THE U. OF M. DAIIX, ... MICHI1GAN GiLnTR Time Table tRe-esed) July 1 184 EAST. W EET P. M. AM Mail and E.... 4 05 Mail ______8 4.1 N.Y. Special... 5 1i0 N. Y. Special....7 0 Eastera Eu.---10 5 N. S. Limited.-- 9 25 AM. Pacific x----12 15 Atlantic Eu-.__7 4 . a. ll.NEupress... 514 O Western E .... 1 5 G. it. Espress -.11 05 hi. Nt. Es. 10 5 . W. ItOGIES, li. 5W. lAYs, G P hT. ag.,tChitago. A.,AniAbor FRANKLIN HOUSEI DETROIT, MICH. Itis well before leaing heame, wheherI for bsiness o instae, to deedeupnaa hotel am thee by aoideonfusian. When you iit Detroit wetwounld e "Franklin House" cr. Latnsi and Bates Ss., where you will have agoto meal and a cleaned at moderate rates. Thehouselias ben renatdfromtop t bottm, and inosin firtclasondiin. Repctlly, H. H. JAMES. idral, 3c, Ldging, S. PrtDEay, S150. J DIETAS & SCHIANZ, V. OF M. TAILORS Latest and bist styles oi toeinindDo mesttcl~tolrt s binrt l ftt antfir-ttclass. sooth guaranteed. leaning, presitg adt rerpairitig neatly dotie. 48 S. State s., Seond Flan, Ann Ahor. HANOSTERFER, CATERER, E..Itaititig S A NEW LINK CUFF Big Four Route BEST LNE 1TO INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNAT. ELEGANT Through Sleeping ars BETWEEN Petoskey, Louisville and Cincinnati. ASK FOE TICKETS VIA BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. N. 0. iCCOEIC K, DS B. MARTIN, Passenger Traffic Mg. On. . & T. Agt FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING3 totner sif State and Willias st., Williaum St. entrance. Students Recreation Head- quarters. No. 3SN. Main Street. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor, Mich. Capital Sne, $50,000. Srpua, 1$150,000. Organized nder the General Bakihng La- of this State. Receives deposits, bys andt sells exciatieon 05the principtl cities of fits Itnited States. Drafts Cashed non prpe identifitation. Safety depull tbixes to ront Orrienn: Christian Mac, Pee.; W. D. Harriman, Vice-Pes.; Chas. . Histcoc, Cashier; M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier. A.itN t ARBt3OR STEAM LAUNDRY CO. High GOman and Dmete Finish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. 1 . i i UNIVERSITY NOTES. BUSINSaS LCerA...5. THE SIMPLEX PRINTER, Thie aiiiual nmeetinig Of 1110inter- [Nottpe-s 5 e ili riiiC.- olrtnt to tlti- rate of,-)Cents per brae. eie, i,.l cli'-. trie lgo r e settti fr d plc tn Collegiate Football Association wssttmeiextrleSies isurot-lieu iby tuplyitt uev it.itii u wt n.istii at the IiAILY tils-. I Cf~tes 1iiitlili's tand drar " o hlid iii Nesw'Fork last Satnutlay. THEi NEW DANC~ES. Tile inemlsbers of bile expetditioni t) All of the very latest fashiiontablt Northien Labrtator fromt tile iniver- Qainees ailtSfigures of the 'tierittlt tity of Peinnsylvaialthis-' arris-edi atsviili e taught lit Grattger's Acadeiictlt-_5_ St.Jonsafer womonhs elloa-this seasoni.-loin the t.itss nowltssaint St ott, itrto l~liS'eiltilearn to dance beforeth le itolidays The torgatnizationl of liii Uisersity airSdtdantts ini ontiebrm. -Pupils se- bisiom ani 0 is ioal, niiary ptattterFi til tny pitt 10(0 'opte anbm le ifly Glee antd Banjo club will be iperfe-ctttd ceive t a ttre u, tilte1r11inlsttinglicopilts ofit t riteri iim itit is prod'mtitd intmn ie edcitititiutt;iu..s