the sperincgilame at Ithaca wre scet- teied; Rtussel suece edd in touching him upc for eatwo- bagger. Smittl, lice secondetcther is idoing gooor. Doaring litoceiig, that leepitchtedie aisttPiitsrg lestseelsein thee- gues wo-re' unabli, to score a rn~. His form this year is seil to hae imparov-eeddeciledly over lest yeas. McNeil at ist is an old tllyer and1 aI good belieer. Dihl, woncoveedi seconid in at fewo games last yeac, os the- bag down-siin cc. ditable style'this year. HtermnndelelAffeldet ltshot anddthird illedet tlo~epoesitiols ilt All In all the Corel teamli is a oer '~-streongfieildigteeim. Their sitk work is also very goed,anai backede ty a strong betery they maieke' one iof the four or le le-eding college' 111111. Iriest hieledYale clon to four its In nine inilings last year adetadlet twoo of thie elits thiet owere scored lgast Carter. Communication. To the REitor of till, Daily: '1110crowdes gig illcelltie molrin~g train Thursdaly, wiii form in rocs- si010 at the depot eim ii etute llpoi having the tain. It is desirltle tet Sall thlose prooid--dlwihellellcow and~e blue umbrellas shioulet forml in line as soon as possible, owing to the fact that the line wvi lecessrily too broken upon reaching Woodward ave. It has1 h eels decided ot to disinguish tie classes by numbers stenciled upon the umbrellas. Tie'procession will Ilorely be formed of_ four men deep, anel ill thibline proceiit tp -e- ferson ave. to Woodward and. there disband. . C. WEEKS, Baseball Manager. Teams Come Back at 730O-P, M. At the mceting of the board of d- -rectors of tie Athletic association last sInight It was decided to request the baseball and track managers to bring stheir' respective teamns.back from the -Cornell game at Doteoit tmorrow on e the first train, xhch leaves Detroit at e7 or 7:0 o'clock. Be sure to tke a yellow and blue e uambrella to. the Cornell game. :-' TElE CHICAGO MEET. THE TRACK TEAM SELECTED FOR THE CONTEST Leave at 7:35 A. M. Friday-Michi- gan Stands a Strong Chance of Winning-California Makes Our Chances More Uncertain-The Boys Will Live in the Special Car "Ann Arbor." The folloowinsg sixteene sssn51 ito' tierii chloeni Isconlstitute tiletreack tea asa hotichs will reipresent Michigen sst Cliicasgo next Satordayc:It. W. Beaughmsseai, 98, asad C. B. Porter, '10S It, 10 cnd 220 eahses; AW. B. Hodg- mass, '9 L, 220 and 4-10 nins; B. D. tieston, U5, 880 run; P. Siits, '197lI, reilie ruma;P. It. Stuaert, '9ii, ande A. W. Wolcott, 't96, blirdles; H. It. Itorris, '97 7.\,amid H. It. Itorris, '98S2I, bicy- clie; J. B. White, '95> M, waesk; L. C. Mtartin, 'Hi L, and J. A. teloy, '9it, tbroad juimsp; P. it. Vernsor, '97, higis liasmmaer; J1. S. teinlac, '98, shot; L.. Hlutchsison, '97. pete vault. There arc- several other sisen on tile doubtfusl list, wole acy 'yet be adedei stois" tea i. Inaddetciions to those namsedt above 'crack Ittnager It. C. Boucrlanse,T'ins- er KIs he~n, itzatrsicke cliiiPresidesnt . It. Psenatiss of the Athletic associaione oxill accompancsy otse teesam, msaksling a pty'of inetceen,. onlessotliers seall ye-f beadsetothue.list. The toaty xwiii leave at 7:3t5 Frieday mocring andciltxxi go by the 'T. & A. A. to 'tilan andcithenice 0ia tile' Weibash roulte to ('tieago. Tbey xill travxel in else spcecieal car, "Alan Arbor,' andc xviii live in this at use Polk: St. depIot durinsg their stay in Chicago. They xviii start bace at 10 o'clock tile night after the' maeetaid beheIosme Sundeay maorning: so as to lase, no tinme getting ready for thse Califorllicsleoet naext Wedesday. SEE OUR WINDOW 1 .7 "THERE MAY BE SOMDETHINC; IN IT." 51 South Main st. FASHIONABLETAILORING Elegant Gradulating or light Suit made from Imported or Finest Dom.estic + Woolens for $22.00 cad up, Full Dress Suit $27.00, xvork macde at homle bears inspection by any High Class Tailor abed Cutler. Will he pleased to have ye-n call and he convinced. Jos. W. KOLLA.UF, 10 E. Washington st., up stairs. S-3OT LuTNci1zES LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE'S, 148 S. STATE ST. JUST ARRIYED! A SHIPMENT OF Ieot ine Ian Shoes JA.COBS &ALLMAND shiagtaa Idoack, Ana Arbar. P. S.---Bee our Show Window. ED. A. CADIBUX. Latest Improved Barber Sho ? tn the clty. E. Washin ton St., lottmiser east of Main at.n~n Arbor. fo siumgtm.MAMMI IH I PEI SALE chiabionipst at Chicago ore v-ery--AT --good, in so far as it is ieassiblc to forms J LI.{& C ' any ;relteblo estimbate, of the results oif 2i SOUTH STATE ST. Dent fail in come. time ganes. tf the Califorisa t oams Mat and Cold assebrsat All Hous. -Weo blot to be there, Itichigas 0would o seem to liave a safe hold upon time DUCK P ANT chamitonshilp. As it is, Caitforna wiii cut into tihe events in othiheh $1.50, $2.00 AND $2.50 Mt1chigan is strongest lnd smay thins BEST QU'ALIT''. up. et all calculations.. As nearily asJ sari toe estiniat d nooT, hinoxtex o 1iclii A NTNNSGO igushold upon firat place hooks.4huit SOLE AGENTS FOE strong. - WRIGHT & DITSON'S CELEBRATED RACKED' At a recent coiopetafivoe, xamainatlon Ml,,i; 3t6 t h Bsarciy J. Hi;:)hospital.,for the first internal umarine .ATon, .a wn .A %rn Th - B - -, J - asc~iUniversity Bookstore. Opposie Court Hosse with highest honors over men fibomn 205. State St. 4 N. S luinst. . Hasgvof A~nd ;.J, of I'. - - -ANN ARBOR