IPI.' ofAt VOL . NO. 170.: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. PlANS BEING CO PLTEID If It Had Happened Here-Ohl TRACK IIEP 1TRESEN TATIYES PEE OUR WINDOW ! FOR TE GAE WIH CONELL The studnts at. Chicago ] mr sty WILL LEAVE FOR CHICAGO NEXT AT DETROIT THURSDAY. attor the gameiiil ith Michigan gave FRIDAY MORNING. Michigan Wlil Be in Goad Shape to vett hi vriwn ltlliSome ~U. Pt . Students May Gc H R M Ye Meet N nOu rip OpnnsCrell1 i a anr described as follows by Down toSee the Contests-MIen SO~E HN No naTi Pist Hit Hard by tilthe ea.o Timne-lerald: Will Be Finally Selected Today. IN IT." Pennsylvania Last Saturday. Clitci;0 Ciniversity stidets Satur--________ day night staited acelebration of hir Tho emeber of the track teaim Preeident Preintiss, of the Athletic lmsebal victory over Ann Aibra iit which will go to Chicaohv ei assoe{tai ,has i tldetgil of the 1all it ito 1.ight -ith the 1o011crnd11111otliitpicked, ad a deflit inii( firedeprtmnts.Aftr hldig ,-mc 1 SuthMain St. Jx0oair lDay game wiih ornell atir llitieis f~ odn i~iin ftt itwillhoenade tomor- 5 ot Doso o h.Roai rotuan o lt lfteI erit i charge, and arran~gemients. row. Tumbiiiter will liesixten 01 a dinie they marchd to the univesity sre being maitde for the largst crowd l i-invunand made a. hinge bontirm insventeen, whereas about thrty 111111e in the hitory of thle Cornell-Michigani front of Snelcl Hall. Presidnt Harpr will be entered in the meet with (Calt-E P series at that city. Sonic circus rats was called out to speak, and eery- foria Juie 5. The sits farthtam iptiii hlave breelsecunred to se rye as- bleach- tody in andn iear the colleg ath. red, will probably be hre today eradtesohgai n tteSne one ttrneod in a ire tlarim. NietakiemwelpoiI a i eadtesuhgadsadathThtactemwlprbbysatThe firemnl catte, acomipanied by a as dstritei D. A. C. groundis will be free. The sudo oie for Chicago Friday iiorning at 7:3 assispelpousttr hgadeAese seats Qretly ack;,of th .,home ,plte lierstutntsstrieid to tlaethe hose over the T. &S A. . toeilentilidhem one will be reserved. froimitle firemten aid mtore Itlicmni thence viaf le Wabash to hiago uga. ademslyeden he It is pssible that the time o s eectlcl tto tof -ydeA rate of $10 list been Secred fo If yse gEils appleithermst eWll ecsetl' ltCa h tti efeImne.wisopriu ~~~~~~t rtc h iee irst trainl home froim Detroit will be foct ioettmtrtlnwiethe till adt the ticket will be good ACME CYCLE C0r1'PANY, changed fromi a o'clock stistrd. tune they qutenichedh the boitlte. Thels the for rtrn next week. Maiager our- -.EL.KH-ART, IND. to 7 or 7:3(0. This will be annlonnced ploice turned the hose onr the crowd. land would like to have a crowvdlgo' tomnorrow. The second train homue iresiednt hatrper escaped aithout a down to cer on the ean,ntl all will leave Detroit at 12 oclock stand- wtig tcsat tle ac' who coltemptllate goig should Ssee ilttIm~O E ard time. tiiown tth oic ndfr ae,-t once. If a gooTi riswetill go, RES' H OLINETof butltthe _cloud wtis iay -ispels: d. O N Y$ C CLA S Thee, itr'odncla l i 6 otball songs No one was hurt ild no arrests it-0 Ittlh-li ore favorable rates camlieeU- _ R Yate --.AT , at~ ~ ~~ 0 tatflisfob lne at Dtroit mtade.oban. v'ainoain ldieof ay- 51 Pe this effervescene of cieol Westr-Adlv Debate + TUTTLE'S, iyellow blue utlhasfrit lh taken place at Ann Arbor, _____;_________________________ the Deoration Da),y ganie will'Isitell - -shatdes of lnclalsen sand Glliver 1'O 11etun ago the Ad pil soritsyt this. _Thesei lbrllas are 011 sale at -what columntis of details would have , of the litray departmenlt chlleged JUST AP IIIV'ED ~1 Sbhu's booksto, uan tquite a11011- ilhcd the columnns of certainl papers the Webstersociety' of the. lawt d___________ iser have aready been sold. Tia Sale Sunday mtorninig and with -viat lulsinartilent for a joint dbte hisASHMETO s loiteod--l nOd. - tencssa atould the iarticushtrs hatve, ethle avis promptly scsei ha b Col- ellis n av on a trtp'n the EI st tie-hi elbmate. Ill place oftrethor latter. Thle Adelphi society chlitf? n~ fn ~ h~ and wi1 l nly at 1 rIm e i il utsit iches doubeheaed lelleaders the dquestioni for discussionladthe htilt U IJHWh 111Wrt lti~t wul~~ie ulihd hedprviyWellrsoityha hoceoWsde. FO Pres tile arat lft-Bander svas out eist ent alt the Lhaversity. Wtie cn- 'T'his d-ate will be held i1n ther lav . of a -xl autrshalit haredby ]Pen syl- mend the:im ses-Il-erald's judgue tof lecture rmsont, Friday, M1ay3 M1. ott- Tania Suturdny. --the value of mnes' to soie Micigan menlg a8 - srmte oe JACOB S& AL M AN IseT CrmofIoaneroesoal of tie best debates of tbet year, Wasslngon Blck. Ass Abhr,.. _ ~as each society has hosen three of P. S-See our Show Window. Sic rnteIw nvriyPlayed a Clean, Gentlemanly Game. ismost able speakers. The quetion mD A A~U ._ spriutrir, has been protested agtpinst - - for discussion is "Resovd, thatitnu- sFdrmsrIEOR OF Time in ;tlIme American I clot le 'b isgusitarinl ruc aonal comtrol of education s littter.ILatest Improved Barber Shop eha usonships at \«ew Y rk, itiscpnunatonricsm thatlse'lbn state control." Thc Adlpii s- Is the city E. WashigoSts. lt door policy of never sbmitfin'-g to de-atoMtst.AsAb. probable-'that it tywl epo et---ceyhatesirutvanIrhr- g Peat in athletics g efuly andi of tetdfrthe ames at Chico ext' tntdb F .Strr, bt -"roasting" tie om~ easm on every vA JIN PIE AL Sate r9lay. This wi-l I~; teprint and W. H. 'W lcox. he ngtve M T IE S L occsion ht It des rt come up to .A- r open ti offer Itchgan a god feld - will be supported by M. F. Conry, Vt. for pgpnl. As Crumu is himself -epcta oswihco n Mago I. Dowvning and I1.L.ulvamm of JO L, O deal of sound sese. loch entally thei0 U-SAT T o'falt or mombrOf tOheexe outive omitte ,- - the Wbster society. Prof. Trutblood wie 21 S o iiclar gaccour tA31CnT Srh liot fll hom b4 Wil Iae a good b.hmce to prove -wivll prside. himself innocent, if tie has rot en 0--n .- of iso sao hi m.h o t iQt eduita I oOh-d-at Officers of theracle Board V C N n't f ____________nie b le ,. o1. in this best f~cgWants to Play in the East. - l d gamepever seen on lbshpqe At ia mers - - recettly el dci $1.Qr,.9O AND $2.p gr- gn w, pooe-i n .041 - extremes, Qrao board the -followig ofiters BEST QUAITY. The Chicago pipr- sare t-lkg of ba byish- in fact. -TPie shuethisg holds we'e oleted: 3Han'aigeditor,,- Go. ________ a trip ast est for he( Chicago Uo- true of this editorals anent the gal-es R. Barkelr: busin sanal r, lalpb W EII nn verl ty,~b hi 11t. m , sincee ir de- at Belit, Ann Arbor, D aield mnd HWsnr sLKtWy,-H a I N T IIIISI IJUUUI Feat of Michigan Saturday. Prof. e ewere- and of the "roast' on hio 'OLE-AGENIS-FOR team wicf appearodI n the paper The managigEdItor 1as0 pght an- sR IST O S~ag X ssd ihs f s i 5 af n r the scod 'gm with iBe'it. ootncom th following c nitt : WR UIT & ITSQN'aS CLE~ATE RACE T of the trip, but doubted If it would The team played a great game Thur- Llfe'ra y, Iss i n5 $1 - srs. eIf- - be posSiWeto argange~a, y gates- with day sod paed (n Prety good lok, man and Sit - ; prntinMe.sH . X IA R Yale or Princeton at 'this time of ut wer faitrly beaten by a superior WH.Tradway, Pag an1ovrd0 n yet rteam, Superior a everyone admitted - Ia nrdee 0 p~ Town, Dowa Town, _____________ -tyh0ir 'great er ability to it the-lall E - j ,- r. 1 tvPterlty~ooktore, Opposte artHousse Concert for the benefit of Women's and get runs. theC. of \1. esmnl man and qI nl; rindAe~asm2w S State 9t k [tt fi.l t. gymjul, * L .- - --- playeda-ean, entleijianla'- 11gouu-ssttd° NNARO