THE U. OF M. DAILY. L 0. PALDINI G & BROS. ".&thletic Supplies. BASEBAL. LAWN TENNIIS, GOLF. Uniforms for A ll ports. BIDE TUE SPALD.ING B I CYCES- TUE LEAER FOR 1895, 'H4ND ISOIWE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE t. SENT FREE. ' EW YB, CHI(CAGO, PHILADELPHIA. XOORE & W ETMOR E 6 . iast . and State st., cor- ne 'r nI William 'st., D ave a complete stock. of New and Second. Haa. 14ei 76+sawE eth Ter' todeats' iaspplles! 'ne sery. 5soctlsg :Goods, sic., which1 sh eyefferat Ilsea Lowest Stces. a1a sud sensbef'ore purchas ing., FREE ! FREE! A New Camera! Douod ri1toIJtr'oit ada.t~ Thursday, MVay -3 th, to every student purchasing goods 0 to the amount of $8.00 or over ina READ'YTO W-EAR CLOT'HING Furnishing Goods or Custom Tailoring Departments. Parcels checked anod cared for free of chargo. Be sure to get wv otto of our "Buolas" to B3LO W during the game. One free a on application at our store, 00 Woodward ave. Golden Eagle Clothing C. I PRE HAWK-EYEJR, iii uaraad de film cor 25] lae d dunladted in are ddttiiit. iassPittes inbe used withlout asy etra atttiheni ts. ecludingiSunliglit Filmtfar 1'2,exposares. and foe Catalogue fleseribing. all kinds of OITER rFZDICTA WANAMAKER tailors 20 miles of cloth per day. He buys at eniormous discounts. You buy of him and you avoid the profits of the wholesaler, the jobber, the middlentan. 500 samples. Up-to-. date tailoring. Fit gutaranteed. Swell Suts $18. WQT A~MAE3. c & RO4 WILSEY'S OLD STAND. STATE STR EET . I o. The Blair Camera. Co., 4,71 Trannat St.,-$ tlusln,*ass. ICE C'OLD.Ii SODAWATER., -AT- E. A. IY~'LUX-,ERY'S. NEW ART TILE SOA FOUliTAIN. Ice Cream -Sod sp,' Yecr'a G inger, Ale,.andi all pUar rdinks. A. E, MUMMERY'S DRU.G STORHE1= Car. Fourth Ave. ad Wasbteglooit. THE LADING TAILOR and Importer has received the lergesta Dd most select stock of IMPORTED. AND MOD STiN OOLENS for p? s'nn-rSn ser of,'595 in the eity, ,and would be 'pleased to have Yous call and eka nine the sains. X~zh Dregs Suits a Specialty. -T, Washinfgton it., near Main. SWE ATER S For Meni and Boys, f 0DKNIT[LA~IKS WiOOL SWE[ATERS #ilt black, navy, white, garnet and, gray,, for Boys, up to 32 } inch sizes, For Men, all sizes, $2.00. Strawbridge &,Clothier PHiILADELPHIA. Swea* ter s HOBI"TO ECONOMIZE. Ftour is going up. Tomatoes are going down. Eat Tomatoes. 3 Pounds Greenwood, 75 cents per dozen. 3 Pounds Peninsular, 55 cents per dozen. 3 Ponids Riverside, 95 cents per dozen. All good Fresh Goods.' :DE.AN & OOAJ~ 44 South Main Street. .. UNIVERSITY NOTES. High School Recital. Carriages will bi'e argedtoie dotllar Trhe elaoction clas: of the Hig i. for aodmtisstota to th'o feldt at thet,(atr_ School will give a recital Frid1ay even- Itchgai ~ tt. tug, May 3 1, atl 7:4.5) o'clock. The Tallow andi blue utibrellas far sale f'ollow-lug puptils will take patrt: at Slit etan's. (Get otnefcar Ite (Cat- AMesrs. Harmoon E. Boer-. Mr. C. I+. htell gamse. (3ails-u, Ctares Stilpuen,iielard Hal- Dales' F. Wilcoxc goes to Colunibia niext year having secured a auniversity seltoltarsltip int Admnhistrativ-e law. Mr. 'Wilcosx deserves.thte honor and has the Daily's contgratulationts. Mr. George Hlenpl desires to tnwv te naume of the studenit whto recntly gave lhimstwoaddressed enyelopes, Urbana and Ithaa, Iith the reqouest. that he write" in her 'Interest. The Hanme has boon forgottcn and. Mr. Hemnpl is the*refore at :presetunable to comply with the studnts re quest. Law Notes. Proif., Angl1 will deliver his last lecture in Donetic - Ittlations to the juniors 'today. Ile Cooley' bot was 111e center of attracetion' in the law library yexster- day. Sections :2 and -3 in, Bills and Notes reciting Thut'sday w-ill 'be .,quizzed Weduesday st $ and :Friday .at -8 respectively, z00 acequnt of the ball- 'day.' listr, Mel (Gillespie, ,C. W. Watson, aa MissKteBosrd lalSarhborouglt, Stena Tay lor, Parthacnta Sykes, NOllie Moseley, Bessie May- nard, Henrietta Pairfield, Minnieo Davi s, Cole, Galtain, Tibbott, Beebe, Rogers and Steybbils. The program conisists of declamta- lions, nmusic, tableaux, and statue poes, and several scenet from Timaotiy's Quest, arranged from. Mrs. WViggin by Mrs. True- blood, under wvhose immltediate' natnagement 0110 recital will be con- ducted. U. OF Bta. ,GALENiDAR.. Fri., May 31.--The last .Choral Uion social of the season. Fri., May 31.'-Wehster-Adelphi do- bate, law lecture room, S p. m Sat., 'June 1-Concert for wvomen'$. gym. in. University hall. Sat., June .-Western, Intercolleg~I- ate championships, -Chdcago. Mon., June 3-=960 vs. °'9S, lntcrvclass series,, 4-,p. m. Wed., Tune .5.--Dual 'field day, ,Cal- ifecuta, vs. MNtibig,. blletlc field. Thurs., June A-P-F- cty :recital1at1 Frieze Memo rial pall. Sat., Juno S.-.tarsity va..Beloi1 'Tie., .June 1.-- p boote-fresD.- man fit-ddag, 4'p.,.m._ CUUT HATE RAILROA D W ISj ,to alt points forsale by ANNBABOR R,.IB..TICKET A6ENCY, 33 E. 5iasre" it. Member at Amiclan 'Ticket Seoker's Asna- ciaton' All '1'raasp',aatuesf 'oar _ ,antsmd Ticketsbught and sold. ATS YOUR, CANE E-Nf*GRAVED WMX A NOLD'S, Jeweler. S haler nn Aookstoie! Foranely .with Georghe WaIsr, 18 "E. Washingtop at. Headquarters fo r sver'ytliils g a"fittideul needs In the 'line of "rText hooks,' Ststinery and hllsoellanso.1iStock In general:. MARTIN SCUALL R, THE -DOW"-'TOWII 10DKSELLER,' 19.E .Wsbigton st., one block east olT in st.- ' i